Business or Management Education is one of the most preferred fields among the youngsters   of India in particular and the world in general. In Business Management education a prospect can go for Graduate Program like Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Business Management (BBM), Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) and Master Programs like Master of Business Administration (MBA) offered by different Universities, Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM) or Post Graduate Program in Management (PGPM) offered by different autonomous institute like IIMs, IITs. Though the history of management education is more than 100 years old but the practice of Management is as old as human being. After 1990s management education in India become liberalized. The boom occurred because of the IIM, IITs, XLRI, FMS, IIFT and other reputed institute started providing placement in Fortune 500 companies across the globe through campus recruitment. Top B-Schools in India maintain a track record of 100 percent placement and produce many more entrepreneurs.  Indian youth has shifted from working class to an entrepreneurial class through business management education. Moreover B-Schools give better  ROI when it comes to placement record.

Every nation today wants to grow faster and farther than ever. For the growth of nation’s economy the growth of business is must. On the other hand today business is becoming more complex and competitive. Who only can succeed ever is expertise in that field. That is why we know Experience is the best teacher.  If we look at the reasons for down fall of any start-ups in India what comes first in the list is ineffective management or administration. The same way the success of any start ups today in India or world is effective management or administration. That is why most probably Business Management has emerged as one of the major career options against the mainstream career prospects like engineering and doctoring.

 The basic role of every manager is to take decision. The question arises how to take a good decision?  The very simpler approach to answer this question is you can take a good decision if you are well informed about a fact and figures of any particular contest. Every individual take many decision in his/her day to day life like which brand to select  and major decision like selecting a career options, which organization to join, which business to start. Reasons for high demand of management education may be management graduates can find a better place for themselves everywhere. Opportunities are abound not just across industries or sectors like Manufacturing, Automobiles, Power sector, Telecommunication, Banking and insurance, Retail, FMCG, FMCD, logistic and supply chain, Health, Research, Consulting so on so forth. Same time management graduates find opportunities are not just in industries but also across management specializations or functions like Marketing, Finance, Strategic, Operations, Human resource, Project management, Inventory, System, Data Analytics or data scientists, Business analytics Business reengineering and many more.

The skills you gain in Business management education can help in contribute to your employer’s organization quickly and effectively. Jobs directly related to degree of Business Management are Business operations, Business Process, Business Advisor, Business analyst, Corporate investment banker, Data analyst, Data scientist, Management consultant, project manager, risk manager, stockbroker, Supply chain management, External auditor, Human relation manager, Insurance Advisor, Business executive, system analyst, so on and so forth. Remember that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don’t restrict your thinking to the jobs listed here. More over a business management degree prepares you a career in Business, which can apply to any sector or industry.

Business Management Education is one of the growing and most leading field of education  since last two decades reason being people are less willing to do job considering job security  as compared to own start ups or business. The paradigm shift from running after a job to become an entrepreneur not only beneficial for the management graduates but also for the society at large.  The scope of Business management education is very much bright, vast varied because of business graduate and post graduate has several and numerous fields in which they can penetrate and groom their career.

Many career consultancy guides stated that management is the most lucrative career options for all students who have the interest and passion to study how business work in the real world and complexity in business environment. Those aspirants who have developed curiosity for learning Business administration or management become success in their career opportunities.  Holding a degree in Business Management discipline would mean has a broad understanding of specific business related aspects such as customers, marketing plans and strategies; Return on Investment Therefore Business management is no doubt a great option to explore by young minds. 

What Business management education expect from you:

  • Are You innovative
  • Interest to Lead a team
  • Good communication skills
  • An ability to be involved with the team
  • Capability to sustain pressure and to handle people under stressful situations
  • Ready to take responsibility
  • Want to become your own boss
  • Eager to earn: fame, prestige, power, position,  Dollar/Money
  • Freedom

Then only Business Management education can be right choice for you. 

What Business Management Education will provide to its Graduates:

Management education provides many more things to its aspirants like;

  • Improve business Knowledge and skill sets
  • Decision making abilities
  • Opportunities to build a network
  • Expose to practical knowledge
  • More Job opportunities
  • Develop team work
  • Managing people

Remember your career is waiting for you to be enjoyed. Then why not to select a career in Business or Management Education (BBA / MBA)? Choice is yours!  Wish you a happy Management career ahead.

