#PositiveCorona: Positive Impact of Covid 19 on Indian Education System

The COVID-19 crisis has jolted the global economy with a pervasive impact on almost all sectors. It has triggered the announcement of a lockdown by several nations in an attempt to arrest the transmission risk of the disease. According to a UNESCO report, the pandemic will adversely impact over 290 million students across 22 countries due to the closure of schools in the wake of the lockdown. Extended school closures will not only weaken the fundamentals of students, but it will also lead to loss of human capital as well as economic opportunities in the long -run. According to the World Bank, its impact will be profound in countries where education is grappling with low learning outcomes and a high dropout rate. Several educational institutions had no choice but to embrace e-learning to sustain the momentum.

Over the past few years, e-learning has witnessed an uptick due to ubiquitous Internet connectivity, the proliferation of smartphones and significant advances in technology. The ongoing crisis should be perceived as an opportunity in disguise for online education. The e-learning overcomes geographical barriers and ensures equitable access to education. It also facilitates convenient, quick, on -the- go and 24×7 access. Numerous ed-tech firms have leveraged this opportunity to offer lessons in an interesting and interactive way to students. E-learning seems a viable solution at the moment to fill the void created due to the absence of classroom learning.

Fortunately, the Indian government has taken cognizance of the untapped potential of e-learning. The one-nation-one platform facility through the PM E-Vidya platform and a dedicated channel for students from Class 1 to Class 12 will liberalize distance and online learning regulatory framework. Moreover, emphasis on community radio, podcasts, and customized content for differently-abled will enable more inclusivity into access to education.

However, certain challenges need to be addressed to bring online education into the mainstream in India. Firstly, uninterrupted access to the Internet is yet to become a reality in Tier 3 and remote cities in India. Secondly, the absence of a comprehensive policy regulation leads to ambiguity over the operational framework. Also, online education needs to take cognizance of different learning pace of students and develop customized solutions for them. Moreover, the concerns of increased screen time, anxiety and stress triggered due to the continuous use of electronic devices also need to be addressed.

Although online education cannot replace classroom education due to the personalized nature of attention and face to face interactions, it can be an effective supplement to the brick-and-mortar model of education. There is a need to revamp the current pedagogy to seamlessly integrate online learning into mainstream education. Equally significant is the need to devise a quality benchmark for education providers. This will encourage the weaning away fly -by- the -night players in the field. So far, e-learning has proved a boon for urban areas. It should be further expanded to serve the rural and underserved hinterlands as well as differently-abled sections of society. New-age technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Virtual Reality among others can be instrumental in bridging the crucial gaps.

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has presented an opportunity to rethink the deep-rooted classroom mode of education and underscored the significance of online learning. It has been a great leveller as it has enabled various stakeholders to collaborate and assess the gaps and shortcomings in the conventional model. The COVID-19 pandemic may be just the ‘tipping point’ for reform of the Indian education system.


Mechanical Engineers play a major role in facilitating the functioning of modern society. For any Mechanical Engineer the main goal is to work in line with the cause to create a better tomorrow. The skills acquired by a Mechanical engineering graduate must benefit the entire society.

Idea to Realisation of Product: From product designers to product manufacturers, Mechanical engineers are competent to work from the very inception of a product development followed by a no. of validity analysis at design and manufacturing phases, till it reaches the consumers. A Mechanical Engineer should be able to employ the two natural resources – materials and energy available to them in an optimum and efficient manner. Each and every need for development must base on the concurrency and congruency with the ideas and thoughts of the entire team.

Problem Solving: Mechanical Engineers are generally well known for their diverse reach to solve nearly any technical problem. The engineer doesn’t have much option to choose the problem of own interest. They should be able to utilise engineering techniques to solve a wide gamut of technical hitches faced by the society. Each and every determination of a scientific inquiry carried out by a Mechanical Engineer should be in direct relevance to the future needs of the society. The prime responsibility of a Mechanical Engineer is to enhance and maintain public safety and welfare. Environmental safety and environmental responsibility being the other prime criterion to be considered.

