Population Education Strategies: Role of Teacher Education Institutions

Population Education as defined by UNESCO “is an educational programme which provides for a study of the population situation of the family , community, nation and the world, with the purpose of developing in the students rational and responsible attitudes and behaviour towards that situation.”

               Prof.Stephen defines Population Education as ” the process by which the student investigates and explores the nature and meaning of population process, population characteristics, the causes of population change,and the consequences of these processes, characteristics and changes for himself, his family, his society and the world. “

 Population Education : A necessity                    

 Population is the key to any national growth , development and progress. Mass poverty and illiteracy are two interrelated and interdependent factors which bring about challenging hurdles in the path of progress of any country. Population explosion is thus the root cause. Thus this calls for ” Population Education .” In its ordinary sense population education stands for an educational approach including necessary steps to be evolved and adopted towards population. It is one of the most critical issues with multidimensional effects. This is related to the process of National Development undertaken since independence. Population Education is however problematic, explorative and innovative. This demands a leadership role to be played by education  in regard to population control. This is needed for National Development to reach its optimum level.

                       Population Education has mainly two dimensions like: to undertake a national level population  awareness programmes which would be educative utilising communication media to the utmost. The other is to include  and introduce a subject named ‘Population Education ‘ in the present school curriculum. This would contain an understanding of the implications and problems of population and to develop a positive attitude towards this issue. Individuals should be conscious and understand the relationship between population and national progress and it’s welfare. The Population Education Cell of the NCERT had developed a syllabus at the school level covering the different stages of education. It was decided that this would be integrated with other subjects and need not be treated as a separate entity. This was supported unanimously by the SCERT and also by the Central Government .

Dual role:

The teacher of today has a dual task to perform- one is to furnish subject knowledge and information and the other is to foster social change. The teacher must be convinced and motivated to accept this dual role otherwise the changes that might be recommended in the curriculum might not be successful. 

The child who comes to the school is a member of his own family from where he brings some attitudes and values to the school. These initial attitudes and values need to be emancipated by the school through the new curriculum related to population education. Therefore some new thoughts and research are needed in this area  to prepare the ground for the new curriculum. Population Education represents a synthesis of knowledge from several fields of study like Biology, History, Civics,Economics, Sociology and Environmental Studies. 

Training of Teachers:

The Asian Regional Workshop held at Bangkok emphasised on pre-service and in-service training of teachers as high priority for a successful implementation of the Population Education programme. Thus there must be coordination between the curriculum designer and the instructional system which can function through the teacher educator. Thus the necessity for reorientation of the curriculum of the teachers training colleges became a necessity. The teachers who lacked this training may be given an opportunity to update themselves so that they take up the noble task of inculcating within the students the right values and attitudes, so much necessary in this changing scenario. 


Ignorance, indifference or resistance on the part of the teachers might be a hindrance in the path of development of an effective programme of Population Education in our country. Majority of our teachers live in villages and new ideas do not find an easy access. This might act against their self development and will be an impediment to the nation’s progress. 

Teachers must therefore be reoriented to the new idea by means of special courses and liberal provisions of teaching materials in the form of text books or visual aids and must be encouraged at every stage of the programme. This will help to develop the future plans and programmes of our country. 

Coronavirus Pandemic Covid 19: An Analysis


India is fortunate to be one of the last few countries to experience the terrible effects of Coronavirus Pandemic. China was the first country to face the hazard but being an advanced nation with advanced technology, better medical facilities they implemented strict measures to contain the coronavirus, they managed to get the contagion under control, but failed to control the transmission of pandemic to other nations. There are 22,97,712 infected all over the world currently with 158,202 deaths from Coronavirus Pandemic Covid 19 an extremely contagious and transmissible virus spread through droplets, sneezing or contaminated objects left by infected individuals throughout the world. 

