Mechanical Engineers play a major role in facilitating the functioning of modern society. For any Mechanical Engineer the main goal is to work in line with the cause to create a better tomorrow. The skills acquired by a Mechanical engineering graduate must benefit the entire society.

Idea to Realisation of Product: From product designers to product manufacturers, Mechanical engineers are competent to work from the very inception of a product development followed by a no. of validity analysis at design and manufacturing phases, till it reaches the consumers. A Mechanical Engineer should be able to employ the two natural resources – materials and energy available to them in an optimum and efficient manner. Each and every need for development must base on the concurrency and congruency with the ideas and thoughts of the entire team.

Problem Solving: Mechanical Engineers are generally well known for their diverse reach to solve nearly any technical problem. The engineer doesn’t have much option to choose the problem of own interest. They should be able to utilise engineering techniques to solve a wide gamut of technical hitches faced by the society. Each and every determination of a scientific inquiry carried out by a Mechanical Engineer should be in direct relevance to the future needs of the society. The prime responsibility of a Mechanical Engineer is to enhance and maintain public safety and welfare. Environmental safety and environmental responsibility being the other prime criterion to be considered.

A Mechanical Engineer should be capable to explain the difference between science and engineering to the society and how can the principles of science be implemented in advancements of engineering. They should be perfect at their professional ethics and towards their legal liabilities. They should develop fundamental understanding of their professional responsibilities. There should be healthy debate between the engineers which naturally arises their integration in application of their methodologies.

At Adamas University the curriculum design is mainly focusing on two specific forms of the infrastructure where Mechanical engineers benefit society. These relate to the connection & supplying of products and services to the society.

The first area to be considered is termed ‘Connect’. Mechanical Engineers link communities together through transport infrastructure. Infrastructure give the vital role for create the society beneficial project with the help of innovative idea. Adamas University is rated the best private university in eastern India and was established with the intension to provide a better infrastructure for creating innovative projects which is used to develop the society. Mechanical Engineering department under this university plays a vital role for creating various low-cost innovative projects which are used to develop the transportation for financially week people. Out of many Projects, I take this opportunity to present few of the most impactful projects till date. Let’s get connected!

1) Air Bike (Guided by the faculty Mrs. Soodipa Chakraborty): -A Compressed air vehicle (CAV) is old concept but it becomes important because of hike in petrol prices and increase in pollution. CAV engine works on compressed air, no mixture of fuel is required. So, construction of engine may be same as conventional but some modification is needed to compensate the air as fuel fact. Fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum, diesel, natural gas and coal) which meet most of the world’s energy demand today is being depleted rapidly. Also, their combustion products are causing global problems, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion acid rains and pollution which are posing great danger for environment and eventually for the total life on planet.
These factors are leading automobile manufactures to develop cars fuelled by alternatives energies. Obviously, these engines are pollution free. Air used is freely available in atmosphere. A Compressed-air engine is a pneumatic actuator that creates useful work by compressed air. A compressed-air vehicle is powered by an air engine, using compressed air, which is stored in a tank. Instead of mixing fuel with air and burning it in the engine to drive pistons with hot expanding gases, compressed air vehicles (CAV) use the expansion of compressed air to drive their pistons.

2) Engine Oil Condition Monitoring System (Guided by the faculty Mr. Sudip Chakraborty): – In recent days, Automobiles that make easy transportation of goods play an important role in the economic growth of any country. Transportation necessitates the continuous running of a vehicle without any unwanted break downs. The engine is considered as the heart of an
automobile. Vehicle break on may happen due to unexpected or premature failures of some critical parts of an engine. Critical parts of engines are mainly cylinder, piston, crankshaft, timing belt, and clutch. The failure of the above components mainly depends on the lubricating performance of engine oil. Now a day’s oil is being usually replaced based on periodic maintenance schedule designed by vehicle manufacturers. This schedule is framed based on kilometre coverages of vehicles or time period. In this practice, there is the possibility of
being oil replaced before completing its life. Even during service work, technicians in the workshop do not follow any method to know the actual condition of oil before replacing it. There is a need for actual driving habits, traffic conditions, engine speed, and load conditions, road conditions (gradients) to predict the condition up to which oil was being utilized. Thus, the above is helpful in the prediction of the remaining life of engine oil. This can be done only by monitoring the properties of engine oil continuously during vehicle running. The properties of any lubricating oil are the viscosity, Viscosity index, density, Specific weight, Specific volume, specific gravity, surface tension, and capillarity. Since viscosity place, a vital role in lubrication oil condition can be judged by monitoring it continuously. The monitoring of viscosity helps to identify the actual condition of the oil. This is done by a system that receives signal for the temperature of oil, converts the same into viscosity units and displays it. Therefore, vehicle users can identify the exact replacement of engine oil.

