Advertisements are such a way that it is able to hold the attention of the audiences on both ways; positive and negative. The advertisements are very powerful medium which is prevalent to us everywhere. The presence of advertisings are vary from electronic media to popular media, from print to digital, from personal to transit media.

The main of advertisements is to have some impact or effect on its audiences/readers/consumers. For simple understanding of advertising strategy for sales promotion, following AIDA model helps for having some perceptive:

Indian Advertisements:


Indian ads are very much lucid which equipped newer technology and embedded with contemporary scenario. The ongoing Covid-19 phase the narratives of advertisements has been changed and we will look how they skilfully incorporated the emotional appeal to reach out the intended sections of the society.  It has also an art and good strategy to covenant with and now let’s see how these ads are dealing with the informative and emotional appeal in this pandemic situation and how they are trying to stand out with their USP’s (Unique Selling Proposition).


Let’s see the following analysis of the strategy and the narratives used for different products, goods and services which meant and redesigned for this Covid-19. The analysis has made in respect to the four variables: promotion strategy of pre-Covid period, promotion in Covid-19 period, USP’s and the types of appeal they have adopted:

Have a look!


The above mentioned analysis has given us the clear understanding of the changing narrative analysis strategy which can be put under the following criterions;

  • Brand Promotion & Communication in order to contemporary terms;
  • The product and service main motto in aspect of crisis;
  • An appeal in Newer Way;
  • Impression Management during Covid period- Another strategy;
  • Lucrative Web Advertisements;
  • Case Studies of past incidents;


This is an innovative approach used to attract the attention of audience (probable customers/consumers) to influence their feeling towards the specified product or service. The changing narratives of advertising in India seems to be both sympathetic and empathetic which not only trying to boost up their sales but also trying to disseminate the effective information very timely which is need of the hour. The innovative and creative marketing strategy gives us the message that in this situation ‘we are not alone’. These ads in both ways surely have some impact and the audience shall remember this for a longer period of time that how the Indian advertisements imparted necessary information or created awareness in the phase of global pandemic of Covid-19.

The Ultimate Guide To Career Prospect In Entertainment Media Studies

World of entertainment is ever-changing with technological innovation. It is likely to see new career avenues opening up with ushering of the new digital era. So, it is essential to know the market and also the carrier opportunities available in this market.

Computing to be 64 times faster after ten years: AI is the ultimate solution

Entertainment Media can be called an exclusive part of mass media studies. It specializes not only in film making, cinematography, video editing, but also in Immersive media technologies, which have introduced a new era in the entertainment industry. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are such technological innovation which has made entertainment media more immersive in real sense. Experience enrichment is the ultimate purpose of the utilization of this technology in entertainment content.

Reality Check:

Now to any students, the obvious question that hits their mind is, where is the job market for this industry? Let me tell you the job market is vast and is ever-increasing in the coming years, even if the world economy is affected by the corona crisis. The post-Covid pandemic world will be more open to the digital sphere, and therefore, jobs will change their nature. More online media-oriented jobs are to rule the market than offline jobs. Over-the-top (OTT) services, for example, Netflix, youtube, Amazon Prime, Hoichoi, Hotstar, are expanding their service market in India. In one recent report of KPMG on India Analysis 2019, they have mentioned that the digital industry has a growth rate of 43% in FY19 (the financial year 2019). It means more jobs are to generate in this market.

Post Pandemic Trends of Entertainment Media: 

  1. i) OTT 

With this new development in the digital sphere turning up movie viewing experience is also changing. The movie viewing experience has varied from 4hours long feature film to small originals produced in OTT platforms. People like this new original content of the OTT service platform, which they can consume at their flexible time. It becomes their regular day to day habit. Moreover, the cost of production of a short film is far less than full-length feature films. Many upcoming directors are getting the ready stage to showcase their talent. Original creative content often bought by giant banners OTT service providers.

  1. ii) Future of Cinema: Consumer demands meeting technological innovation

 Change in cinema viewing experience means creative video technology innovation. Virtual Reality (VR) and 360-degree production are becoming popular, and its effect is at 

the production level of film making in respect to set designing and post-production. 