A Mechanical Engineer should be capable to explain the difference between science and engineering to the society and how can the principles of science be implemented in advancements of engineering. They should be perfect at their professional ethics and towards their legal liabilities. They should develop fundamental understanding of their professional responsibilities. There should be healthy debate between the engineers which naturally arises their integration in application of their methodologies.

At Adamas University the curriculum design is mainly focusing on two specific forms of the infrastructure where Mechanical engineers benefit society. These relate to the connection & supplying of products and services to the society.

The first area to be considered is termed ‘Connect’. Mechanical Engineers link communities together through transport infrastructure. Infrastructure give the vital role for create the society beneficial project with the help of innovative idea. Adamas University is rated the best private university in eastern India and was established with the intension to provide a better infrastructure for creating innovative projects which is used to develop the society. Mechanical Engineering department under this university plays a vital role for creating various low-cost innovative projects which are used to develop the transportation for financially week people. Out of many Projects, I take this opportunity to present few of the most impactful projects till date. Let’s get connected!

1) Air Bike (Guided by the faculty Mrs. Soodipa Chakraborty): -A Compressed air vehicle (CAV) is old concept but it becomes important because of hike in petrol prices and increase in pollution. CAV engine works on compressed air, no mixture of fuel is required. So, construction of engine may be same as conventional but some modification is needed to compensate the air as fuel fact. Fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum, diesel, natural gas and coal) which meet most of the world’s energy demand today is being depleted rapidly. Also, their combustion products are causing global problems, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion acid rains and pollution which are posing great danger for environment and eventually for the total life on planet.
These factors are leading automobile manufactures to develop cars fuelled by alternatives energies. Obviously, these engines are pollution free. Air used is freely available in atmosphere. A Compressed-air engine is a pneumatic actuator that creates useful work by compressed air. A compressed-air vehicle is powered by an air engine, using compressed air, which is stored in a tank. Instead of mixing fuel with air and burning it in the engine to drive pistons with hot expanding gases, compressed air vehicles (CAV) use the expansion of compressed air to drive their pistons.

2) Engine Oil Condition Monitoring System (Guided by the faculty Mr. Sudip Chakraborty): – In recent days, Automobiles that make easy transportation of goods play an important role in the economic growth of any country. Transportation necessitates the continuous running of a vehicle without any unwanted break downs. The engine is considered as the heart of an
automobile. Vehicle break on may happen due to unexpected or premature failures of some critical parts of an engine. Critical parts of engines are mainly cylinder, piston, crankshaft, timing belt, and clutch. The failure of the above components mainly depends on the lubricating performance of engine oil. Now a day’s oil is being usually replaced based on periodic maintenance schedule designed by vehicle manufacturers. This schedule is framed based on kilometre coverages of vehicles or time period. In this practice, there is the possibility of
being oil replaced before completing its life. Even during service work, technicians in the workshop do not follow any method to know the actual condition of oil before replacing it. There is a need for actual driving habits, traffic conditions, engine speed, and load conditions, road conditions (gradients) to predict the condition up to which oil was being utilized. Thus, the above is helpful in the prediction of the remaining life of engine oil. This can be done only by monitoring the properties of engine oil continuously during vehicle running. The properties of any lubricating oil are the viscosity, Viscosity index, density, Specific weight, Specific volume, specific gravity, surface tension, and capillarity. Since viscosity place, a vital role in lubrication oil condition can be judged by monitoring it continuously. The monitoring of viscosity helps to identify the actual condition of the oil. This is done by a system that receives signal for the temperature of oil, converts the same into viscosity units and displays it. Therefore, vehicle users can identify the exact replacement of engine oil.

The second strand is ‘Supply’. Water, gas, electricity and sewage infrastructure – again, developed and built by engineers. These systems don’t just make a contribution to society; they sustain society by meeting the most basic everyday needs of all its members, raising living standards for all, reducing hardship and poverty, and helping society to achieve its potential. In this context Adamas University students have contributed to create many innovative projects.

