Coordination chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with compounds formed by formation of coordinate covalent bond between a metal and a neutral or negatively charged molecule called ligand. Although this is a part of inorganic chemistry but coordination chemistry plays very crucial role in biological systems. Biological system is a diverse system. Varieties of metal ions are found in the biological systems and so it is expected that coordination compounds will be found in the system. Roles of few such coordination compounds are listed below.

  1. Metalloproteins: Metals are commonly found as natural constituent of proteins. Nature has learned to use the special properties of metal ions to perform a wide variety of specific functions associated with life processes. Examples of such metalloproteins and their roles in biological processes are as follows.

1.1 Hemoglobin and myoglobin: Myoglobin is monomeric complex of Iron-porphyrin whereas hemoglobin is tetrameric complex of same unit. Myoglobin acts as oxygen storage protein whereas hemoglobin can store and transport proteins. This protein contains Iron atom that has coordination number six that is like a man with six hands. In the metalloprotein only five atoms coordinate and the sixth position remains vacant that means five hands are blocked but the sixth hand is empty and so this hand can hold a molecule. That is a ligand from outside can coordinate at the sixth coordination site. Oxygen molecule can reversibly bind at the sixth position. Since the binding with oxygen is reversible that is two way process so it can release the oxygen molecule whenever necessary. Thus hemoglobin transports oxygen in blood. It takes oxygen from air in the lungs and deliver it to myoglobin which are found in tissues where myoglobin stores the oxygen and releases during respiration.

1.2 Electron transfer proteins: This kind of metalloproteins act as electron carriers during redox reactions that is reactions occurring with transfer of electrons in biological system. Such biological current carriers usually pass electrons to or from enzymes that require redox chemistry in order to perform a specific function. Two such metalloproteins widely encountered in biological systems are cytochromes and iron-sulfur clusters. In iron-sulfur clusters the iron atom is coordinated by cysteine sulfur as well as inorganic sulfide sulfur whereas cytochrome is a complex of iron-porphyrin system that has resemblance with the structure of hemoglobin used for oxygen transport. Both of these metalloproteins are situated in the mammalian respiratory chain and plays crucial role in the transportation of electrons from one substance to another in the respiratory chain during respiration process.

  1. Metalloenzymes: Metalloenzymes are a subclass of metalloproteins that perform specific catalytic functions. The metal centre presents in such kind of molecules, catalyze the required chemical transformation. Different kinds of metalloenzymes are found in the biological system. They are classified according to their functions as follows:

2.1 Hydrolytic enzymes: These type of proteins catalyze addition or removal of water in a substrate molecule. Notable example includes carbonic anhydrase which promote hydrolysis of CO2; peptidases and esterases which catalytically hydrolyze carbonyl compounds; and phosphatases which catalytically cleavage the phosphate esters. In most of the cases the metalloenzyme contains Zn2+ ion. Presence of Zn2+ ion helps in lowering the pKa of coordinated oxygen containing ligands, such as the above said substrates, and also can avoid the potential for undesired electron transfer chemistry, since divalent zinc does not have any readily accessible redox states. Other metal ions found in hydrolytic enzymes,  also known as hydrolases are Mn2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, and Mg2+. All these metal ions have the ability to avoid redox activity and only alters the pKa value of the oxygen containing ligands so that addition or removal of water molecule in a substrate can be catalyzed.

2.2 Two electron redox enzymes: Many metalloenzyme catalyze reactions that involve either oxidation or reduction of substrate. These reactions are generally two electron redox process. Most common reactions of this type is addition of oxygen atom to the substrate. For example oxidation of hydrocarbons to alcohols catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 enzymes containing iron-porphyrin moiety as the active centre, ortho-hydroxylation of phenolic substrates catalyzed by tyrosinase, which contains a dsinuclear copper in the active site etc. Addition of oxygen is two electrons oxidation process and in biological system these processes are catalyzed by such metalloenzymes due to the presence of redox active metal centres in the active site of the enzyme. Some metalloenzymes remove oxygen atoms from a substrate. This process is accompanied by two electrons reduction and are catalyzed by metalloenzymes, For example nitrate reductase which catalyzes the reduction of nitrate to nitrite and the redox active metal in the enzyme that catalyzes the process is molybdenum.

2.3 Multielectron pair redox enzymes: Metalloenzymes also take part in multi electron pair redox transformations. One of most important such reaction occurring in the respiratory chain is the conversion of oxygen molecule into water that involve four electrons transfer process. Cytochrome c oxidase, a highly complex enzyme containing two copper and two iron-porphyrin centres, catalyzes the reduction of oxygen molecule into water. Another iron containing enzyme catechol dioxygenase cleaves the aromatic ring of catechol and this is also a multi electron transfer process.

