Central role of metacognition in improving the academic outcome of learners in biological sciences


Higher education in colleges and universities present unique challenges to students where the use of previous learning strategies in high schools may not be ideal for a desirable positive academic outcome. Students using such earlier learning strategies may think that they are working hard but may not be receiving the desired results. In higher education, apart from remembering information, students are also required to think, reflect, and interpret information and to make the information or knowledge useful or apply new knowledge in real-world scenarios. In this new environment, students would require to adapt strategies that would require students to think about their own thinking which in essence is metacognition.

Metacognition is a reflective process where a student might ask questions such as –

* What problem I need to solve?

* How can I solve a problem?

* What strategy might be most relevant to solve a problem?

* How am I doing?

* What do I need to do differently to improve or better my academic outcome?

Importance of metacognition for bioscience students

Metacognition is the process of reflecting and directing one’s thinking or processes so that students become self-reflective or self-directed or self-regulated or lifelong learners. Metacognitive skills are crucial for students pursuing higher education as well in their professional lives. It involves an assessment of one’s own learning and performance and adapting suitable strategies for academic excellence. Metacognition can not only predict outcomes of learning but also correlates with academic achievement and problem-solving skills. This is very much relevant to biological concepts which would require problem solving skills and students should adapt and identify suitable strategies for problem solving. Problem solving skills require metacognitive skills as synthesis or construction of a solution is dependent on the given information instead of relying on memory alone. Students of life sciences in the 21st century are also required to integrate and apply knowledge and information from diverse fields and concepts which also require metacognition.  Metacognition is required in complex tasks such as academic writing, presentation of scientific articles, independent projects, etc. These activities would require students to better manage and regulate their learning. A schematic diagram exhibiting the metacognitive skills that result in better academic outcome is illustrated in Figure 1.

Self-regulated learning strategies for bioscience students

To become self-directed learners, students must learn to assess demands and constraints of task, evaluate their own knowledge and skills, plan their approach, monitor progress and adjust as and when necessary. Learning to assess the task at hand is often missed or misunderstood by students. Assessing the task at hand requires students not only how to carefully read and assess the task, but also to plan and implement a suitable learning strategy and receive feedback to check accuracy of understanding of their task before they begin the work. Students often underestimate or overestimate strength and weaknesses both of which could influence the desired academic outcome. Understanding of one’s strength and weaknesses realistically enable students to formulate strategies could lead to better academic outcome. Planning appropriate strategies to complete tasks in hand can give students not only the right start but it can also improve quality of work. Continuous monitoring of understanding and performance is critical to determine if the strategy used is effective or ineffective or partially effective to achieve the desired academic outcome. Furthermore, students are required to adjust as and when necessary to retain the strategies that are effective, discard ineffective strategies and incorporate newer and better strategies to reach the desired outcome. A flow chart of how metacognitive process can be used for self-directed learning is illustrated in Figure 2.

Support of metacognitive skills in digital learning platforms

In the context of online learning and lifelong learning, students are expected to be self-regulated learners and hence the metacognition in education is more relevant in the current pandemic when there is a clear transition from physical classroom to online mode of learning. Technology driven innovative pedagogic processes can support and facilitate metacognitive learning among students. For example, a typical online peer to peer review of assessments based on certain review criteria would require a student to use metacognitive skills for assessment of academic writing. Students can also be instructed to write review of literature which would require students to read, organize and synthesize a creative work which then would facilitate metacognitive process. Use of think pair share exercises in the context of online learning enable students to collaborate in pairs or groups who then can share their ideas or reflections to a larger audience. Similarly, wikis, blogs and posts can allow students to comment and provide critique on each other’s work. Such collaborative and peer to peer learning can lead to innovative problem solving and positive academic outcome. Digital spaces allow students work to be documented and enable students to become good planners and strategists and not rely just on memory-based learning or procedural work. A schematic of metacognitive skills that can be supported in the digital learning platforms is exhibited in Figure 3.

Role of instructors in imparting metacognitive strategies

Metacognition is a vital component but often neglected in education. Using metacognitive knowledge and regulation, classrooms can be shifted from non-engaging to that of an active learning mode. It is important that students have the right tools and awareness of how to learn effectively in a college environment. Metacognition is a learned skill and may not develop on its own and is developed typically based on a long developmental process. Instructors can help students to develop metacognitive skills via clear explicit instructions on how to use metacognitive strategies. Classrooms that promote reflection, problem solving, collaborative or peer learning, peer review of assessments, writing original essays and activities that require metacognition can advance self-regulated learning behaviour in students. Learning about metacognition and developing metacognitive skills should preferably be introduced to young minds which not only positively influence their academic outcome but also equip them with tools to face life. 