Industry 4.0: The Global Impact on Engineering Skill Development & Employment after 2020

Industry 4.0 or the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ is going to bring everyone on this earth to a reality where new technologies like IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Smart Manufacturing, etc will be introduced on a massive scale and it will directly impact all aspects of the humankind. We’ll need to change the way we learn, the way we work, the way we communicate or even the way we live our daily life. In the normal process of coping up with the rapid technological development linked to the wide gamut of industry, economy, society and health, all employment sectors will look for the workforce having some significant skills precisely aligned to the development of modern technologies. First, the advancement of technologies will replace the low-skilled human workforce with automation and robotic tools. Second, a pool of skilled engineers will be required by the automation & robotic tool manufacturing & allied industries to support the need of different sectors. Consequently, the current engineering graduates will find it challenging to get a job if their present skills are out of sync with the current industry needs.

Engineering Skill Framework Set Globally for Industry 4.0

Combining the outcomes of several recent studies on the engineering skills framework set for Industry 4.0 by eighteen different countries under Washington Accord of International Engineering Alliance (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, Turkey and Ireland), ten key skills that will be in high demand after 2020 have been arranged in the order of their priority. Let’s have a look.

  1. Complex Problem Solving

Engineering companies face complex problems every day and after Industry 4.0 takes place it will tend to be more complex day by day. So, future engineers are expected to have expertise in the systematic analysis of complex problems.

  1. Critical Thinking

Industry 4.0 focuses more on the innovative approach to bring the new era of digital transformation. All companies need to update their mission & vision adaptively with the dynamic need of the hour. So, their engineering workforce should have expertise in the interpretation of different data leading to final decision-making.

  1. Creativity

This is one of the top skills that are driving Industry 4.0. The companies want their engineering workforce to always think out of the box and uniquely create new products to maximize the customized market reach.

  1. People Management

Industry 4.0 leaders need to disperse leadership and managerial responsibilities throughout the organizational network to sustain the rapid characteristic transformation of the companies. So, all budding engineers need to build their mindset to act as decision-makers irrespective of the hierarchy. 

  1. Coordinating with Others

Not only management, but it is also required by the engineers to have good coordination skills as well to achieve common goals of different teams together to save time and resource of the companies under Industry 4.0.

  1. Emotional Intelligence

Along with the technical expertise, Industry 4.0 engineers need to be emotionally intelligent as well to feel sympathy and empathy for each other so that the working environment becomes helpful for everyone’s professional and personal growth in synchronization with the rapid change of new technology. 

  1. Judgement and Decision-Making

Industry 4.0 engineers should also have the ability to identify an issue, gather data corresponding to it, analyze the collected data, make meaningful representations and draw conclusions effective for driving decisions. 

  1. Service Orientation

Along with analytical skills, Industry 4.0 engineers need to be inclined towards providing the best engineering solutions to their clients. This requires them to have the ability to connect to their customers for a more effective and efficient resolution of customer issues and concerns. 

  1. Negotiation Skill

Not only service orientation, but Industry 4.0 engineers should also have good negotiating capabilities over multiple digital platforms to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between the organization and its clients.

  1. Cognitive Flexibility

An Industry 4.0 engineer needs to have the ability to adapt easily to any working environment changes, operating role switching, changes in consumer demands, and technological advancements.

Need for the Change

An immediate change in engineering education policy has to take place worldwide that would sustain the professional development of a budding engineer following these 10 skillsets. The engineering students must be facilitated with proper upskilling & reskilling training by the higher educational institutions, governments & industries to ensure their employability in the advent of much-awaited Industry 4.0.

Further Readings

  1. World Economic Forum, “The Future of Jobs Report 2018”

  1. The Washington Accord

  1. John Clemons, “The Next Generation Of Industry 4.0”, Forbes Technology Council,

Importance and Applications of Ecological Principles and Evolutionary Genetics in designing vaccines and immunostimulatory drugs against viral Infections

In modern civilization, biotechnology is present in everybody’s life even before we’re born, from fertility assistance to prenatal selection to the home-based pregnancy kits. And with the application of immunizations and antibiotics, which helps to drastically improve the life expectancy through childhood. The food we eat today originates from modified genetically engineered plants – either via new age biotechnology or by using traditional artificial selection without pesticides.

