Much Have I Travelled in the days of Corona!

In these days of confinement, how I long to travel! Travelling is a kind of de-stressing activity that revamps our wearied souls so that it can easily bear the onslaughts of life again and again. Anyway, in this critical situation, when social distancing and home confinement are being constantly stressed upon, travelling has become practically impossible. Consequences are even direr for people associated with tourism industry. A recent news has perturbed me. Treebo employees have lost their jobs. As an enthusiastic traveller, I mostly depend on online sites for my travel itineraries. As I had a sneak peak at this news, I felt a sense of uneasiness. Travelling is going to be an uncomfortable word for a next few months, I think.

Home confinement has taught us many things. If earlier you preferred to order from Swiggy or Zomato, now you have become a cooking enthusiast. Earlier you had no time for books. Now you have befriended those long forgotten compatriots. If you are a teacher, you can enjoy interactive sessions with your students through innumerable digital apps. If you are a traveller, you can easily master the art of exploring nooks and crannies of this world without moving an inch from your house. And, how’s that possible? Why? There are innumerable travelogues and city memoirs, Dervla Murphy’s On a Shoestring to Coorg, Parimal Bhattacharya’s Darjeeling, Ganesh Saili’s Mussoorie Medley that would enliven your solitary moments at home.

Today, all of a sudden I flipped through the pages of Parimal Bhattacharya’s city memoir, Darjeeling. It’s an exquisite documentation of the city, it’s history, it’s landmarks as well as the less frequented corners of Darjeeling. The author shows how the place itself ceases to be a mere geographical territory and becomes a narrative itself. The book rejuvenates my memory of Darjeeling. The place has many things to offer. Beneath the decked Mall road, the city whispers it’s lost glory. The worn out interiors of the Gymkhana club, and St Andrews smell of their grim financial condition. Those good old days of Darjeeling with the scantily populated Mall Chowrasta are only visible in the display of the famous Das Studio. Amidst the heterogenous crowd loitering, screeming, bargaining, and demanding for North Indian, South Indian, Bengali cuisine, and what not, the sophisticated colonial era of Darjeeling seems to be lost. To my utter dismay, I have found that the famous Shangri la’s kitchen doesn’t serve Tibetan Shapale, but the menu consists of North Indian naans and kulchas. I too share the author’s nostalgic yearning for the past. Still the charm of Darjeeling, the cold, the pines, the steaming coffee, the visible tracks of Toy train, the remnants of the past, the Windamere altogether create magic for me.

            I was so engrossed in reading that for some moment I felt I was on the terrace of Keventer’s on a bright sunny morning enjoying the bustle and din of the city. At times, I love crowd. The crowd of travellers, the crowd of enthusiastic students in my university campus, crowd of devotees waiting on the ghat of the Ganges to watch the Aarti in Banaras, the crowd of school going girls thronging before the vendor selling pani puri during recess. Every crowd symbolizes life and vitality. 

            Well, in these days of Covid 19, it is true that most of us cannot enjoy the things we love most. But you know, we can still retain our positivity and will power. Believe in yourself and people around you. Don’t lose hope or get depressed. Spend time with your family. Engage yourself in little creative ventures. My University has given me several opportunities to remain connected with my students through online classes. So, I mostly try to keep myself occupied. Believe me, it’s therapeutic also. Grab your favourite books, watch movies and if possible try to revisit those long lost days of childhood. You will certainly feel better.

Education’s Digital Divide amidst Corona Virus

• In India, many rural students lack the connections or hardware to learn remotely. More nations specially in Asia will confront the same reality as the outbreak of Corona Virus spreads.

Digital divide and India : In a matter of weeks, corona virus (COVID-19) has changed how students are educated around the world. Those changes give us a glimpse at how education could change in the long term.Take for instance a study on the colleges of rural India. Many of the students lack smartphones till now. Some do not have access to Whatsapp or even Facebook. Forget about the Google classrooms or the Zoom platform. Some digitally conscious student may feel it as a joke. But this is the harsh reality. Like hundreds of millions of other students worldwide, the college students of rural India are getting used to having their classes online. Since all of their teachers have smartphones they expect their students to be more digitally conscious.

• Rural India’s digital divide in the wake of Covid-19 : It must be remembered that in some of the households in parts of rural India one family member may have the smartphone. So it is the case of borrowing the phone from the family member and use it in a small time frame. But does it really work with online learning?
“The Economic Times” has written a similar article about the digital divide in India. There is a huge gap of digital divide between rural and urban India where growth is biased in favour of urban areas; according to statistics, more than 75 per cent of the broadband connections in the country are in the top 30 cities . Added to these, the growing population, insufficient funds and affordability have been some of the challenges that have led to unequal development in the society, which is responsible for digital divide.