Impact of Covid 19 all over the world

Statistics published by John Elfiein on April 12, 2020 confirmed the outbreak of the Coronavirus Pandemic in 210 countries throughout the world. The virus had infected 1,780,684 people worldwide and the number of deaths had totaled 1,08837. The most severely affected countries reported were USA, Italy and Spain with USA having 533,088 cases, Italy with 152,271 cases, Spain with 163027, France 129654 and the UK had crossed 7899 cases. Within a span of a week, there is a huge spurt in the number of cases all over the world, the Times of India the daily newspaper on April 19, 2020 reported that USA witnessed 716,883 infected and 37,659 deaths, Spain with 191,726 infected and 20,043 deaths, Italy with 175925 infected and 23,227 deaths, France with 1,49,146  infected and 19,345 deaths, and the UK with 1,15,300 infected and 15,497 deaths, The numbers are deadly and threatening. USA and Italy imposed a complete lockdown too late to prevent and reduce the transmission of the Covid 19. In Italy it is not just the virus that has killed and still is killing patients, it is the gush of patients that has left the doctors flabbergasted and forced hospitals to decide who they should save and who they should ignore and allow to die unattended. The list of countries reporting Covid 19 outbreaks is growing daily. 185 countries all over the world are facing the threat and no region can claim to be immune from the Pandemic. Lakhs of people all over the world have died and many more are fighting for their lives in hospitals.

Impact of Covid 19 in India

According to the Times of India, the daily newspaper Covid 19 outbreak in India touched two grim milestones on Sunday April 19, 2020 with the number of cases crossing 15,712 and death toll going beyond 525, recording highest single day rise in numbers at 1266 on Saturday April 18th, 2020, Delhi reported a huge jump with 186 new cases, Maharashtra having 328 new cases, Gujarat with 280 and Rajasthan 122 new cases, UP with 71 and Tamil Nadu 77. Doctors and hospitals on a daily basis have been dealing with a huge gush of Covid 19 patients, there are patients testing positive, there are patients who need to be hospitalized, there are those who require ICU care and ventilators. With limited resources available healthcare units have been struggling to cope and respond to the outbreak.

Coronavirus Pandemic Covid 19: its effect on human mind

The enormity and eccentricity of this coronavirus pandemic has left us bewildered and panic stricken. Staying in a lockdown for almost a month we are confronted with a whirlwind of alternating feelings. Its magnitude and atrociousness has provoked myriad responses and emotional reactions including fear worry, grief and cohesion. On the one hand I feel fortunate enough to live in a pleasant home with a space that gives me sunlight and peace; on the other hand this confinement has evoked a sense of being limited. The coronavirus crisis has given us an opportunity to think about others, feel connected with others and more importantly become aware that everyone on Earth is exposed to this danger. Time has given us the opportunity to empathize and identify with people who are less fortunate.

There are many who share a cramped overcrowded single room with others, there are many without a proper job. There are thousands of urban poor, daily wage earners and migrant workers who have been left stranded are desperately wishing to go back to their work. There are those who live in slums or pavements, many who are homeless. There are those who have more than two children to take care of, feeding them keeping them engaged. People who are domestic help, daily workers or laborers in factories or working at construction sites are now dependent on others for their basic meals and rations. These less privileged cut off from social and economic protections are facing terrible consequences. For these people who are experiencing social distress and for people like us, staying at home has become a compulsory step to protect one another from the deadly corona virus.

Coronavirus Pandemic Covid 19: An Analysis

Human race is confronted with the mortal danger of being perished. Covid 19 has treated the rich and the poor, the privileged and less privileged on equal basis. The corona virus disaster is carrying with it a potential threat to the entire global population and at the same time is teaching us a lesson to get united. Each individual has the capacity to harm or safeguard the other. The wellbeing and safety of all depends on the extent to which each individual becomes aware of his/her inescapable responsibility to help the other. Boris Johnson an affluent world leader and any insignificant powerless person both have the power to make a difference and bring about a change. The coronavirus crisis is an imperative to promote global solidarity based on mutual help, interdependence and fundamental equality of all human beings. Equality and dignity of every member of human race should be recognized and guaranteed, the relationship between people, between nature and human, between human and the ecosystem should be re- established and society should be rejuvenated and renewed.