3) Hydraulic Ram Pump (Guided by the faculty Mr. Soumya Ghosh): – In today’s world water is of a great concern to the human beings because we can’t survive without it. Hydraulic ram can be one of the solutions to this problem of a mankind. Mostly in India where villages are
situated far away from the water source it is not possible to the people living there to go miles away carrying away the buckets of water. Especially at those places this pump has a much utility because it is cheap, without electricity and easy to maintain. As it requires no external energy other than kinetic energy of flowing water it can be considered as a pump which uses Renewable energy. Though the pump is in use since long time, it is not seen in common forms for lots of its performance limitations. This type of pump is truly a
blessing to the rural areas, farmers and middle class for its zero-running cost.

4) Design & Fabrication of Low-Cost Briquetting Machine (Guided by the faculty Mr. Ranjan Kumar): – Briquette is made from organic waste like- paper/ cardboard waste, waste wood etc. It’s made by recycling of organic waste. Reuses of this waste makes our environment clean and fresh. Pollution is minimum compare to coal while burning the briquette. Raw materials are mainly organic or waste materials so, raw materials cost is very cheap and easily available. This briquette can be used for house hold purpose, tea shop and other places as a replacement of coal. Purpose of fabricating this machine to serve village area people where they mainly use coal. They
can easily make these briquette through the machine and get benefited from it.

We believe in learning by creating! Bringing all these various points together, it is a truth accepted universally that Mechanical Engineers play the vital role in development of a society and that without them, it couldn’t function effectively.

Lots of job opportunity in Government sector are waiting for Mechanical Students

One of the most diverse and versatile engineering fields is a mechanical Engineering. The field of mechanical engineering touch virtually every aspect of modern life, including the human body, a highly complex machine. Today, one of the oldest branches of engineering has sprawled its wings in every sector like automotive, aerospace, biotechnology, computers, electronics, energy conversion, chemical, manufacturing, robotics and microelectromechanical systems etc. Mechanical is ready to offer you the essential skills for sustaining this society. Our honorable prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi one of the best projects is MAKE IN INDIA was launched on 25th September 2014 with three major objectives,

• To enhance the mechanical sectors growth rate which is share in the economy
• To create 100 million additional mechanical jobs in the economy by 2022
• To ensure that the manufacturing sectors contribution to GDP is increased to 25% by 2022.

The policy approach was creating a suitable environment for investments, develop modern and effective infrastructure and open up new sectors for foreign capital. It aimed to transform India into a global design and mechanical hub. So, as a mechanical engineer is a good career prospective in across the India.

All aspiring engineers tend to have a biased love for the government sector. And there are indeed very good reasons for it. Apart from the opportunity to work in prestigious companies, the salaries and the allowances that the government executives get are more than lucrative. Then there is the parameter of job satisfaction and stability, all of which come together to make the government sector the most sought-after career path among all engineers. Naturally, the question arises which engineering stream has the greatest scope in the government industries and there can certainly be no other answer apart from mechanical engineering.

PSUs require Mechanical Engineers: – The PSU or Public Sector Undertaking Companies carry out recruitment drives almost every year to absorb a large number of mechanical engineers. And the number of PSUs that employ mechanical graduates are huge. This opens up the scope for you. Total 30 PSUs like RITES LTD, ONGC, IOCL, NFL, IPR, NFL, MDL, BPCL, GAIL, NALCO, HPCL, HAL, BEML, BHEL, NTPC, WBSEDCL, SAIL etc will hiring the mechanical students through GATE 2020 score.
Take any PSU, whether it is NTPC or BHEL, mechanical engineers are responsible to maintain the structural integrity of their machinery, look after the technical aspects while passing a tender and fix on-field problems if the situations come up. The basic line of work of all these PSUs involves boilers and turbines and other similar machines that require the expertise of mechanical engineers. As long as the companies run, the machines will also run and you will always get a job in the PSUs. The graphical representation of GATE qualified Mechanical Students for PSUs in last 10 years is given in the chart.

