Sustainable and Resilient Growth of India: Post Covid: 19

We all need to accept the fact that COVID-19 is going to stay here for long and therefore we should all at the same point of time learn the art to living with it. But this crisis also demonstrates that governments and individuals are capable of strong and rapid action in the face of an overarching challenge. As India looks to boost up its economy, it is worth reflecting on the other systemic actions that are needed to shift towards a more sustainable and resilient economy. We need to overcome this crisis and take the situation in our hands to get best out of worst.

Economic crisis due to pandemic:

The world is facing probably humanity’s biggest crisis after World War II. Last month in New York Times Thomas Friedman wrote that the world history should henceforth be divided in B.C (before corona) and A.C (after corona). It’s too early to say on how the world will change after the covid-19 passes but one area to look at is global co-operation. Undoubtedly this pandemic has put the world economy at major risk.Covid-19 had already ravaged the economic foundation of global trade. Some specialists have identified this outbreak as an outcome of hyper globalization or starting of de-globalization.

The world is already facing recession and it is estimated that the global losses may exceed the losses which occurred in World War I and World War II in combined. At the same time falling of crude oil prices have added to additional anxieties. There are several estimates from the economist and the world economic forums which are already reflecting that world is facing a severe economic crisis.

Use of fiscal mechanisms for recovery and resilience:

 If we try to be optimistic all crisis are a gateway towards the radical reforms. For realigning the priorities for the greater common good we need to take inspiration from US President Roosevelt book “New Deal” which is talking about three “R’s” , Relict for the vulnerable, Recovery for the economy and Reform for the financial system. These constructive principles by President Roosevelt should be kept in mind as the world has to stimulate the economy post COVID-19.

In the pursuit of relining the economy like other countries India is also trying to maneuver a judicious path between the need to safeguard the population (against unemployment and inflation) and revive the economy at the same point of time. The rigorous lockdown implemented has succeeded in slowing down the spread of the virus and now government is trying to start the economic activities in phases as per the situation of the area. Government is also trying to focus on the agriculture, manufacturing and service sector, while isolating the geographically identified hotspots of the virus contaminated areas. Ensuring that supply chain are re-opened as well as manufacturing and service sectors are free to operate by ensuring the social distancing and basic health hygiene guidelines.

From the very beginning our Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi seemed to be convinced that, the domestic economic situations will be a priority with some tough measures in the offering. India will have to make ease for global engagement and co-ordination. And therefore by calling a virtual SAARC summit and by pushing similar meet for the G-20 leaders, Indian government managed to bag various regional and multi-cultural engagements.

India’s external engagement has been suite substantially and its medical diplomacy in particular has highlighted the critical role India plays in global health matrix. By keeping in mind the media sources around mid-April India took the decision to export critical drugs like hydroxychloroquine and paracetamol to dozens of countries, these exports can be measured as humanitarian act for under-developed countries whereas for the developed nation it can be on the profit basis. It can be opined that this pandemic has brought various opportunities to solve the global crisis as well. And it goes without saying that the circumstances have potentials for proving India to be a leader in the global forefront of the nations.

The response to COVID-19 pandemic is simply the application of the dynamic that drives other social and ecological crisis. The intention here is not to minimizing the human cost of the tragedy that has unfolded although if we considered china as a worst affected nation initially USA, Italy, Spain, Germany have surpassed china in the death toll crisis. On the economic front, according to the most of the experts, global recession seems inevitable and which is giving rise to the vicious cycle of downward economy. Where companies are closing down, leading to further layoffs from the jobs and thus resulting in lower consumption level. A decline in GDP would follow and therefore to overcome this crisis a massive inflow of funds from the government side would be required with some changes in the industrial policies.

Global investors will be looking for the world for locations where strong states have shown themselves capable of managing black swan events effectively. And in the process stronger states will supply other important public goods that other international investors find valuable for instance infra-structure, macro-economic, social stability, skilled-labor and relatively open trade policies. Ideally India and Indonesia should top the list with all these criteria. Above and beyond India has proven itself extraordinarily effective in dealing with COVID-19 policies India seems to share values and interest that align closely with those of western democracies. Apart from that India has large international market and thriving private enterprises.