Biotechnology is a technology associated with biology-related to cellular and biomolecular procedures to support various technologies and new products that help us to improve our health and lives. This branch of science has multiple divisions each of which particularly counts for the development in their fields. For example, bio Informatics makes the rapid arrangement & study of genetic data through interdisciplinary areas which refer to solving problems related to biology by using computational techniques.

Applications in the field of marine and aquatic Biotechnology helps to increase cleaning of toxic leaks, increase the production of fisheries, known as Blue Biotechnology. Biotechnology used in agriculture, heading towards the yielding of crops is not only good quantity but also with better quality, act as Green Biotechnology. Red Biotechnology is the use of Biotechnology in medicine, producing antibiotics, and using genetic engineering to achieve genetic cures by manipulating genomes.

Exemplified by the use of organisms to yield valuable chemicals, enzymes for industrial use are known as White Biotechnology and Bio Economics which deals with the applied aspect of biotechnology to increase productivity. We live in an exciting time for biology. Ecological science and evolutionary biology creating a neo-biological civilization supported by science and technology. This along with the concept of genetics could lead to a new level of evolution, leaping forward towards purposive biological evolution.

Biotechnology is increasingly infusing itself not only into all parts of human life but also in other branches of biology. The collection of data is now become easier and inexpensive than the last decade, with all the technological advances. Today big data sets comprising genomes, transcriptosomes, proteomes, and multivariate phenotypes can be synthesized and analyzed easily.

As all of us know that COVID-19 is now a severe ongoing pandemic disease that is spreading rapidly across the world. But to know about how the virus is spreading exponentially in different countries with different population density, we should have an in-depth knowledge of population ecological principles, by which we can easily predict the spreading rate and pattern of the virus in the future.

From various sources, it is already known that coronaviruses are spreading from the bat. But how can we be so sure about this? Here evolutionary genetics study along with technological support helps biologists to conclude that. From the studies, we can know that Coronaviruses have a big genome ranging in length from 26 to 32 kilobases.

They have been known to cause respiratory problems including both upper and lower respiratory tract and infections in CNS in several avian and mammalian hosts, which includes humans. Evolutionary studies refer that coronaviruses are put down within the family Coronaviridae, under the order Nidovirales, and are classified into three groups based on antigenic and genetic relationships.

Evolutionary studies have been clearly shown by comparing genomes of various coronavirus strains that SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the same group (group 2) with the other two coronavirus strains, which causes pandemic in recent past, i.e. SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV and diverge early in its evolutionary progression from other established group 2 viruses. Therefore, according to the current International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses classification system, it was suggested that SARS-CoV-2 is classified as a group 2 coronavirus.

However, phylogenetic and pairwise comparisons of SARS-CoV-2 with other mammalian coronaviruses, which takes into account bat coronaviruses, showed that they share little homology to both group 2 and group 3 coronaviruses and therefore may be considered as a new group. This finding also enlightens the fact that as SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses share homology with bat coronaviruses, it might be possible that the bats are most likely natural reservoirs of SARS-CoV-2.

Studies on coronaviruses isolated from bats in China also suggested that the bats carry a highly diverse group of coronaviruses, which includes a novel lineage (putative group 5) that is exclusive to bats. These reports suggest that our knowledge of the diversity of coronaviruses are much lesser than the actual scenario and the role of evolutionary genetics study is very much necessary to find the diversity among these coronavirus strains and also to explore the role of bats in the ecosystem of coronaviruses, which will further help the researchers to find probable cures against these viral infections.

Population dynamics analysis showed that coronavirus populations in bats and all other hosts show epidemic-like increases in population. These results indicate that diverse coronaviruses are endemic in different bat species, with repeated introductions to other animals and occasional establishment in other species. This information establishes the fact that bats are the natural hosts for all coronavirus lineages and evolution helps these coronaviruses to diversify their choice of hosts. The taxonomic group where it belongs and how this virus is evolved and mutated which immensely helps the modern biotechnologists to find the cure and developing vaccine more easily against COVID-19 infection.

The COVID-19 pandemic offers several unique job and research related openings to all the biotechnologists worldwide to flex their muscles and to find solutions towards humanity. This will also help to increase our knowledge to find solutions against probable viral pandemics in the near future. Biotechnologists around the world have been aggressively working towards finding solutions that will help to mitigate the threat of COVID-19, whether it is by developing rapid diagnostic tests or developing vaccines that will help us to fight against COVD-19.

