Visit Prof. Janice Grant at AU Campus

Visit of Janice Grant, International Manaer South Asia& Thailand (Abertay University) at the Adamas University Campus, Barasat on 30.03.2017

Adamas University was most happy to welcome and host Prof. Janice Grant, International Manaer South Asia & Thailand (Abertay University) on 30.03.2017.

Janice is currently working as the International Officer at Abertay University, Dundee, United Kingdom. She did her Bachelor’s Degree in Geography from University of Dundee and Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management (HRM) from Abertay University. Her schooling was with Dame Allens School.

Prof. Dr. Cornwell Visits AU

Prof. Dr. Christopher M Cornwell holding a seminar on “Son preference: Sex selection especially in India and China” at Adamas University.

When In Rome – AU Delegates

A team from Adamas University including Dr. Parimal Chandra Biswas-Director, International Affairs of Adamas University and Mr. Partha Mukherjee-English Language Instructor, RICE Group recently visited Italy with the objective to build international collaborations with some of Italy’s reputed universities, research centers and other educational institutions.

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