By: Miss. Ritu Basu. BSc. LLB, SOLJ, AU

Faculty guide: Dr. Anwesha Chatterjee, Assistant Prof. Biotechnology, SOLB, AU

“I need not pause to explain that crime is not a disease. It is criminology that is a disease.”
                                               ― G.K. Chesterton, Eugenics and Other Evils: An Argument against the Scientifically Organized State.

While there happened to begin an ever-multiplying growth in the debates, discussions, and immense study on nature, psychology, and cause behind the increasing crime rates across the world, and a quest for effective measures to control the same, there appeared the blessing in disguise for the crime prevention authorities, in the form of a deadly virus.

On the 11th of March, this year, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19, the disease caused by ‘coronavirus’ as a ‘global pandemic’, and ever since then ‘Stay home, stay safe’ has become the go-to slogan for every human being. The nature of the virus has made people, across the world, resort to staying indoors, and admire work-from-home. No doubt this pandemic has forced the biggest lockdown in history with billions of people advised staying indoors. Expert opinions and statistics have shown that this measure has affected the rate of several crimes against the human body, crimes against property, and organized crimes to a large extent.

Among various factors like poverty, social tolerance, and socio-economic conditions, that have been identified to affect crime rates, ‘population’ and ‘law enforcement efficiency’ has proved to be vital features that have influenced crime growth in any jurisdiction. Various researches have earlier shown that the increase in population at a given area has direct relations to the crime trend. Logically, the lesser the human interaction in society, the lesser will be its crime rate. From common parlance, this can be simply explained by looking at the nature of certain offenses. For example, criminal trespass, housebreaking, or theft, are offenses which, to put it straight; require the offender to leave his place of dwelling. Murders and rapes require human interactions to take place.

The Government of India declared a lockdown as a precautionary measure for the prevention of the spread of this disease. Since then, the country has witnessed a sharp decrease in common criminal activities in various states. According to a report published in ‘The Indian Express’ on 17th July 2020, the unintended consequence of this huge lockdown has been a marked decrease in crimes and road fatalities in the country.

The first phase of lockdown has rendered a 40% fall in murder cases, a 70% fall in rapes, and as much as 100% fall in offense of violence against women and children, according to the State Crime Record Bureau, Kerala. The state has also seen a remarkable decrease in the number of suicides and unnatural deaths, as compared to the same time as the previous year. Kerala, which accounts for a large share of road accident cases due to overcrowding of roads, has even experienced almost 17 times lesser road accident cases than the previous year, proved by a lesser number of admissions in the casualty section of the hospitals, and reduction in the trauma cases in the state.

Industrial areas in certain metropolitan cities like Bengaluru have reported significantly less number of industrial accident cases, for the obvious reason of closure of such industries and factories due to the lockdown.

Various state authorities have attributed the cause of a decrease in crimes due to shut down of liquor shops. Liquor has always played a significant role as a stimulant in the commission of violent crimes. Psychiatrist Dr. Vivian Kapil has confirmed the fact by stating “There is a definite correlation between alcohol use and violent tendencies. Other impulsive behaviors linked to alcohol abuse are rash driving, fighting over trivial reasons, irritability, and high-risk sexual behavior.” As a result of the closure of the source of such stimulants, the decrease in crime rates has been evident.

Senior police officials of the state of Assam have reported that the lockdown has resembled curfew-like situations, especially during the night, and hence has deterred the commission of certain crimes like house breaking by night or aggravated forms of robbery. Officials have stated that people are afraid to step out at night.

The law enforcement efficiency and more number of cops present on the roads have also deterred offenders from committing crimes more often. States have reported fewer cases of organized crimes like human trafficking and drug trafficking as the lockdown has resulted in the ‘breaking of chain’ at various places that act as a potential source, transit, or destination for such crimes.

The complete seizure in the operation of railways has also influenced the number of unnatural deaths in the country. No doubt, suicides, and casualties on train tracks have taken a hit too.

The significant decrease in the robberies and rape cases in the country has led to a feeling of security among citizens. As there has been less reporting of such grievous offenses, police officials have been able to devote their maximum time and effort to the COVID management task. Otherwise, the situation would have been disastrous in a country with increasing cases of death due to the disease as well as grievous offenses ravishing the nation.

However, several other forms of crimes have taken a sharp rise amidst the COVID-19 crisis. At the outset, it has to be mentioned that the disobedience to the quarantine rule promulgated by the State has been made punishable under various Sections of the Indian Penal Code. A lot of people are being booked under Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (Disobedience to an order duly promulgated by a public servant) and Section 269 thereof (Negligent act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life). These offenses, though minor, have made significant changes to the crime rate in a place.

