#BiotechNext : Bioprocess sector working to maintain technology supply amid COVID-19 and also expected revenue outcome of key players after the pandemic

The modern bioprocessing Technology is the subdiscipline within biotechnology which functions as a translator in between the discoveries of life science into practical products, processes, or systems that can be served the needs of society. The biotechnologist having an obvious knowledge of Bioprocess has many missions. Although the most visible today is the production of biopharmaceuticals, bioprocess technology also has a major role in the existing multi-billion-dollar fermentation industries responsible for the production of ethanol, amino acids, and other organic acids, antibiotics, and other specialty products.Fig1. represent the growing scope area of bioprocess technology.

Adamas University

Figure 1. The diverse growing spectrum of bioprocess technology.

Biopharmaceutical biologic such as insulin, tissue plasminogen, activator, and erythropoietin are the dominant products in current bioprocess technology products and predominantly controls commercial activities related to biotechnology. Innovations in bioprocess engineering to manufacturing these products can be of great consequences. Those will help in improving product recovery, product purity, process safety and reduce manufacturing and quality-control costs. Process innovation is also one of the needs which can intensify as patent protection for the product expires and increase global competition for international markets and regulatory procedures.

There will be significant growth in the usage of health care products emerging from biotechnology all over the world in comparison to the current scenario (examples include recombinant hemoglobin, recombinant albumin, and conjugate vaccines). There will be demand for second-generation products as well; large scale manufacturing facilities that handle biological systems and bioprocess technology will be in the spotlight and essential for successful commercialization for products.

The current Covid-19 crisis changes the dynamics of bioprocessing. Specifically, there are two different spectra of impact on the bio-process market, one is a short term, another is long term.

Essentially all the bioprocessing related industries are mostly unaffected and continuing their operations as expected however there are short-term impacts in some areas of bioprocessing sector are facing operational challenges for the lower number of available resources during a pandemic.

As expected, many companies, including developers and suppliers of hardware and services, are increasing their pandemic-related R&D and manufacturing. Suppliers are expecting and planning for increased business as companies and governments start to rapidly develop, test, and deploy pandemic-related vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. There has been a spike in demand for stockpiling the supplies but that’s for the short-term. As per the economic stress is concerned healthcare segments are less sensitive.

The general expectation is that there will be relatively minimal adverse near/short-term economic impact and its aftermath on the bio-processing sector as a result of the pandemic. Most companies are sticking to their long-term capital-intensive expansions and mergers/acquisitions.

Several fundamental changes are going to take place in the ‘Post-COVID’ era which will evolve as a result of the pandemic and those changes will last for the long term.

Many of these, such as-

  • the increase in the number of global facilities,
  • more pandemic-related R&D and manufacturing,
  • quick supplies and services,
  • more modular facilities,
  • single-use systems (SUS) process lines and facilities,
  • faster R&D and speed-to-market,
  • more collaboration,
  • more investment,
  • more automation will be prioritized.

The novel Covid-19 appears to be a catalyst for the acceleration of existing and emerging trends in the industry.

Bioprocess technology can play a major role to produce new smaller molecules and special bioproducts by application of bio-knowledge and technology. A major challenge is to get value-added products on a large scale by applying bioprocessing. Those are integrated processes that use agricultural and forestry-based materials and other renewable resources. Byproducts of food production (animal health-care, biological plant-growth promoters and pesticides, nutritional supplements, and food additives) have large-tonnage product opportunities and those can be tapped in the coming decade, provided that suitable manufacturing facilities are designed and built. Currently, these facilities do not exist and the major challenge for bioprocessing is to make those facilities created and available. Proper infrastructure for practical implementation needs to be developed along with the process knowledge enhancement program because, in the coming decade, the processing of renewable resources will be one of the topmost priorities throughout the nation. Bioprocessing in space presents unique opportunities, particularly in bio-regenerative life support and as a research platform for the study of unfamiliar types of manufacturing processes.

As per the recent survey, bioprocess companies have displayed robust nature to deal with the pandemic and tried to keep the business uninterrupted. The current crisis has given enough fuel to bioprocess industries to prepare for future pandemics. There will be some long-term adjustments to handle any crisis; new strategies are going to be in place to moderate future supply shortages, collaborative relationship with research & development team and the suppliers need to be developed, rapid and flexible implementation and modular production process to speed up the supply to the market. Manufacturing industries will be affected which these changes; may not be now but after the crisis resolves.


