Extensive use of Computers and Health Issues

For the past several months we have been having frightening days. Although COVID-19 originated in China, it gradually spread around the world and became a global epidemic. As a result, quarantine and lockdown began all over the world, which is still going on. It is not the purpose of this article to discuss the origin, spreading, treatment, etc. of COVID -19. The purpose of this article is to discuss the types of human health problems that may result from the extensive use of computers as a result of homestay and work from home. Because, most of the working at home depends on the computer. People have to work in front of the computer for a long time. As a result, computer-related health hazards are increasing day by day. Let’s look at what kind of health problems can grow in us at this time due to the overuse of computers.

Computers have been one of the biggest influences on our lives in modern times. Due to the small size and affordable price, there is the advent of the Internet. This has ensured that people use this technology in their workplace or at home. It is estimated that worldwide, 25% of computer users already suffer computer-related injuries. Ignoring these computer-related issues would cost the United States more than 2 2 billion a year. It has now been proven that work time and computer-related issues are positively related. It became the first among occupational health problems, the frequency with which they affect quality of life. This has led to an increase in computer-related health hazards such as eye strain, wrist, and back pain.

So with the heavy and excessive use of computers, during the lockdown, and work from home we are now entering a new era of computer-related health problems. Let us discuss some of these issues with their preventive and regulatory measures.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which the middle nerve is squeezed when it travels through the wrist. It provides curved muscles to the middle finger and thumb. It senses the palm surface of the hand. The carpal tunnel is the lateral part of the palm of the wrist, decorated on one side by the bones of the carpal and on the other by the flexor retinaculum.

It has been recognized that prolonged use of the computer keyboard and repeated movement of the wrist can lead to inflammation of the carpal tunnel syndrome.

Clinical signs and symptoms include numbness and tingling in the thumb, index finger, and middle finger. The next stage is the wasting and weakness of the taut muscles, including sensory deficits. There is inexperience in continuing the subtle movement.

If the symptoms are not too severe, carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated conservatively with rest, warm briefs, wrist splints, anti-inflammatory medications, and steroid injections. A surgical carpal ligament release procedure may be necessary if the symptoms are severe.

Recurrent Strain Injury (RSI)

These are caused by repeated physical movements that damage tendons, nerves, muscles, and other soft tissues. Repetitive strain injuries are increasing with the use of computers, faulty typing techniques, physically weak postures, and positions.

Lack of adequate rest between work and the use of extra energy when using the mouse or keyboard can lead to recurrent stress injury (RSI). Symptoms of RSI include stiffness, discomfort, and stiffness, burning in the hands, wrists, fingers, forehead, and elbows. Loss of strength and lack of coordination are accompanied by lethargy, chills, and hand frustration. There is pain in the upper back, shoulders, and neck and they need to be massaged.

Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome is a combination of eye and vision problems related to experienced work while using a computer. People forecasting conditions such as negligent or inappropriately correctable refractive errors, binocular dysfunction, and focusing deficiencies can exacerbate the problem. Poor lighting, inadequate viewing distance, unnecessarily designed workstations, poor contrast, glare, and reflection all contribute to computer vision syndrome.


Use the right posture to reduce stress on muscles, bones, and tendons. As soon as your arms reach aboard, the site of a 90 angle to a 100 con. Your knees should extend 4-6 inches from the edge of the seat and bend at a 90o angle. Use a regular chair with full back support. Elevate your chair to a level where your knees are just below the level of your hips.

Use proper typing techniques. Refrain from using force while typing or holding the mouse. Keep your body and mind as comfortable as possible, breathe regularly and deeply. Keep your hands and arms warm. Eliminate unnecessary computer use. Take micro-breaks at least every 15-30 minutes. Use ‘break reminder’ software packages. Intensive computer use should take long breaks every hour or two. Practice stretching during breaks. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Speech recognition software can be tried as an alternative to keyboard input.

The seat should provide strong support in the posterior lumbar region and should incorporate some posterior leeches. Chair adjustment controls should be easy to handle and reach. In the case of minimal adjustment, if the height of the chair is too high, a footrest can be used.

The computer keyboard should be placed at a comfortable angle to the surface at almost elbow height. The hand and wrist should be kept in a neutral position while typing. The wrist should be straight and not bent upwards, downwards, or sideways. The shoulders should be relaxed, the upper arms should hang comfortably around the body and the elbows should not be kept away from the body.

The mouse should be positioned in such a way that the shoulders and upper arms relax when moving the mouse and move closer to the body. Keep the wrists and hands in a neutral position. Apply as little force as possible. Using mouse wrist support can be useful.

The top of the display screen should be slightly below eye level and about 18 “to 24” away from the face. The copy should be placed on a copy stand in front of the worker and at approximately the same height as the monitor.