• Educational challenges and Covid 19 : While educators promote online learning as coronavirus spreads, some students specially in rural India are not equipped with the broadband or similar connections. The epidemic’s impact on rich and poor, city and country, is a reality that more of the rest of the world is fast beginning to confront. More than 770 million learners worldwide are now being affected by school and university closures, according to the United Nations.


In India, many parents cannot afford to buy multiple devices for themselves and their children.The nation is blanketed in 4G service, yet the signal is spotty in parts of the countryside. Home broadband can be expensive outside big cities.

Access to quality educational opportunities are deeply inequitable in this country. Now, this unprecedented new epoch risks further widening the gap, placing students from families with low incomes.

• Digital divide around the world : Even the digital divide consists not only in India but also in the world. According to Jessica Rosenworcel, a Democrat on the Federal Communications Commission. “With coronavirus, we’re about to expose just how challenging our digital divide is, and just how unequal access to broadband is…..” (Source: The Washington Post) . For students who may be housing insecure, food insecure, or both, the economic fallout from the coronavirus may makes it more harder. Regional colleges tend to have more limited resources than elite institutions, too.
Even faculty with resources may not be as comfortable with technology and designing an engaging online course. Some classes — those with hands-on lab components or performance oriented subjects like theatre, dance, or music — are more difficult to translate into an online format, though there can be creative workarounds.

• The harsh reality : Online learning might be the flavour of the season, but the praxis calls for deeper reflection than has been evident thus far. Chief among them is the very possible digital divide, for not many students have the means to boast a desktop computer or a laptop. Still more inconvenienced will be those who stay in remote villages with little or no internet connectivity. Online learning ought not be reserved for computer-savvy students of urban India.

• In conclusion as excerpt, a few lines are shared from an article in “The Statesman” – “A central policy on online learning is yet to be formulated in the midst of the pandemic, a bevy of issues call for reflection by a cross-section of academics from the school to the post-graduate level. A holistic approach must be developed that covers all students and thus (hopefully) fulfils the Benthamite doctrine of the greatest good of the greatest number.”


Covid-19 changing everything in the world in general and India in particular. All local Government and Central government are encouraging rather directing people to stay at home and stay safe.  WHO official body’s statement _ The coronavirus outbreak is a ‘real threat to everyone on the planet.’ At this critical juncture economic is at the crossroad affecting across sectors and all functional areas of management. The whole world will quickly see the real-life impact on people’s lives as well as the economy.  Mobile is now the dominant way for people to communicate, to shop and all-purpose in a modern digital economy. Marketers and different brands trying to acquire consumer in response to COVID -19.


Sectors like organized Retail make avenues to sell their product through online, as because consumers will avoid shopping in the store because of social distancing. Big Bazaar has announced that its doorstep delivery services will remain open in various parts of the country during India’s 21-day lockdown. The services will be available in Mumbai, along with Delhi NCR, some parts of Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Punjab.

Most of the company while trying to reduce their work force, others started to be cutting the salary the same time as the black cloud has its silver lining, on the other hand E- Big basket ramps up hiring process for delivery and warehouse staff for providing customers  fast and smooth deliveries by providing employment to people in need.

The e-grocer has been witnessing heavy demand since the nation has entered a 21-day lock down, as announced by the Prime Minister on March 22, to control the spread of the deadly coronavirus. Though online delivery services have been exempted from lockdown by the government to ensure a smooth supply of essential items, e-tailers have faced disruptions in the form of supply and workers shortage. At the same time we should not forget that the outbreak of coronavirus has cast its spell on daily wage workers, as they are left empty handed with no jobs and money.

Flipkart ties up with Uber for delivery of essentials commodities to tits consumers. Uber India and South Asia director operations and Head of cities Prabhjeet Singh said the partnership with Flipkart went live making it the third such partnership in India after Spencer’s retail and Big basket.

Selling of product online, virtual gaming products, and rise in social media marketing will no doubt increase digital marketing for all sectors to rich to their prospects with ROI. No doubt social media marketing will help digital marketing to the next step in this critical juncture. As people are staying at home, no traveling, physical fitness is the concern where the gyms are closed, same time demand for organic product have more demand in digital marketing. 

When people stay at home and order online their requirements same time news on the other hand is way up. In fact, spending by news and information media agencies and information companies jumped over during lock down period. People don’t just want to know what’s going on with COVID-19 or coronavirus, they need to know. No doubt news organizations are capitalizing on that opportunities.