Indian Railways is required Mechanical Engineer: -The recruitment drive that the Indian Railways carries out every year should give you a hint about the opportunities available in the government sector. Every year, Railways absorb a massive number of mechanical engineers in Assistant Loco Pilot, Junior Engineer and Section Engineer Posts. The job description involves overseeing engine production and maintenance, site supervision, putting forward tender proposals and so on. As the government policies continue to feed Railways with a higher budget and more infrastructure, the jobs of mechanical engineers are only going to grow further.

Other upcoming Central Government sectors also absorb Mechanical Engineers: – Many Central govt sectors like DRDO (Defense Research Development Organization), ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization), SSC (Staff Selection Commission) (JE, SE), LIC, NIC Surveyor (Mechanical) etc hire mechanical engineers (B.Tech/ M.Tech) through their own exam. Take ISRO for example. The stride it has made in the space sector in the past few years is truly unparallel. The ISRO Centralized Recruitment Board (ICRB) of the Department of Space and Indian Space Research Organization ISRO conducts the recruitment drive for ISRO. The recruitment is done to fill in the vacancies at the following 15 centres like Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Space Applications Centre (SAC), National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC), ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU), Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems (LEOS), Development and Educational Communication Unit (DECU), Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Master Control Facility (MCF), Department of Space and ISRO HQ, Antrix Corporation Limited. Right from sending satellites to the Earth’s orbit to planning for a manned Moon mission, somewhere in the hierarchy they need a solid team of mechanical engineers. The robots that assemble the rocket parts or the involved machinery in the space shuttle, your expertise will come in handy to make them operable and keep it functioning. The story is the same in DRDO as well where mechanical engineers have massive demand. These are upcoming government companies that are seeing a boost in the recent years and they will continue to receive further funding which will open up more jobs for you.

The scope in the Indian Army is the greatest for Mechanical Engineer: – Mechanical engineers work on the ground for the Indian Army. You will generally be responsible to oversee that all the machinery is in perfect condition and whether their maintenance is being carried out properly. Indian Army recruits mechanical engineers for all their branches and you will either be taking care of a submarine or the fighter ship in the Navy, aircraft in the Airforce or the tanks in the ground troops. The incentives are indescribable, salaries are huge and job security is definitely there. India is currently beefing up its defence at an exponential rate and mechanical jobs are also seeing the same strength. Indian Army is another sector that will soon have massive demands for mechanical graduates.

The Scope in the State Government for Mechanical Engineer: – Many of the states in India has conducted their own exam like PSC (Public Service Commission) (Assistant Engineer), MSC (Municipal Service Commission) (Assistant Engineer), WBCS, UPSC, State University Lecturer etc. For hiring mechanical Students (B.Tech/M.Tech).

Mechanical Engineering improves the chances of Employment through ‘Make in India’

Make in India is an ambitious initiative launched by government of India to attract manufacturing enterprises from abroad as well as domestic origin to set up manufacturing units in India to enhance the share of manufacturing in our GDP from current 15 percent to 25 percent by 2025. Manufacturing being one of the highest employments generating sector has been of current focus though capacity up-gradation, skill development and industrial development. To achieve this target, government of India has adopted a mix of policies for ease of doing business in India though good governance, decreasing red-tapism and scaling up infrastructural development to multiply the role of mechanical engineering. Make in India being led by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of commerce and Industry, Govt. of India. The initiative is expected to create 100milion new Mechanical Jobs in India by 2022. This initiative will promote innovators and creators by upgrading infrastructure and using state-of-art technology to bring a vibrant intellectual property regime in the country. India is the 4th largest base for new businesses in the world and home to over 3100 tech start-ups, most of them belonging to the MSME sector. The economy is set to increase its base to 11500 tech start-ups by 2022 as the industry would get a huge boost from Make in India. Now this financial crisis period Some of the govt policy have been take up for boosting of Make in India,