India has witnessed a significant increase in domestic violence cases and violence against married women, according to the increased number of cases reported at the National Commission for Women. The country has even observed an upsurge in the assault on doctors and health workers during the crisis. Several healthcare workers in India have been attacked as they battle to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Reports say doctors have been spat at and chased away from homes, and that in one case-patients directed abusive and vulgar language towards female nurses. Some physicians and their families have also been ostracized by their neighbors because of their exposure to patients infected with COVID-19.

Also, resort to online modes of activities for governance, education, and work; there has been a rise in the cybercrime cases across the country that has led to people losing out on data privacy and security. A report has revealed that India has seen a 37 percent increase in cyberattacks in the first quarter of 2020, as compared to the fourth quarter of last year,. The Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) report showed that its products detected and blocked 52,820,874 local cyber threats in India between January and March this year. The data also shows that India now ranks 27th globally in the number of web-threats detected by the company in quarter 1 of 2020 as compared to when it ranked on the 32nd position globally in quarter 4 of 2019.

Hence, with new forms of offenses emerging and certain offenses not at all being affected by the lockdown, there remains an iota of doubt whether the precautionary due to the COVID-19 crisis has proved to be a boon to help in the diminution of the crime rate of the country.

The Novel Covid-19 is Heart Breaking

Student Contributors: Monalisha Chakraborty, Arundhati Bose, BSc Biotechnology, Sem-IV

COVID-19 pandemic has immensely affected our lives. The doctors and scientists are working hard to decipher the mechanism of action of this virus. What has been elucidated so far is that the novel coronavirus mainly attacks the lungs resulting in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. But it has not been clear so far how this virus affects the heart. Let us try to solve the puzzle here.

It has been reported that approximately 30% of patients developed heart damage following COVID-19 infection. While some of the patients already have a history of heart disease, the rest do not! So, some very mysterious connection is there between the novel coronavirus and the heart and this code yet to be cracked!

It is not new to the scientists and doctors that viral infection can interfere with the flow of blood to the heart and thus causing irregular heartbeat and even heart failure in severe cases. But the question remains unclear—why SARS-CoV-2 mediated incidence of heart damage is occurring more frequently in comparison with other heart diseases?

The virus is possibly attacking the heart directly. Maybe the virus is being circulated by the bloodstream and entering the heart. Heart cells are having surface proteins called Angiotensin-converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2), like the lung cells. ACE2 are the gateways for the virus to enter heart cells. ACE2 is normally having a protective “Anti-inflammatory” function; which helps to keep immune cells from inflicting more damage to the body’s cells. So, ACE2 controls the cytokine storm initiated by the virus-entry and also helps the virus to enter heart cells.

Now, the virus shows it’s true color! Once entered, it kicks out ACE2 protein and thus can damage host cells Directly or Indirectly, by preventing the body from ACE2 mediated anti-inflammatory protection. Now, this is obvious that inflamed, and damaged by the virus, the heart muscle will slowly stop functioning properly.

It’s really hard to decipher whether having more ACE2 is harmful or helpful in this context. The matter gets more complicated when the “game-changer” anti-COVID19 drug “hydroxychloroquine” could cause heart damage.  

Thus, it’s a challenge for all of us to find out a way to save our hearts. The situation becomes more challenging when the infected person is not diagnosed with any heart disease previously, thus becomes more vulnerable to the virus-induced heart damage. It is widely known that ACE-inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor blockers are routinely used for the treatment of heart disease and also to control the blood pressure of an individual. But can we depend upon these drugs while infected with the virus as the upper mentioned medication acts as a double-aged sword; On one hand it can save the heart and lung from the virus-induced damage and on the other hand it can increase the chance of the infection. There is where we are helpless as more researches should be carried out to find out a solution.



Student Contributor: Miss. Moupriya Chakraborty. MSc. Biotechnology, SOLB, AU

During the period of revolutionary advancement of human civilization coronavirus attacks us unexpectedly to remind us of the third law of eminent scientist sir “ Issac  Newton” – “Every action has its opposite and equal reaction”. Our impudence affects nature fatally. Nature surrounding us is being contaminated rampantly in the name of human progress. The advent of coronavirus tells all human beings to nourish the natural environment with parental care. If it is violated then the existence of human beings runs in an extinct way. It is a red alert on nature to make aware of all people in the world.

Coronavirus is an obstinate enemy. Its abridged name  COVID-19. It diddles researchers and scientists changing complexion through the way of mutation. Its first advent is found in Wuhan, Hubei province in China on 31st December 2019. From then this invisible enemy of our open eyes spreads rapidly from door to door of various countries in an epidemic form. Now it has reached the pandemic phase. The general symptoms of an infected person are cold dry cough, fever, and acute respiratory problems. Few cases are diagnosed without any symptoms.