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Remdesivir – A ray of hope for the COVID-19 patients

Student Contributor: Kushal Das


The world is racing towards development of a novel vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), responsible for causing COVID-19. However, development of a vaccine and its eventual availability might take several years and even under extraordinary circumstances of current pandemic, it might still take about 12-18 months for a potential vaccine to be available. The ongoing pandemic necessitates immediate treatment against SARS-CoV-2 which is why several potential antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV-2 are currently being investigated and or undergoing clinical trials worldwide. A typical antiviral agent against a pathogen would also go through various phases of clinical trials and approvals from regulatory agencies might take several years to bring a drug into the market. In order to provide urgent treatment for COVID-19 patients, several preexisting drugs with known safety profile in animals and humans are tested first. As these drugs have a known human safety profile, it would take less time to receive approvals from regulatory agencies to develop a potential drug for COVID-19 patients. One such previously used antiviral drug, Remdesivir has shown promising results in controlled trials in US, Europe and Asia. Multiple randomized clinical trials of Remdesivir are being conducted to determine the safety and effectiveness.

Rational for use of Remdesivir

Remdesivir (GS-5734) is an investigational nucleotide analog that has a broad-spectrum antiviral drug against RNA viruses such as filoviruses, paramyxoviruses, pneumoviruses and coronaviruses including SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Studies have demonstrated that it effectively inhibits human and zoonotic coronavirus in cell culture, mouse and in non-human primate model of infection. The drug was first used by Gilead Science Inc. (USA) to treat Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus infections. Even though drug has not been that effective against Ebola, it was found to be safe in clinical trials. Importantly, Remdesivir showed antiviral activity against many betacoronaviruses including SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV better than Ebola for which it was developed initially.  Since SARS-CoV-2 has 80% sequence similarity with SARS-COV and MERS-CoV, particularly in the RNA dependent RNA polymerase, a drug that targets RNA dependent polymerase of SARS-COV would be potentially effective against SARS-CoV-2 as well. The drug was allowed to enter into clinical trials for treatment against SARS-CoV-2 based on the availability of human-safety profile of the drug and also approved for emergency use in COVID-19 patients in the US. 

Mechanism of action of Remdesivir

Remdesivir inhibits RNA dependent RNA polymerase and impedes viral replication. Remdesivir is a broad-spectrum antiviral prodrug that resembles RNA base, adenosine. During viral replication, Remdesivir can be incorporated in a nascent RNA chain instead of adenine, causing premature chain termination and abrupt stoppage of viral replication. The drug is more effective in the initial phases of infection during which the drug targets viral replication in the upper respiratory tracts of the human body. The drug is thought to evade proof reading by viral exoribonuclease as it does not cause immediate chain termination. This is in sharp contrast to nucleotide analogs that have been shown to be less efficacious against coronaviruses due to the proof-reading ability of virus exonuclease.                                                 

Efficacy and ongoing trials of Remdesivir 

Compassionate use of drugs refers to the use of a new unapproved drug for treatment in patients in absence of any available treatment on a case by case basis. Remdesivir has been approved only for compassionate use in severe COVID-19 patients by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The first compassionate use of Remdesivir in a US patient after hospitalization exhibited a significant increase in oxygen saturation and decrease in fever and other symptoms of COVID-19 without any observable adverse effect. In a relatively larger study of compassionate use of Remdesivir on COVID-19 patients, 68 % of patients have increased oxygen saturation and were extubated from mechanical ventilation. Mortality rate in these patients was 13% which was well below to that of World Health Organizations reports of 50% in severe COVID-19 patients.  Administration of the drug in US, UK and Japan also resulted in acceptable recovery rate in severe COVID-19 patients. Remdesivir has shown superior therapeutic efficacy relative to Lopinavir and Ritonavir against MERS-CoV both in terms of reducing viral load and pathology in a mouse transgenic model. Other studies indicated that Remdesivir is effective both as prophylactic and therapeutic treatments against SARS-CoV-2. The patients are also less likely to develop resistance to this drug. Gilead Sciences is currently testing safety and efficacy of Remdesivir in two phase III clinical trials with a dosing regimen for 5 and 10 days respectively for treatment of patients with severely and moderate symptoms of COVID-19. Initial data from Gilead Sciences released on April 29, 2020 suggested that a 10-day treatment exhibited similar improvement relative to a five-day treatment. It remains to be seen that in how the drug performs in other randomized clinical trials conducted by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), World Health Organization (WHO) and Inserm in France. 


The drug is most potent when given early during acute infection and would not be an ideal choice for patients with mild infections. Besides the drug has to administered intravenously and is expensive. The drug is also contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to any ingredient of Remdesivir. 