AT the same time sectors will suffered a lot is tourism and travel industry, airlines, and hotel industries.  The marketplaces becoming a mixed bag. There is some growth, and some drop off which is normal to business. The problem is that if you’re selling real goods to other people, there needs to be an actual physical hand-over at some point. Getting to a shipping office is harder, and meeting in person is also harder. The same is true of the health and fitness category, and financial services. As far as finance is concerned, investments become uncertain, but there’s no clear option but to hold and wait for the post-virus uptick.

Marketers need to make decision fast:

Marketing Intelligence system need to make decisions fast and get quick insights into complete value additions in such kind of Pandemic situation. Advanced Marketing analytics should plan and make it easily accessible and actionable. Change is inevitable: Looking to the Future: It is not the end of such situations it is the beginning. Marketers to note that the coronavirus pandemic is much more than digital marketing industry. It’s about real lives being lost, physical suffering, and massive daily disruption in literally billions of peoples’ lives. Our hearts go out to all those impacted. We’re working from our homes right now to minimize the spread and flatten the curve.

Ultimately this time of great challenge will likely lead to significant change in how we work, how we socialize, how we entertain, how we shop, and how we live in general. Setting up our clients for success now and in this still-uncertain future is a top priority. The very priority, however, is doing what we can to help all of us get through this pandemic safely.

Digital Humanities in the time of COVID-19

The worldwide lockdown and isolation has created a demand for an alternate to physical movement and presence. As most people are forced to stay indoors and work from home, the digital sphere has become extremely essential. The field of digital humanities provide a space for the creation of new projects as well as for studying and understanding human behavior brought about by the digital sphere.

Whether it is the field of art, music, literature or education, each of the fields have been affected by the spread of the Corona virus across the world. A number of art museums have enabled virtual tours for art lovers to view online from any part of the world. The British Museum in London, Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, The Louvre in Paris are a few of the museums which can now be visited from within the comforts of one’s home. This was made possible with the help of the Google Arts & Culture project. This approach is sure to push away the boredom and the feelings of restlessness and loneliness which is brought about by the forced isolation due to the spread of the Corona virus.

Social media has become an important outlet for the creativity of a number of people stuck at home. Videos of musicians playing covers of popular songs has become very common on Facebook and YouTube. Their seems to be no age bar as well. From the age of 4 to the aged, people are reaching out to a universal audience through the social media platforms. The various instruments used for the same range from Violins, piano, guitar to Tabla and other indigenous instruments.  The renowned group Bolshoi Ballet have planned to premiere their performance of the Nutcracker Ballet on the 10th of April, 2020 in YouTube. This is an opportunity made available due to the lockdown.

Apart from music, a very popular trend on Facebook are the various photograph challenges which evokes a sense of nostalgia, by connecting the current situation with an earlier time. This affects the manner in which a very different identity is created on the Facebook platform with the help of a narrative built on the past. The born digital literature in the form of status update and comments are furthering the manner in which literature is being consumed and will be consumed in the future.

The field which is heavily dependent on the digital forum at present is the education sector. Schools, colleges and Universities have been temporarily shut down. However, the classes continue with the help of platforms such as Google Classroom and Zoom, to name a few.

The manner in which the spread of the disease is studied has also undergone a major change due to the availability of an enormous amount of unstructured data in the form of Big Data. These available data is being further studied with the help of Machine Learning, Virtual Reality and simulation.

The very perception and attitude of the people towards their fellow beings and the society at large are undergoing a major shift due to the continuous developments taking place in the digital sphere. The world is truly moving towards a digital age where the presence of the digital mode is becoming all pervasive. Digital Humanities cater to a changing world which slowly moving towards an interdisciplinary approach to get a holistic view of human society and life.

The days of corona

দেশ ভাল নেই। সময় ভাল নয়। 


প্রায় একমাসের কাছাকাছি হল বিশ্বামহামারীর দৌলতে আমরা ঘরবন্দি। কেউ একলা, কেউ বিদেশে, কেউ নিজভূমেই পরবাসী। যারা প্রিয়জনের কাছে… তারাও খুব একটা সুস্থ জীবন কাটাচ্ছে না। সারাক্ষণ মনে আতঙ্ক, যদি কোনওভাবে সুরক্ষাবলয় পেরিয়ে ঢুকে পড়ে একটুকরো বিষ? মানুষ বাজারে যাচ্ছেন যেন ঘরের পাশেই যুদ্ধ। কেউ কাউকে বিশ্বাস করতে পারছেন না। টিভি আর খবরের কাগজে মৃত্যুর হিসেব, নতুন আক্রান্তের খবর… আর নতুন নতুন নিষেধাজ্ঞা। পৃথিবী যেন এক লহমায় প্রলয় দেখে ফেলেছে। যে সব পোস্ট-অ্যাপোক্যালিপটিক সিনেমা বা সিরিজ অন্য সময়ে গোগ্রাসে গিলি, যেন তারই প্রতিচ্ছবি চেনা রাস্তায়, পাড়ার মোড়ে। আরও ঘন অন্ধকার ঘিরে আসছে মাথার ভেতর। ক্রমশ আরও চেপে ধরছে চার দেওয়াল, শ্বাসরুদ্ধ করে দিচ্ছে। একটু আকাশ, রোদ্দুর, হাওয়ার জন্য কত আকুলিবিকুলি! শব্দ হারিয়ে যাচ্ছে, সুর পথ হারাচ্ছে, বিবর্ণ হচ্ছে ছবি। এই অসময়ে কী করতে পারি আমরা?


আমার ব্যস্ততার অভাব নেই। অ্যাডামাস বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে নিয়মিত রুটিন ধরে অনলাইন ক্লাস চলছে। ছাত্রছাত্রীদের সঙ্গে এই সামান্য কথাবার্তা, পড়ানো, তাদের মুখটুকু দেখতে পাওয়া – এ যেন চারপাশের অস্বাভাবিকতা তেমন টের পেতে দিচ্ছে না। নিজস্ব পড়াশোনা বা চর্চা আছেই। তারপরেও… ক্লান্ত লাগে। সমস্ত দিন মোবাইল এর ল্যাপটপে ঘিরে থাকার পর প্রিয় সিনেমা দেখতে আর চোখ যায় না। সাংসারিক কাজকর্ম অগুনতি, অনভ্যস্ত হাতে সেসবও সামলাতে হচ্ছে বইকি! রোজকার কাজ করেন যাঁরা, তাদের ছুটি। হ্যাঁ, পারিশ্রমিক সহ। ওঁরা যদি আমাদের থেকে সাহায্য না পান, কার কাছে সাহায্য চাইবেন? আমরা হাত বাড়ালেই যাঁদের পাই, আজ তাঁদের দিকে এগিয়ে যাওয়ার দিন। 


ব্যস্ততার ক্লান্তি বড় সুন্দর। তাকে আপাতত পাশে রেখেই সহনাগরিক হিসেবে কিছু কথা বলে যাওয়ার। হয়তো সবাই জানেন, তবু ফের বলা প্রয়োজন। 

  • পরিচ্ছন্ন থাকুন, বিচ্ছিন্ন থাকুন। যাদের বয়স কম, তারা হয়তো এই রোগের থাবা থেকে ফিরে আসবে। আসছেও। কিন্তু আমাদের এতটুকু গাফিলতি বয়স্ক, অশক্ত, দুর্বল অনেক মানুষের কাছে মারাত্মক হয়ে উঠতে পারে। জানি, আমাদের অভ্যেস যৌথতার। কিন্তু গোষ্ঠীই যেখানে নিশ্চিহ্ন হয়ে যেতে পারে, সেখানে সংযমের কোনও বিকল্প নেই। তাছাড়া, ঐক্য একটি মানসিক ধারণা। যদি হাতে হাত না রাখলেই পাশে থাকার অনুভূতি মিথ্যে হয়ে যায়, তাহলে সে ঐক্যের ভিত্তি কী? মনে মনে ঐক্যবদ্ধ থাকুন, পাশের লোকটির থেকে দূরত্ব বজায় রেখে বুঝিয়ে দিন, সঙ্গে আছি।


  • যে খবরের ভিত্তি নেই, তাকে বিশ্বাস করবেন না। ক’জন আক্রান্ত বা মৃত, তার পাশাপাশি ক’জন সেরে উঠল, তার পরিসংখ্যান রাখুন। যা ন্যাশনাল টেলিভিশন বা খবরের কাগজে নেই, তা দুম করে বিশ্বাস করবেন না, ছড়িয়েও দেবেন না। বাড়িতে অনেক সময় পাচ্ছেন, গুগল করতে শিখুন, নকল খবর চিনতে শিখুন। একটা ঠিক তথ্য আমাদের বহুদূর এগিয়ে দিতে পারে। অজস্র ভুল তথ্য যেন পা না চেপে ধরে।


  • ছাদ বা ব্যালকনিতে যান। বাড়ির সামনে দাঁড়ান। হাওয়ায় জীবাণু নেই। অন্য লোকের ড্রপলেটে আছে। মুখহাত ঢেকে দিনে একবার আকাশের নীচে দাঁড়ান।


