Separated and Divided: Confronting Partition in 2020

As the British left India after their rule of around 200 years in 1947, they also divided our nation into two. Well, for many present today Partition has come to us in history books, sometimes in other forms of creative works like photography, films etc and for many there were stories within the family that made one familiar with the Holocaust that killed many, and left millions uprooted and homeless. Along with the communal and violent nature of partition, the mass exodus that accompanied it was something that was unprecedented. There were large caravans of people who crossed the frontiers of both Bengal and Punjab , with their children, belongings, and cattle.The crowded trains, trucks loaded with refugees and walking caravans headed towards their unknown destinies can be imagined by any Indian even if he or she has not lived the history.However, the sight of long columns of people walking hundreds of kilometers was seen even in March 2020, and it still continues, because of the lockdown that was suddenly announced in the wake of the pandemic, the spread of corona virus, reminds one of the forced migration that took place during the partition and in its aftermath.The migrant workers who had to move out from their home towns to earn their livelihood already had no permanent place to stay. As soon as the lockdown was announced these people were on the roads with their young children and other belongings, with no food, water or money. Many migrant workers were on the roads, crowding the bus stations, stranded in the railway stations, especially in the economic centers like Mumbai, Pune and Delhi, chased and beaten by police, some took shelter in footpaths while many just kept walking for hundreds of kilometers on their way home.

The Borders and Boundaries

With the spread of the pandemic which is said to have foreign origins has defined new borders and boundaries in India that has reiterated the societal divide that had already existed in our society. Words like quarantine, social distancing, isolation and sanitizer spraying has not only redefined the relationship between disease and contagion but the notions of purity and pollution also surfaces which has underlined the rigid caste system in our society. Not only the caste distinction but the Covid 19 also amplified the class distinction. The gated apartments have  restricted the entry of any outsider. And the once insiders have been termed as outsiders now, like the domestic helps, the nannies, the cooks, the cab drivers have been dissuaded from crossing the boundaries of these gated we see a process of exclusion, that comes from a sense of fear of the spread of the virus. Pramod K Nayar has used the word ‘hyperincarceration’ to use the idea of Dominique Moran and Anna Schliehe , which means, ‘the exclusion of the criminalized underclass’ and their imprisonment as a necessary step towards the cleansing of the urban spaces. So these so called anti-socials are being denied the space which is exclusively for the rich . Nayar argues that it is also the exclusion of the urban poor of which the migrant labour are a large part, in any urban settlement, who by the virtue of being poor and not criminals, are part of this hyperincarceration, ‘invisible practices of isolation and exclusion’ and that is how the migrant labour have lived their lives sometimes even without the basic needs that human beings have to have.These labourers and other poor workers live in slums, bastis and temporary accommodations and have always been known for dirty and unhygienic habitations and though they serve the city dwellers as useful resources but then in this time they are disowned and no body, not even the government seems to be accountable for them. However the relief announced by the Government is supposedly a cosmetic approach to the problem as we still find people desperate to return to their hometown by walking on the roads, or along the rail tracks or on cycles sometimes and even at the cost of their lives.

The Divided Digital India

With the trumpet being blown loud about the digital learning that seems so fashionable today, the basic question remains, whether the poor have an access to the so called online teaching. In a country where 70-80% of the population are without the certainty of food and where 80% of the children in a place like Delhi go to the government schools for education, so are we not depriving the poor from learning. In such a situation they seem to remain totally cut off from any education. Mukul Kesavan in an article writes about the in fashion on online support which is possible on the part of the ‘knowledge workers’ whom he calls the ‘new Brahmins’ and the so called offline poor, the labourers who have to be physically present to render their services and earn their livelihood, have become the new sudras.The Muslims also, because of their economic marginality and political invisibility have been subject to the process of ‘othering’ and as Kesavan says they, ‘can be classified as India’s new pariah’. After the Jamat gathering in Nizammuddin in March, the issue was taken by some mainstream media to categorize and then victimize the entire community on the basis of their religious identity.So one has to be careful about any association and interaction with Muslims. Even the fruit sellers and vegetable vendors are to be avoided And Keshavan in his article writes that to avoid co-habitation with Muslims this incident is used as a propaganda and strengthen the middle class prejudices about the Muslims as a dangerous community who have to be ‘rigorously quarantined.’