  • Major FDI policy reforms have been made in a number of sectors, such as defence, Construction development, Pensions, Broadcasting, Pharmaceutical and civil aviation.
  • Foreign investors can invest in India either on their own or as a joint venture, as may be required in a few sectors.
  •  Barring a few reserved sectors 100% FDI is allowed through the automatic route in several sectors, without the need of government approval, namely Automobile, Food Processing, Construction etc.
  • In Union budget 2016-17, the government has emphasized the need to increase manufacturing as a % of GDP.
  • The Central and State governments have sector specific policies,
    incentives and subsidies to promote manufacturing.
  • Increased allocation in the budget to improve infrastructure, which is critical in facilitating future growth.

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Manufacturing is an important activity to promote economic growth and development. Nations that export manufactured products tend to generate higher marginal GDP growth which supports higher incomes and marginal tax revenue. The field is an important source for engineering job opportunities. Among developed countries, it is an important source of well-paying jobs for the middle class to facilitate greater social mobility for successive generations on the economy. Industrial development is a driver of structural change which is key in the process of economic development. Research suggests that economic development requires structural change from low to high productivity activities and that the industrial sector is a key engine of growth in the development process. In many cases of high, rapid, and sustained economic growth in modern economic development have been associated with industrialisation, particularly growth in manufacturing production. Many economists agree that rapid manufacturing-led growth is what India needs and must seek to promote. Though the country has had rapid services-led growth for a decade or so, economists have tended to view this as not very stable. Historically, manufacturing has led the growth process at early stages of development not just in today’s developed countries of Europe and North America but also in late-developers of Asia such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and most recently in the People’s Republic of China. And no country in the world has achieved high-income status without developing manufacturing to a point where it accounts for a high share (around 30 per cent) of GDP. The economic logic of this historically observed pattern of development is also well understood. On the supply side, manufacturing production is characterized by increasing returns to scale and rapid productivity growth. Manufacturing can also stimulate non-manufacturing activities significantly. On the demand side, the income elasticity of demand is higher for manufactures than for non-manufactures at relatively low levels of per capital income. And manufactures are eminently tradable, so that external demand can play an important role in supporting manufacturing growth. There are around 300,000 mechanical engineers in India, who have been serving in different industries. Role of mechanical engineering can never be neglected. If we talk about the percent-wise breakup of mechanical engineers employed in different industries, then the below table clarifies:

  • Transportation equipment manufacturing 12%
  • Scientific research and development services 7%
  • Machinery manufacturing 13%
  • Computer and electronic product manufacturing 7%
  • Architectural, engineering, and related services 22%

The Prebisch-Singer hypothesis normally refers to the claim that the relative price of primary commodities in terms of manufactures shows a downward trend. Prebisch and Singer based this conclusion on a visual inspection of the net barter terms of trade – the relative price of exports to imports – of the United Kingdom from 1876 to 1947. Moreover, he argued that technical progress in manufacturing tended to be raw-material saving Thus, there are powerful empirical and theoretical arguments in favour of industrialization especially manufacturing as the main engine of growth in economic development. The arguments can be summarised as follows: There is an empirical correlation between the degree of industrialisation and per capita income in developing countries. Productivity is higher in the industrial sector than in the agricultural sector. The transfer of resources from agriculture to manufacturing provides a structural change bonus. Compared to agriculture, the manufacturing sector offers special opportunities for capital accumulation in developing countries. Capital accumulation can be more easily realised in spatially concentrated manufacturing than in spatially dispersed agriculture. This is one of the reasons why the emergence of manufacturing has been so important in growth and development. Capital intensity is high in mining, manufacturing, utilities and transport. It is much lower in agriculture and services. Capital accumulation is one of the aggregate sources of growth. Thus, an increasing share of manufacturing will contribute to aggregate growth. The manufacturing sector offers special opportunities for economies of scale, which are less available in agriculture or services.

