Teaching Learning and its Evaluation through a standardized test

In today’s world everything is more systematized , scientific and objectivity is being maintained . Teaching learning system is not an exception to it . The educationists are taking care of it and are more concerned about it .Teaching learning is as such not restricted to only teaching and learning  rather it involves diagnosing , counseling , analyzing etc . But before doing all these it proper evaluation is required which involves developing various types of tests and administering it on the students to measure their achievements , learning difficulties and accordingly provide required services . So in teaching learning process Test occupies  an important place .  It is not an easy task to construct a perfect test . It has some characteristics that one has to follow while developing a Test . The followings describe some of the important characteristics of a good test.

Characteristics of a good Test :

Test in Education implies a set of questions . Framing a set of questions as per the instructional objectives is not an easy task . While developing a Test the following characteristics should be kept in mind .

Reliability :

Reliability is the consistency of a Test . If a test is used over and over again and gives the same result it is said to be a reliable one .Reliability of a test means the test is trustworthy .

Types of Reliability :

The following are different types of reliability –

  • Test- Retest reliability –This is a very simplest method of determining reliability . The same test is applied to the same group of population twice with a time gap . The result of the sets of score are to be correlated . If the coefficient of correlation is high then the test is said to be a reliable one .
  • Split-half Method: In split half method the same test is divided into two same equal appearing parts . The results of the two parts are correlated by using Spearman Brown formula .


  • Parralel form method : It is also called as the equivalent form method of determining reliability . In this type of reliability two equal form of test is prepared and administered to the same population within a short period of time .The test results are being correlated and the reliability is to be found out .
  • Kuder Richardson 20 Formula (KR-20) : This is used to calculate for the reliability of the test in a dichotomous item. The reliability is calculated by applying KR-20 formula .

Validity :

The validity of a test is truthfulness of a test. It is how well a test measures what it appears to be measured .This is one of the important characteristics of a good test . The test must measure what it supposed to measure and not any other characteristics or trait .

Types of Validity :

There are different types of validity as discussed below –

  • Content Validity:

Content validity measures how well the test items are the true representative of the content . Content Validity is the most important type of validity which can be achieved through a careful observation of the test content.

  • Construct Validity:

Construct is a psychological trait or quality . It refers to the extent to which a test confines a specific theoretical trait and it overlaps with some of the other aspects of validity. It is based on the degree to which the items in a test reflect the important aspects of the theory on which the test is based on.

  • Concurrent Validity:

This is also called as criterion validity . It measures how well a new test is comparable with the already existing one . This validity is considered when we are using the test to distinguish between two or more groups of individuals whose status at the time of testing is different.

  • Predictive Validity:

It measures the predictive capacity of the test ; how well a test can predict the future performances. Predictive validity is the level to which a score on a test predicts  some criterion measures.


This is another important characteristic of a test . A test in order to be perfect must have this character of objectivity . No subjective error or personal biasness should interfere the test score or result.

Usability :

A test in order to be a good one it must have the character like usability . It implies a test perfectly constructed  must be easy to use . The test must have practical value in terms of administration , economic and time factor .


Teacher is assigned with not only teaching but also assessing . Assessment involves construction of test . Properly constructed test can convey the meaning for which it is prepared . So this requires a hard task for the teacher . Thus the teacher must be more  careful and maintained  the characteristics of test construction then only a good test can be constructed to measure what it purports to measure and will fulfill the purpose .

Counselling: A Ray of Hope

Individual’s life is not like a bed of roses. It is the combination of happiness and sorrow, hopes and aspirations, ups and downs and many more. Always life pattern follows the normal probability curve .So in the  life of human beings there is always a need for proper  directions to chose from right and wrong , to decide his own path of progress according to his own abilities and disabilities , to make his own decision and to carry his own liabilities. In this path of life he may face failures. So instead of being disappointed, feel depressed, being anxious, developing stress he should maintain a good balanced mental health. Some persons are well equipped with strong mind power and support system where as some are not. Hence they need outside support to move ahead. Here comes the role of Counselling.

Counselling to common person may be similar with the word of Guidance. But it is really not like that. Guidance has a much more wider scope and is broad than that of Counselling. Anybody with proper knowledge, skill and experience can guide a person who is in need of it. Whereas counselling is one of the many services provided under guidance .It requires specific qualifications and skill. Counsellor must be able to handle all types of technical supports that is used in the process of counselling. It is a two way interaction between the counsellor and the counsellee.

Types of Counselling:

It is a well known fact that no two individuals are alike. There exits individual differences. It is not feasible to adopt any one type of counseling service to solve the problems of individuals with varied needs .Depending on the nature of the problem, many types of counseling services may be applied. Generally there are three types of counselling like –

  • Counsellor centered Counseling or Directive Counselling:

In this type of counselling the counsellor plays the major or pivotal role. The main exponent of this was E.G. Williamson (1950) of Minnesota University. In this type of counselling the counsellor listens to the problems of the client, decides the way out, encourages and motivates the client to act in a desired way. It is the counsellor who takes all the decisions about the counsellee but with the consent of the counsellee. There are six steps in counsellor centered counseling like analysis, synthesis, diagnosis , prognosis , counselling and follow up .At first the counsellor collects information about the client . Then at the second stage he finds out the liabilities, weaknesses and strong points about the client .In the next stage he anticipates the pros and cons of the procedures to be adopted .Then the counselling is provided and that is to be followed up.