The type of this virus is identified eleven in manners. SARS-COV-2, RNA virus is fatal. The victims of two lakhs people tell the middle of May are SARS-COV-2 over the world. The vaccine is invented so far. Lockdown is only a preventive measure to avert community infection. Wearing masks maintaining social distance, washing hands with sanitizer, enhancing immunity power, and the following hygiene should be taken to save ourselves.

In this situation, the entire world is worrying about what will be the scenario after COVID-19. What will be the human psychology after diminishing the wickedness of this pandemic disease? COVID-19 has also engulfed our human civilization in such a unique way that prangs the economy of the world along with tearing human lives. Its rapid engulfment has been reflected in human psychology and human society. The livelihood of people has been plundered abiding by the rules of lockdown. Naturally, human psychology and society are affected.

Mental health and psychological resilience after the COVID-19 pandemic:

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is spreading throughout the World resulting in deep concern, mental stress, and fear all of which are not unnatural or abnormal reactions in this grave situation. As the situations are changing, more and more uncertainty is spreading its wings, every person of the society being affected deeply by the changing surroundings and trying to adapt accordingly. The fear of coronavirus is changing our psychology. The threat of contamination can change our psychological responses to ordinary interactions that can lead us to behave in surprising ways. A large portion of our mind is preoccupied with the threat of this novel disease pandemic. For weeks, almost every newspaper has stories about the coronavirus pandemic on its front page; radio and  TV programs have back -to- back coverage on the latest death tolls; media platforms are filled with frightening statistics, practical advice or gallows humor.  As a consequence, the people are becoming more anxious, and in turn, this high level of anxiety is taking toll of our mind and body. The distress is challenging our psychological health deeply. As per example, the fear of the infection is not allowing us to behave like an open-minded responsible adult, but we are being forced to choose traditional behavior more. That is why nowadays intolerance to issues like migration and immigration is becoming more common. Sadly, the pandemic is not only affecting the health of the population but it is killing the transparency of our mindset resulting in a society with inequity.

THE MIND & BODY CONNECTION: Behavioural Immune System

History of the infectious disease tells us the story of how our ancestors became less active due to viral infections. Although our immune system helps us to fight the battle against virus but the aftermath leaves us sluggish and less active. The question is: after we win this battle, will there be a “different me”? The answer is yet to come.

People are victimized for new agony like wearing masks and maintaining a social and physical distance.

  • Human psychology is cultivated now at stake pondering over our future.
  • All sundry people are trying to get rid of unwholesome food and habits preventing themselves from coronavirus taking the importance of nutritious food to enhance immunity power.
  • Young generalists are being disappointed for pondering over for their near future due to arising uncurbed COVID-19 biting circumstances.
  • COVID-19 engirdles children into four walls. Therefore, their child’s play, childhood, hide, and seek play are disrupted due to confinement under adverse circumstances. Their blooming portal will be affected. An outgrowth of their mental talent will be obstructed at the outset. On the other hand, their mental strength will be concentrated hygienically with their studies without parental care.


  • The COVID -19 outbreak affects all segments of the population and is particularly detrimental to members of those social groups in the most vulnerable situations, continues to affect populations, such as people living in dearth situations, aged population, disabled people, the young generation and native people. Early evidence indicates that the health and economic impacts of the virus are being borne largely by the poor and less fortunate people. Here we can talk about homeless people as an example. These people are highly exposed to the contagion due to a lack of proper shelter and self-hygiene. There are millions of less fortunate people all over the World, who do not have the privilege of accessibility to running water; they also tend to suffer greatly from the current pandemic. As a consequence, less fortunate and poor people are dying the most apart from losing jobs and livelihood.
  • It is very clear to us that the social crisis that has been created by the pandemic would result in an unequal society. The only way out seems to be the establishment of policies and rules by the Government that would help to eradicate such racial problems.

Use of Stem Cells in COVID-19 Treatment

Student Contributors: Sutrishna Ghosh, Ananya Chakraborty (B.Tech Biotechnology 3rd Year)

Stem cell therapy has become the latest range in the natural healing process. Stem cells are extraordinary cells having the potential to be differentiated into any kind of cells, known as pluripotency. Stem cells are self renewable also. Thus they can promote the repair response of disease, dysfunctional, or injured tissue. In stem cell therapy there is a very less chance of immune rejection; because those stem cells are collected from the patient’s body. And this treatment is less harmful also. Different stem cells have different functions. For COVID-19 treatment, the use of pluripotent stem cells has already been started.