VR requires a different type of camera (small form factors camera) that can capture high-quality images. It should have the ability to shoot in a production-ready format with a low rate of compression. In the post-production stage, VR requires independent workflow, which allows smoother footage. HDR (high dynamic range) is a technology to improve quality related to color. It creates a good contrast ratio and brightness. This technology is highly demanding in on-set production. Technological innovation has created a system which requires different peoples working in a different system for the same project done at the same time is essential. 

In future affordable technology will encourage more and more filmmakers opting for it. Affordability is for both audience and filmmakers. To date, it is evident that high budget films only opting for this high-end technology due to the cost factor. Technology is slowly getting democratized, which encouraged more and more filmmakers to embrace this for film making. In the future, with more affordable technological access, filmmakers can create better content meant for all types of devices. The audience wants to enjoy the same quality of experience from theatre to tab to iPhone in viewing movies. 

Post-COVID, the cinema viewing pattern of the audience, will change with more shifting to online viewing of the film. Some movies which are supposed to get released in big theatre are now getting released in OTT platform like Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. during the pandemic time. So it can be seen a new normal started growing new opportunities springing up from it. 

iii)  The convergence of Linear TV with internet video: Third big shift

 The first shift was terrestrial to satellite, the second shift was analog to digital, and the third shift is from linear viewing to internet video. TV viewing not restricted to a TV screen anyone can view the TV from any device provided it has internet. Gone are the days when you switch on the TV set to view the TV at a particular time and place. Modern-day TV viewing possible even when you are traveling. This shift in television viewing over the internet has urged the television industry to change the delivery of TV content and advertisement. 

Streaming television: It is the digital distribution of television content like TV shows through streaming media using the internet. New streaming TV and online video viewing have increased with the emergence of Youtube, Netflix. 

Live TV: Live streaming of television programs such as Live news, live sports.

On-Demand TV: Television program webcast or streamed on request of viewers. 

A creative agency will likely work for creating successful video content for a multi-channel network produced by distributors and programmers. Thereby delivering over the multi-channel network will blur the line between traditional linear TV format and internet video. 

  1. iv) The convergence of linear radio to streaming radio

Radio broadcasting has to face stiff completion from big companies like Google, Spotify, Apple music. There is a ‘generation tear-off’ happening for radio audiences who are aging, and the younger customer segment is losing importance. The new generation is more interested in new media for receiving that service. Another typical application for radio is in the car. 

A new wave of development has touched radio broadcasting service too. Radio broadcasters have used the internet in two ways: firstly, in internal production, workflow purpose, secondly, as a distribution platform. Streaming is an access technology used to broadcast radio through different digital devices as well as networks. At present, radio is available in digital format as well as analog format that cater to the audience’s need to media routine. 

The convergence results in synergies of media, telecommunication, and computing, thereby creating a new one by adding value to the existing one. The intersection of radio broadcasting technology with streaming medium creates a new digital sphere where content reconceptualizes for every device. 

Establishing ‘New Normal’ through social media usage 

 Therefore with the increasing accessibility of the internet, the total active user of social media was 330 million in 2019 and is likely to increase to 448 million by 2023. ASSOCHAM has noted in its’ report that social media platform like Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram has changed the medium consumption habit of the younger generation. The print media is also evolving to digital storytelling to get immediate emotion of viewers. Facebook live, newsrooms are getting more popular among newsmakers too. During the time of Covid-19, pandemic people are more dependent on social media. Social media is used by most of the media outlet to nudge people for it. In this period, people have developed a regular habit of consuming social media, so every company is trying to use it to reach its’ audience. It is more likely that the audience or users will become more ardent consumers of social media in the post-pandemic period. They will develop social media as their primary media consumption habit. Therefore establishes a new normal situation in the post-pandemic phase and media industry like any other industry is also adapting to this change. 

Career Opportunity: 

Keeping in mind the changes in the media market, a new set of courses is required for the students of media studies discipline to become future-ready for the media industry. There are few universities in India which have designed syllabus to tailor fit in industry necessity. Adamas University, Kolkata, is such a pioneer university that provides a master’s degree (M.A.) in entertainment media. The eligibility is any graduate, and aimed at making graduating students of any discipline (who wants to join the media industry) future-ready for the media market. 