The second strand is ‘Supply’. Water, gas, electricity and sewage infrastructure – again, developed and built by engineers. These systems don’t just make a contribution to society; they sustain society by meeting the most basic everyday needs of all its members, raising living standards for all, reducing hardship and poverty, and helping society to achieve its potential. In this context Adamas University students have contributed to create many innovative projects.

3) Hydraulic Ram Pump (Guided by the faculty Mr. Soumya Ghosh): – In today’s world water is of a great concern to the human beings because we can’t survive without it. Hydraulic ram can be one of the solutions to this problem of a mankind. Mostly in India where villages are
situated far away from the water source it is not possible to the people living there to go miles away carrying away the buckets of water. Especially at those places this pump has a much utility because it is cheap, without electricity and easy to maintain. As it requires no external energy other than kinetic energy of flowing water it can be considered as a pump which uses Renewable energy. Though the pump is in use since long time, it is not seen in common forms for lots of its performance limitations. This type of pump is truly a
blessing to the rural areas, farmers and middle class for its zero-running cost.

4) Design & Fabrication of Low-Cost Briquetting Machine (Guided by the faculty Mr. Ranjan Kumar): – Briquette is made from organic waste like- paper/ cardboard waste, waste wood etc. It’s made by recycling of organic waste. Reuses of this waste makes our environment clean and fresh. Pollution is minimum compare to coal while burning the briquette. Raw materials are mainly organic or waste materials so, raw materials cost is very cheap and easily available. This briquette can be used for house hold purpose, tea shop and other places as a replacement of coal. Purpose of fabricating this machine to serve village area people where they mainly use coal. They
can easily make these briquette through the machine and get benefited from it.

We believe in learning by creating! Bringing all these various points together, it is a truth accepted universally that Mechanical Engineers play the vital role in development of a society and that without them, it couldn’t function effectively.

Essence of Engineering in Biopharmaceutical Field


Biopharmaceuticals are the flourishing section of the pharmaceutical manufacturing, with worldwide deals .In India and other countries, the biopharmaceutical employees are comprised of many departmental related   and indirect jobs across a different supply network of retailers supporting the industry need. Biopharmaceutical field will grow based on highly knowledgeable and skilled manpower, integrated with  engineers performing  a significant role in motivating innovation.

The difficulty of manufacturing methods in biopharmaceutical area has motivated the need for a highly experienced multifunctional  biopharmaceutical manpower that extents the pharmaceutical sciences, life sciences with  microbiology, engineering (mechanical, chemical,  electrical, electronics and biomedical), drug, and finally production .

Role of Engineers in Biopharmaceuticals

The whole product development will be controlled by engineers and they handle  many different responsibilities. Few positions are quite alike to those in the pharmaceutical production and simple to know: Engineers, play a essential role in the design and  manufacture of services.

Once product design engineers hand over the work to  other teams like manufacturing  process engineer and production teams, though, numerous crucial  engineering functions stay to be filled like:

  • Process engineering, to build up and improve  processes as well as execute tech transfer and modify.
  • Maintenance  engineering, to make sure existing equipment or instrument is maintained
  • Automation engineering, to compel process efficiency and price reduction by pulling sensors, multivariate analysis, and advanced model predictive control.