Your vision should be checked frequently. If you are wearing a corrective lens, ask about lenses that are designed to work on a computer at a focal length. Increase font size. Reduce glare using flashing reduction filters and hoods. An anti-reflection coated spectrum can be used. Choose a monitor with a good resolution for clarity of characters on the screen. The screen refresh rate should be at least 60 Hz to remove the screen flicker. Take a short break of about 20 seconds every 20 minutes and look at an object more than 20 feet away. Rub your hands and palms together for 5 to 10 seconds until warm. Warm date cups on your closed eyes relax your brow. Breathe regularly and easily.


So from what is described above, it appears that there are certain syndromes that occur with prolonged computer use. It is clearer, however, that if certain rules are followed and appropriate precautions are taken, the risk of any one of these can be reduced and people with computer-related disorders can be treated.

Lockdown that change their lifestyle have comparative features in an ergonomic workstation and posture – free and good work performance. However, people who do not make the necessary changes experience moderate to severe discomfort and have to return to medication for relief.






Digital Classroom-the beginning

The Concept

The year 2020 is full of challenges and new endeavour. We never have fathomed that darkness will engulf our life while we ushered 2020 with much joy and happiness. With respect to Teacher- student relationship we are experiencing a vast change and the journey has become very intriguing.
For the first time ever, schools in India have moved to online classrooms. It’s a struggle for both the students as well as the teachers. So far, we have been hearing the concept of Digital and remote classrooms, now it is just happening in front of our eyes. This is a Journey we were longing for. Now every journey has its own stories to tell. This journey which is now only a three-month-old has already gathered numerable interesting stories.


Unlearn: Yes, teachers and students have this immense challenge of unlearning the age-old practice of face to face teaching using chalk and a board. The physical connection between a teacher and students which is very vital to understand the psyche is no more there in the present situation. Once a connection is established it becomes possible to deal with or clarify any situation immediately. Then comes the physical content. The physical contents keep the students more engrossed and focussed and this had to be replaced with digital version

Logistics: It is no more School Bags but handheld devices or a computer. This is also a great challenge as we did not know how much logistically we are ready. To run a Digital or Remote classroom, the Schools need to invest in IT infra. It was not at all easy while we are in pandemic. It was a huge task to streamline a process and run it seamlessly. The challenge is to develop a secured platform where both Teachers and student can interact and enjoy the journey.

Learning Materials: Teachers reading through schoolbook text needed to be replaced with interesting presentation which would enable them to remain engrossed and focussed. Remote classrooms ought to have interactive content, but it was never easy to create such contents within a few days’ time. The schools remained sceptical about how the students, specially who are in lower classes would react. It was always on the student’s reactions how this journey would shape in future

Parent: Most unpredictable dice in this whole play. Schools never could understand how they would roll. At any given point of time Parents might turn up to be one of the major reasons to derail the journey.

The Journey

Every successful journey has two key points. Acceptance and Endurance.
Most of the School Management accepted the fact that there would be lot of challenges and the Journey would not be going to be an Evening walk in a Garden. Most schools started searching for avenues and path which would lead them to the other side of the tunnel where they could find light for the rest of the journey. It was never easy. It has be reported by various Educational Institutions on how many hours they spent on brainstorming to come to with some feasible ideas and plans. The key as I mentioned earlier is finding a right and secured Interactive platform. There are number of open free mobile applications or platforms through which the online classes could be taken. But the authorities were never sure. So the Trial and Error method was implemented before they could freeze on one. It is not hundred percent success but eventually it would. We are at a very nascent state of the Journey and there will be multiple iterations.

Second is Endurance. Questions were asked. How to make Study materials. Not All teachers are computer savvy or know the nuances of presentations. But as they accepted the journey was tough, they toiled extremely hard. Some brushed up their presentation skill, some just pulled up their socks and started learning computer. School authorities also supported the teachers in their Journey which needed both moral and financial support. Teachers have taken the challenge head on and created number of Digital contents which could run in MS Power Point or any presentation software. The task was not at all easy and to make the content interesting and engrossing Teachers have put a Monumental Effort. There was high chance of breaking down and that did not happen. The teachers kept on accepting the change and remodelling themselves to fit in. The classroom board was replaced with Power Point presentation. Chalk got replaced by mouse or finger. Class room got replaced by handheld devices.
Students remain the same enthusiastic bunch and lapped up this Idea of Digital Class room and started enjoying. They remained engaged and more focused.

Pandemic has radically changed the concept of traditional education in the past few months and virtual learning will be the new future of education. Before the pandemic, technology was just considered as a means of entertainment. Now, along with teachers, every profession has chosen the virtual platform, providing precious opportunities to both new learners and experts. There appears to be no dearth of online resources of academic value. And therefore, online teaching is more an opportunity than a challenge for teachers today.


With the increasing phobia of Covid-19 and its impact on society, music has become the only respite and the most effective means to maintain a better mental and social health. Before this pandemic crisis, most of us had been addicted to listening music in order to relive ourselves from the work stress and be engrossed into a world of fantasy, serenity and ‘other worldly’ aspects. Music actually helps to relive most of us from stress and depression by taking us to an imaginatory world (hyper reality) where we are able to fulfil our unfulfilled expectations and desires of practical life. In terms of survival too, managing one’s emotions and social relationship is the major challenge that human race is facing. An icing on the cake is the lockdown which is producing negative impact on the social health of youngsters. The most vulnerable group of such depression happens to be the youngsters who are facing different forms of mental distress to an unprecedented extent.