Student Contributors:

Arkajit De (B.Tech Biotechnology UG-IV)
Srijan Chatterjee (B.Tech Biotechnology UG-IV)

Present Scenario of the World

As the world in under a pandemic state of Coronavirus (COVID-19), a disease caused by a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) which was first identified in 2003 in civet cats. These viruses belong to a large family of enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA viruses, known as Coronaviridae which causes illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. Coronaviruses are broadly classified into i)Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and ii) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

A novel Coronavirus or nCoV-2 has been identified as a new strain in 2019 that has not been previously identified in humans. However, an outbreak of unusual respiratory condition was first observed in Wuhan, China, due to the infection caused by novel Coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. It was declared a pandemic on 11th March 2020 by World Health Organization (WHO).

Majority of infected people and aged people with the COVID-19 virus is going to experience breathing problem and those who are suffering from medical issues like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory pulmonary disease (COPD), and cancer are more susceptible to develop serious illness.

In this present scenario, there are no specific or distinct vaccines or treatments discovered for COVID-19. However, there are many research activities going on around the world where they are dealing with anti-viral treatment and developing new therapeutic drugs for eradicating this disease. Therefore, all people must take care of their health to protect themselves from this pandemic disease and must boost their immune system to combat against COVID-19.

Immunomodulatory elements that reduce the risk of infection

The immune system plays a vital role in combatting against all diseases. The immune system involves different types of cells that synthesize, store, and secrete hormones such as lymphocytes (T-cells, B-cells, and NK cells). T-cells or T- lymphocytes are produced in the thymus which plays a versatile role in the regulation of antigen-specific immune responses. B-cells or B-lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow which also plays a crucial role in the humoral immunity component of the adaptive immune system by secreting antibodies that are activated by the binding of antigen to receptors on its cell surface which causes the cell division and cell proliferation. Some B-cells becomes plasma cell which secretes antibodies which helps to boost our immunity. NK cells or Natural Killer cells are a subset of bone-marrow-derived lymphocytes that helps in the host-rejection of both tumors and virus-infected cells. Therefore, the cells are further activated as the adaptive immune response which generates antigen-specific cytotoxic T-cells that can clear the infection in response to macrophage-derived cytokines or interferons. The immune system also involves various hormones and proteins responsible for boosting our immunity power such as thyroid hormones (TRH, TSH, T3), growth hormone (GH), prolactin, melatonin, histamine, serotonin, etc. In human beings when any pathogen enters our body white blood cells (leukocytes) play an important role in protecting our body against any disease.

White blood cells or leukocytes, a cellular component of the blood which lacks hemoglobin (Hb) (i.e. a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen to your body and it gives the blood its red color as hemoglobin contains iron in it), it has a nucleus, which is capable of motility, and also defends us against diseases and infection by the process phagocytosis. Therefore they also bind to disease-causing bacteria (i.e. pathogen) which further incorporate them in a phagosome, which further matures and acidifies through fusing with endosomes and lysosomes which gives rise to phagolysosomes for destroying the contents which are non-essential for our body.

  Immunomodulatory Agents: Nutraceuticals

Nutraceuticals in broad aspect can be described as food supplements that provide extra health benefits in addition to the basic nutritional value found in foods without any side effects. The two broad classes of nutraceuticals that help in boosting the immunity in this pandemic situation are:

  1. Herbal Nutraceuticals
  2. a) Bioactive constituents like menthol found in peppermint can be used for curing chronic diseases like flu and cold.
  3. b) A healthy diet is incomplete without vegetables. Vegetables play a pivotal role in boosting immunity and is a rich source of many nutrients. Vegetables contain carotenoids (a phytochemical) which enhances the immune system.

c)The dried herbs of Echinacea purpurea contain alkyl amide and echinacoside which acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiviral agent.