Collaborating with biotechnology is now the solution to several problems of the world like problems regarding global population feeding, finding a cure for various hereditary and infectious diseases by using genetic manipulation, preserving ecosystems, solving problems regarding climate change and biodiversity, and beyond these. This provides huge career opportunities in biotechnology and related fields in the upcoming years.

There are several jobs one can get as microbiologists, biochemists, biophysicists, etc. other than being biotechnologists, after getting into this branch of biological science. So we welcome young minds like you at our university to pursue promising subjects like biotechnology which is offered by School of life science and biotechnology of Adamas University that is supported by experienced professors, well-equipped laboratories, on hands practical courses and field excursions along with summer internships in different industries and national laboratories.

Along with that, in our school, we will groom you to become a skilled professional which will further ensure your career in research and also in different industries like chemical industries, agriculture-related industries, food industries, pharma companies, and bioprocessing companies. So welcome to our university.

Implementing Co-operative teaching and learning process in educational institutions

Kaviguru Rabindranath Tagore has rightly said “….let us unite, not in spite of our differences, but through them. For differences can never be wiped away, and life would be so much the poorer without them. Let all human races keep their own personalities, and yet come together, not in a uniformity that is dead, but in a unity that is living”.

About Co-operative learning: Cooperative learning is an instructional strategy that enables small groups of students to work together on a common assignment. The parameters often vary, as students can work collaboratively on a variety of problems, ranging from simple mathematics problems to large assignments such as proposing environmental solutions on a national level. Students are sometimes individually responsible for their part or role in the assignment, and sometimes they are held accountable as an entire group.

Cooperative learning has received a lot of attention and praise—especially since the 1990s when Johnson and Johnson outlined the five basic elements that allowed successful small-group learning:

  • Positive interdependence: Students feel responsible for their own and the group’s effort.
  • Face-to-face interaction: Students encourage and support one another; the environment encourages discussion and eye contact.
  • Individual and group accountability: Each student is responsible for doing their part; the group is accountable for meeting its goal.
  • Social Skills: Group members gain direct instruction in the interpersonal, social, and collaborative skills needed to work with others.
  • Group processing: Group members analyze their own and the group’s ability to work together.

Co-operative learning experience

 A true cooperative learning experience requires that a number of criteria be met.  They are:

    -Division of labor among students in the group
    -Face-to-face interaction between students
    -Assignment of specific roles and duties to students
    -Group processing of a task
    -Positive interdependence in which students all need to do their assigned duties in     

     order for the task to be completed.
    -Individual accountability for completing one’s own assigned duties
    -The development of social skills as a result of cooperative interaction
    -Provision of group rewards by the teacher

The introduction of “learning teams” into the classroom is an effective method for increasing the number of students willing to make an effort to learn in school.  The teams usually work together on long-term assignments, although sometimes students remain together in duos, triads or quadrants for the entire day.  In these groups, each individual is responsible for assuring that the other team members learn the assigned material.  Those who understand the lesson/material are responsible for teaching it to the others.  Groups progress to a new unit of study when all members of the group have mastered the lesson.

 Group members are also responsible for the behavior of all members.  If a team member displays inappropriate behavior, it is the duty of fellow members to remind that student to `check’ him/herself.  The members attempt to refocus the misbehaving student by offering help and suggestions.

 Initially, temporary grouping can help students to grasp the concept of long-term learning teams, and practice responsibilities while the teacher sharpens his/her skills and receives feedback from the students regarding how to improve assignments.
( Reference :

Conclusion :  Cooperative learning is gaining popularity for a number of reasons.  Evidence indicates that it raises achievement, promotes positive self concept, and raises regard for others.  It appears to be especially useful for students from racial minority and low socio-economic groups who have not excelled to the same degree as middle income majority-culture pupils in the traditional competitive classroom.  The performance of these previously less successful groups tends to rise in cooperative groups, majority culture students seem to achieve just as well as with the individually-oriented style of instruction and learning, often better.  Cooperative learning may also help to lessen the fatalistic attitude toward schooling that is often found among students from minority groups and those who have experienced repeated failure in the schools.  When these students notice the value of their input and effort, a more internal locus of control and belief in one’s ability is fostered. Social and work skills are imbedded.

**[Since Co-operative learning also includes theories made by stalwarts like Johnson & Johnson etc. the Blogger has also cited the references and the Quotations as and when required]**

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