Overall, Remdesivir has shown promise in the treatment of moderate to severe COVID-19 patients. The ongoing randomized clinical trials will provide more insight on its safety and efficacy and eventual approval of Remdesivir. Remdesivir could be a potential first treatment for the COVID-19 patients.



Huang, J., Song, W., Huang, H., and Sun, Q. (2020). Pharmacological Therapeutics Targeting RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase, Proteinase and Spike Protein: From Mechanistic Studies to Clinical Trials for COVID-19. J Clin Med 9 DOI: 10.3390/jcm9041131.

Jean, S.S., Lee, P.I., and Hsueh, P.R. (2020). Treatment options for COVID-19: The reality and challenges. J Microbiol Immunol Infect DOI: 10.1016/j.jmii.2020.03.034.

Ko, W.C., Rolain, J.M., Lee, N.Y., Chen, P.L., Huang, C.T., Lee, P.I., and Hsueh, P.R. (2020). Arguments in favour of remdesivir for treating SARS-CoV-2 infections. Int J Antimicrob Agents 55, 105933 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.105933.

Kupferschmidt, K., and Cohen, J. (2020). Race to find COVID-19 treatments accelerates. Science 367, 1412-1413 DOI: 10.1126/science.367.6485.1412.

Martinez, M.A. (2020). Compounds with Therapeutic Potential against Novel Respiratory 2019 Coronavirus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 64 DOI: 10.1128/AAC.00399-20.

Microbiology in the present-day scenario: Scope, relevance and opportunities

With the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, caused by SARS-COV-2, a novel Coronavirus, it is easy to appreciate the relevance and scope of Microbiology more than ever. The origin of the virus is possibly linked to bats and other intermediate hosts. It is thought that the transmission of the virus might be animal to human (zoonotic) or human to human by respiratory droplets and microdroplets. This pandemic is spread in more than 200 countries and resulted in more than 30,000 deaths globally as of now. Human civilization has seen pandemic like this about 100 years ago during the 1918 Spanish Flu caused by H1N1 virus which resulted in more deaths than World War I itself.

If knowledge and training is required about viruses and other microbes including how they attach to cells, how they divide, how they cause disease, how they can benefit us and how they can be utilized for betterment of the world, then one might opt to study Microbiology. Microbiology is the study of microbes or life forms that are so small that require microscope for visualization. Apart from virus, other major microbes studied in Microbiology include bacteria, archaea, protozoa, fungi and algae. While few microbes can be harmful and even though some popular media refer microbes as germs, majority of microbes actually do more benefit than harm.

Microbiology is both a basic and applied science. As a basic science, studies on microbes under laboratory conditions have helped discovery of some of the fundamental processes and basic mechanisms in biology. As an applied science, Microbiology influences quality of human life in both detrimental and beneficial ways. Some microbes can cause infectious diseases. In the Indian context, Typhoid, Cholera, Malaria, Dengue, Tuberculosis and others have caused significant morbidity and mortality. However, with research and application of novel intervention strategies, many of these diseases and others can be controlled or managed effectively. Many microbes are used in industrial settings to produce food, beverage, antibiotics, vaccines and pharmaceuticals which improves quality of life significantly.

Microbes are extremely diverse and are present on air, land, water, ice, hot springs, sea, near volcano, seabed, marshlands and in many other extreme conditions. At a time when earth’s atmosphere was devoid of oxygen, microbes capable of making their own food by photosynthesis emerged. Later, cyanobacteria appeared and slowly filled up the earth’s atmosphere with oxygen and supported the evolution of higher animals including humans. In fact, cyanobacteria produce significant amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. It’s interesting to note that microbes are the only inhabitants that survived around 80% of the time since earth was formed. Microbes play an important role in nutrient recycling such as carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, etc. Fungus act feed on dead or decaying matter to recycle nutrients and break down organic compounds so that carbon, nitrogen and other minerals can be used by other organisms. Microbes are present all around us, on us and within us and again not all of them make us sick. Microbes are required for our own health and every other life form in this planet. For example, our healthy skin bacteria can prevent entry of harmful microbes by occupying skin surface. Similarly, presence of healthy microbes in our gut is essential to our health and well-being. A disruption in normal healthy microbes can not only lead to ailments or disease but it can affect our mood and whether we remain thin or obese.

