The Puzzling World of the Labour Market: The Importance of Economics of Labour?

If you want to earn more, you need to work more; if you earn more, you would work less. Confused? Welcome to the world of economics of labour. Labour market puzzles have become integral part of the working of labour markets across the world. They never fall short in supply, and in fact, new puzzles keep arriving before old ones get solved thereby making the day to day functioning of labour markets very complex. One of the persisting puzzles is the labour productivity and its relationship with wages. The economics of labour delves deep into these real world puzzles that every labour market confronts with and try to give some realistic answers.

Image Source: The pencil sketch is by Mr. Swapnajit Das, UG Semester II Student of the Department of Economics, Adamas University.

Labour is just another commodity that is traded in the market having its own demand and supply. So, questions may arise, like why do we need to treat the economics of labour or labour economics as a special field of economics to be studied? Why don’t we have specialization in economics for every commodity, such as Chocolate Economics, Computer Economics, and so on? The simple reason behind treating labour as a special sub-area of economics to study is the importance of labour market and the complexities associated with it.

How hard is it to estimate wage of a potential labour market participant?  Determination of wage rates is just at the centre of the economics of labour given the puzzles surrounding it.  We invest in human capital with the expectation that it would generate higher returns that otherwise. But, how much this expectation is valid in the real world? Do the incomes of individuals really match their productivity always? Not really. Given the wage rate, how much leisure would you really like to sacrifice against labour? All these questions do not have simple answers.

Given the corona hammered present economic scenarios, we must say that had the labour market functioned so smoothly following the simple rules of demand and supply, then the restoration of economic activities with the least possible negative effects  would have been possible, the migrant workers crisis would not have surfaced in such a horrific way, and their future would not have been such doomed. 

Many youngsters may now want to explore the working of economy looking at the present economic crisis to build their own opinions and may wish to voice those opinions.  Their opinions would really matter a lot as they are the future and the future of the economy will be lying in their hand. You can raise valid questions, you may even work as strategy makers and so on, but for all these you need to understand how labour market works, and hence, Labour Economics is designed as a special paper/course while studying Economics.

To understand the income distribution and who is earning what and why, you need to understand labour market and the economics of labour exactly deals with it. As a commodity, labour has a number of  special and peculiar features which have significant implications in the determination of wages and optimum quantity to be employed. You may have same productivity as one of your friends, but you two may not get similar wages/salaries. Like any other product differentiation, labour is also differentiated in term of its intrinsic features as well as some socio-demographic and cultural properties and all these have their implications in wage determination. Consequently, people may not get paid based on their productivity and that is why the determination of the price of labour, i.e. wages/salaries, is a complex task.

How does Labour Economics help solve the labour market puzzles?

Have you ever thought of –

This is one of the real word riddles called labour leisure trade off, and it is the Labour Economics that make you go in depth of this puzzle and get the answer. One may also see how this trade off varies from one person to the other depending on their own features.

Labour Economics that revolves around various theoretical models based on different assumptions related to real world activities also forms the basis of empirical investigations that have been being conducted by the researchers across the globe since several decades to understand wage determination processes and labour market participations. These research studies offers necessary insights about the effectiveness of different labour market policies and other economic policies in enhancing individuals’ wellbeing.  

If you want to be a part of India’s economic strategy making endeavours actively or passively, and wish to offer your contribution even in its smallest capacity in pulling our economy out of this crisis, then you need to have a solid understating of how labour market works as it is the market where people generate their incomes. Economy would collapse if its labour market becomes dysfunctional. This manifests itself the importance of the economics of labour. This special field of economics is designed in such a way that it offers answers to various real world riddles surrounding labour market processes.     

Why Does a Master in Quantitative Finance Matter? – Alluring Career Path Ahead

The job of Quantitative Analyst in financial sector is now in fashion, and of course the ‘Quants’ are in high demand. Financial sector is an integral part of an economy. During the 2008 Global Economic Recession, global financial sector was hit badly, and since then financial sector regulations across the world has become more stringent. For example, risk transparency for financial assets has become such an important issue like never before that the financial sector globally has been increasingly emphasizing on increasing financial assets with lower risks.

Given the increasingly complex scenarios of financial sector, the act of security pricing has become a tricky task that demands professionals who can work well on them. These professionals, who are also fashionably known as the ‘Quants’, are expected to be equipped with the skills of building mathematical models that would ensure financial securities to be traded at optimal prices.

These professionals should also ensure that these assets generate profit and bear lower risk factor. In this age of vast amount of data floating around you, you just need to apply a clever combination of mathematics, statistics, analytics and programming to complete the task of optimal pricing for financial assets, and the branch of study that makes you efficient in doing this job is Quantitative Finance.

Given the growing complexity of financial sector and its highly volatile nature, if you become a Good Quant, you will have a lucrative career ahead.


What does a PG Program on Quantitative Finance exactly intend at?

To understand the changing structure of financial markets and develop appropriate skills to act as professionals in this sector one has to go through some proper training and guidance. A perfectly structured Post Graduate Program in Quantitative finance help you to become successful “Quants”.

A PG Course in Quantitate Finance make you learn the application of diverse mathematical models to wide rage of data sets on financial market instruments and how to analyse those data. For example, you will develop the skill of optimal price setting for derivative securities, such as options, futures, etc..

A Master degree in Quantitative Finance also helps to gain efficiency in risk management mainly in relation investors’ portfolio management. In short, it makes to efficient in financial decision making, developing new financial products, understating the link between the theories and quantitative applications in this field.

Are you eligible to enrol in a PG Course in Quantitative Finance?

  • Are you ambitious?
  • Do you have educational background in Economics, Finance, Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics?

If your answers to both the questions above are “Yes”, they you are perfectly suited to this programme.

There is no need for prior knowledge in Finance, Economics and Commerce. But, a well-structured course makes the student ready for jobs in the departments of risk management, treasury, asset-liability management and research and analytics in domestic as well as global financial markets.

However, since this course involves mathematical modelling of financial markets, one should to at least have Mathematics background at 10+2 level.

Career Path Ahead for a Good Quant aka Quantitative Finance Professional:

A well-functioning financial system forms a strong foundation for a stable economy and a financial system becomes well-performing only when calculative moves are made at every step.  Quantitative Finance professionals are those who possess the capacity of  using raw data in intelligent decision making in businesses through the application of mathematical and statistical models and analytical tools.

You can act as a Good Quant only if you have a strong educational background in this field of study. Thus, it would not be too tough to say that these professionals possessing such technical skills automatically possess high potential of earning lucrative remunerations. According to, average base salary for a Quant earn is around 10 Lacks per annum  in India.

With a Master in Quantitative Finance, you can build your career in the financial and banking industries as professionals in the areas of financial engineering, financial research and analytics, financial and bank risk management as quantitative analysts or ‘quants’. 

The demand for good quants are coming not only from banking industry, but also from a various asset management companies, software providers, exchanges, market regulators and various other firms that are linked to financial sector.

With a dynamic domestic and international economic scenarios, political and the continuously changing the regulatory system, Quantitative Finance is here to stay and it is all set to flourish in the future.

So you see you don’t need to be strong in Economics or Finance if you wish to make your career as a quantitative analyst, but you can still gain the required expertise to become a good ‘Quant’ if you enrol yourself in a well-structured PG program on Quantitative Finance. We can help you in this regard. If you like it, then share it.

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