Positive effects of the New Normal Post Covid-19

The emergence and acceptance of Blended Learning

The world is gradually coming out of the CoVid-19 freeze. It is not coming back to the way it was earlier, rather we are defining it as “New Normal” or “Neo-Normal” – a world which co-exists with the virus around us. This new way of life is very different to what we were used to. Every aspect of our lives has changed and still it is very dynamic. Most experts and academicians feel this change is permanent and perhaps many of the things which we were used to are all the thing of the past.

While there have been unprecedented loss of life and livelihood due to the crisis, it has also made us adopt many new ways which are for the better. Education also has undergone a massive change. Even a few months ago, traditional teaching (Classroom based Teacher Student Learning) was normal and Online classes was known to a very few and used by even lesser students/teachers. With the world going into lockdown due to the CoVid-19 crisis, every institution turned towards online education. From play schools to large universities, everybody went online. So much so, that few thinkers have started calling it the future of teaching-learning. Universities, Tech giants and governments have started to think of ways to make online education more seamless, far reaching and weed out issues that are still persistent. In the last couple of months, I have read many columns discussing about how online education would be the new norm and gradually we would find the brick and mortar universities & schools fade away.

While this might be a very farfetched thought, we might see a rapid adaptation of Blended Learning going forward. Blended learning is a concept of learning that combines educational materials available online, online interactions, online collaborative research along with the traditional physical classroom methods. Students attend a normal school with a teacher to attend a face-to-face class but then some learning practices are also combined with electronic/internet-based activities. Blended learning is already majorly being used in professional development and on the job training.

Simply put blended learning is something which adapts the better of both the methods. This is Blended Learning.

Why blended learning?

Post covid-19, one thing is very clear that we would not conduct the classes the same way. With lesser students in a classroom due to distancing norms, but similar infrastructure, we would have to adopt online classes. But research show that concepts learned online, are gradually forgotten over time compared to concepts in a classroom environment. Blended learning is a structured approach to tackle this problem.

Advantages of Blended learning

  1. Blending learning ensures that the student is always engaged and in control of their own individual learning experience in their own pace.
  2. Blended learning is much more interactive than conventional learning. As this is simply not just learning by listening but also mixes traditional classroom training with online sessions, many more senses and skills are engaged in the process.
  3. A student may first do self-studies or pre-learning, followed by Face-to-face interactions, or vice versa. This way of learning adopts the benefits of both the modes by optimizing and reinforcing the different techniques.
  4. Knowledge gained in the classroom, digitally allows students to develop their critical thinking, logical reasoning and problem-solving skills in the specialized subject.
  5. Adopting multiple learning channels and ICT allow students to access large amounts of information in a variety of ways, such as videos, podcasts, and more—and they can go deep into any topic or review it as per their choice and convenience.
  6. Knowledge retention is significantly improved with a variety of interactive elements in the learning process, built-in assessment and feedback, and real-world implementation.
  7. The blended learning approach delivers a much richer training experience and helps you to immediately begin to use what you have learned in the sessions while receiving valuable feedback from an expert instructor so that you can focus on improvement in your weaker areas.

The typical elements of any blended learning system normally comprise of:

  1. In-Person Training:Normally done in a typical classroom by a teacher. It can also involve peer group learning from classmates and seniors.
  2. Online Learning:This module involves self-learning and often is through various ICT channels. This helps the learner to deep dive into the concepts which he or she has learned. The module can also be used for pre-learning before the in person training about the topic.
  3. Coaching:The last module is one to one coaching. This is extremely important module as this provides individual feedback to the learner based on which he/she can improve their learning further

Ways to implement blended learning

There are various ways of implementing blended learning. These ways can be adopted depending upon resource availability, length of the curriculum, complexity of the course and number of learners.

  1. Face-to-face driver:In this process the trainer/instructor or teacher gives instruction and take aid of various digital tools to augment the learning. In other words, we may say that traditional teaching is the main mode of delivery but technology is also used to supplement learning.
  2. Rotation:Students or learners go through a cyclic schedule of self online study and face-to-face classes and also if required field work.
  3. Flex:The flex model delivers most content online, but in a traditional school setting. Teachers guide students through the learning process and provide one-to-one or small group help when needed. This model helps students to learn in their own pace and select their content.
  4. Online Labs:The online lab model gives the maximum of the content online and remotely. This is different from strictly online learning as learners gather in a traditional setting to access computers for learning. But face-to-face interaction with teachers is very limited.
  5. Online Driver:In this model the entire course is primarily delivered based on technology and over internet. Most instructions are given remotely. Teachers and students can be geographically in different places. Most of the times there is no face to face interactions, and teachers are mainly there to provide guidance, support and in some cases act as resource only if needed. This model offers maximum flexibility and brings down the costs associated drastically as the mode eliminates the need for any form of physical space and has a reduced resource requirement.