  1. Metal complexes as medicines: Many metal complexes can also be used as drugs in the treatment of chronic diseases. Cisplatin is a complex of platinum that is used as anticancer drug; Auranofin is an oral rheumatoid arthiritis drug which is a complex of gold: Cardiolyte is a technicium containing complex used as heart imaging agent. Calcium-edta (edta = ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) complex is injected in our body to remove lead poisoning. Moreover metal ions like Hg2+ have been commonly used for the treatment of syphilis, Mg2+ for intestinal disorders, and Fe2+ for anaemia, over the centuries.

In conclusion we can say that coordination chemistry and coordination complexes or metal complexes play a very crucial role in different biological processes and biochemical field. In this way metal complexes take a part in sustaining the life in the earth.

Chemistry behind the magic of SILICA

Silica (chemically known as silicon dioxide) is one highly abundant chemical compound found in earth crust. There exist large variety of silica based materials (SBMs) in nature, either in form of sand or glass or zeolites or quartz or even in microorganisms like diatoms. Like nature, also researchers have synthesized large variety of SBMs in laboratories. These SBMs are micro or meso or macroporous in nature and have myriad of potential applications in several fields such as sensing, catalysis, bio imaging, biomolecular (or drug) delivery, photovoltaics, optics and optoelectronics etc. The first question which may arise is about the reason(s) behind widespread applications of SBMs.

  • Sol-gel synthesis of silica: To address above mentioned key question about SBMs, one should discuss the sol-gel polymerization method to synthesize silica. In 1968, W. Stöber and A. Fink have reported a room temperature method to synthesize silica (popularly known as Stöber method) (Figure 1). This procedure is also named as sol-gel method, where a transition occurs from sol to gel in two steps: (1) hydrolysis of liquid alkoxide precursor (called sol) in presence of catalytic amount of acid or base to tetrahydroxysilane monomer and (2) polycondensation of tetrahydroxy monomers to silica gel. Sol-gel is the most common, simple and cheap chemical methodology adopted to synthesize SBMs After polymerization Si-O-Si network terminates exposing silanol (Si-OH) groups to the local environment; these Si-OH plays the main magical role behind applications of silica nanostructures.

Figure 1. A schematic representation of Stöber method. =Si(OR)2: alkoxide precursor; =Si(OH)2: silicic acid monomer, ROH: alcohol and H2O: water.

Figure 2. Trapping of guest molecules via non-covalent host-guest interaction

Nature of silica surface: Silica nanoparticle is basically a 3D network of Si-O-Si moieties, where each Si atom is tetrahedrally connected to four neighbouring oxygen atoms. However, large surface area of nanoparticle consists Si-OH groups of different kinds viz. isolated (or free) Si-OH, vicinal HO-SiOSi-OH, geminal HO-Si-OH, and H-bonded Si-OH·····OH-Si. Due to polar nature of –O-H bonds, the surface of silica is polar-protic in nature. Surface Si-OH groups are already known to be potent for hydrogen bonding or dipole-dipole interaction. Porous nanostructures of silica or SBM (for example zeolites) nanoparticles are well capable to host guest molecules via hydrogen-bonding or dipolar interaction. Ability of silica pores to adsorb water molecules has already opened up a large scale applications as dehydrating agents. Due to trapping ability, nanostructures of SBM can act as heterogeneous catalyst; hence find ample catalytic applications in chemical and petroleum industry. Moreover, fluorescent guests like luminescent nanoparticles or organic fluorophores seat inside pores; these adsorbed molecules does not leach out easily even after rigorous washing. Fluorophore loaded hybrid SBM nanomaterials can be applied for bio-imaging or optics. However, there remains scopes of improvement via covalent surface modification.

fluorophores seat inside pores; these adsorbed molecules does not leach out easily even after rigorous washing. Fluorophore loaded hybrid SBM nanomaterials can be applied for bio-imaging or optics. However, there remains scopes of improvement via covalent surface modification.

  • Surface modification via covalent functionalization: Surface modification enables one to tag molecules of interest (IM) to silica surface. The most important strategy to modify silica surface is covalent functionalization, which is achieved using a linker. The most common linker used is 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) or 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES). One can modify the surface of silica (SMS) via two ways. (1) The first methodology is via cocondensation between linker and silica surface to form linker tagged silica nanoparticle (LTS), followed by covalent tagging of IM with surface- amino groups or (2) The second methodology is via covalent bonding between linker and IM to form a conjugate followed by the cocondensation of the conjugate and silica surface, (given below).

The reaction between amino group and IM occurs via one-step click reaction of high yield. Surface modified silica nanoparticles can be obtained in pure state simply by washing. Several washing ensures removal of unwanted molecules or covalently attached IMs.

  • Nature of IM: Surface modification methodology is adopted to serve several purposes.