In this context, we can talk about a company specializing in stem cell isolation, expansion, and cryopreservation, already reported that Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) are safe and effective for the treatment of SARS-CoV2. US-FDA also opened the way to use MSCs intravenously in COVID-19 patients. These companies have already explored the immunomodulatory/anti-inflammatory properties of MSCs. Some reported preclinical data explains that MSCs can significantly reduce the respiratory virus. SARS-CoV2 firstly attacks lungs which cause deoxygenation to RBCs and results in multi-organ failure. In some cases, those who received an infusion of MSCs are recovered within 3 weeks. Following these successful studies, many more pharmaceutical companies all over the world have also started their clinical trials.

MSCs express a verity of chemokines and cytokines which are involved in the repair mechanism of degraded tissue and counteraction of inflammation. MSCs have both immune-enhancing and immunosuppressive properties. MSCs can change the functions of various cellular components of our immune system like macrophages, T-cells, B-cells, Natural Killer Cells (NKC), dendritic cells, etc and this is how the stem cells can be used for immunomodulation. MSCs promote macrophages to the anti-inflammatory phenomenon. MSCs secret interleukin, IL-1 receptor antagonist, that can promote the polarization of macrophages toward the anti-inflammatory phenotype. Anti-inflammatory monocytes secrets high level of IL-10 and decreases the level of IL-12, TNF-a, IL-17.

To treat the Covid-19, MSCs are introduced directly to the lung cells and if required, they can be injected to the other affected organs also. The greatest advantage of using stem cells for the treatment of Covid-19 is the absence of side effects.

Based on the researches done so far on the effects of MSCs on Covid-19, here is a probable protocol for the treatment of Covid-19 positive patients using stem cells:

Let our knowledge guide us through the COVID-crisis

“Imagination is more important than knowledge”- Albert Einstein

“The Only Source of knowledge is Experience”- Albert Einstein

Hello Students and knowledge –seekers!

I won’t start talking about novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic now. All of us know about it already! There is an onslaught of real and fake information that is bound to be overwhelming.  It is time to take a sane and rational decision based on scientific evidence.

In this situation, we are sitting at home, doing our daily chores. The only front-line fighters are our doctors-health workers-scientists and police. But while we are quarantined at home, there is a lot of productive ways we may be able to contribute. How? One way is to disseminate facts and scientific protocols that need to be adopted to keep us and our families secure. In the words of Einstein….imagination is important than knowledge! In this context, I want to talk to all the students and future generations of thought leaders who want to give back to society in this crisis.  The world is desperate to devise strategies to combat with COVID-19. Knowledge and ideas will be able to provide us deliverance and eventually redeem us!

Knowledge-based domains like Biotechnology & Molecular biology are guiding us to understand the nature of the virus, their weaknesses that can be exploited for their eradication. Finally, we can target this pandemic by blocking their reproduction, processing, and packaging. We can generate a vaccine that will enforce our immune system to fight back the intruder virus! In a nutshell, we need to know microbiology, molecular biology & biotechnology.

What you can do as a Biotechnology/Molecular Biology researcher to save the world from Corona pandemic:

  • Creating a testing apparatus
  • Immuno sequencing and machine learning
  • Cell-free manufacturing of glycosylated proteins
  • Develop vaccine

Another significant paradigm that needs to be investigated is in the domain of novel therapeutic intervention for COVID-19 and any future pandemic that may arise. New treatments are urgently needed to ameliorate this pandemic.  Traditional, as well as de novo drug design/development, is a time consuming and expensive process, and we need a rapid and inexpensive strategy so that therapy can be administered as swiftly as possible.

An alternative strategy is to repurpose existing drugs that can meet the current needs. The therapy can be developed using a single drug or a combination of two or more drugs, chosen very carefully to avoid any potential side effects. Some of the existing antiviral agents are already in clinical trials. Some of the potential repurposed anti-COVID drug candidates are Chloroquine and related hydroxychloroquine (anti-malarial drug), favipiravir (used for the treatment of Influenza), IFN-β (a drug for chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder or COPD), Ritonavir (medicine for HIV), some antibiotics such as Azithromycin, Oritavancin, etc. These drugs have already been successfully used in the treatment of COVID-19 positive patients. Many more combination of broad-spectrum antiviral drugs is under investigation. Hence there is ample opportunity for us to contribute in a meaningful way as biotechnologists.  All it requires is the intent of purpose and resolve. If we put in the collective effort we will be able to overcome this difficult phase in our civilization and we will be able to come out of this stronger as a community and civilization.

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