  1. Fortified Nutraceuticals
  2. a) To carry out the metabolism in a proper way, one needs to uptake diets rich in Vitamins. They are required in small proportions but are very essential to boost our immunity. However, deficiencies of Vitamins A, C, D, and E inhibit the resistance against any infections and result in a negative impact on the immune system.
  3. b) Another class of nutrient that is essential for the proper functioning of the white blood cells is “micronutrient”. Deficiencies of zinc, iron, selenium, copper, and magnesium also inhibit the resistance against any infections and have negative impacts on the immune system. The health supplement industries can communicate how these micronutrients and mineral work do and support a healthy immune system.
  4. c) Another important supplement that is present in very few foods is Vitamin D. A diseased person should require at least 50mg of Vitamin D supplements regularly because it enhances the killing capacity and promotes differentiation of monocytes to microphage.
  5. d) Interferon production (a group of signaling proteins released by host cells in response to a virus) can be increased by consumption of 50-100 micrograms of Selenium. The production is downregulated by Vitamin A whereas Vitamin C, zinc, and iron play a role in its production.
  6. e) Vitamin C, D, and Zinc help in maintaining the serum levels of proteins which helps in enhancing the process of phagocytosis. Vitamin D primarily helps to regulate the expression of these proteins.
  7. f) Copper has intrinsic antimicrobial properties that destroy a wide range of microorganisms.

g)The stimulus transmission of interferons is governed by anti-stress Vitamins namely Vitamin B complex and folic acids.

  1. h) The chain reaction of viruses once it enters the host is inhibited by magnesium. Thus, the consumption of this micronutrient is also very essential in boosting immunity.

Immunity can be boosted by nutraceuticals

To face the pandemic stress, the immunity of a human being should be very strong. The health supplement industries should prepare a food supplement that is enriched with the above-mentioned nutraceuticals. The nutraceuticals should not be present in a huge amount but an optimum level should be maintained as per the requirements by the body to combat the disease. The supplement should not contain any material which will have a side effect. Moreover, it should act as support for the immune system.

Impact of Bioprocess Industries responsible for producing nutraceuticals

Bioprocess is an expanding field related to any process that uses living cells or their components to obtain specified products. Bioprocessing industries aim to enhance high productivity by utilizing the latest manufacturing processes. Bioprocess industries play a pivotal role in producing high-end nutraceuticals. The new era of bioprocessing will be driven by basic biological sciences in harmony with conventional engineering approaches. Bioprocessing depends on ever-advancing technology and will continue to evolve as new methods are developed. Bioprocess comes under the broader scope of biotechnology which requires specialization in multiple areas especially Molecular Biology, Recombinant DNA Technology, and Chemical Engineering. In these situations, bioprocess industries can communicate with people by producing high-end nutraceuticals. Bioprocess is a broader scope of Biotechnology. Amidst this pandemic situation, Biotechnology comes up with new hope. These tools are the savior for us in this pandemic situation.

The role of diet and nutritional supplement during COVID-19 outbreak

Student Contributors:

Ms. SanchitaBaisya, (B.Sc Biotechnology, Sem- VI),

Ms. Shrestha Sengupta (B.Tech Biotechnology, Sem- IV).

With the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in December 2019, a devastating situation has arisen for the entire world. To fight and rescue ourselves from the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to eventually lock ourselves down in our own house. Who in their wildest dream did think of such a situation? But, here we are dealing with it! All we can do is take up healthy habits and improve ourselves as human beings in this quarantine period.


Patients under the grasp of this lethal virus have shown clinical indications including fever, non-productive cough, dyspnoea, myalgia, fatigue, normal or decreased leukocyte counts, and radiographic evidence of pneumonia. The new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. One infected person can be the cause of spreading the virus to 2.5 people in no time if not isolated. Keeping all these in mind, social distancing is the only way out for breaking its chain. Other precautionary measures include wearing a mask, washing hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand wash and boosting up our immunity.

SARS-CoV-2 infection-causing COVID-19 can roughly be categorized into three stages:

stage I: an asymptomatic incubation period with or without detectable virus; stage II: non-severe symptomatic period with the presence of virus; stage III: severe respiratory symptomatic stage with high viral load.

No food or supplement can completely protect us from getting infected by the virus (COVID-19). However, consuming a healthy diet is important for our immune system to function well, and many nutrients which are the component of a healthy diet, influence the body’s ability to fight infection


A healthy palette of food is significant for a healthy life.