(i) To modify silica surface with suitable solvent philicity: One can use a linker with a hydrophobic chain like n-propyltrimethoxysilane (PTMS) instead of APTMS and can modify the hydrophilic surface to hydrophobic one (using just first step of methodology 1). Silica nanoparticles with hydrophobic (or nonpolar) surface can act as water (or polar solvent) repellant. Thus, it is possible to tune surfaces of silica nanoparticles to lyophilic or lyophobic, which finds applications in printing or paint industry, devices and for delivery of drugs or biomolecules (ii) As biomarker and sensing: As discussed above, fluorophores or quantum dots, or nanoparticles  can be attached to the surface of silica, hence employable for bioimaging, optoelectronics, photovoltaics etc. The fluorophore modified silica nanoparticles are applied for pH or metal ion. Tagging of suitable receptors like aptamers, antibodies enable successful applications of silica nanoparticles for the targeted drug delivery or biosensing purposes. (iii) Silica spacing around inorganic or organic structure: A thin layer of silica provides protection to several species like lead based perovskite or organic nanoparticles etc. Silica shell around Si or any semiconducting nanostructures are crucial due to their insulating nature and ease of surface modification.

  • Scope(s) of research based on silica: Apart from the role ofSi-OH groups, there are several other factors behind the demands of SBMs. Biocompatibility is one such reason allowing their bio related applications. Often, silica is used as nanoshell to avoid adverse effect of toxic core materials during bioinvestigations. Nanostructures of SBMs are low density, highly porous and colloidal in nature. It is easy to disperse them in suitable solvent or deposit as layer for optical characterization or for device fabrication. They are chemically and thermally stable. Thus the risk of chemical and structural destruction of SBMs are low, while using them as catalyst or in devices. Quartz or defect free silica are optically transparent with high band-gap; they are necessary for different components in optical devices. Photophysical investigations reveal the presence of defects in quartz, which emit only at VUV excitation. Thus, quartz based optical investigations can only be interfered at VUV or UV excitation, but not in lower energy UV-VIS-IR regions. Silica based hybrid materials with the emission from conjugated component are investigated photophysically. One important type of hybrid material is Si/SiO2 nanostructures, which are applied in electronic devices like Si based MOS FET.

     Covid-19 pandemic has exposed human races not only towards a health crisis, but also to a large economic crisis. Looking at that scenario, cost effectiveness of any materials or methodology will be a concern for industrial applications. Due to large abundance in nature and ease of synthesis, SBMs are cheap. One can easily recover SBMs catalysts while wastes can be easily disposed. Thus, we can conclude that pure or hybrid SBMs will be “in high demand” materials to the scientific community for ever.


(1) Banerjee et al. Silica based materials for bioanalytical chemistry and optoelectronics: Chemistry of silica and zeolite based materials, Douhal, A.; Masakazu, A., Elsevier: Amsterdam, Netherland, 2019, 213-228.

(2) Banerjee, S. et al. J. Phys. Chem.C 2011, 115, 1576.

(3) Banerjee et al. Small 2016, 12, 5524.

Scope of Structural Engineering

Student Contribution: Anjushree Saha, Final year student (M.Tech. in Structural Engineering), Adamas University

Structural engineering is the field of engineering that deals with the structural integrity and strength of a building or structure. Structural engineering is a specialty of civil engineering that ensures the structures are safe, stable and don’t collapse under applied loads. It is mainly focused on analysis and design of the structure.

Analysis of the structure

  • Careful analysis of the wind speed that can carry structural loads and the overall capacity and utility of the building also provides information.
  • Analysis of the structure according to the principles of structural engineering will make sure that the structure depends on all the necessary design codes.

Design of the structure

  • Structures have to be designed so that they can withstand their own weight as well as the loads and pressures that will be placed upon them.
  • Structural engineers take steps crucial information about the foundations, roof types, load types, beams, columns, material quality, retaining walls etc.

Responsibilities of a structural engineer

A structural engineer also plays a major role as a team among other professionals like surveyor, quantity surveyor, and architects engineers.

The following tasks must be performed by a structural engineer:

  • Design models of structures using software.
  • Assessing the reaction of structures to pressures and stress.
  • Finalizing the appropriate concrete materials that would be suitable for the structure.
  • Assessing budget of the project.
  • Liaising to ensure that newly erected buildings are structurally sound with construction contractors.
  • Using computers and computer-aided design technology for simulation purposes.