Conclusion: Violence, Fear and Anxiety

‘ I wanted to live’

These are the last lines cried out by the protagonist Nita in Meghe Dhaka Tara (The Star Veiled by Clouds), a movie by Ritwik Ghatak, that captures the Violence and trauma of Partition.The movie shows the intensity of suffering of a uprooted family of Partition and their desperation to survive. Nita in this movie being the eldest daughter struggles and sacrifices her own life to make the ends meet in the family.However she eventually succumbs to tuberculosis and there is a piercing cry of Nita, ‘I wanted to Live’, which vents out the agony of those displaced and uprooted in Partition.Violence is not always measured by external acts of murder, loot or abduction and rape but as Meghna Guha Thakurta, writing on the Bengal Partition writes, ‘Violence also typifies a state where a sense of fear is generated and perpetuated in such a way as to make it systematic, pervasive and inevitable.’Today also the pandemic has caused in an exodus and also resonates a desperation of these migrant labourers and the marginalised sections of our society who having realised the pangs of hunger and starvation. The humiliation and the sense of dispossession they feel while they are sprayed with disinfectants or when they are imprisoned in quarantine centers guarded by security personal, or the women abused in these centers, they spend their days in anxiety and fear, fear of never reaching their homes at all, even after the enduring journeys.


  1. Bagchi Jasodhara and Dasgupta Subhoranjan.2003. The Trauma and the Triumph: Gender and Partition in Eastern India.2003.
  2. Kesavan, Mukul. “Caste and Contagion” The Telegraph. April 2020.pp8.
  3. Nayar Pramod.2020.Migrant Workers and Extreme Mobility in the Age of Corona in Journal of Extreme Anthropology.4,No.1E1-E6.


What if corona virus is itself a by-product of Bio-medical waste..!!!

            Today the entire human civilization is facing the dominance of the expanded tentacles of COVID 19 disease. It is a global emergency for the human race. All the countries in every corner of the world are trying to combat with the situation by adopting various mechanisms. Its infectious capability is much more higher than its lethal power. Due to its high penetration rate in human population; WHO earmarked its effect a pandemic.

            The disease is spreading from one infectious person to others in an exponential rate. The study says that one person can infect 2.2 uninfected persons. It is really dangerous for thickly populated countries like India. If it breaks out; the control over the health service would have been a pathetic scenario due to its wide spread among high density population.  Actually countries are adopting any one of the two or both strategies to tackle the pandemic. The first one is to enhance the health service facilities by providing sufficient number of health units, beds, ventilations, test kits along with health workers like doctors, nurses with adequate supply of resources like personal protective equipment (PPE). Second one is forceful imposition of self-isolation and maintaining social distancing.

            Possible threat comes not only from infected person; but also from the Bio- medical wastes contaminated with the virus. Bio-medical waste is generated from biological and medical sources and activities, such as the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of diseases. Common generators (or producers) of biomedical wastes include COVID treating hospitals, medical research laboratories, offices of physicians taking samples, morgues or funeral homes. Bio-medical wastes from those settings may pose an injury and exposure risks via occupational contact with medical waste for doctors, nurses and janitorial, laundry and refuse workers. So  all personnel  who are associated with such facilities  are at high risk of the disease. As it is clear to us the more and more health care facilities mean more generation of Bio-medical wastes. So whatever precautions for its proper disposal are to be taken to be known to those personnel associated very well.

Now, the focus will be given on the sectors which are to be victimized by bio-medica wastes of COVID 19.


            In this ward THE COVID19 patients are admitted for treatment. The chance of getting infection is very high in this zone. The persons who are appointed to these wards should follow the guidelines of proper handling of Bio-medical as implemented by the Expert Committee viz.- separate colored bin/bag or container are to used, always use double layer bags for collecting waste from COVID 19 isolation wards etc.. The sanitizer workers should store the container separately and labelled the collection bin as “COVID 19”. Precautions should be taken while removing and disposing them off. Record should be kept on bio-medical waste of COVID 19.