  • Consuming superior quality diets is always desirable. A healthy diet that generally emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts also moderate consumption of fish, dairy products, poultry and the decreased intake of red and processed meat, refined carbohydrates and sugar.
  • Fats should be chiefly including oils such as olive, canola, or soybean oil. Highly restrictive, crash diets should be avoided and replaced with protein, fat and carbohydrate-rich foods.
  • Sufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins provided by a healthy diet help us to ensure proper numbers of immune cells and antibodies, which are important as the body mounts a response to infections.
  • The beneficial effects of nutrients have been recorded upon patients across all ages, and individuals with pre-existing chronic illness.
  • It is seen that a two-phase immune response is induced by the COVID-19 infection. If a defensive immune response is weakened, the virus will propagate and cause massive damage in cells, induce innate inflammation in the lungs which is in turn largely mediated by pro-inflammatory macrophages and granulocytes. Lung inflammation is the main cause of life-threatening disorders at the severe stage of the disease.

So, we can say a well-functioning immune system is important for endurance. An “activated” immune system is seen to increase the demand for energy during periods of infection, which can be met from exogenous food intake.

We can boost up the immune system by including certain food in our daily diet which has anti-viral property or reduces the risk and severity of COVID-19. A few of them are easily available in the Indian market under essential items.

Garlic: a bulb with assured anti-viral property can be eaten raw, mashed or even added to soups and curries.

Coconut oil: by cooking food in pure cold-pressed coconut oil as lauric acid and caprylic acid present in it are crucial for boosting the immune system against viral. So this quarantine is a good time to explore some South-Indian dishes too.

Vitamin-C rich food: L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is one of the well-known anti-viral agents. Incorporating Amla, red or yellow bell peppers in our diet can be helpful and also summer is here we can always indulge ourselves and our loved ones to a glass of refreshing lemonade.

Herbs: Anti-viral herbs such as Oregano, Tulsi, dried Thyme are great for immunity, and can be used in teas, curries or pasta and such delicacies for respiratory health including mucous problems which can become a “breeding ground for bacteria and pathogens”.

Vitamin-D rich food: A recent review suggested using vitamin D reduces the risk and severity of COVID-19. Egg-yolk, cereals, oatmeal’s, mushrooms, cow-milk and even plant-based milk substitutes like soy milk can help our immune system.


Table 1, represents a few required nutrients for their roles and food sources.


Role in the immune system

Food sources

Vitamin A

Known as an anti-inflammation vitamin as it plays a critical role in enhancing immune function.

Liver, whole milk, cheese, orange-colored fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables, etc.

Vitamin B6

Impact on both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses.

Poultry, fish, egg yolk, soya beans, sesame seeds and some fruit, such as banana, etc.

Vitamin B12

Helps in white blood cell production, and white blood cells are crucial for apt immune system functioning.

Meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs, etc.

Vitamin C

Contributes to the immune defense system in both the innate and adaptive immune systems.

Citrus fruits, papaya, kiwi, green vegetables, peppers, and tomatoes, etc.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D can control innate and adaptive immune responses.

Fortified breakfast cereals, dairy products, oily fish, egg, etc.

Folic Acid



Folic acid (vitamin B9) and cobalamin (vitamin B12) play a crucial role in the healthy balance of the immune system. An insufficient amount of folic acid and B12 can radically alter immune responses by disturbing the production of nucleic acid, protein synthesis, inhibiting the activity of immune cells.

Green vegetables, pulses, oranges, berries, nuts and seeds, cheeses, bread, etc.


Vitamin B12 can be obtained from animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products


There is an interaction between iron grade and immune function, predominantly for the incidence and course of infectious disease.

Red meat, offal, beans, pulses, nuts, fish, whole wheat bread and dried fruits, etc.


Satisfactory levels of dietary selenium are vital for initiating immunity.

Many whole grains and dairy products, nuts and seeds, eggs, fish, etc.


It helps produce new immune cells, develops ‘natural killer cells’ that assists to fight off viruses.

Meat, poultry, cheese, shellfish (like crab, cockles, and mussels), nuts and seeds (like pumpkin seeds and pine nuts), wholegrain breakfast cereals and bread.


Besides having healthy food, working from home, binge-watching our favorite series and movies we can also indulge ourselves in something new and productive this summer. Like, we can meditate, spend time with family, call our friends, sleep early, enjoy the sunrise and sunset, learn something new, cook a meal and bake a cake. Trust me, with these we all shall explore a diverse side of ourselves!

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