Modern automation and process control schemes to make biopharmaceuticals are well behind those established  in other extremely automated businesses, like developing semiconductor. Routine observing and proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers never offer manage of many significant complicated  parameters that impact complicated quality aspect. Setting up a vigorous control scheme during process growth that can be scalled up and moved to manufacturing  is vital to certifying  quality all through the manufactured goods life cycle. When advanced observing tools are accessible, operating them efficiently is a challenge  as advanced control keys must be capable of calculating what might happen within a group or unit process and act accordingly to rectify it. To meet present requirement as well as be placed to anticipate and defeat coming challenges in computerization, engineers have to be talented with the essential training .

Integration  of  Biopharmaceuticals  with Engineering and Technology

A Chemical Engineer with knowledge of microbiology can make a carrier  in chromatography process development on flu vaccines  and  afterwards  may move to  Subject Matter Expert/tech lead in recombinant protein Purification processes. When a bioprocess technician work in a vaccine manufacturing position and learn fundamental of good manufacturing techniques and due to the experience and integrated degree same technician can get a post  as a process engineer in another manufacturing industry.So due to variation in experience and variation of knowledge a biotechnologist  can  become expert in mechanical field also. Similarly in case of pharmaceutical sector, at many drug  manufacturing sectors, still a lot of unnecessarily manual operations are happening but  the future will bring complete automation in system. A biologist or pharmacist with knowledge of machine learning technology will have better job opportunity and  engineers with knowledge of biotechnology and pharmaceutical will have better scope in future. The industry is developing permanently and we need to stay up to date. Any experience that we  get from other roles will help to  set a strong base for being able to speak technically and competently. New technologies are being commences to our pharmaceutical industry at an ever-growing rate.A person with biopharmaceutical and technical knowledge will able to work with other technical disciplines to realize an organization’s entire business needs.

Model Based Systems Engineering’s Prospects in Today’s Industry

Model Based Systems Engineering is a critical aspect of the 21st century as systems become more and more complex. And that’s the journey, to continue to move it forward to deal with even more complexity in a better way. As the products are getting increasingly complex, the connections between components have become more and more important. The connections can be physical or functional. For a simple system, it is easy to see how adding individual subsystems creates more and more potential connections. Each of these connections are opportunities for waste, errors, and rework that can result in projects that are late, over budget, and have reduced capabilities in terms of performance, maintenance, and future upgrade ability. The practice of systems engineering has evolved to mitigate the risk associated with complex system development. It focuses on defining customer needs and necessary functionalities primarily in the product development cycle. Considering the complete problem definition documentation then continuing with synthesis of design and system validation. Ideation, Operations, schedule and cost, performance, training and support, test, manufacturing and disposal.

What is Systems Engineering?

Systems engineering is a mindset that results in an interdisciplinary perspective deals with management and design of complex systems through the product life cycles. It was actually an effort to close the gap between systems and software engineering. As systems had more and more software content, communication gap was beginning to impair system development and system performance. In those early days, it was all about closing the system software gap. From the year 2007 onward, INCOSE, the International Council on Systems Engineering, has progressively invested more time and more energy to move the community forward. What we see now is model-based systems engineering is much bigger. It’s not about the software component, it’s about the systems engineering component on all fronts. And perhaps the biggest change is model-based systems engineering is now becoming the linchpin to, it can be called model-based engineering, digital thread, digital tapestry, but really connecting to digital engineering so that we can better deliver capabilities to these complex problems we face.

Model Based:

A key component of model-based systems engineering is the model-based definition, or MBD. Model-based definition embodies the concept of moving away from paper-based documentation and drawings to digital, 3D CAD representation, manufacturing data, and performance models.

Model-Based Systems Engineering:

According to INCOSE, model-based systems engineering, also known as MBSE, is the formalized utilization of modelling to supporting system necessities, structure, investigation, verification, and validation activities starting from conceptualization to disposal through the product life cycle. Model-based systems engineering is still in a nascent stage of development and is an immense topic to be fully addressed. This concept is offering a broad perspective with connections throughout the industries that will give the opportunity to learn and work more. Now, Model-Based Systems Engineering sounds like a technology and a technical problem – it’s not. It’s an organizational change initiative because it’s all about how you represent knowledge.

