Chemophobia: how are chemists addressing a chemophobic public?

Background of the Chemophobia:

Usually, people feel an intense association with the natural world. E. O. Wilson named this perception biophilia as: ‘the urge to affiliate with other forms of life’. That logic of association fetches great passionate satisfaction, which can decrease levels of ire, nervousness and agony. However, this conscious biophilia lately has procreated an extreme variant: Chemophobia, a reflexive denial of current synthetic chemicals.

Chemophobia is a consequence of the modern ecological drive, specifically following the publication of the book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson in 1962, which had vilified chemicals as “the sinister and little-recognized partners of radiation… entering into living organisms passing from one to another in a chain of poisoning and death”. This book has helped to promote unleaded petrol, the Clean Air Act, the banning of DDT, and other hugely important environmental benign developments. Conversely, even as much of the world became biophilic or cleaner, the anti-chemical movement became so intensified that almost all synthetic chemicals are now considered harmful. This false hypothesis has led to a rise in demand for products that are ‘natural’ or even ‘chemical-free’.

Analysis of situation:

A picture of a random scene: A company brings a new shampoo into the market, advertises it as being made of ‘all natural ingredients’, and also devoid of ‘chemicals’. Immediately, sales of the shampoo sore very high since general public rush to buy the product ignoring a simple logic that no shampoo can be chemical free.

In reality, ‘natural’ products are customarily more chemically complex than anything we can synthesize in the laboratory. Chemophobia continues to wonder us with the ludicrousness of its manifestations. Consumers from European countries aspire to live in a world where chemical substances do not exist. They do everything they can to avoid contact with “chemical substances” in their daily life and chemical substances scare them.

There was a time when chemistry stimulated assurance. People appreciated it and put hope in it. In his novel Fécondité (1899; Fruitfulness), the famous French writer Emilee Zola depicted his hero ‘Mathieu Froment, a deprived but diligent proud father of twelve children who voiced a noteworthy conviction in the ability of chemistry to help the mankind: “Even if the world should become densely populated, even if food supplies, such as we know them, should fall short, chemistry would extract other means of subsistence from inorganic matter”.

Natural vs. Synthetic Chemical:

The distinction between natural and synthetic chemicals is not merely ambiguous, it is non-existent. The fact that an ingredient is synthetic does not automatically make it dangerous, and the fact that it is natural doesn’t make it safe. Botulinum, produced by bacteria that grow in honey, is more than 1.3 billion times as toxic as lead and is the reason why infants should never eat honey. A cup of apple seeds contains enough natural cyanide to kill an adult human. Natural chemicals can be beneficial, neutral or harmful depending on the dosage and on how they are used, just like synthetic chemicals. Whether a chemical is ‘natural’ should never be a factor when assessing its safety. Misconceptions about natural versus synthetic compounds can have devastating consequences. The anxiety over formaldehyde is a telling example. Formaldehyde occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs and foliage. It is found in high concentrations in Peking duck (120 ppm), smoked salmon (50 ppm), and processed meats (20 ppm) as a normal result of traditional curing processes. It is found at levels of around 2 ppm in a healthy human body, where it plays an important role in the production of DNA. Formaldehyde is also used in various industries as a preservative. People automatically accept the many ‘natural’ sources of formaldehyde that are present all around, but minuscule traces of ‘artificial’ formaldehyde in vaccines and cosmetics have caused public outcry – even though all formaldehyde is chemically exactly the same: CH2O. Vaccines also contain tiny amounts of formaldehyde. Concern about ‘artificial’ formaldehyde is one reason some people avoid vaccinations, even though the level of formaldehyde found in a vaccine (100 µg) is 80 times less than in a single pear (12,000 µg).

Chemophobia: How to tackle it?

Ultimately, conversation might be the best way to solve Chemophobia. Whether that conversation is BASF opening its labs to environmental campaigners so they can see what safety systems are in place, or teaching undergraduates that xantham gum comes from bacteria, yet is used as a thickener in cooking quite safely, part of the conversation is accepting people’s fears.  This is also one of the possible answers to the problem of Chemophobia, as the findings of recent surveys confirm the rise of irrational desires and the existence of fundamental gaps in basic chemical knowledge.