Though society is gradually stepping into ‘new normal’ with changes steeping in ones everyday life, yet depression continues to haunt most of us, especially youngsters. This pandemic crisis and lockdown has tormented such a socio-psychological disorder among youngsters. With the significant rise in deaths caused by suicide, depression has been reported to be the major cause (as reported by World Health Organization). Furthermore, India is also reported to be the most depressed country in the world. One of the most effective ways to reduce such depression can be Music therapy.

Music therapy involves, “the professional use of music and its elements as an intervention in medical, educational, and everyday environment with individuals, groups, families, or communities, who seek to optimise their quality of life and improve their physical, social, communicative, emotional, intellectual and spiritual health and well-being”(Aalbars & Spreen, 2017). Music therapy which has a strong affinity with our emotions and mood also helps to improve one’s social health. As sociologist, social health is the appropriate term to understand this socio-psychological disorder of depression. The concept of ‘social health’ help to understand not only the social aspects of mental health, but also helps to remind that both emotional and mental health of individuals depend upon the social support received from their closed kins (family members and close friends), on the communities that are more or less favourable and congenial, and also on the hegemonic social norms and situations that are socially defined/ constructed and contextualized (Weare, 2002). One can say that there has been a paradigm shift from mental and emotional health to social health of individuals.

Forms of music to listen during lockdown:

Since music serves as the healing ointment during any stressful situation during this pandemic crisis, choosing the right music or track is also important for all of us:
a. Individuals can listen to soft melodious music (which is devoid of any melancholy!)
b. Youngsters can listen to jazz or rock band for a stipulated time, exceeding which can either hamper their physical or mental health.
c. Any kind of sad songs should be ostracized from the list since such songs ameliorate the grievance or depression the listener is suffering from. However, listening to ghazals or classical music for a stipulated time period can be a good choice!
d. Soft music can be a good choice while watching any virtual tour (since physical tour has almost turned into an utopia!) which helps to relax and relieve any form of stress or anxiety caused by the present situation.
e. Rabindra Sangeet can also be a good respite from the mundane daily household chores of individual spouses.
f. Last but not the least, the listener may try his/her best to not allow any kind of negative thoughts to haunt his/her mind which can be detrimental for physical and mental well-being.

How music therapy helps?

Music therapy is a holistic therapy which produces positive impact on both mind and the body due to which it is also known as Mind-Body therapy. There are certain benefits of music therapy which are noteworthy, especially for youngsters suffering from depression:

1. Music therapy provides capacity for evocation and relaxation. It is a means of recreation and leisure for most youngsters, especially adolescents.
2. It helps to relieve an individual from any form of depression and reduces anxiety and pain perception by healing through muscle relaxation.
3. Through counselling by music therapist, it helps to build self-esteem and boost confidence.
4. It is also one of the effective means along with Yoga, to contain and control aggression or violence or anger.
5. It is also a form of psycho-social development which reduces seclusion and helps to heal an individual from within.
6. Finally, it is also one of the most effective means of communication and socialization/ re-socialization of individuals (Torres, 2014).
Though depression is a major socio-psychological illness which many a times requires medical intervention and social support from the family members, close kins, friends and the communities that the victim can rely upon, yet music therapy can also turn out to be one of the best means to battle such illness with finesse! The victim who is under continuous depression due to his/her problems in intimate relationship or career can also recover through the means of Music Healing.
Most of the times, victimhood is associated with stigma, helplessness, docility, and silence which can give rise to suicidal tendencies among youngsters. Such victimhood due to depression can be recovered through the means of Music Healing. Though it might not as fruitful as Yoga or Meditation, yet it helps to build the victim’s self-esteem by invoking creativity which ‘is an act of defiance in the face of helplessness, stigma and destruction.’ By creativity it meant that the survivor has been able to open up about his/her problems either to music therapist or a counsellor and even to his/her family and close peers. Those who are able to battle through the depression through such therapy are the real warriors of society for being able to maintain their social health. This means that these survivors are being able to finally arrive at new understandings of the events happening around creatively with a positive mindset (Sutton, 2002).
Moreover, as it can be concluded that music heals the wounds caused by internal injuries and helps to improve social health since maintaining a proper health also depends on social factors and social norms and situations which encompass the individuals in society.

Sonja, Aalbers & Spreen, Marinus, Music therapy for depression, Research gate, 2017, Pg 6

Sutton, Julie, Music, Music Therapy and Trauma: International Perspectives, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2002, Pg 76

Torres,A. Segundo, Music Therapy in the Prevention and Treatment of Depression in Older Adults in lima-Peru, Oncothermia Journal, June 2014

Weare, Katherine, Promoting Mental, Emotional and Social Health: A Whole School Approach, Routledge Publishers, 2002, Pg 12

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