Now, these are the market thought of new entertainment media sectors. Following are the list of some interesting new career opportunity in the field of entertainment media:

Director (Film & TV Careers), Director of Photography (Film & TV Careers), Cinematographer (Film & TV Careers), Art Department Coordinator (Film & TV Careers), Art Director (Film & TV Careers), Assistant Art Director (Film & TV Careers), Assistant Dialogue Editor (Film & TV Careers), Assistant Script Supervisor (Film & TV Careers), Business Manager (Film & TV Careers), Consumer Researcher (Film & TV Careers), Copyist (Film & TV Careers), Copywriter (Film & TV Careers), Executive Producer (TV) (Film & TV Careers), Film Archivist (Film & TV Careers) 

Director of Publicity (Music Careers), Assistant Studio Manager (Music Careers),

Box Office Manager (Live Event Careers), Jingle Writer (Music Careers), Director (Live Event Careers), Radio Jockey (Radio careers), Executive producer (Radio careers), Station Head (Radio Careers).

[Author’s Bio- Ms. Ruma Saha is an Assistant Professor in the department of Journalism and Mass Communication under School of Media, Communication and Fashion at Adamas University, Kolkata. Previously she used to teach in college. She has been into journalism teaching for more than five years.]



Targeting the Spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV2: From the standpoint of Immunology

Student contributors: Subhrajyoti Misra & Dhrubajyoti  Chatterjee [Department. Of Microbiology(UG IV)]


With the significant increase in the number of positive cases of COVID-19 everywhere, overriding one hospital after another and pushing the global death toll past 2.2 lakhs, the sprint to identify the patho-mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 has hastened radically. SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh member of the family Coronaviridae that can cause human disease.While infection with HKU1, NL63, OC43, and 229E can show trivial symptoms, that of SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV2 cause severe disease.The identification of virulence factors of SARS-CoV-2 will enable us to put an end to the atrocity of COVID19 through targeted drug therapy or vaccines.

How does the virus invade the host body?

SARS-CoV-2 entry into host cells is a complex process mediated by the homo-trimeric protrusion of trans-membrane spike (S) glycoprotein on the viral surface. The S protein is classified into 3 subparts: (a) large ectodomain(160Å long, 2.8 Å in diameter, classified into S1 & S2 subdomains) (b) a single-pass transmembrane domain & (c) an intracellular tail. The concerted action of the receptor-binding domain in the distal S1 subunit together with proteolytic processing of the S2 subunit containing the fusion machinery to stimulate virus-cell fusion through ACE2 receptor on lung and of the respiratory tract cells allows the entry of coronavirus in susceptible cells.Once internalized, the viral RNA gets incorporated in the host cell’s protein synthesis machinery, produces thousands of new viruses which when released causing cell death or damage and contribute to disease spread. So the disease can be stopped by preventing the virus from entering the cell. Vaccines, being a pure preparation of one/more viral components can train the human body to identify and attack the virus before it can infect healthy human cells by presenting a preview of the virus without causing disease.Therefore, spike protein is the primary antigenic target of neutralizing antibodies and vaccines.

SARS-CoV2 is different from the rest:

Although SARS-CoV2 shares significant structural and genetic similarity with SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, epitope analysis has shown significant variability in the antigenicity of the spike protein of SARS-CoV2 from the other two coronaviruses. The variability is sequestered in the non-conserved domain.Some unique features of the receptor-binding domain of SARS-CoV2 are as follows:

  • The Receptor Binding Domain(RBD) of spike protein is the most variable part encoded by the COVID-19 genome, having binding domains like L455, F486, Q493, S494, N501, Y505.Five of these six residues are unique to SARS-CoV2 and these unique epitopes, are derived from either the non-conserved regions or the combinations of the conserved and non-conserved regions of the genome.
  • The sequence variability of these epitopes attributes to the stronger binding of SARS-CoV2in the interaction interface with ACE2.
  • Another feature exclusive of SARS-CoV2that determines viral infectivity is a polybasic cleavage site at the junction of S1 and S2, targeted by furin and other proteases. The presence of a proline residue that creates a turn in the cleavage site to enable the addition of O-linked glycans to S673, T678, and S686 also contributes to the novelty of this domain. (1)

Potential candidature for therapy:

Interestingly, a recent study revealed the lack of antibody cross-reactivity by monoclonal antibodies specific for SARS-CoV RBD against SARS-CoV2 RBD. SARS-CoV2 spike protein is reported to have ~ 24.5% amino acid sequence non-conserved to that of SARS-CoV. Moreover, despite five epitopes being shared between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV2, apparent dominances of unique epitopes in SRAS-CoV (83.9%) and SRAS-CoV-2 (85.3%) have been demonstrated (2). So by exploiting the novelty of the interactive domains in SARS-CoV-2 RBD, the vaccine can be designed with monoclonal antibodies specific for these surface antigens of SARS-CoV2.