Skills required to become a Structural Engineer

It’s necessary for every structural engineer to possess the following skills:

  • Analytical skills
  • Detailed orientation
  • Creativity
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Communication skills
  • Knowledge of CAD software application like ETABS, SAFE, STAAD Pro, PROKON, RAVIT, ROBOT etc.
  • Excellent computer skills
  • Knowledge of construction management
  • Familiarity with codes and regulations specific with the industry
  • Up-to-date technical skills

Role of Structural Engineering in building design & sustainable development

  • Urbanization, buildings, and civil infrastructure are most important of the world for any economy. Require lots of natural resources and energy required for their construction, operation, maintenance and deterioration.
  • Structural engineers play an important role in the efficient design, construction and execution of a building. At the beginning of construction projects in collaboration with structural engineers, architects, owners and construction managers, architects decide on the effectiveness, feasibility and cost-effectiveness of concepts. As the project progressed to the design stage, structural engineers produced the first set of executive design documents.
  • Structural engineers have traditionally not identified themselves with environmental sustainability. Growing concerns for the natural environment, the rise of smart cities, and the growing importance of sustainability and energy efficiency are driving the demand for structural engineers.
  • Building construction consumes natural resources, potable water and energy. Secondly, the construction process also contributes to 30% of the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Thus, a sustainable environment is not achievable without contribution of the building & construction sector, especially the structural engineering domain.
  • The renewable energy department is a great leading factor. The concept of sustainability is gaining popularity these days and it is clearly increasing the applicability in the energy sector.

Thus overall, the career & job prospects of structural engineers are very bright in the coming future days.

In a concluding remark, Structural Engineers are best suitable in Design Engineers as well as Project Engineers and Site Engineers. Also anyone can flourish career in research and teaching. If you are focused and passionate, you can lead a bright career.

      Further Studies


Teaching with Technology

The ongoing pandemic outbreak in India has stretched its wings swathing almost each and every sector within the Economy. More often people are talking about Industries, Global Market, Recession, but seldom one takes out time to crucially analyse the impact on Indian Education Sector. Although all Educational Institutes have declared closure since mid March 2020, the urge to provide quality education amidst any situation compels the educators to keep working 24*7. The entire Nation is witnessing a paradigm shift in terms of restructuring the Education system. Being an educator, I do keep a close eye on several platforms highlighting the new trend of online education. While the entire focus of majority of the discussion lies on whether this Online Education System is a boon or bane it is high time for us to know that the real fact is what we are referring as the “new normal” has been ruling the world since a decade. We just need time to soak in.

The key to implement Online Education System- “Teaching with Technology!!” is literally an entire universe of topics but here I will rather choose to discuss about a mini galaxy which is right there in your small pockets. Remember while getting started with technology, all of us might well know how to use different technologies but chances are most of us don’t know how to use that technology for learning.

Think of upgrading our mobiles! In today’s generation How about using a mobile with heavy weight, no touch pad and 2g connectivity, I know most of us will say “It is OUTDATED”. Nobody really likes to hold on to old technologies and the simple question here is “Who on earth is not attracted to new and exciting technologies?” The reason we constantly keep upgrading our smart-phones and even the software. We try exploring different apps and websites. It is the use of Technology which enables us to do things we couldn’t do before. Although some of us still don’t even want to get close to new technologies until we understand them better. Like few wait to upgrade their smart phones and software until they’re sure it won’t break anything or what they use don’t work anymore. The recognition and occurrence of online teaching with technology is the same.

It is well understood that implementing digital teaching methods practically opens up a platform to brainstorm on innovative ideas to choose a technology and use those technologies for teaching and learning. Educators across the Nation have been working day in and out to focus on certain crucial points to get ready before teaching with technology like rewriting the learning outcomes to include effective utilization of technology, align digital classroom resources, prepare activities, and assessments with entirely new or existing course outcome, explore universal design for learning principles are very few to be named.

Whatever phrase you come across “Instructional technology, academic technology, educational technology”, the word for teaching always comes first. Effective utilisation of Technology in teaching can play the key role in creating lucid pathways and guiding the young minds as they keep marching ahead. What Technology in Teaching offers?

  • Teaching and learning needs drive our technology choices and once identified, one can easily find that there are usually several technology options to help.
  • In terms of content sharing, technology makes it easier than ever to share content in different formats. A choice of the students creates a platform to support your current practices.
  • It is well understood and experienced by all Teachers from own face-to-face classes that the usual suspects are often the only ones to answer questions or contribute ideas. Technology can help facilitate participation in different ways too. Technology makes it possible to continue activities or start new ones outside of the classroom if you want to advance what you and your students do.
  • Speaking of engaging students, technology opens up new possibilities for learning activities. Flip your classroom or engage your students in content creation!
  • When it comes to assessing student learning, technology supports a wide range of options as you’ll see in the chapter on technology-based assessment. For example, technology extends typical assessment strategies, like quizzes and exams, team projects or student while
    supporting more authentic assessment strategies.

Now, is it that technology can do everything? Of course not. And even if it has the capacity to do everything, it probably shouldn’t.

Integrating Technology allows making new choices about how teachers and learners spend their time. While the Educators creates a framework for making learning more inclusive, the student community must understand and see through the lines to understand the mantra of success.

“Take different paths to reach the same goal”.

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