            Generally testing centres are the sample testing centres or laboratories for COVID 19 suspected patients under specific SPCBs. If any COVID 19 positive case has been found, then risk of infection is also there. In this sector, same type of precautionary measures are taken for handling, disposal and storage of the bio-medical wastes as followed in Isolation wards.


            This zone is created for COVID 19 suspected persons. The suspected are staying at either home quarantine or quarantine camps. Until any positive patient is not found, there is no risk. Still proper precautions and safety measures must be taken from the very first day of quarantine both by the  quarantined people as well as  quarantine camp staffs. In this unit the generation of biomedical waste is of less amount. Any bio-medical wastes are generated from home or quarantine camp should be collected in yellow bags/bins and handed over to the waste collector of CBWTF engaged by local bodies. Record should be kept.


            The persons who are engaged as CBWTF waste collector are really at high risk of infections. They are collecting the wastes from isolation ward, testing centres, individual houses, quarantine camps. They need regular sanitization facility and adequate amount of PPE involving three layered mask, splash proof aprons, nitrile gloves and gum boots and safety goggles.

            Everybody who are engaged in this tedious job of bio-medical waste management must follow the guidelines while handling, collecting and disposing the waste materials. Always the bio-medical waste should be collected separately from other solid waste and properly labelled as “COVID 19”. Ultimately the bags/bins should be handed over to only CBMWRF authorized collectors. Proper records should be maintain at every point of operation.

            On March 18th, Central Pollution Control Board released a set of guidelines regarding handling, collecting, treatment and disposal of bio-medical wastes generated during treatment, diagnosis and quarantine of COVID19 patients. Every persons must follow the guidelines. Otherwise we can’t check the spreading of COVID 19 from bio medical wastes. The concerned must look the matter seriously to minimize the number of COVID 19 victims.


The Indian Economy in the crucial phase of Covid 19

The Lockdown

The first case of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in India was reported on 30 January 2020 and first official Lockdown or Janta Curfew was observed on Mar 22 2020. The 14-hour janta curfew or voluntary public curfew was followed up with lockdowns in 75 districts where COVID cases had occurred as well as all major cities.  Furthermore our honourable Prime Minister on 24 March, announced  a nationwide lockdown for 21 days. This was first major jolt which affected the entire 1.3 billion population of India. It was once again extended On 14 April, and the Nationwide curfew will continue till 3 May.

2019 – Indian Economy

It is very important to understand how India was faring pre and post Lockdown at the Economic front. From the blog page of IMF we came to know that from last quarter of 2019 the whole world was in a synchronized slowdown and downgrading growth for 2019 to 3 percent, it was slowest pace since the global financial crisis. The reason behind this weak Growth pattern was due to rising trade barriers and  ever increasing geopolitical tensions all across the globe. World Economic outlook projected a modest improvement in global growth to 3.4 percent in 2020. Which was again a downward revision of 0.2 percent from their April projection. The sharp deterioration in manufacturing activity and global trade were the two needle which had effectively punctured the growth rate. Also in addition to this the higher tariffs and complicated Trade policy along with growing uncertainty damaging investment and demand for capital goods. One of the major hit was Auto Industry. The Auto industry started contracting their production. This was due to a variety of factors. The major was disruptions from new emission standards. It was mainly in the Euro Area and China. Overall, trade volume growth in the first half of 2019 has fallen to 1 percent, the weakest level since 2012.

India was part of the global slow down we have experienced severe setbacks. The Unemployment percent was at its peak and overall GDP started showing the deviation from the projected growth. The GDP growth rate for the first quarter of 2019-20 has been revised to 5.6 per cent, and for the second quarter to 5.1 per cent. Therefore, the GDP growth for the third quarter at 4.5 per cent is showed that India could not hold up to the promise. Though at the end of third quarter there was a marginal increase of .2 percent and stood at 4.7.