However, the production of protein vaccines demands large-scale production of purified viral proteins. Viral growth and protein purification at clinically acceptable pharmaceutical scales is a time-consuming process that may not be very ideal at the current period of a public health emergency.  As an alternative approach, synthetic mRNA vaccines carrying molecular instructions for protein synthesis can be an attractive candidate that can be used by the host body to produce the viral proteins on their own. The mRNA vaccines would also be safer than the attenuated viral or protein-based vaccines as they are devoid of the risk of reactivation of the injected virus, or protein contamination. Inspired by this strategy, an experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccine called mRNA-1273 has been produced and is being used for clinical trials in humans.

COVID19 and Immunology

To understand the patho-physiology of viral pathogen and significance of immunization as a probable tool for disease management, the concept of microbiology and immunology is essential. An elaborate knowledge of the subject not only makes a student proficient in addressing disease prognosis but also helps them in tailoring disease management. Thus the students can progress in his/her career in the field of academics, research, drug designing, pharmaceutical industry, etc. At Adamas University, the School of Life Science and Biotechnology offers B.Sc and M.Sc courses in Microbiology where Immunology is a major component in both under-graduate and postgraduate levels. We hope the immunologists will come up with an anti-COVID19 vaccine soon as ammunition to fight back the crisis created by the COVID19 pandemic.


  1. Kristian G. Andersen, Andrew Rambaut, W. Ian Lipkin, Edward C. Holmes & Robert F. Garry. The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2.Nature Medicine volume 26, pages450–452(2020).
  2. Ming Zheng&Lun Song. Novel antibody epitopes dominate the antigenicity of spike glycoprotein in SARS-CoV-2 compared to SARS-CoV. Cellular & Molecular Immunology volume 17, pages536–538(2020).


World peace can be promoted through education. Peace education therefore is an important aspect to deal with this situation. Any attempt to define education in strict terms, would prove futile, as the most important features that characterize the notion of peace education are many and varied. Important works for peace education has been done in the past including works done by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This includes the recommendation of 1994, on education for international understanding, peace, human rights and fundamental freedom. But in the present World of COVID 19 Pandemic, the challenge for educators in respect to Peace Education all over the globe is to choose between going ahead with the present educational system, or preparing our younger generation for the kind of life each and every one of us aspires. In the contemporary situation, a culture of peace will be achieved only when the citizens of the world understand this global problem of COVID 19 Pandemic and empathetically participate to resolve conflicts and struggle for justice non-violently. They must live by the international standard of human rights and equality, and appreciate cultural diversity.

In the present World of COVID 19 Pandemic, Peace Education should be made an integral part of the curriculum.  Parents, teachers, educators and peer-groups should be involved in the process of educating and upbringing of the children/learners. The educational institution is an extended family with the teacher acting as a role model or an example to be demonstrated to the students. In the present situation, the themes of justice, tolerance and peace have to be interwoven into the integral part of the curriculum at all the levels of education. The educational institutes thereby should focus on emotional well-being, focus on defining values and learning about peace, world citizenship, social responsibility, peace issues and religious values.

Promotion of World Peace:-

Promotion of World Peace through education can be created in the following ways:

 Teachers should discuss issues on peace, world citizenship and social responsibility to promote peace culture amongst students.

  • When discussing several issues related to Peace Education, emphasis needs to be given on the diversity of traditions and customs found around the world.
  • Teachers should be armed with skills to promote a sense of harmony with oneself and social environment when present world is suffering from COVID 19 Pandemic.
  • Train teachers by using  conflict resolution techniques.
  • Ways need to be given importance to undermine negativity and aggression and negative emotions in the minds of the students. Students also suffer from fear and anxiety for the unknown mode of upcoming life due to COVID 19 Pandemic, these also should be kept in mind
  • Teachers should be role models for students and hence they can help their pupils, handle the day-to-day situations in a non- violent way keeping in view the emotional well- being of the students.

