Archives: Notice
Constitution of Task force for enforcing Covid-19 protocols
Notice for Re-opening of Adamas University Campus for Off-line/physical classes.
Notice For Semester fee Payment Schedule for Ph.D. Scholars
Notice For Semester fee Payment Schedule for Ph.D. ScholarsNotice_29.07.2021
Notice For Dean’s List for Odd Semester
Notice For Dean's List for Odd Semester
Notification_28072021Notice For Adamas University Policy for selection of Students for Dean’s List
Notice For Adamas University Policy for selection of Students for Dean's List
Notification_07.07.2021West Bengal Student Credit Card Scheme
Advertisement for Recruitment through Re-entry Fellowships
The School of Basic and Applied Sciences (SoBAS), Adamas University is organizing a Faculty Development Program from 14th to 20th of June, 2021

The School of Basic and Applied Sciences (SoBAS), Adamas University is organizing a Faculty Development Program on ‘Data Analytics for Basic and Applied Sciences’ from 14th to 20th of June, 2021.
This FDP will prove to be a great learning opportunity where several aspects of Data Science, known to be particularly effective for faculty members in their teaching as well as research-oriented endeavours, will be discussed upon.
It will be conducted by distinguished faculty members and domain experts from institutes and organisations across India and abroad.
On successful completion of the FDP, the participants will be able to:
1. Explain the importance of PYTHON as a data handling tool.
2. Understand the rationale behind different objectives and effective implementation of data analytics through ‘R’.
3. Design reliable and valid protocols of data analyses in biological and chemical research.
4. Construct a whole new paradigm of importance of data analysis even in fundamental scientific research and bibliography management.
5. Identify and solve research problems with the aid of DEEP LEARNING and BIG DATA applications.
Who can participate: Faculty members, Teaching associates, PhD Research scholars
Registration link: