Mechanical Engineering Innovations to combat the Domino Effect due to COVID19


“The world is going through a period of crisis, but whether we look at it as a crisis or as an opportunity to reshape our thinking, depends on us. So use this period as a lesson on how to live life with a concern for all of humankind.”― Abhijit Naskar. He is neuroscientists, an international bestselling author and an advocate of psychological wellbeing and global unity. The world is looking for a breakthrough in the fight against corona virus, and we all have concerns for the welfare of the people surrounding us. To protect ourselves against the virus and to find a vaccine, require a free flow of information and ideas to be exchanged across the borders which is being disturbed as countries go into lockdown. All the engineering minds should come up with the new innovations which can unlock an alternative way to accelerate the fight at this moment. Here, Innovations associated to Mechanical Engineering in some specific areas will be discussed to combat the ‘Domino Effect’ of COVID 19.

Overcome supply chain shortage and temporary halts in production:

The corona virus pandemic forced lock down in Asia over February and March, paralyzing the economic activities across the continent as factories shut bringing manufacturing to a halt. The Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) is an economic indicator which is calculated by doing the monthly surveys to private sectors. PMI for India has reached to 51.8 from 54.5 in March. This has been observed that the outbreak impacted the supply-side of the sector. The COVID 19 causes unexpected  challenges to mechanical and plant engineering companies from shortage in supply chain to temporary halts in production. Mechanical innovations must be there to minimize the risk and develop strategies for emerging from this turmoil condition to be stronger and fitter for the future. Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) is forecasting a 5% drop in production in 2020.  In manufacturing industries, key challenges in the areas of cost structure, business models and performance culture. Business strategies differ depending on the type of company. Four parameters are there for identifying a company i.e. size, market, segment and technology focus. Giant industries must shatter the business units with high risk profile and invest in current growth areas and consider partnerships for automation solutions and digital services. The smallest player of the industries must tie up with large suppliers to scale up their businesses. This is the fact that in this scenario, mechanical engineering solutions won’t provide direct tools to combat the effect of COVID 19 but in the long run, solutions will help Industries to grow further to accelerate the fight.

To overcome the supply chain shortage and temporary halts in production, few points are identified from the point of view of Mechanical Engineering production and operation management.


  • Dismantle business units with high risk profile.
  • Invest in existing growth areas.
  • Aim for a drift overhead and indirect costs.
  • Drive digitalization and industrial automation in core market.
  • Sell off non-core units if they drive complexity.
  • Push for interchangeable parts and components.
  • Invest in future technology.
  • Build partnership for automation and digital services.
  • Ensure technological dominance to protect niche focus.
  • Tie up with large suppliers to scale up the business.


Surviving in this lock-down period must be the first priority but we should keep it in our mind that when the COVID19 crisis will pass, the challenges that the industries have faced in recent times will continue. Planning for long term, having a clear target and adopting future technologies will ensure that the industries lay a solid foundation for life after this lock down period.

Development of devices and protective gears using Mechanical Engineering innovations:

With the number of COVID19 cases rising in the world, the mechanical engineers, professors and researchers have extended their hands to develop newer technologies to fight against the domino effect of COVID19. Few are discussed here.

Face Shield: Emory and Georgia Tech developed face shields and supplied to the local medical communities which are made by 3D printed technology. These face shields help the medical workers from splashes and increase the usage time of soft respirators. To increase the production beyond the parent institute, the researchers have made a simple design to be shared and manufactured by others by using either 3D printed technology or Laser Beam Machining process.“The Georgia Tech mechanical engineering team is working to modify open source face shield designs so they can be manufactured in high volumes for the rapid response environment that COVID-19 requires,” said Christopher Saldana, an associate professor in the Woodruff School.

3D printed face shield

Portable Ventilators: IIT, Kanpur is developing portable ventilators to give support to medical infrastructure. The cost of those PVs is lesser than the market price. Professors are claiming that a commercial PV costs around 4 lakhs whereas they will be supplying at only 70,000 per piece. Nikhil Kurule and Harshit Rathore, two IIT Kanpur graduates started their entrepreneurship activities two years back, they run a start up called “Nocca Robotics”. They have developed a prototype for the portable ventilator with the help of few doctors from NICS, Bangalore which has got demand of 1000 pieces within a month. The ventilator will be permanently connected to a mobile phone for controlling the device and display critical information.

Portable ventilator connected to mobile

Anti-microbial coating on surface: Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research had developed an anti-microbial coating which is one-step curable. When it is applied on different surfaces such as textile, plastic, ceramic etc. and it can kill many viruses including COVID 19.Even, IIT, Guwahati developed an anti microbial spray which is to be sprayed on PPE under the guidance of Dr. Biman B. Mandal, basically it has been developed for health care employees and others who are directly into the battle

Antimicrobial coating of surfaces (source:

3D Printed Technology: All the scientists, researchers, engineers, companies which deal with 3D printed technology have begun to respond to the global crisis by extending their hands to decrease  the pressure on supply chains and governments. The European Association for Additive Manufacturing (CECIMO) has taken the initiative to combine all the opportunist investment and advisory companies within Europe. So far, the response has been positive with, “many companies from the European 3Dprinting industry already volunteering to aid hospitals and health centers by proposing the use of their machines.” Materialise which is a global provider of 3D printing services, is producing 3D printed door handles which is hands free to minimize the of Corona virus transmission. Shanghai firm has made a 3D printed hospital having floor area of 10 square meter with a height of 2.8 meter for quarantined patients infected by coronavirus in Wuhan, Chaina. The structure has met all the standards for heat preservation and isolation for the patients.

3D printed medical valves

3D printed sanitizer stand

3D printed door handle

3D printed mask


These grassroots innovations can make a big difference to people’s live. Now, it is the time for us to play our individual role to combat the effect of COVID19. The world has become more united and strong during this pandemic phase and it is ready to adopt any new technology for surviving.

ABCD of apocalypse: The Arrogant, the Banished, the Covid19 and Darwin

Ian Malcolm, the fictional Chaos Theorist from The Jurassic Park written by Michael Crichton, had commented in one of the sequels of the original film adaptation “If there’s one thing the history of evolution has taught us, it’s that life will not be contained. Life breaks free, it expands to new territories, and crashes through barriers painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh, well, there it is”. Modern evolutionary biologists have theorised evolution to be chaotic. According to Charles Darwin, the inheritance is almost implied by reproduction, variability from the indirect and direct action of the conditions of life, and from use and disuse. Struggle for life (or existence) is a direct consequence of Natural Selection, involving divergence of character and extinction of less improved ones. Modern evolutionists differ from Charles Darwin, on the frontier that evolution cannot be contained within the periphery of some sets of laws, rather chaos often make evolutionary dynamics unpredictable. It has been proposed that the Big Bang occurred around 13.6 billion years ago, and the earth somewhat assumed its present shape around 4.5 billion years ago. Viruses have been conjectured to have emerged just before or after, the divergence of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic lineages, around 2 billion years ago. The evolution of virus is even more intriguing. They had been initially classified as poisons, then as biological chemicals and viruses today are thought of as something in between the living and non-living, in spite of the fact that they can replicate but only when docked inside truly living cells. They also have the ability to affect the behaviour of their hosts. It has been proposed by certain experts that viruses, although may have started as simpler and autonomously replicating life forms, turned later into obligate intracellular parasites. Possibly, viruses went on to become successful parasites thereby sacrificing its free living entity.

In view of the recent COVID19 pandemic, it can be said that the novelty of this novel coronavirus is not solely because of the degree of lethality or the dynamics of its diffusion, one may argue. Yes, the virologists have their own reasons to have it named ‘novel’, but with a different outlook, it is indeed ‘novel’ as the crisis showcases the conspicuous but overlooked relation between infectious diseases and gratuitous over exploitation of nature and ‘cosying’ up with her. The earth has witnessed five events of mass extinction. The End Ordovician, 444 million years ago, Late Devonian, 375 million years ago, End Permian, 251 million years ago, End Triassic, 200 million years ago and the last one when the dinosaurs got extinct, the End Cretaceous, 65 million years ago. Experts claim that right now we are going through the sixth mass extinction event, the Holocene Extinction, the anthropogenic extinction. The arrogance of the only extant species of the genus Homo has caused widespread degradation of highly biodiverse habitats such as coral reefs and rainforests, amongst others. Accompanied by lack of serious documentation, the current rate of extinction of species is estimated at 100 to 1,000 times higher than natural background rates. Scientists at the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity (2007) concluded that: “Every day, up to 150 species are lost.” The vicious cycle embedded in the modern day consumerism results in more and more over exploitation of natural resources. This vanity, often congenital, of the colonial scions with their zany dichotomous truncheons of ‘civilization’ resulted in the brazen eradication of the primitive denizens, humans or other species residing lower down in the evolutionary ladder, from their native habitats. The banished are the unwanted, the expendables, ousted, expelled, annihilated without a trace (or is there a trace lurking near the horizon after all). The wildlife harbours an unfathomable diversity of viruses, to which we get exposed, tiny fleeting moments to exposure but enough to catapult events of global scale. Reports are making rounds about viruses unknown hitherto to us, trapped in polar ice caps and the Tibetan glaciers can get released in the environment once the ice melts due to global warming. Yes, there can be pathogens amongst them too.

Coming back to Natural selection, life on Earth always had a pattern, chaotic or not. As the most suited will survive, constant evolution maintains that new kinds of life and new biomolecules appear (and disappear) periodically. This led to Harmit Malik, a chemical engineer turned molecular biologist turned molecular evolutionist based at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre at Seattle, remark that natural evolution is “the world’s definitive game of cat and mouse. Viruses evolve, the host adapts, proteins change, viruses evade them. It never ends”. The corona virus appears to be the ‘cat’ so far, that cannot be easily belled, an ideal opportunist. It is possible, that as a perfect survival strategy, this strain (or strains, as the experts suggest) has (or have) adapted to the new hosts, the humans unfortunately.

In the 2012 bestseller Spilllover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic, writer David Quammen had apprehended this very phenomenon. Years of negligence takes away slightest traces of affordability of bequeathing the onus to our future generations. The futile needs of monetary consecration to attain the oxymoronic sacrosanct abode are nothing but the manifestation of the instinctive territoriality of the sapiens, and thus is a ludicrous self disculpation. The debonairs contemptuous of the inferior with racist, supremacist prejudices, political snollygosters with their ravenous wanton nympholepsy, are the catalysts to the apocalypse. As Paul Ehrlich had once quoted, “Homo Sapiens might not only be the agents of the sixth extinction but also risks being one of its victims”.

Through myopic vision and selective amnesia, we, the arrogant humans are banishing ourselves to the corridors of uncertainties, Covid-19 being a mere tool in the hands of Mother Nature.

Yes, the two hundred year old principles of Darwin on natural selection may yet again come to our rescue. Only if we can realise our position as just another species living on earth, not the owners. While searching for the elusive solution, instead of going for short termed illusive options, we shall not fail to understand the uterine relationship we hold with everything organic around us. As noted author Yuval Noah Harari had written in ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’, “We are more powerful than ever before, but have very little idea what to do with all that power. Worse still, humans seem to be more irresponsible than ever. Self-made gods with only the laws of physics to keep us company, we are accountable to no one. We are consequently wreaking havoc on our fellow animals and on the surrounding ecosystem, seeking little more than our own comfort and amusement, yet never finding satisfaction. Is there anything more dangerous than dissatisfied gods who don’t know what they want”?

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