Destructive innovation for Mechanical Engineering

Being innovative means doing things differently or doing things that have never been done before. An innovator is someone who has embraced this idea and creates environments in which employees are given the tools and resources to challenge the status quo, push boundaries and achieve growth. Mechanical Engineering is the keyway which is used to convert the innovative idea to a realistic model. But without destroying it is not possible to create any innovation. In regards to creativity, it means that, to be creative, you have to destroy preconceived notions, ideas, or parts of a problem. If you’re going to be creative you have to look at something you believe and make it false (or lesser true) to spur creative insights. In essence: a creative thought is one that destroys original thought. Creative ideas shake up what we believe, they destroy known concepts, but what they destroy they replace with something worthwhile. Like the auto company Tesla proving that electrical cars can be sustainable and luxurious, Apple showing the world what a smartphone should be with the iPhone, or Dali demonstrating that artwork can go beyond surrealism. Therefore, to be creative, you simply need to find something to destroy. It’s by destroying something old and replacing it with something new, something potentially much better, that the world (and we, as artists and creatives) grow. Mechanical Engineering plays a vital role in innovation and destruction. Innovative idea is built up by the destruction of the older idea or older product for Mechanical Engineering. I give an example, as a design engineer whatever the product has to design always thinks in mind how much force is applied in this product for destroy. I describe some of the new technology based on the mechanical concept related to innovation and Destruction.

Solar Technology:- Innovation:-(Solar Tree): Ministry of Science and Technology has come up with a ‘Solar Power Tree’, an innovative way to generate electricity using solar power in a limited space. Following features are available for Solar Tree, • It reduces the requirement of land as compared to conventional solar photovoltaic layout. • It takes only 4square feet of land for installing a 5KW solar power tree. • It can harness up to 10-15% more power in comparison to a conventional layout on the ground. • It has a battery back-up of 2 hours on full load and can give light even after sunset. It develops by the CMERI Durgapur a laboratory of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, the solar power tree model is designed like a tree with branches made of steel to hold the photovoltaic.

Destruction: – The International Renewable Energy Agency in 2016 estimated there were about 250000 metric tonnes of solar panel waste in the world at the end of that year. Solar panels often contain lead, cadmium, and other toxic chemicals that cannot be removed without breaking apart the entire panel. Lead, cadmium and other toxic chemicals are polluted our society and various disease are attracted to human life. So, this technology is also harmful to society.

Nano Technology: – Innovation: -Nanoscience and nanotechnology is one of the most important researches in the 21st century. The application of nanotechnology for mechanical manufacturing as a point of departure, discussed the nano-material technology, nano-processing technology, nano-assembly technology and nano-measurement technology in mechanical manufacturing, and described the resulting theory nano-mechanics which was different from the traditional mechanics. Moreover, the important role of nanotechnology for the development of mechanical manufacturing. The Application of nanotechnology for cancer therapy has received considerable attention in recent years. In the automotive industry, nanotechnology applications are manifold. They reach from power train, light-weight construction, energy conversion, pollution sensing and reduction, interior cooling, wear reduction, driving dynamics, surveillance control, up to recycle potential and much more.

Destruction: -Russian military uses nanotechnology to build the world’s most powerful nonnuclear bomb, which is used to destroy any developed country within a minute. Another application of nanotechnology i,e Human health. Nano Elements that are microscopic poses a greater threat to the human body than other elements that are easily visible with naked eyes. Each nanoparticle has different qualities and features; thus, their effect also differs and thus might prove very dangerous to human health. Infect, many studies say that some nanoparticles grow naturally in our bodies which also has some short- and long-term health risks.