Thus, blended learning has a lot of advantages and helps teachers to retain the attention of students longer. It introduces flexibility in learning along with putting the learner in charge of his own learning. Blended learning as a concept was always prevalent, with student using libraries for additional learning, institutes conducting seminars and workshops for additional learning. With the emergence of technology and internet, the options are far more and possibilities endless.

Online Exam: How to face the Unknown Challenge

The CoVid-19 has brought in many unprecedented challenges to us in all aspects of life. Education too is undergoing a massive change, for both educators and students. Apart from classroom going online, another major change which eventually we would have to adopt is examinations going online.  

Though online exams have been around for some time now, for many students, an online exam is an absolutely new and bewildering experience. Most of them do not know or have no clue how to face it, how to prepare and how to attempt it. Though the preparation of the exams per se is not much different from a traditional in-class test, the difference is related to the strategies students adopt while attempting it which are different. The online testing method does present some differences that require a bit of extra awareness and preparation. Many universities have online integrity tools or test monitoring software installed to ensure students do not resort to unfair means. But then students also need to be aware about how to use these tools.

There are many online journals and books which have extensively spoken about how to succeed in online examinations. In this blog I have tried to summarize some tips which I thought would help the students.

Before the Exam: How to prepare

As online exam is relatively new for many students, the preparation for it is as important as the main exam itself.

  • Read the guidelines of the test carefully and understand it properly. Understand the date and time of the test. Is it on a specific date or time or it can be taken in Date-Time window? Do you need to book a slot before, or would that be auto assigned? Next be sure about how much time you have to attempt the test. How much time do you need to log in before the start of the exam? Also, can you take the test from home or do you need to go a particular centre for the exam? Also check for any other exam specific rules that need to knows. Remember that its extremely important to have answers to these questions before you move further. If you have any doubts, talk to your teacher or exam coordinator before moving further.
  • Know the format of the test. Exam may have multiple type questions, subjective types, fill in types or essay types. Be sure what type of questions will your teacher ask in the exam. Sometimes its a combination of various types.
  • Try to take practice tests. Many times, there are many dummy or simulation tests available online. If it is available, be sure to attempt it. Time the attempt. It shall help you understand the issues you can face. Check your typing speed. These shall help you to be updated for the real exam.
  • Check your network connections and computer/laptop. This is very critical as the entire test is based on this. To avoid any last-minute problems, ensure you have your laptop fully charged and an alternate network connection. Especially if you are using your personal computer for the test verify that it has all the correct hardware and software well in advance of the exam. If you have faced issues before connectivity, ensure you locate yourself to a place with proper connection. Most of the time, a wired LAN connection is more stable than a Wi-Fi or Mobile Network connection.
  • Time Management. Time is extremely critical in an online test. Many variations do not let you come back to the previous questions once attempted. That is an issue as students normally end up wasting a lot of time attempting any particular question. Unlike normal test, online test requires you to navigate among questions as opposed to all the questions in one sheet. Thus, how you manage your time is very critical.
  • Find the right spot. This is applicable if you are writing the test from home. Find a spot with minimum distractions. Ensure the spot is far from TVs or Common Place where people sit and talk. Phones are a definite do away (if you are not attempting the test from one). Stop all notifications (email, WhatsApp etc). And finally let all the people around you know that you are taking a test so that they do not interfere unless something urgent. I also would suggest isolating yourself in one room for even lesser distractions.
  • Arrange everything you need for the test. Keep a watch/clock with you. Keep your notes, books, or refer text with you (if you are allowed to). If you need a calculator, keep it handy.

During the Exam: Be relax and get focused

Any exam is stressful, be it online or offline. The basic rules of the exam do not and will never change. But as the mode is different, students need to keep certain things in mind while attempting.