The Fork

In the midst of this global pandemic the Financial Year ends and It is very interesting to find out how we faired and what is the projection. In Chess there is a move called Fork. Is a tactic whereby a single piece makes two or more direct attacks simultaneously. Most commonly two pieces are threatened. The attacking piece is called the forking piece over here it is COVID 19; the pieces attacked are said to be forked that is Economy and people’s life. A piece that is defended can still be said to be forked if the forking piece has a lower value. Now the biggest challenge over here is to decide which has a lower value. The Lockdown is without any doubt saving more life but simultaneously the Economy is getting a Major Hit. The Indian Lockdown is World’s biggest lockdown and an Independent study shows It may have cost India close to 7 to 8 Lakh crore. This is a huge loss.  One of the renowned Ratings & Research company declared that the Lockdown in India will cost the  economy almost USD 4.64 billion (over Rs 35,000 crore) every day and the entire 21-day lockdown will result in a GDP loss of almost USD 98 billion (about Rs 7.5 lakh crore).

It is amount estimated till April 15. But as we see the Lockdown has extended till May 03, we all may understand the loss would be even more. The Confederation of All India Traders made an estimation on the loss. This is the loss that would be incurred by the retail trade of the country in the second half of March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The amount would massive USD 30 Billion.

The Indian retail sector comprises of 70 million small medium and big traders employing 45 crore of people. All-inclusive they do a monthly business of approximately USD 70 billion. These SMEs and MSMEs are in huge loss and employment growth is slipping down.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) predicted India’s economic growth slipping to 4% in FY21, while S&P Global Ratings has further slashed its GDP growth forecast for the country to 3.5 per cent from a previous downgrade of 5.2 per cent.

The  Solution

In this dark time do we have a hope. That is biggest question. We do not know. We are only speculating and thinking some miracles to happen. What would happen once the Lockdown is lifted. Life and Economy both are important and being forked. It has been predicted that there will be huge job losses which needs to be minimised. Increase in unemployment might have a snowball effect with millions of graduate pass out every year and start standing in the que. The COO of Vested Finance prescribed Government stimulus to ensure job losses are minimised is very important. India so far has committed 0.7 percent of its GDP amount to around $23 billion. This amount will be distributed in the form of health insurance for health workers, cash transfers, free food, and gas distribution. But if we look at the other countries and understand to what an extent and impact of support they have provided, it is highly understandable that India must consider a second and a larger stimulus. That will be necessary for India to prevent significant collapse of small businesses. If only the SMES and MSMES start operating and once again start giving employment India has a chance to pass through this dark Period


The innovation in Information and Communication Technology has affected the way in which education is delivered. The education system needs changes to exist in the new technologically advanced world. So, rather than devising an all together new system we should slowly move towards a new learning paradigm which would make the changes easily adaptable for all. In the crisis of Covid 19, it is only proved that inclusion of technology in educational sector in necessary. As on-campus learning is not on the cards, for some time now, educational institutions are stressing on teaching and learning with the help of technology.

Learning through performance

Learning is simply not the accumulation of knowledge, but an individual’s increasingly effective performance across situations. A very popular theory says that that the knowledge of humans as social beings is judged in terms of their experience and engagement with the social world. Also their participation and competence in an activity forms an important tenant for the purpose of learning.

Today, small children can use latest gadgets like an iPad, or a tablet through trial and error method. They surf the net, play multi-player internet games, actively participate in social media. However, educational institutions are not the place where they have gathered these skills. In today’s competent world it will soon be essential to skilfully operate the visual interface, with sight, touch, and voice commands in order to access information. Therefore, we need to convert a portion of the syllabus into small computer programs through which the students can learn these skills. This can be an effective pedagogy to engage learners.

Student-centered discovery learning

Seymour Papert, a famous scientist and mathematician says that learning can happen most effectively when people are active in making tangible objects in the real world. He advocates student-centred discovery learning, where students use information they already have, to acquire more knowledge. Students learn better through participation by project-based learning where they make connections between different ideas and areas of knowledge.