Role of Educational Institutions:-

The conventional courses which are being adopted by universities, colleges and institutes should be reformed and upgraded according to the present needs of COVID 19 pandemic. There should also be emphasis on practical knowledge along with theoretical knowledge of the present world. New and innovative courses should be launched and the curriculum needs to be developed in collaboration with different higher educational institutions and research centres with respect to issues of peace, world citizenship, social responsibility to promote peace and culture among the students. These are going to produce emotional well being and holistic development among students. In this respect, Governance of higher education may play significant role in regulating the perspective of education in the country in two major aspects-

 (i) Determination of strategic framework, plans, programmes, purposes and policies of higher education in the country.

(ii) Execution of strategies, plans, programmes, purposes and policies of higher education at institutional level for improving quality in higher education, specifically, with respect to peace education, world citizenship, social responsibility when the world is suffering from COVID 19 pandemic.


Peace education gives knowledge which helps every individual to make his life better and purposeful. Hence, World peace can be promoted through education and particularly through   Peace Education which is the need of the hour. This should be made an integral part of the curriculum in the present contextual situation of COVID 19 pandemic.

Sick Building Syndrome and the Corona Connection

Student contributors: Jinia Sarkar (B.Tech Biotechnology,2nd yr) & Prativa Sarkar (B.Tech Biotechnology,2nd yr)

With the Coronavirus or COVID-19 crisis gripping the world, the safest place is to be inside the comforts of our home. In many houses, social distancing has restricted domestic workers and people have to do household chores on their own. Managing a life where parents have to work from home, cook and clean utensils, manage their kids, elders, and pets and do exercise for their fitness leave little or no time to care for one of the very important issues, i.e. maintaining indoor hygiene.

Indoor environments play an important role in human health. A polluted indoor environment can cause health hazards like allergy, infections, and exposure to toxic chemicals. Certain health issues related to the time spent and conditions of the house where we live is broadly termed as “Sick Building Syndrome”(SBS). Symptoms of SBS are-

  • Irritation of nose, eyes, and skin
  • allergy
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • breathing difficulties

The exact reason for SBS mostly remains unknown. Nevertheless, different biological and nonbiological components may be important contributing factors.

Long periods of lockdown can lead to the accumulation of biotic and abiotic pollutants in the house if not properly tackled.

We are locked down to contain Covid-19, but health hazards, which may arise due to poor hygiene, must not be neglected, and therefore, ensuring that our home is clean is of paramount importance.

Biotic and Abiotic Components of Indoor Pollution

Biotic components of pollution include living organisms like fleas, ticks, mites, and lice that are often carried by pets, fungi, and other microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They can breed in stagnant water that has accumulated in humidifiers, desert coolers, drainages, or where water has collected like inside false ceiling or cracks.

The Abiotic components include smoke, paints, combustion products like carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds (VOC). Adhesives carpeting, manufactured wood products, pesticides, cleaning agents, etc are the main sources of VOC. Synthetic fragrances cleaning used in cleaning products or personal care products, also contribute to the contamination.

Tips to maintain proper hygiene and indoor air quality

  • Proper dusting and sweeping should be regularly done
  • Cross-ventilation across all the rooms is very important by frequently keeping the windows and doors open for sometimes to pass the fresh air.
  • Keep humidity low (~30%) like bacteria, mites, and mold love moisture. A dehumidifier may be used for the purpose.
  • When our bed is not in use we should cover it using a bedspread to avoid any dust particles from accumulating on the bedsheets and pillows.
  • Bedsheets and other covering items should be washed at regular intervals
  • Carpets and rugs should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter.
  • Hard floorings instead of wall-to-wall carpeting may help to reduce the allergens on the floor surface.
  • A good quality air purifier can help in maintaining the quality of air inside the home and eliminates harmful gases
  • Dustbins are one of the dirtiest places, which are likely to attract various pests like cockroaches, and houseflies, which lead to different types of diseases and infections, so it should be cleaned regularly.
  • Minimize the use of room fresheners and perfumes as they may contain harmful volatile organic compounds. Fresh slices of lemon or orange peel may be used for a pleasant aroma
  • Avoiding overuse of incense as they may produce toxic compounds on burning
  • Keep plants outside as the moist soil can harbor different living organisms leading to allergy and infection
  • Home should always be a “smoking free zone” (burning tobacco produces many harmful gases)
  • Use eco-friendly cleaning products like lemon and vinegar
  • And yes, during lockdown period frequently wash your hands with soap and use sanitizer wherever necessary
  • Limited use of gadgets like microwaves, televisions, and computers that emit electromagnetic radiations
  • Maintain Sufficient lighting and allow sunlight to enter your house