  • Client centered or Nondirective counseling :

In this type of counselling client plays the active role. The main advocate of non-directive or client-centred or permissive counselling is Carl R. Rogers. This type of counselling believes on the potentialities of the client.It is stated that the client is having enough abilities to solve his own problem.The Counsellor should provide proper opportunities to the client.Carl Rogers has given the following steps of this non-directive counselling— Defining the Problematic Situation, Free Expression of Feelings, Classification of Positive and Negative Feelings., Development of Insight, and Termination of Counselling Situation.

  • Eclectic Counselling:

This is a combination of both directive and non directive counselling. F. C. Throne advocates for this type of counselling. In this type of counselling the counsellor may start with directive approach but when the situation demands, he may incorporate non-directive technique.

Need of Counseling in today’s Context:

It is a well known fact that the time is changing as well as the society. Hence at times it becomes difficult for the individual to cope up with this change. As per psychologist Ericksons’s view in human being there exits two types of forces. When one is able to adapt the situation perfectly, he proceeds or else there may be conflicts or confusions. This needs to be systematically removed. Some people have well equipped defense mechanisms to adjust, whereas, some may not have. Those who fails, to do so may face different types of behavioral problems or need the help of competent persons or counsellors. It is not that the people need counselling to solve the behavioral problems only. Counselling is needed for proper, personal, educational and occupational or vocational choices in life.

Now in  the present situation in the wake of Covid-19 , where there are negativity  every where, counselling is needed by all, irrespective of age, area and sex to remain calm, to develop positivity in their attitude and behavior, to find   mental peace and  pace in the society as a whole . So it can be rightly said that counselling is a ray of hope in the present situation.

Gender – A burning social Issue

Gender is a burning issue and an open topic of discussion in today’s world. It is nothing but socially assigned role to the individuals. Sometimes it is being mistaken as sex. But it is something which has nothing to do with biology or physiological factor. Sex is determined by birth. Whereas gender is determined by the society. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines gender as:

“Gender refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women and men, such as norms, roles, and relationships of and between groups of women and men. It varies from society to society and can be changed.”

Difference between Gender and Sex:

  •  Sex refers to biological differences  but gender can refer to the role of a male or female in society.
  •   Genetic factors define the sex of an individual where as Gender tends to denote the social and cultural role of each sex within a given society.
  •  Gender varies from society to society and can be changed but sex remains same as birth.
  •  Gender norms (the socially acceptable ways of acting out gender) are learned from birth through childhood socialisation . Where as role in the society according to one’s sex is determined by the  society it self.

Gender as a Social Construction

Gender is considered  as a process,  a type of social stratification and also as a structure of the society .Gender is socially constructed . Society assigns roles to the different sex ; like in daily interaction , observation of rituals ,  taking the leadership , managing household jobs , doing works out side etc. There are certain norms which society fix for the people . Individual learns gender assigned roles from parents , schools , religious and cultural teachings ,from media and from other social institutions .

Gender may be masculine and feminine. In every society masculine depicts men who tend to enjoy more social and cultural  freedom than that of their feminine counterpart .It is a way of life which is directed by the society and is reflected in the activities of human being . But it is not sex and it is separate from the sex on the ground that it depends upon the social phenomena rather than biological.

Social Acceptance of Gender :

Society all over the world has now  accepted the fact that homosexuality is no longer a social issue. Same sex marriage is above all the ethical issue . In India Supreme Court has created a history , through the  modification of Article 377 , by accepting this issue . Different social activist and media is now helping to make the people conscious about this burning issue of gender . Gradually everybody is accepting this fact that gender is nothing but the socially accepted role given by the society and which is not rigid or absolute .Everyone in this society is free to live his or her life fully with full satisfaction , maturity and with some kind of responsibilities . Everyone is to contribute towards the development of the society and society in return to give him a hassle free environment to grow and mature .

Peer Tutoring: An Alternative Strategy

Peer tutoring as such is nothing but where a student teaches to his peer/ batch mates or to the lower class students. Teaching is a two way process where it requires someone who will study and someone who will teach or tutor. In peer tutoring, a student under the guidance of a teacher will involve in the process of tutoring.

Benefits of Peer Tutoring:

The benefits of peer tutoring are –

  • Individual attention can be given as teaching learning is on one to one basis.
  • Active learning can be possible as there is direct interaction between students.
  • While teaching others peer tutor refines and revises his own knowledge and skills
  • As the tutor is from among the peer they are more open about their problem.
  • It is more cost effective than to engage additional staff.

Peer tutoring Model:

Peer tutoring can be of different types. Like –

  • Class wide peer tutoring –In this model the entire class is divided into small groups not larger than five with different ability level.
  • Cross-Age Peer tutoring –In cross age peer tutoring younger students are pair with older students. The Older students are supposed to tutor the younger ones
  • Peer assisted learning Strategies – The students are paired with more or less same ability level where each student learn from the other .

Limitations of Peer Tutoring:

  • At times over tutoring may create problem
  • Personal biasness of teacher may arise in selecting the tutor.

In general Peer tutoring is an assistive device to help the pupil in the class to achieve success in their academic field. In peer tutoring both the tutor and the pupil get benefited.

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