COVID-19: Can Mathematics help???

  • In recent months, two words are very much familiar with every citizen of the world, “COVID-19” and “Pandemic”. Across the globe, we are fighting with this invisible powerful virus without any medicine but LOCKDOWN.


  • Background: As per the report of WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, on 7 January 2020 in the case of Wuhan in China, the first Novel Coronavirus was identified. It was named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses on 11 February 2020.


  • World Scenario: At present in the world, huge number of cases are there with several deaths recovered cases. Until now there are large numbers of active cases including mild and serious cases, there are active cases and closed cases (including deaths and recovered) also.


  • Scenario in India: INDIA is also very much affected in COVID-19 which is increasing day by day. The following 6 diagrams may help us to understand the nature of growth of COVID-19 in India and its various angles.


  • Role of Mathematics in COVID-19: Now the question is how mathematics can help in this regard. Firstly, let us look into the following diagram,


At present, every disease can be converted to mathematics using Mathematical Modelling. A modelling is a process to convert a real life problem into a mathematical phenomenon using its’ logic. The cycle can be understood from the above diagram.


We need few parameters to form a mathematical model based on a real life situation. Regarding COVID-19, also people are working on various model but until now as the situation is not very much clear, so no such well-established model has come up.


Model parameters and its importance in COVID-19:

The following probable parameters can be considered for forming a model regarding this disease.


  1. Susceptible (S) – who are affected by others
  2. Exposed (E)- who are not showing any symptoms but able to infect others.
  3. Infected(I)- who have fully developed symptoms and can easily infect others.
  4. Recovered (R)- who recovered normally or by some other medicines.


As soon as some drugs will be available in the market, that also can be taken into consideration to make the model more realistic. This kind of model may be applicable in India where various transmission dynamics will be considered. We can visualize the interrelation among these parameters as follows:

What is the Goal of this type of model?

Here after successfully forming the model, we can study its stability analysis of the model both locally and globally. In addition, we try to find the Basic Reproductive Number – which describes the expected number of cases directly generated by one case of the population where all individuals are susceptible to infection. Based on this number we can generate conditions by which the model can be stable or asymptotically stable or unstable.


Also based on  we can also predict the risk factor to the society due to this invisible virus effect. At present, there are no drugs for this virus. As soon as some drugs will be there, then drug parameter may be incorporated in the model to make the model more realistic. Based on the drug, Reproduction number will change and then the scenario will be changing.


Limitations of the model:

As there are various significant biological factors, which may not be included in the model as solving a non-linear mathematical model may be very much time consuming and complex. Therefore, for simplifying we may linearize some of the factors, which will deviate the model from its original shape.  Hence, a model will always help us to understand this overall scenario but not the particular one.


Reduce Depression, Stress, Anxiety during Quarantine

It has been twenty-five days! We do not know how many days more to go!… It is true that we all are fighting against this COVID 19. I believe that you all are eating healthy and following the best hygiene practice you ever did. But are these sufficient enough to fight against this deadly virus! If you are thinking what else you could do more, then there are few more questions for you. Are you in stress or in depression? Are you feeling lonely? Is this social condition making you short-tempered? Is the mental distance between you and your spouse increasing though both of you are staying together? Are you scolding your child more than what you do usually? If one of the answers of these questions is ‘yes’ then you need something more to do. For your own self and for others too. Because our emotions are not ours only.

Stress and depression are two major causes of low immunity and injure subtle psychosomatic balance. It has been clinically proven that pranayama or breath control technique helps reducing stress, anxiety and depression and eventually brings back the psychosomatic balance. Since pranayama is all about controlling breath, it helps improving the oxygen flow in body and thus balances the nervous system. Each pranayama has its manifold benefits. Out of main five pranayama-s you may start with anuloma-viloma pranayama since it has the power to cure blockages, bronchitis, asthma, hypertension to name a few.

Try to follow few abstinences [it is one of the preparatory stages of yoga]:

  • Abstinence of over-eating (eat only when you are really hungry)
  • Abstinence of using rude words (try not to harm anybody by using foul or crude words. Remember offensive words eventually indulge in depression)
  • Abstinence of movement (once in a day try to sit in a calm place and meditate for at least few minutes)

You need to control three main aspects:

  • Control your eating
  • Control your words
  • Control your breath (by practicing pranayama)

These are the basics and have been deduced from below mentioned aspects. If you wish more you may try to follow:

  • ahiṃsā: non-violence
  • satya: truthfulness.
  • asteya: non-stealing.
  • kṣamā: forgiveness.
  • dhṛti: endurance, fortitude.
  • dayā: compassion.
  • ārjava: non-hypocrisy, sincerity.
  • mitāhāra: measured diet.
  • śauca: cleanliness.

One of the famous yoga guru in Paris wrote me “Le Coronavirus s’attaque aux personnes en mauvaise santé surtout. Mon corps de Yogi a beaucoup de reserves” (The Coronavirus mainly attacks people in poor health. My Yogi body has lot of preventions/ substitutes).

Close your eyes. Believe in yourself. Say yourself that ‘I am fine’, ‘What I have is enough’, ‘I am loved’, ‘I love others’, ‘All will be well’. Remember, believing in your own self is the best way to reduce all ill emotions. Think positive and be positive. I am not asking you to practice yoga or pranayama rigorously. Being an ordinary human being if we all can practice these for few minutes a day, we will get rid of few unwanted hindrances in our quarantined lives and can make our lives less vulnerable.

Trust me you will get the result because I care. Do you?

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