What is Augmented reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is the view of the physical real-world environment with superimposed computer-generated images, thus changing the perception of reality. It augments the reality and gives the user an interactive experience of the real-world environment. The first application of augmented reality was in entertainment and gaming though experiments are going on to utilize it in the educational sector.

The use of AR/VR in education

 A recent study conducted found out that 98% of educators think that interactive video is going to be important to education in the future and around 89% of them said that they are interested in learning the use of augmented reality. Educators can use AR and VR to teach anything from music to research helping the information to be delivered in an interactive manner. It can be used to build mobile applications or computer programs that would lead to personalized self – learning.

Prof. Samir Mukherjee, an expert and researcher on augmented reality says that there will be a paradigm shift in educational sector. He also said, “We have seen the emergence of online education, but the personalized approach of a teacher is absent there. The student – teacher relationship facilitates the learning experience like nothing else. Augmented reality is here to bridge the gap. Even if the student and teacher are located far away from each other, by wearing the headset designed to view augmented reality, they can experience learning in each other’s company, virtually.”

“In future, this technology will make collaboration from different parts of the world easier. And this is very essential to increase the power of distance education in the future. And the reason is not necessarily Covid 19”, he further adds.

Use of Infographics

Research also says that engagement only with the virtual world, would not lead to complete education. Thus, educationists recommend the use of infographics. One of the best ways to use infographics in learning is to make students design and create them on their own. In the process of creating information more lucidly in the form of infographics, the students will understand the content thoroughly. The students can then share them in the classroom with each other.

Ethical Aspects

Everything has its own pros and cons. We have to guide the students about the ethical aspects of technology. We need to teach the students all aspects of the emerging technology and also understand the effects this technology will have on the society.

PAGES OF LIFE-Get Into Reading

WHEN I picked up ‘The Plague’, a novel by Albert Camus, a couple of months ago, little did I know that it was, in a way, resonating reality. Shortly after I had finished reading, the world, unable to deal with a virus attack, plunged into an abyss of uncertainty.

The master storyteller was so apt in his depiction of the mathematical modelling of a tragedy, the separation for the common good, one can’t fail to ask how he could envision the political, economic and religious context of an epidemic as fierce as the current Covid-19 crisis, in a secluded French Algerian city of Oran way back in 1947, the year of India’s Independence

There couldn’t have been a better example of ratifying the fact that books mirror the human society. No hobby or habit, for that matter, has ever been more productive than reading. Believe it or not, sooner or later, we all become what we read.


Goes without saying, books will help you improve vocabulary, and strengthen your grip on the language. That said, reading books, fiction or non-fiction, would increase your knowledge and depth of understanding of a particular subject.

With the onslaught of Internet and coal media, our attention span has significantly reduced as almost all information is available in a click or two. That, however, has its cons, too. With decreased attention span, we often end up being cranky and anxious. Reading, however, helps us stay calm and helps us improve our concentration skills.

Add to that, researchers will also tell you that reading improves memory and slows cognitive decline with age. It is more like a workout for your brain.

Books are the best way to get acquainted to a new place, learn about its culture. It doesn’t matter which part of the world you reside in, books have always helped people forge unknown bonds. Take for instance, if you were to visit a new country, a book, or a kindle, or even an online article with descriptions about the place, its history, significance and the sensibilities of the people there will come handy, any day.

That way, it could be safely said, reading helps develop empathy, too. Learning about different ways of life, struggles of people across continents, finding about complex dynamic of relationships and accepting the characters of the book for the way they are would make you a mature person, who is aware of the black, white as also the grey areas.


Days before I had planned a trip to Corbett National Park last year, I had, out of curiosity, borrowed ‘Man-eaters of Kumaon’ from a friend. The book by Jim Corbett, the man after whom the national park has been named, paints vivid pictures of Garhwal locales, its people and culture, and the danger that lurks in its corners.

The very next week, during my trip, I almost got a chance to relive his experiences in Kumaon. Albeit tigers no longer are on the prowl, but his spine-chilling exploitations almost played out before my eyes, as I got a glimpse of the big cats in the Himalayan forest surrounded by blue verdant mountains.