  • পাড়ায় কুকুর-বেড়াল চিরকাল ছিল, পাখিরাও। তাদের গায়ে হাত দেবেন না এখন। কিন্তু যারা আপনার দরজার সামনে এসে অভ্যস্ত, তাদের অভ্যেস কেড়ে নিলে না খেয়ে মরে যাবে। কিছু বাড়তি বা বাতিল খাবার বাইরে রেখে দিন, আর একবাটি জল।


  • দোকান খোলা থাকছে। পাগলের মতো খাবার জমাবেন না। এক সপ্তাহের রেশন তুলে আনুন। তার বেশি নয়। আপনাকে কেউ বাঙ্কারে রেখে দিচ্ছে না। আপনার অনাবশ্যক সতর্কতায় অন্যের ক্ষতি হতে পারে। পাঁচ বস্তা মুড়ি আপনার লাগবে না। কিন্তু কেউ কেউ আছে যাদের সারাদিনের একমাত্র খাবার মুড়িই। তাদের কথা মনে রাখুন।


  • কুড়ি সেকেন্ড সাবান দিয়ে হাত ধোয়া যথেষ্ট। স্যানিটাইজারের সুইমিং পুল তৈরি করার প্রয়োজন নেই।


  • ওষুধ, মাস্ক, পিপিই কিট তাদের বেশি প্রয়োজন যারা এই অসুখে ভুগছে, কিংবা রোগীদের সরাসরি সংস্পর্শে আসছে। আপনি বাড়িতে বসে নেটফ্লিক্সই দেখবেন। অকারণে এইসব তুলে এনে বাড়িতে জমাবেন না। চৈত্র সেলের বাজার বসবে না এবারে।


  • চিরকাল সময়ের অভাবে করতে না পারা শখ মিটিয়ে নিন। আর, মোবাইল সরিয়ে সেই মানুষগুলোকে সময় দিন যারা একই বাড়িতে থাকে, কিন্তু আপনি ভুলে গেছেন। মনে করে দেখুন, শেষ কবে এমনিই আদিখ্যেতা করে মাকে জড়িয়ে ধরেছেন। বাবার সঙ্গে ফাজলামি মেরেছেন। বউ বা বরের সঙ্গে আড্ডা দিয়েছেন বন্ধুর মতো। দেখবেন, বহুদিন হয়ে গেল। সময় পেয়েছেন, সম্পর্কগুলো ঝালিয়ে নিন। কে জানে, ফের হয়তো সময় পাবেন না।


  • কথা বলুন। অনেক। নিজের মাতৃভাষাকে জিভে রাখুন প্রিয় স্বাদের মতো। সব মনখারাপ উগরে দিন। যে আড্ডা বাইরে হচ্ছে না, ভিডিও কলে সারুন নিয়ম করে। গালাগাল দিন, ইয়ার্কি মারুন, জোক বলুন, লকডাউন উঠলে কী কী করবেন তার প্ল্যান করুন জমিয়ে। অনেক কথা ভাসিয়ে দিক থমথমে আতঙ্ক।


  • বই পড়ুন। শুধু কিন্ডল বা মোবাইলে নয়, আঙুল দিয়ে পৃষ্ঠা ছুঁয়ে। আমাদের অনেক গল্প লেখা হয়ে গেছে। অনেক অসময়ের দলিল বইয়ের হরফগুলো। অনেক চরিত্রের যাপন, অনেক মনস্তত্ত্বের আনাগোনা তারা জমিয়ে রেখেছে। তাদের চিনে নিন। কে বলতে পারে, হয়তো আপনিই খুঁজে পেয়ে গেলেন ভাল থাকার চাবি!


  • আরও কত কী করার আছে! যা ভাল লাগে করুন। নিজেকে ব্যস্ত রাখুন। সবই তো কেটে যায়। বিচ্ছেদ, বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা, যুদ্ধ, দাঙ্গা, দুর্ভিক্ষ। ইতিহাস সাক্ষী, সময়ের কাছে কেউ জয়ী নয়। আজ সময় নিজে থেকে ধরা দিয়েছে। তাকে সঙ্গে নিয়ে এই মহামারীকাল আমরা পেরিয়ে যাব ঠিকই। হয়তো বলার মতো গল্প থেকে যাবে, ‘জানিস তো, আমরা প্যানডেমিক দেখেছিলাম!’ উত্তরে আপনার নিষ্পাপ আগামী জানতে চাইবে, ‘তখন তুমি কী করছিলে?’ আমরা তখন যেন বলতে পারি, ‘মানুষের পক্ষে ছিলাম। সৃষ্টির পক্ষে ছিলাম। শুভপক্ষে ছিলাম।’

সবাই সুস্থ থাকবেন। 


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