Constitution of Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee for SOLACS Date: October 5, 2020Constitution of Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee for SOLACS
Constitution of Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee for SOLB Date: October 5, 2020Constitution of Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee for SOLB
Constitution of Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee for SOLJ Date: October 5, 2020Constitution of Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee for SOLJ
Constitution of Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee for SOPT Date: October 5, 2020Constitution of Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee for SOPT
Constitution of Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee for SMCF Date: October 5, 2020Constitution of Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee for SMCF
Refund Policy 2020 for UG & PG Program Date: September 17, 2020Refund Policy 2020 for UG & PG Program
Nomination of Criterion Champions- NAAC Assessment Date: August 25, 2020Notification regarding nomination of Criterion Champions- NAAC Assessment
Re-constitution of Anti-Ragging Committee Date: August 17, 2020Notification regarding Re-constitution of Anti-Ragging Committee
Re-constitution of Anti-Ragging Squad Date: August 17, 2020Notification regarding Re-constitution of Anti-Ragging Squad
Withdrawal of statewide lockdown on 28.08.2020 Date: August 17, 2020Notification regarding Withdrawal of statewide lockdown on 28.08.2020