 Following points should be communicated to general public to evade this phobia:

  1. Chemicals are only chemicals, and their source is immaterial to theircharacteristics, provided of course that they are pure. They can be extracted from a natural resource, or synthesized industrially – it makes no difference
  2. Any chemical would be harmful to a person if one consume or breathe in enough of them – it’s the dose that matters. For example protein can be poison if snake bites and push sufficient amount of it to the victim’s body.
  3. Chemicals reinforce much of our modern way of living.Many chemicals are imperative for our civilization to function – taking them away would send us at least 5000 years back.
  4. Post 1960 onwards, production of chemicals and its usage in every sector of human life are pretty strictly regulated by several regulatory authorities.Chemicals used in bulk to manufacture goods, foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics are well-characterized and their use is tightly controlled.

Contributions of Chemists

The increased presence of chemists in public spaces and their active participation in chemistry communication will also have a positive effect on the identity of chemists. Chemists, together with the sum of chemical knowledge, are the biggest asset of chemistry.

However, society as a whole is exposed to a fundamental threat too, because chemistry and chemists are essential to its dignified life. The Royal Society of Chemistry says: “People’s views of chemicals do not impact their view of chemistry or chemists. But if chemists talk about chemicals all the time, especially in trying to combat inaccuracies in the views of others – we risk activating existing fears.”

There’s a great appetite for science out there, we shouldn’t assume that people aren’t interested in what chemists get up to and we certainly shouldn’t fear a negative reaction from the public. If we don’t fill the void in public perceptions of chemistry then we run the risk of something – that we don’t control and we don’t like – filling it for us.


  1. There’s no such thing as ‘chemical-free’ food! Video exposes idiotic fad for describing products as being natural or chemical by Victoria Woollaston (07:01 EST, 23 July 2015). Even the Daily Mailcalls it an “idiotic fad” (archived from October 26, 2015)
  3. Chalupa R, Nesměrák K. Chemophobia versus the identity of chemists: heroes of chemistry as an effective communication strategy. Monatshefte fur Chemie. :1-9.



The earth is surrounded with the grip of fear of a microorganism named, COVID-19. It triumphs throughout all the continents in mother earth and is imperiling lives. In this situation of morbidity and fear, I as a chemist would like to emphasize on a subtle but powerful chemical bond that plays fundamental role to make life happens in this beautiful earth billions of years ago.

In a grime mist within the disc of the galaxy it is appallingly cold which causes to move “water molecules” very slowly. As soon as two slow moving clod water molecules meet each other, they get gluey together, it can be vehemently said that this stickiness is the harbinger of life in the universe, so it is worth understanding what the root cause of this stickiness is.

Hydrogen bond in water:

In a water molecule (H2O), due to the difference in electron attraction capability, the covalent bond (i.e. O-H) becomes dipolar, where partial negative charge concentrate on oxygen and partial positive charge develops on hydrogen atoms. Consequently an electrical attraction between these dipoles of different water molecules develops an electrostatic attraction as shown in the picture and hydrogen bonding occurs. Hydrogen bonding is directional and of electrostatic in nature and is the reason for stickiness.

Molecular processes of life:

It is known to us that ‘Life’ adopts various levels of complexity both structural and functional to reach from molecular levels to supramolecular levels which are capable of performing numerous functions. Leaving this evolutionary outcome which is impulsive, in this writing we shall emphasize on the interactions that take place between biomolecules are facilitated by well-known chemical bonds and forces that obey the universal laws of physics and chemistry.

Leaving all the enunciating list of properties to define life if only concentrate on very basic properties those are minimum requisite which must be justified as prerequisite of life to start the molecular process are as follows:

  1. i) Genetic and catalytic tasks performed by functional molecules/groups to sustain life:

Here genetic tasks imply exchanging information which are coded sequentially by chemical groups and catalytic processes reduce the barriers of several chemical reactions to synthesize molecular constituents. Consequently, molecular replications occur, which are vital criterion of molecular process of life. Nucleic acids, proteins and RNA are doing these tasks to preserve basic molecular constituents to continue life for billions of years.

  1. ii) Advent of molecular constituents with genetic and catalytic capabilities through the process of natural selection.

Any form of life which satisfies above two prerequisites must possess a variety of functional groups consisting of a huge number of atoms to store genetic information as well as catalytic processes for their evolution. Topology of such chain of functional groups ( a very large sequence of atoms) must be able to take any shape instead of linear. To pass the information from one group chain to another they must interact with one another.