As W Somerset Maugham has said, “To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.” Once you have developed the habit of reading, you would know how to immerse yourself in a world that is distinctly different from yours. It will help you unwind and might even cure you of insomnia, all the while increasing your knowledge and vocabulary.


If not books, pick up a magazine or a newspaper. That would help your cause, too.

Now, there are very many who might say that they find it difficult to pore over books. Well, now that you are aware of the benefits of reading, you can try and inculcate the habit.

  • For a start, create a reading pattern. If not more, read at least 15 to 20 pages every day. Despite busy schedule, this process will help you stay focused as you try and accomplish your daily goal. In a few days, you would find yourself setting new goals, and soon enough reading would become a part of your lifestyle.
  • Find yourself a quiet place to read, somewhere you can be on your own for the next hour or two. Keep your electronic gadgets away. Curl up in a sofa and just read away
  • That said, you should also remember that reading in not a task. You should take your time and enjoy what you are reading. If necessary, read and re-read pages till you understand the context. There is absolutely no hurry.
  • You may also join a book club or an online forum, where you could share your thoughts with other readers and find fresh perspectives to a story or novel that you have read. Book clubs also would help you connect with like-minded people, who might even recommend names of paperbacks to you, if you are up for it.
  • Make a list of books that you have read/plan to read. Be sure to update it from time to time. Cross out the ones that you have read. 


Simply reading about something and forgetting it in due course of time wouldn’t do much good. You need to process the information and apply it, too. Next time, don’t shy away from a debate competition or a group discussion, if the topic is of interest to you. Very soon, you would find out where you stand when it comes to having in-depth knowledge of a subject.

It’s not just your creative skills that are stimulated when you read, your analytical skills get better, too. You would learn to think and act logically. It would also poke the curiosity bug in you, and you would start asking questions instead of swallowing all info provided to you.

Books, especially memoirs, can be a great source of inspiration. You can learn from their struggles and mistakes and put those lessons to good use, as and when needed.


The world writes its own diary every day. 

As they say, there is a book for every moment of life. Be it the great World War or the Covid-19 battle, there are plenty of pages waiting for you from between the covers.  

By the way, currently, I am longing to get hold of ‘Pandemic! – Covid-19 Shakes The World’ by Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek and uncover its mind-boggling paradoxes. 

Happy reading folks.

In search of Fataruu’s in corona days

করোনার দিনগুলিতে ফ্যাতারুদের সন্ধানে

বইয়ের তাকে জ্বলজ্বল করছিল বইটা। নবারুণ ভট্টাচার্যের ‘উপন্যাস সমগ্র’। দে’জ পাবলিশারের বই। নবারুণ ভট্টাচার্য আমার প্রিয় সাহিত্যিকদের একজন। অনেকেরই প্রিয়। ইতিমধ্যেই তাঁর বেশ কিছু উপন্যাস  পড়া হয়ে গেছে। হারবার্ট  নামের উপন্যাসটি পড়েছিলাম সেই ছাত্রজীবনে। তখন থেকেই নবারুণ ঘোর ধরিয়ে দেয় মাথায় ।

সেই ঘোর বোধহয় এখনও কাটেনি। তারপর ফ্যাতাড়ু সিরিজের সেইসব অবিশ্বাস্য গল্প। স্বভাবে প্রতিষ্ঠানবিরোধী ফ্যাতাড়ুরা তখন কলেজ স্ট্রিটের মূল চর্চার বিষয়। আমাদের বন্ধুবান্ধবদের মুখে মুখে উচ্চারিত হয়ে চলেছে পুরন্দর ভাটের সেইসব কবিতা। সংসৃতি নাট্যদল মঞ্চস্থও করেছিল ফ্যাতাড়ু। মনে আছে একবার দেখে সাধ মেটেনি। পরে সুমন মুখোপাধ্যায় হারবার্ট সিনেমাও বানিয়েছিলেন। শুভাষিস মুখোপাধ্যায় হারবার্ট চরিত্রে বোধহয় জীবনের সেরা অভিনয়টি করেছিলেন।