Covid-19 now, why and what’s next

Health is wealth. The old adage is being proved anew at the cost of untold lives as the world confronts the horror not of a nuclear holocaust but of an invisible, insidious, deadly virus spread by a seemingly innocuous cough or a sneeze as well as the revolting snot from a runny nose. Can a cough or a sneeze kill? Yes, welcome to the world turned upside down by Covid-19, a hitherto unknown coronavirus wreaking havoc on Earth.

In typical undercover style, it sneaked up on an unsuspecting world exactly when, only the Chinese know – and they are not telling. Official publications from the World Health Organisation (WHO) date its onset to December 2019; unofficially, it has been reported to have begun in the city of Wuhan, China, in November 2019. What is incontrovertible, irrefutable, is that nearly 1.3 million people have been affected so far and almost 70,000 died in what the WHO has finally acknowledged is a pandemic — a global outbreak.

Could it have been averted? Beijing has been accused of not sharing data on the dreaded new disease. But many countries have also been delinquent in downplaying it initially as an epidemic in China unlikely to cross borders and plague them as well. As late as February 28, US President Donald Trump told his supporters at a rally: ―Now, the Democrats are politicising the coronavirus… this is their new hoax. The WHO declared a pandemic only on March 11 after more than 118,000 people had been affected in 114 countries and more than 4,200 had lost their lives.

With leaders caught sleeping at the wheel, steering countries into calamity, it’s no wonder nations have been caught unprepared for the disaster staring upon us all. Countries are fighting against countries for supplies of ventilators, respirators, face masks and other personal protective equipment. Germany and Canada have protested against America hijacking supplies of face masks from China. Doctors in Western countries lamenting the shortage of ventilators have warned they might have to choose whom to save and whom to let die.

Jesus said: ―And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.‖ (Matthew, 19:24, King James Bible). How will the doctors decide who should proceed to the Pearly Gates and who should remain on Earth if they play God?

Doctors are the heroes of the hour, fighting to save lives, or are they? They cannot accomplish the mission single-handed, without the able support of nurses, paramedics, technicians and other health workers. If the war on the coronavirus were a movie, the spotlight would be on not just the doctors but the entire ensemble cast, showing all the health workers in a heroic light.

In India, we are seeing our leaders rising to the challenge. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as ever the man of action, acted swiftly with the boldness of a general launching a lightning strike, orchestrating a sweeping, nationwide, three-week lockdown with less than four hours’ notice on March 24. The entire economy ground to a virtual standstill. Jobless and hungry, hordes of migrant labourers, living hand to mouth, were forced to walk back to their villages.

Moved by the suffering of the people, the Prime Minister said in his weekly radio address to the nation, ―I understand your troubles but there was no other way to wage war against coronavirus… It is a battle of life and death and we have to win it,‖ reported the BBC. Bold, decisive, concerned for the people, Prime Minister Modi is an Indian to the core, steeped in Indian mythology, rituals and symbolism. Those influences were at work when he asked the people to go without electricity for nine minutes on Sunday, April 5, to challenge ―the darkness of Covid-19‖ by lighting lamps and candles. Millions responded. What could be more Indian than that? Lighting lamps to dispel darkness, as at ―sandhy aarati or evening worship.

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has been even more hands-on, leading by example, lending a hand in sweeping and cleaning, drawing markers where people should stand in a queue to maintain a safe distance, exhorting everyone to stay safe and healthy and do their bit in this coronavirus crisis. Tireless, indefatigable, an artist, a writer, music-loving Mamata Banerjee has shown how much she cares for the people by doing everything she possibly can to raise funds and safeguard the people by taking precautions and raising public awareness against the invisible, insidious coronavirus.