The future trends of Mechanical Engineering Education

In India, it is already a month that people are locked down in their homes and ever since this Covid-19 outbreak across the Globe only one question has been triggering every mind, “What’s Next?” Those who have jobs at hands are fearful to lose them and those who don’t seem to be clueless about their future. One might have come across various discussions where people are visualising the passing out batches of schools and colleges to be the major victim of the situation. But wait! Is it really? Does the world has come to an end, how far is it justified to panic being a passing out batch especially when you are on the verge to end your school and take the big leap.

To take a big leap, you need to take few steps backward!!

What to do if you need to prepare yourself for the next phase, well let this be the time to take a pause and let your thoughts go deeper. I believe many of you have already decided to take up Engineering education, and you can really utilise your time now to find out your favourite branch of studies. Oh! Yes there might have been real lot of information to help you out decide what to opt and what not. Information through various sources can help you zeroing the options at hand but what about the inside story?

A sneak peek within the box…

A magic box- yes! I prefer to use this term for Engineering. Just as in case of magic you can realise whatever you want, so does studying Engineering does. Be or make yourself successful in whatever skill that you excel upon. Now the box has several small chambers and this offers you to choose from what you love the most Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and it goes on and on. Lets know what’s there left unexplored within the box?

The unexplored area is the area where the need of the Global market lies. A synergistic integration of knowledge is what is sought from today’s engineers. Being a Mechanical Engineer knowing all about sensors, data analysis, IoT is what is in the trend and the same lies for each branch. There lies no branch which has been left alone to serve the need of the market. Even a Computer Science graduate is expected to have ideas about mechanisms of a machine. One must work hard on being skilful along with building firm domain knowledge.

Mechanical Engineering as an option

In-case you choose to opt for Mechanical, one must be aware of the possibilities lying in different sectors, but most important is upgrading yourself.

• Manufacturing: Since ages Manufacturing Industries has been the backbone of any economy. Everything we see around us, if not designed by nature, has been designed and manufactured by us. The time has come when Industry 4.0 is taking over and a paradigm shift from conventional manufacturing while adapting smart systems is taking control all over the world. Today, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning has found its extensive utilisation to automate the machineries hence increasing productivity. Knowledge of handling automated systems; Additive manufacturing processes are the demand of the global market apart from conventional and CNC machines.

• Power Sector: The predominant system of producing power is by using coal. Hydel power plants due to certain environmental restrictions and huge capital cost can be found contributing little to the entire power generation. The current age seeks for Renewablesources, solar being one of the most popular option. Power generation sector has witnessed a huge boon since the introduction of solar systems, and the current market has kicked off the use of hybrid systems for power generation, such as solar with wind. The need of the hour for a Mechanical Engineer is to understand the working principle and operating systems of hybrid power-plants. While various Researchers across the globe is working on to exploit the energy in various resources to drive power-plants, deep understanding of conventional mechanical systems like boilers, turbine, compressors, pumps, fans ,blowers are the need of the hour to work on creating various modern equipments.

• Automobile: One of the most lucrative areas, the current trend in automobile sector lies in automation of various sub- systems within the vehicle. The control system for Intelligent vehicles is one of the most attractive area which requires in-depth knowledge about various mechanisms within the system. Be it controlling various engine parameters to enhance output or supplying fuel into the cylinder, integration of knowledge of sensors along with mechanisms makes you a perfect person the industries might be looking for.

In addition to all this, Mechanical Engineering also presents a huge scope to join various Research and development centres across the globe and work upon enhancing or creating designs. Design and Modelling Softwares like Fusion 360, Inventor, Solid works, Ansys are to be a few to be named which can be used extensively to produce and analyse critical designs. Robotics has always been a passion for the budding mechanical engineers which involves creating various mechanisms for robot based on applications. It is really fascinating to know that with some prerequisite courses a Mechanical Engineer can also work in a capacity of Bio-medical Engineer working on developing materials for in-vitro as well as in-vivo medical applications, replacement of joints,designing modern drug delivery systems etc. In a nut shell the field of mechanical engineering, has sprawled its wings virtually touching every aspect of modern life, including the creating prosthetics to smart machining solutions.

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