Change Management – Wining against your own self

Life is an integration of different past moments in which “Change” is the only thing Constant. Different philosophies preaches to accept change and move on but our mind has been trained to stick to past and thus makes it difficult to accept change. In Management numerous pages has been spent on “Change Management” but nothing can be a better learning than learning on own experiences. Today when the world is passing through a pandemic, it is best time to learn how to adopt to changes. Although we have to learn it hard way but better late than never.

Today when we are flooded with information on the economic impact of COVID, a question that probably haunt every mind: “Whether I will survive in the world after COVID-19?” The answer to this question lies in introspection and SWOT analysis of self. Darwin will stand true again today, the fittest will survive. To really change our mindset, we need to take baby steps and many religiously do a few things that can churn out a better version of ourselves when the dust settles down, today or tomorrow.

Make a plan

To plan may sometime seem difficult but it is important for better productivity. Planning ahead has many advantages. It helps you to focus into your work. It increases self-confidence and self-awareness. It also helps you to attain your goal in an organized way. To make a strong plan one should be clear about the goal and the purpose. The plan must always be time bound.

Planning and dreaming about the plan to come true is not going to work unless you stay focused and complete the target in the estimated time. You have to visualize it and keep track on its progress, every day. You can prepare to do list for each day and complete the task in proper time.

In every situation at most there should be 3 plan. The plans have to be concise and practical. Plans only work if they are implementable. So you can divide your entire plan into small implementable chunks and complete them step by step.

Analyze threats and opportunities

If you want to utilize your situation appropriately, analyze it with its minute details about what is going wrong? Any opportunity can be identified with these observations. If any threat is observed we can always try to convert it to an opportunity.

Threats and opportunities are opposite sides of same coin. Sometimes what we see as a threat, others see an opportunity in it. Many a times we have heard this, but never have been able to follow. This comes naturally to a person with days of practice. Any opportunity can be identified with observations and analysis. Ability to analyze threat or opportunity is a key factor towards success.


Motivation is the cause that makes you act. It is the feeling that keeps you inspired all the time. In a simple way you can say that motivation is related to your desire or need. But motivation is always short lived. To increase the life span of motivation you need to associate your works with a larger purpose of life. To stay motivated you need to keep your desire to reach your goal alive, keep track of your progress. And you may reward yourself after reaching your small targets. Also enjoy your little breaks and not be too hard on yourself. To achieve your goal faster you must get rid of your distraction. You can stay motivated only if you have actionable plans and have analyzed your own strengths correctly.

Embrace risk of failure

Success or failure are apparently brought by luck. Well, I do not believe in luck. You will meet many people with excellent knowledge and brilliant business ideas but they are not successful. What I think is that they never took the risk. We all are well acquainted with the saying that “No risk no gain”. So go out there and take risk to gain in life.

Our every action has an inbuilt risk in it. Success or Failure is a matter of probability when you have kept all above three points constant. However having said that, we fail time and again. In a changing environment the probability of failure is much higher than success. However we need to embrace the risk of failure and keep repeating the above steps.

These thoughts are easy to preach than practice. However there is nothing better that we can do when situations are not in our control. We have to learn to live in a new environment and customize our habits. Old habits die hard, but we have to kill them for our own good. Instead of giving up it is better to learn things the hard way.

(Further reading –Barton, L. (2007). Crisis leadership now: A real-world guide to preparing for threats, disaster, sabotage, and scandal. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Davidson (2001). “Diversity and inclusion: What difference does it make?”. Industrial-Organizational Psychologist.)

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