  • Keep an eye on the clock.Most online testing modules have an on-screen clock during the exam. Normally it’s a down counter. If you are not comfortable with that have a clock with you. Always keep a tab on time.
  • Print and Save screen shots of the test questions and your responses.Check this beforehand with your teacher or exam coordinator. If its allowed, it is always smart to print the questions and answers in case of any issue. If print option is not available, try taking screen shots and save them.
  • Essay types – Short Notes Questions: Try using Microsoft Word to type your response. It is easy to edit the response in word and later you may copy paste the same to the exam response sheet. But before doing this, ensure you check with your exam co-ordinator.
  • Never leave the test page. Many online exams allow you to browse online (Go to google, online library, or intranet). If you wish to do so, never use the same browser session to do it. Always open a second page, preferably a different browser if you have one to surf the online content. Sometimes small errors or an unintentional close button hit may lose all the work/answers.
  • Do not panic if there is a technical issue.When ever there is a technical issue, the first thing to do is to take a screen shot of the error message. If you cannot do that, note down the message and the error code if any. Next immediately call the Exam Supervisor/ Teacher and notify them the same. Many times, tech glitches can be recovered and exams are resumed. 
  • Check before you submit.Check your answers before hitting the submit button. Many times, we unintendedly click on something or mistype something. Check for those errors. Once you hit submit, you might not be able to change anything.
  • Check after submitting.Wait for the completion message after hitting submit. Sometimes submit button may not work even after multiple clicks. Call the exam supervisors immediately. Do not hurry. Leave the test page only once you see an exam completion page.


Online examination has many advantages though it may seem a steep challenge today. If the students do not procrastinate and take the above-mentioned checklists before and during the exam, there would be no reasons to be anxious at all. The above guidelines will help students to complete their exams in whichever semester/class they belong to. The guidelines thus will be a booster to face this unknown challenge in a fair way.

Train Your Brain to “Be Positive”

Scientist say that a human mind at an average has 20,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. There are also data which says that 80% of all our thoughts are negative. In fact we train our own brain to think negative.

Sounds alarming!!! Well its not. Our mind was never designed to be happy or sad. It was wired for our survival. Simply put from the time of our evolution, it was always trying to sense and avoid danger, fight hunger and thirst and things more crucial for our survival. Decision making is more important to the brain than being creative and productive. But then over this long evolution, the functioning of the brain has also changed a lot.

Most of us pay a lot of attention to our physical health by doing regular exercise, eating properly and other ways to be fit. But often we fail to realize that mental health is as important to us as physical health is. But unfortunately, we hardly put any efforts to maintain our mental health. In our present lifestyle, with so much work pressure, stress and anxiety all around, it has become more than important to make a conscious effort to upkeep our mental health. Post-Covid 19, with social distancing becoming the norm, we shall be socializing lesser, eat out fewer times, go out for movies or arts even lesser. Life shall turn more solitary. That shall have a tremendous negative effect on our mental health.

The question therefore is how to keep the mind happy! We can control our mind in various ways, we can train it to be positive and thus affecting our overall feeling and wellbeing. In India we have seen our elders, grandparents and ancestors meditating. We have heard stories about how great yogis have the power to control any thing with their minds. We also have heard about people who are in a perpetual happy state of mind.  So how is all this possible? Can all of us also do it?

To train your mind to be positive, you do not have to be a practicing yogi. Its simple and all of us can do it. The first thing to do is by observing your thoughts – even if it’s just for couple of minutes. When we start practicing this, at the very beginning similar negative thoughts shall come back creeping up in your mind. Anxiety about an upcoming trip? Stressed out work? A old fight you had with your spouse, friend or colleague? Once you know which is the issue which is bothering you the most, try to address the issue. If it’s a fight, reach out and talk about it. Put the thing at rest.

Next thing to do is to think about something positive, which happened during the day. If it is more than one thing, think about both. If nothing has happened today, think about some happy memory. Do this for at least 2 to 3 minutes every day before going to bed. Once you can do this easily, try doing it more frequently. Research shows this releases dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin in our brain, chemicals which makes us feel happy.

It is very important to understand what is really important in life. It is not the clothes in your closet or the number of properties you own. It is you who is important, your family and friends and society around you. These things make you happy and make you feel happier. So its important to take time out for yourself and do what you like, cook, paint, read a book, listen to music, anything which make you happy, talk to family and friends. The lockdown has made us realize this better that it is not the eating outs, trips and parties which bring joy to our lives. It is things which are much simpler than that. Sharing with the community is another thing which gives immense joy. It is not necessary to donate money. You can also donate time. Help people around you. All these help you to feel better and of course stay positive.

Keep away from too much news. Media today has reached amazing heights. It has its own benefits. We are far more aware about everything and that too in matter of minutes. Internet and smart devices have helped this even further. People are always getting news feeds, forwards which are often fake news, and overload of information. It is not always possible to filter the right from the wrong. So, it is best to ignore and disconnect yourself from all of this. Select some trusted sources for information and ensure that you follow only that. This misinformation definitely triggers unnecessary negative thoughts in your mind. Especially, when we have this pandemic in the world, news tend to be even more disturbing. These news disturb your mind and makes it less productive and creative.