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Implementations of MBSE:

The model today as we represent it in a higher fidelity way, is represented digitally. It is more accessible to everybody else in the program, and by making it more accessible, increase in alignment, increase understanding, and most importantly, increase shared understanding as requirements change, as needs change, as technologies change.

The quantity of information accumulates throughout the lifecycle into a large amount of raw data that can be used to describe the life of a product. The digital thread describes the electronic files and the data pathways that enable the re-purposing, reuse and traceability of information in the development, definition, production and support of a part or system throughout its life. The thread weaves through connected machines, factories and supply chains to enable data aggregation, analysis and action, forming a digital quilt or digital tapestry that encompasses an entire product or system. The digital thread connects conceptual design requirements, analysis, detailed design, manufacturing, inspection, operations, refit and retirement. As a result, a finished assembly can be traced back to the original requirements and design model.

A Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) has clear benefits. However, it might seem daunting to implement. MBE seems very idealistic, and for a small business, the idea of a Model-Based Enterprise might seem like an unnecessary investment. However, studies have shown that small businesses can achieve MBE without a significant investment. Better if it would be to think about a road map as a pathway, rather than a dramatic step change. So, Model-Based Systems Engineering, just like systems engineering itself, is intended to be scalable and tailorable, and there is no one size fits all. Model-Based Systems Engineering, like systems engineering, should begin with the exact purpose and it’s a business value. Are you after quality? Are you after responsiveness? After agility? After innovation? Whatever you pick, it helps to define the implementation of Model-Based Systems Engineering.

The Relevance of Realism in the field of Education: A Philosophical Discourse

“Realism means a belief or theory which looks upon the world as it seems to us to be a mere phenomenon.——Swami Ram Tirth.

Introduction: Realism is the doctrine that is associated with the study of the world we live in. It is a philosophy away from the world of ideas or spiritual things. In Realism the word ‘real’ denotes actual or the existing. It indicates those things or events which exist in the world in its own right. It opposes the thing or event which is imaginary or fictitious. It holds the view that knowledge acquired through senses is true and what we observe and perceive through our own senses is real and the true entity of the world. It says that physical world is objective and factual whereas personal feelings and desires are subjective and secondary. That is why this philosophy is also known as objectivism. Aristotle is generally regarded as the father of Realism. John Locke, Erasmas, Rabelias, Comenius, Bertrand Russell, Francis Bacon, Milton are the chief protagonists of Realism.

                         According to C.V. Good, “Realism is the doctrine that objective reality or the material universe exists independently of conscious mind, its nature and properties are being affected by being known.”

Various aspects of Realistic Education: There are various aspects of education such as curriculum, teaching methodology, discipline, aims of education and the like which are influenced by realistic education.