Functional group chain and their interactions:

The existence of these “functional group chain” infers that adjacent chemical groups along the chain must be held together by chemical bonds which leads to a specific structure maintaining their atomic sequences. Moreover, along with these intra-chain bonds, to continue genetic tasks of copying and translating information, the chains of the functional molecules are expected to undertake  molecular association (or dissociation) that comprises of  sequential pairing (or un-pairing) of a series of chemical groups located along adjacent chains. Thus molecules in chain will be able to attain required conformations through folding, which is an intramolecular form of bonding. when the functional molecules interact with each other must be directional because the      molecules involved bonding interactions must recognize one another other before accomplishing functions like catalyze chemical reactions, synthesis or recycle molecules/functional groups, exchange information among several functional group chains. These directional interactions, needed for intermolecular recognition, plays pivotal role of genetic exchange of information. To preserve the conformation and functionality of the group chains, the energy exchanged during these intermolecular bonding as well as recognition, must be lower than the inter-chain bond energy.

Till now it is comprehensible that intra-atomic bond among atoms to build functional group chain requires highest value of dissociation energy while intermolecular interactions requires for chain pairing for genetic information exchange requires somewhat less stronger bond than earlier but must possess directionality in its characteristics.

Roles of Chemical Bonds:

Covalent, ionic, and metallic bonds are the three principal forms of chemical bonds in nature. In covalent bonding adjacent atoms share their electrons in common orbitals; since the geometry of the orbitals creates optimum bond angles, covalent bonding is very directional. However, ionic bond arises from the electrostatic attraction between opposite charged ions are less directional than covalent bonds. Metallic bonds form due to electrostatic attractive force between free conduction electrons and a lattice of positively charged metal ions and also do not possess directionality. Therefore, covalent bonding is the feasible to form intra-atomic functional group chain but is not suitable to form inter-chain pairing or un-pairing interactions since the very nature of sharing of electron pair in common orbital in case of covalent bond would lead to formation new but unwanted electronic orbitals among inter chains, altering the atomic sequences of the chains, contrary to the constraint that the functional molecules must not be precious by inter-chain interactions  This would lead to destruction or distortion of information going to be shared. This non-invasive nature of bonding can only be satisfied by weak forces of interactions like hydrogen bonding, halogen bonding, van der Waals interactions. However, van der Waals interactions are too weak to sustain in various conformation and also it is non-directional. Halogen bonds can be characterized similarly to hydrogen bonds in terms of nature of bonding and directionality but the larger size of halogens (Cl, Br, I) will cause steric hindrance which will restrict torsional bond angles to adopt any conformation while packing.

Hydrogen bonds: the major player:

From the above discussion, it is obvious that hydrogen bonding is the best option to carry out inter-molecular interactions among chains of functional groups. As mentioned earlier that, hydrogen bonds are directional in nature and this directionality rises with increase in its strength (by changing electronegative partner as well as distance between two dipoles) because the stronger bonds are more difficult to distort. Due to small size of hydrogen, the hydrogen bond shows orientation effect which is very important prerequisite for molecular recognition. Transfers of protons through hydrogen bonds are often coupled with electron transfer processes which are essential molecular processes to maintain neutrality in biochemical systems. At pre-biotic condition, due to the presence of high energy irradiation, hydrogen bonding might also played a medium for extended proton delocalization both in ground state and excited state  following absorption of photons are absorbed.  In conclusion it can be claimed that  the prebiotic processes which initiate genetic and catalytic activity among functional groups  with a significant  and extensive presence of hydrogen bonding

Linus Pauling quoted regarding hydrogen bond “It has been recognized that hydrogen bonds restrain protein molecules to their native configurations, and I believe that as the methods of structural chemistry are further applied to physiological problems it will be found that the significance of the hydrogen bond for physiology is greater than that of any other single structural feature.” 

At last I would like to conclude that the COVID-19 has given us a boon to redefine our mental bonding among us irrespective of the boundaries of nation, caste, creed terms of being human with sense of fellow feelings with each other. Mental bonding among us, voice of sanity must flourish the life of people as well as the planet in equal measure after overcoming this pandemic situation.  .


1.Hydrogen Bond and life in universe by Giovanni Vladilo , ID and Ali Hassanali, Life, 2018,8,1

  1. Requirements and limits for life in the context of exoplanets C.P. McKay,. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2014, 111, 12628–1263
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