Another important thing is to Take short breaks. The world as we know it shall change in going forward. We are moving towards a more virtual life. Classes shall be online, work from home shall be a norm. And this trend shall be growing more than not. While doing this we often get stuck to our computers or smart devices for very long stretches. This is extremely stressful though it does not seem like it. Your brain is getting overworked and the rest of your body is doing no physical activity. It is thus very important to take breaks. After every 30 mins to 45 mins take a short break of 3 to 5 mins. Walk around. Look out of the window. Make it a point to take a stroll for at least 30 mins a day. These things keep your mind calm.

The last thing is to take proper rest. Try to sleep for at least 7-8 hrs. a day. Have light meals in the night and minimize screen time just before going to bed. This shall ensure that you have a sound sleep. This deep sleep is required for your brain to cool down, remove all the harmful toxins and chemicals, and rejuvenate itself. Sleeping late night, watching something violent before bed, consuming alcohol before bed or even late dinners are all reasons to have a disturbed night sleep.

Life has changed and so we need to adapt these changes more than ever. Our lifestyle has to change also. Many things which were general good habits now must be made the norm. The faster we do it, the happier we shall be by being Positive. 

Does weather have any effect on the new Corona Virus

The world is facing a new mountainous challenge. Also known as the Covid-19 cutting across nations, no matter if they are the most advance or they are a global superpower. Every country is on its knees because of this virus. Though it has been already six months since the virus has shown its ugly face to the humankind, we still know very little about this devil. We are still struggling to just fight the contagion rather than know it better and build our defences. Everyone still has a lot of questions about it which are far from being answered.

One of those questions the entire world is asking is, why is the effect of the virus not so severe in the SAARC Nations even though they do not really have the best public health care facilities in the globe. In fact the rate of fatality is around 3% to 3.5% compared to the upward of 5 to 6% in Europe and the US. Also the number of infections as compared to the population density is also very low. A number of factors are being attributed for this. Apart from taking early preventive actions, strict isolation, and other governmental measures, theories are also being discussed about advanced immunity of the population in these parts of the world due to the existing living conditions and age of the population (which is primarily younger compared to the rest of the world). Another dimension which is also widely being discussed, is the fact that not only the SAARC nations but also the countries/areas which are in between the tropics are showing a lower infection rate. This brings us to an assumption that either geography or weather has some role to play in containing the virus.

Though there are no definite conclusions yet, let us try and analyse this assumption. This virus belongs to a family called the Coronavirus and sub family of SARS CoV Virus family. SARS stands for Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus. Typically the optimum environmental condition associated with this virus family is between 16 Degree to 28 Degree Centigrade.  But a sharp decrease in temperature was related to the increase in SARS infection cases. This also has a relation to the human immunity system. Human immunity tends to decrease with the decrease in temperature. Common cold and flu virus are also related to this virus family and we normally see an increasing trend during monsoon and winter days. This shows that there is a possibility that the virus thrives in humid and cold conditions. Now if we come to the present-day scenario, we find that CoVid-19 also has an alarming rate of increase in conditions where the temperatures are cold to moderately cold with some humidity or moisture in the air. Most of the virus from this virus family are also similar in the way they propagate, and all are extremely contagious.

Lately, we have also discovered some more interesting facts about this virus family, especially CoVid-19 or SARS CoV2. This virus is also being called the “Enveloped Virus”. The reason for this name is due to the discovery of an oily coat around the virus known as the lipid bi-layer. This layer is studded with proteins that stick out like spikes of a crown. Thus, the name “CORONA” or like a crown, which comes from the Latin word CORONA meaning crown. So, what is this oily coat and how does this relates to the seasonal behaviour.

Research shows that this oily coat makes this virus more susceptible to heat than those viruses which do not have this coat. This oily coat in colder condition become harder like rubber & that makes it impenetrable, protecting the virus. On the other hand, higher temperatures have a reverse effect on this virus by thinning and destroying this layer. So, most of the enveloped virus show a strong seasonality effect due to this.   

As more and more researchers are working day and night to understand this new virus, I just hope that we are able to win over this virus soon. Its is often said that there is always a counterforce force available in nature for any negative force. Probably the same is for this virus as well. May be its just the abundant sunlight which we have or some medicine from the plants. We humans have always survived these sorts of calamities with our determination and hope. I am sure we shall get over this as well, may be with some morning “sunshine on my shoulders”.    

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