  1. Realism and Aims of Education: Realism explains the aims of education in different perspectives.
  2. Preparation for a Happy and Successful Life: The first and most important aim of realistic education is to prepare learners for a happy and successful life. The American educationist, Franklin Bobit has given following activities for achieving happiness in life:
  • Activities related to language
  • Activities concerned with hygiene
  • Citizenship activities
  • Social activities
  • Leisure activities
  • Religious activities
  • Vocational activities
  • Activities of mental health
  • Activities related to vocational behaviour
  • Activities related to race-preservation
  1. Preparation for Practical Life: Realism recommends preparing students for real and practical life of material world which can be gained through senses.
  • Training of Senses: Realism believes that fullest development of personality can be possible through proper training of senses. The learners will not have a proper knowledge about the material world unless their senses are trained and improved properly.
  1. Developing Physical and Mental Powers: The physical and mental powers are required for developing intelligence, discrimination and judgements by which learners will be able to overcome the challenges of life.
  2. Developing Vocational Efficiency: This type of realistic aim makes education craft-centric. Realism is in favour of developing vocational efficiencies among learners so that they can prepare themselves for fulfilling livelihood demands.
  3. Realism and Method of Teaching: Realism aims to prepare learners for real and practical life. It calls for teaching-learning methodologies on the basis of subjects and interests of the learners.
  4. Inductive Method: Inductive method of teaching enables the learners to generalize the truth from a particular fact. It encourages the construction of knowledge from particular to general. At first, the object is shown to the learners and then its description is demonstrated. It encourages learners to observe and experiment by means of their senses.
  5. Deductive Method: This method of teaching enables learners to arrive at a specific truth from general principles. It encourages the construction of knowledge from general to particular. It improves the reasoning capacity of learners.
  • Observation Method: This technique calls for education from direct experiences so that all senses are involved in the learning process. It augments the strength of mind, knowledge and experiences of learners.
  1. Experimental Method: Realism recommends to give emphasize on the learning of science subjects which can be learned effectively through experimental method. This method prepares the learners to face the challenges and to solve these taking systematic procedures.
  2. Field Trip: Realism is in favour of learning by direct experiences. Realism discourages rote learning and bookish knowledge and prefers hands-on experience for the purpose of learning. It gives importance on field trips which facilitate learners to correlate classroom learning with reality.
  3. Realism and Curriculum: Realism recommends the designing of curriculum for realistic education which enables learners to solve different problems of life and to lead a happy and successful life.
  4. Subjects of study: It prescribes to include science subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, astrology, physiology etc.
  5. Vocational subjects: Realism recommends the study of handicrafts, farming etc. in the curriculum because it aims at preparing learners for practical life with respect of their livelihood.
  • Utilitarian subjects: Realism is in favour of including contemporary subjects in curriculum for facilitating individual and social life of learners.
  1. Language study: Realism gives importance to language study in curriculum and prefers mother language as medium of instruction. The language study facilitates learners in reading, writing and conducting all types of social interactions.
  2. Practical studies: Realism lays stress on the inclusion of reading, writing, drawing, Geography, Mathematics with additional physical activities in curriculum.
  3. Realism and Discipline: Realism lays stress on synthetic form of impressionistic and emancipator discipline on the basis of natural and social procedures. Realism calls self-discipline for the learners by controlling their feelings, desires and perform duties. Realism tells teacher to treat learners with affection and sympathy and it allows considerable freedom to the learners so that moral and religious education in the curriculum are recommended.
  4. Realism and Teachers: Realism is in favour of training of teachers before they involve in teaching. Realism believes that teachers should have full knowledge of the subject matter, psychology of learners and the scientific way of delivering education. The teachers must encourage the learners to observe and experiment the natural objects and phenomena so that learners will be able to find out new facts with respect of construction of knowledge. They should inform learners about the scientific discoveries, inventions and researches in different fields of knowledge.

 Conclusion: Realism provides a new light and wisdom which produces remarkable changes in the principles and practices of education. It should be mentioned that in the realm of Indian Philosophy, the doctrine of Realism has been pronounced since the time of Vedas. On the other hand, the notion of Realism was evident in the thoughts of Buddhism and Jainism.

Why Adamas University is focused to offer B.Tech Mechanical degrees with Specialisation?

Ever wondered just how much of our fast-moving world is dependent on machines!!

The dawn of Industry 4.0 once again proves how Mechanical Engineering can serve as a gateway to various interesting and rewarding career. The oldest of all the branches, Mechanical Engineering requires a deep theoretical background in Physics and Mathematics. Along with specialized knowledge in subject specific areas, a rigid base is build throughout the Degree Course making the aspirants much competent to analyze the physical and environmental aspects. Being a Mechanical Engineering Graduate you can really work on variety of roles which involves in general product or system design, development and installation, operation and maintenance of systems.

Throughout the entire four years program the student gets a chance to get familiarized with a variety of courses, like Engineering Mechanics, Material Science, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Thermal Engineering, Production Technology, Automobile Engineering and Mechanical Design, etc. Courses taught generally starts from brushing up the fundamentals, gradually getting exposed to synergistic integration of multidisciplinary skills and applications.