Clearly India needs a fundamental shift in is attitude towards trade and foreign investment, if it has to establish itself in the emerging post COVID-19 calculus of foreign investors. If the opportunity is attractive enough it will relocate various investors to India as well as to Asian countries moving away from china, and for this trend can already be seen.

Encouraging long-term Behavioral change:

If India compliments its state capabilities with moving towards more open trade and investment policies, it will prove to be a boon to the supply chain along with realignment with the foreign investors, no wonder. Indian government have launched  the much-needed relief to the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector, which is worried about the future in view of the Covid-19 outbreak. Greater intervention by the public sector will be justified by the emergency for as long as exceptional circumstances persist, but must be provided in a transparent manner and with clear sunset clauses. Transfers or subsidized loans which are given to a large corporation, they should be conditional on preserving jobs and limiting CEO compensation, dividends, and stock repurchases. Liquidity crisis can be solved by credit from the central banks through asset purchase programs or other government controlled financial intermediaries through loans and guarantees which has proven effective in previous crises. These domestic policies need to be supported by maintaining international trade and cooperation, which are essential to defeating the pandemic and maximizing the chances of a quick recovery. Limiting the movement of people is necessary for containment. But countries must resist the instinct of shutting down trade, especially for health-care items and the free exchange of scientific information.

Need for sustainable infrastructure investment:

Infrastructure investments are an effective way to boost economic activity and create jobs. And if we take up examples from the past we can very well relate to the fact that South Korea to overcome the 2008-09 financial crisis has directed almost 70% of it GDP towards green measures has rebounded faster than other economies in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Not only this USA had launched Great Recession recovery package in 2009, in which investments in sustainable energy and public infrastructure has created more jobs than traditional investments.

India too should take this opportunity to increase support for renewable energy, particularly rooftop solar, through appropriate policies and business models. Decentralized solar power can help spread various basic facilities (banking, hospitals, schools, electricity, cottage industry)  in remote regions if the sincere capital constraints is addressed.

Similarly, increase in electrification and adoption of public transport will be very vital for reducing traffic congestion and air pollution. This should involve closer coordination with the electricity sector and a greater focus on vehicle charging infrastructure. Sustained investment in electrification in remote areas will lead to increase in cold storage facilities and supply chains will ensure the preservation and timely delivery of agricultural produce and reduce losses to farmers. Thus letting the rural India grow and positively contribute in countries economy.


Presently in the era of globalization when we all are living under one roof promoting peace and security for everyone so that the maximum benefit can be assured for all according to their capabilities, at the same time we are also bound to share the misfortune of each other and thus from various environment crisis to various pandemic which we have witnessed earlier to present crisis of COVID-19. Whole world is facing the health crisis which seems to be endless until and unless a permanent solution can be found. It has not only triggered the lives of the common people but also has affected the world economy, civil society and the international relations of the various countries; it has abruptly brought various policy changes in the world-wide. Every country is trying to alter its policies in such a way that it not only help them to maintain their social, economic and political relations but at the same time can avoid the spread of the virus.

Apart from the health crisis and death toll, around the world the economic activity is at standstill and we all are not able to estimate the turndown it will bring to the world economy and at the same time what permanent consequences it will have on humanity. Though it is too early to have a humanitarian crisis assessment but this is for sure that the poor of the poorest will be the worst affected, various refugee camps around the world and the third world countries are among them. The worst effected economies will try to amend laws; investment, manufacturing as well as treaties in such a way that they survive this deadlock but this is for sure that it will bring the fundamental change in the structure of the international relations. Under the effect of covid-19 we can very well see that the international cooperation is shrinking instead of expanding, as every national government is trying to tackle the crisis individually. Even in the visa-free Schengen Area of Europe, (it’s an area of 26 European countries, those have abolished their internal borders, for the free and unrestricted movement of people, in harmony with common rules for controlling external border security) where regional alliance had made such progress over the past few decades, countries are closing their borders due to pandemic. Internal and external migrants and their families are being affected by the pandemic where as developed nations like United States are expanding their immigration and traveling policies to block the entry of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico, US and Canada announced plans to suspend nonessential travel between them, not only this but they also have suspended all the flights to Italy, China, and South Korea in early march because of high number of COVID 19 cases  was reported from these countries.