Impetuous, charismatic, nurturing big dreams for her beloved Bengal, Didi has always worn her heart on her sleeve. But how many knew just how thoughtful and kind our policemen could be? We are used to seeing them maintain law and order. Now, lo and behold, we have policemen (and women) singing on the streets, entertaining people, urging them to wash their hands, keep a safe distance, stay safe and healthy. We all knew of good cops, of course, police officers who helped us get a taxi, cross a street, who gave us street directions, stopped altercations and maintained the peace. But these little acts of kindness and good policing often went unreported. Now it seems Bollywood was right, after all, in casting Amitabh Bachchan and every other hero as a police officer. The police are the avenging angels of society.

The pandemic is really a crucible testing us, revealing our strengths and weaknesses and may lead to something new — new ways of thinking and living. For the present, it has been an eye-opener. Mamata Banerjee’s decision to let sweet shops remain open from noon to 4 pm reveals her empathy — for Bengalis and small business. Bengalis have this proverbial sweet tooth. A craving which could be satisfied with a sweet delight in this bitter season when we are forced to stay at home, house-bound, under lockdown because of this nuisance of a pestilence called Covid-19. The decision provides succour to the sweet shops and the dairy business, which provides milk for the sweets, Didi helping them through these tough times.

We have been lucky the virus has not been so virulent in India as elsewhere. Citing Union Health Ministry sources, the Deccan Herald reported on April 6 there had been more than 4,300 coronavirus cases in India, including 134 deaths, with West Bengal recording 80 cases and seven deaths. However unfortunate, the figures pale beside the hundreds dying every day in America, Spain and Italy. It is shocking that America, which landed the first men on the moon, detonated the first atomic bomb and created the internet, is helpless against a virus.

Why has a nation which developed stealth fighters and silicon chips not developed a vaccine yet to fight the virus? Hubris? It seems scientists never thought that a virus originating in animals, bats probably, would one day cross into humans. As Hamlet says: ―There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

A vaccine will no doubt be found to fight the virus, for, as the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. A pandemic such as this can be both destructive — and creative. By forcing people to stay at home, it will encourage introspection, reflection and creation, as plagues have in the past. Consider Shakespeare, for example. The Guardian newspaper notes that ―a meme has been going around claiming that Shakespeare made use of being quarantined during the plague (in 1606) to write King Lear. The Bard supposedly took advantage of the (playhouse) Globe’s lengthy closure to get on top of his writing in-tray – coming up with Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra to boot.‖ The website Mental Floss recalls that in 1665, when classes in Cambridge University were cancelled during the bubonic plague, Isaac Newton retreated to his family estate, where he spent his time ―writing the papers that would become early calculus and developing his theories on optics.

The pandemic is already causing changes. Education has left bricks-and-mortar classrooms and gone online, as at our Adamas University. Goodbye, classroom lectures, hello, webinars! Instead of meeting face to face, we will have to be content with audio-visual encounters on Zoom, Skype and other digital platforms. Eventually, that may become the new normal.

Economists are already looking into the future, talking of a recession, predicting winners and losers, divining a disruption in supply chains, prophesying China may no longer be the workshop of the world, that some manufacturing may be diverted to India and other countries.

Some are also forecasting globalisation as we know it may wane with countries raising more protectionist barriers. All I know is, the only constant is change. As Jaques says in Shakespeare’s play, As You Like It:
―All the world’s a stage. And all the men and women merely players, They have their exits and their entrances…

But the impermanence of life is all the more reason to live it fully, as best we can. From Shakespeare’s contemporaries like Edmund Spenser to their immediate successors like Robert Herrick, a common animating impulse among poets was ―Carpe diem, Latin for ―Seize the day. The poet Andrew Marvell expressed it best in his poem, To His Coy Mistress: ―Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run. Marvell’s argument that our inability to make time stand still should not prevent us from enjoying it remains relevant today. Let not the shadow of the corona virus deter us from living life to the fullest. The pandemic will run its course, but we who survive will appreciate life all the more, having seen its fragility.

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