In general people think that studying law will only lead to advocacy or judicial service but in recent past there is a huge rise in various career opportunities in legal fields. The legal world is climbing to its spire with an interesting bunch of students. The field of IPR, writing legal blogs, even start ups in legal area is now becoming quite popular among lawyers. Various new laws like Competition Act of 2002, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Act, 2001 are emerging and these new courses are incorporated in Adamas University under B.A/BBA/B.SC LLB courses. These burgeoning areas creates interests among law students. New fields like cyber security, Intellectual Property laws, health laws are also included under legal course which opens up new avenues. Due to many technological invasions the need of Media law also increasing and it is also added under law course of Adamas University. There are many new areas other than practising in courts or working in a firm which the young lawyers can explore to level up in their law career.
New subjects like Venture Ideation, Design thinking are also introduced to the course so that student can think about their own firm rather than opting for a 9 to 5 one. Many law students are attracted to corporate opportunities so proper internship guidance also required. School of Law and Justice of Adamas University aims to make law an efficient instrument for social benefit. It also encourages students and research scholars to contribute in the research for social benefit. Law students not only learn law through their courses but also learn how to apply it for the benefit of the nation. Legal learning at Adamas University not confined into text books, innovative and experimental learning also encouraged here. Diverse programmes like Workshops, Seminars, Moot Court Competitions are very regular in Adamas University which encourage the students to participate and enhance their speaking ability. ‘The mentor-mentee’ program focuses on the holistic development of each and every student. Rolling internships with reputes Lawyers and law firms help the students to be accustomed in professional fields. Adamas University encourages co-curricular activities. Value added courses and Judicial Service Trainings are extra facilities provided by School of Law and Justice of Adamas University. The modes of assessments like projects, presentations, moot court and role play are also introduced to encourage maximum participation of students. School of Law and Justice of Adamas University always wants to encourage students to chose diverse professions as well as train them with all emerging legal issues. The framework of law course is wide enough to cover all possible law papers along with practical trainings like judiciary, moot court etc. The core value of School of Law and Justice of Adamas University is to prepare a law student to participate in social developments, responding in legal challenges and contribute to the justice system.