 The nations like Philippines, Laos, Bangladesh, Vietnam, which mainly rely on foreign remittances to compliment their earnings, in addition to this nations like Nepal, Maldives, Bhutan etc who have most of their incomes from tourism will also be worst affected. Various internal migrants labor within the countries have not only lost their jobs but are also unable to reach back to their families exhausting all their savings, they were forced because of the circumstances to walk back on their foot for their hometowns without food and water with their family after the lockdown was declared; many meeting the fateful end of death on their way back home. More than three-quarters of all nonagricultural workers in Myanmar, Indonesia and Laos do not have formal jobs and lack of access to formal social insurance mechanisms. In places like New York, the streets have become the domain of people of color, as low-income workers who cannot afford to stay at home deliver groceries to prosperous citizens who can afford it, Poor households are more likely to rely on earnings from informal work arrangements, which tend them to have limited savings and lack of employment protection, health insurance or paid leave, making them highly vulnerable who have to wait for the donations made by the rich, big business houses, NGOs, trust etc for their survival.

we are on the verge of the risk of great depression where world is facing situation more or less like the post-WWII era, and global financial crisis of 2008-09 is to be arisen with its misbalanced economies leading to risk of mass unemployment, thus to overcome this extraordinary situation collective response from the world is needed to get through, as it was necessary in the 1940s. Apart from international solidity issue and economy slowdown the COVID 19 has also a major issue on curbing of people’s fundamental and constitutional rights (right to move freely in any part of country, right to hold peaceful religious and public gathering etc) in order to prevent the spread of the pandemic democratic governments are bound to act within the restrictions of the law, as by informally declaring a state of emergency, and to ask for the public’s understanding for their action as an responsible citizens.

 After overcoming all these shortfalls the world has to look forward further than the stabilization stage, we must act to create a strong recovery system that can support job creation and hence can raise the consumption, and revamp, but not just revive our development process.  Along with making over medical infrastructure strong, government also needs to strengthen the social insurance mechanism to deal with mass unemployment, sustainable investment across the globe is important for the recovery that is strong enough for the world to protect from the great depression.  Requirement for the investment in physical, human and natural capital across the world and, in particular, in the large emerging market countries, where the bulk of investment, particularly in infrastructure, will take place and in this phase of investment growth should be accompanied by the innovation and sustainable growth where regional, gender, class and caste discrimination can be reduced. International collaboration and support can greatly enhance the efforts of individual countries.

Tackling the pandemic will require strong global cooperation on repression and the medical response, including treatment and vaccines. Developmental programs require greater government spending when revenues are declining, government need to pump more money in order to run the deficits budget. Private sectors have already proved their leadership in the phase of the COVID-19 crisis they will also have to play a important role hand in hand with the government for the recovery of employment, consumption, investment and innovation to drive economies forward. Developmental banks have to play a vital role in helping to take programmes to right direction and in catalyzing private finance.

International solidarity and leadership have never been more important, than today it’s very important that the clash of ideas between US and WHO, Australia and china over the controversy of spread of virus should be resolved as soon as possible. All the developed nations and international organizations should come hand in hand to deal the situation instead of playing blame game. It is  high time to reconnect with the UN and the Sustainable Development Goals along with the support and potential of the international financial institutions. Also coalitions of cities and local governments to accelerate aspiration, knowledge and actions; and for global community and civil society to exert their pressure for an adequate response that delivers a sustainable and inclusive future. Only with this combined effort and solidarity will we be able to overcome the crisis and build a better world – strong, inclusive, sustainable and resilient.

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