The core courses offered during the four years Mechanical Engineering degree program generally belong to either one of the following categories:

• Materials and Manufacturing
• Thermal Engineering
• Design Engineering
• Industrial Engineering & Management

Interdisciplinary courses generally opted by the student depends on his/her area of interest while some are enlisted as essential courses.

So a four years enriching Graduation Program and you earned B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, now let’s turn the other page, You Passed Out!

A Graduate – B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering

With great grades your resume attracted some of the most reputed Companies. Interview cracking was real easy since you were real confident with your knowledge base of all the subjects and finally bagged the job at once! You become a professional and start meeting people with experience and expertise in the field. Bit by bit the amalgamation of the theory and experience starts taking the bigger role and after a certain time you feel “I should have learnt some more of the topic!” The critical part lies here when this strikes your mind. The gap starts widening between your theoretical knowledge and how you dissect and approach a real life problem with the same. You suddenly start a different mode of learning- learning by doing, learning by solving, learning using your analytical skills more than the contemporary text books.

What is Model-Based Approach to Engineering studies?

Let’s take up an example of Product Modification in terms of design. Today’s digital era offers opportunities throughout the design process of any product to make significant changes, which ultimately impact the future of manufacturing systems adapted. Adamas University provides a scope for its Mechanical graduates to bring together the concepts from multiple domains with a vision to adapt the model-based approach to design and manufacturing. It starts with the concept imbibed within the students to clearly visualize that the geometry of a product is just one way of describing it. While you enrol to pursue Design specialization in Mechanical Engineering the aspirant is mentored to clearly comprehend and validate activities in the focus of design and manufacturing which
generally includes:

• Evolution of system requirements
• System design
• Performance Analysis
• Verification and Validation

The Specialisation Degree offered by Adamas University brings together the value and expectations of Design engineering while fostering a Mechanical graduate.

How Specialisation Degrees can help achieve your Goal?

Remember Engineers must possess the ability to solve problems! The Degree must be a complete package which provides concrete understanding of the subjects for the students to take up challenges to meet the fast changing technological advancements. Adamas University emphasises mainly on creating Engineers with strong analytical skills. In the current market, majority of the Companies are looking for people with a thirst for excellence. Graduates with concept and skill are high in demand
and here lies the answer how pursing specialisation courses will be an added advantage for a young aspirant. The program features Capstone Projects at the end of each semester involving creation of a roadmap to achieve a self-established Design Engineering professional goal. For example a Mechanical engineering graduate with specialisation in Design Engineering will put in meticulous efforts to achieve expertise in design, analysis and maintenance of different machine parts and along with a certified degree he/she obtains dexterity in designing various electromechanical, fluid, thermal systems. Students are encouraged to craft a roadmap to achieve personal focused goals related to a particular domain, which help them leverage relevant opportunities. The culminating project work endows a tangible element to be included in their professional portfolios which clearly showcases their knowledge of the specialisation achieved.

The Future Show

There lies an enormous possibility for new and innovative solutions to problems in a growing range of areas as you complete the program.

The recent trends in Design engineering is gradually shrinking in scale, where Engineers are working on designing microelectromechanical and even nanoelectromechanical devices and systems that may be invisible by nature but serves as an integral part to the latest technologies. Digitalization and cross fertilization of ideas serves a key role to foster innovation. The simple perceptive of “the right information, in the right place, at the right time” should flow is what creates a potential Design
Engineer. Graduates must work on creating incredibly complex machines serving across a no. of emergent and diverse range of fields, from perennially important industries such as automotive and manufacturing to emerging high-tech areas like aeronautics, biotechnology, and robotics.

Adamas University with its new dimension courses offers the aspirants a right platform to realize their fascination to comprehend on how things work and build useful machines of the future!! If you really think of obtaining something beyond mere degree certificates, Adamas University is ready to provide the extra mileage while you kick-start your career in Mechanical Engineering.

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