Microbes are tiny factories that can be utilized for food and beverage production such as in beer and wine, bread, cheese, curd, yoghurt, tofu and many others. Microbes are utilized for enzyme production, wastewater treatment and even breaking down pollutants into harmless products. Botox treatment used for relaxing muscle utilizes a powerful neurotoxin called botulinum toxin from a bacterium, Clostridium botulinum. In case of Botox, the botulinum toxin is used in a very less concentration to relax muscles. Indeed, it is amazing that a toxin that is lethal can be life saver at a very low dose. Certain microbes found in the roots of certain plants are capable of nitrogen fixation which converts nitrogen to a usable form for plant growth. India being an agricultural country, the use of such nitrogen fixing bacteria to improve yield of crops is of tremendous importance. Soil bacteria and fungus are the source of many antibiotics. The effect of microbes on global climate change due to human activities can affect microbial biodiversity and the reverse response and adaptation of microbes to global climate change can impact sustainability as microbes are life support for this planet. Microbes can be harnessed for the production of biofuels which can reduce use of fossil fuels. Biofuels can supplement petroleum-based fuels and can include methane, ethanol and other products of microbial metabolisms. Microbes can be also be used in gene therapies and in biotechnology. For example, most of the Insulin is produced nowadays in bacterial or yeast systems. Similarly, the enzyme Taq polymerase isolated from a thermophilic or heat-loving bacterium Thermus aquaticus, is used in polymerase chain reaction, a technique for amplification of DNA or genes used almost in all fields of biology. In addition, bacterial cells can also be used as a vehicle to introduce specific genes to bring a particular characteristic or to produce a desired product in a commercial scale. Microbes have tremendous applications in industry and also play a major role in supporting all forms of life in this planet.

Indeed, choosing a career in Microbiology can be highly rewarding as it makes a difference to society, nation and the world around us. A microbiologist learns and explores the unseen world of microbes everyday much like an adventure and find answers to life’s big questions. For example, questions that a Microbiologist ask: What makes people sick? What can keep people healthy? How do vaccines and antibiotics work in combating infectious diseases? How do microbes affect sustainability? It’s important for students to remain updated in terms of scientific literature and get suitable training in various techniques related to Microbiology. Microbiology students need to be curious and asks questions as questions can lead to discovery and innovations. In fact, most microbiologists and anyone interested in microbiology would be appreciative of the microscopic view of tiny, invisible life in a drop of pond water or a pinch of soil. In order to study Microbiology, students need not have a strong foundation in Mathematics.

Many job or career opportunities exist in various sectors and in different levels for Microbiology students.

Job/Career opportunities exist in the following sectors –

a. Food Microbiology
b. Clinical and Medical Microbiology
c. Industrial Microbiology
d. Veterinary Microbiology
e. Environmental Microbiology
f. Agricultural Microbiology
g. Biotechnology
h. Genomics and Bioinformatics
i. Pharmaceutical Technology

Job/Career opportunities exist in the following positions/levels –

a. Research Assistant
b. Research Scientist
c. Technician
d. Faculty
e. Teaching Assistant
f. Scientific writer
g. Quality Control/Assurance Officer
h. Laboratory Manager
i. Technical writer
j. Patent Officer
k. Grant Manager
l. Entrepreneur

In the present scenario, around the world, the race is on for search of a vaccine or antivirals that could combat the deadly disease of COVID-19. The current pandemic is one of the defining periods in history that again necessitated the need for novel vaccine or antiviral drugs that can save lives and keep people healthy. The ongoing pandemic is much like a pre-antibiotic/vaccine era when lack of antibiotics/vaccines have killed thousands around the globe. However, with the emergence of antibiotics and vaccines, both of which significantly reduced human mortality and human life space increased almost two-fold since early 20th century. Vaccines save lives and mass vaccination have resulted in drastic reduction in mortality caused due to small pox, measles, etc. India was declared Polio free in 2014 because of mass vaccination and awareness campaign of oral polio vaccine. Importantly, India is one of the largest producers of vaccines in the world. Both vaccines and antibiotics can be derived from microbes. While vaccine is a weakened microorganism or part of a microorganism that stimulates our own immune response, antibiotics are released as secondary metabolites from microbes to fight other microbes. Antibiotics would not work against viruses as they target bacteria. However, vaccines and or antiviral drug/s can be used to target virus. Development of any drug or vaccine requires clinical trials and extensive evaluation of efficacy and safety in animals and human volunteers takes place for a prolonged period of time before a dug or vaccine is approved. A drug or vaccine will be most likely available in the near future to combat deadly infectious diseases. However, it is important to remember, new microbial diseases can and will emerge now and then and hence there will be a constant need to develop novel vaccines and therapeutic strategies to combat infectious diseases in a speedy manner. To do so, one would require a degree and training in Microbiology.

Perhaps, the only thing that is more contagious than a virus is hope and working in the field of Microbiology can bring that hope to the world. Pursuing Microbiology is truly an experience of a lifetime and it matters now more than ever.

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