  • তারপর এলো ‘কাঙাল মালসাট’। বিগত কয়েক দশকে এই ধরণের কোনও উপন্যাস লেখা হয়েছে কি বাঙলা সাহিত্যে? কিংবা এতো তুমুল আলোড়ন ও আলোচনার বিষয়বস্তু হয়ে উঠেছে কি আর কোনও লেখা? খুব একটা কিছু মনে আসছে না। বাঙালির সমকালীন রাজনৈতিক ও সামাজিক ভণ্ডামির এতো নিপুণ পরিচয় এবং সেগুলিকে এভাবে ধরিয়ে দেওয়ার মতো শক্তিশালী লেখক নবারুণ ছাড়া কয়জনই বা আছেন। কাঙাল মালসাটও সিনেমা হয়ে বেরোয়। এতো বহুস্তরীয় বর্ণণাভঙ্গিকে সিনেমার রিলে ফুটিয়ে তোলার মতো সাহসিকতা দেখিয়েছিলেন আবার সেই সুমন মুখোপাধ্যায়। এরপর ইতস্তত পড়েছি যুদ্ধ পরিস্থিতি, লুব্ধক ইত্যাদি উপন্যাসও । অনেকদিন থেকেই মাথায় ঘুরছিল নবারুণের সব কটা উপন্যাস যদি একটানা পড়ে ফেলা যায়! কিন্তু দৈনন্দিন কর্মব্যস্ত জীবনে সেই অবকাশ খুব একটা ছিল না।
  • এই লকডাউনের পরিস্থিতিতে গৃহস্থালির কাজকর্ম সেরে, ছয় বছরের ছোট্ট ছেলের নানা আবদার মিটিয়ে, ইউনিভার্সিটির অনলাইন কর্মযজ্ঞের শরিক হওয়ার পরেও তাই নবারুণের উপন্যাস সমগ্র হাতছানি দিয়ে ডাকছিল আমায়। কিছুদিন আগেই কিনে আনা সেই বই ইতিমধ্যেই নাড়াচাড়া করে নিয়েছি বেশ কয়েকবার। কিন্তু নবারুণ তো আর সহজপাঠ্য আর সহজপাচ্য কোনও বিষয় নয়। কিংবা ভাতের হাঁড়িও নয় যে একটা চাল টিপেই সব ভাতের ভিতরের খবর জেনে নেওয়া যাবে! কাজেই ডুব দেওয়াই মনস্থির করলাম।
  • একে একে আবার পড়ে ফেললাম হার্বাট, ভোগী, যুদ্ধপরিস্থিতি, খেলনা নগর, কাঙাল মালসাট, লুব্ধক, অটো, মসোলিয়ম। পড়ছিলাম আর বোঝার চেষ্টা করছিলাম নবারুণ আসলে কাদের কথা বলেন? কাদের প্রতি তার সমর্থন?
  • উপন্যাসে উপন্যাসে আসলে তিনি তুলে ধরছেন বহুদিন ধরে বঞ্চিত, বহুদিন ধরে ব্যবহৃত কিছু মানুষের কথা। না শুধু তাদের বঞ্চনার কথা নয়, হতাশার কথা নয়, সেইসঙ্গে সেই মানুষগুলো , দেওয়ালে পিঠ থেকে যাওয়া মানুষগুলো পালটা ষড়যন্ত্রে সামিল হচ্ছে অবশেষে এই সিস্টেমের বিরুদ্ধে, এই হিপোক্রাসির বিরুদ্ধে, মধ্যবিত্তের এই শান্ত শিষ্ট নাদুস-নুদুস নিরপেক্ষ সুযোগলোভী অস্তিত্বের বিরুদ্ধে, উচ্চবিত্তের আর ক্ষমতাবানের বিশ্বাসঘাতকার বিরুদ্ধে, ইতিহাসের পাতায় নিজেদের অনুল্লেখের রাজনীতির বিরুদ্ধে।
  • কাঙাল মালসাট উপন্যাসে যেমন ফ্যাতাড়ু আর চোক্তারেরা মিলে ঘনিয়ে তোলে এক সশস্ত্র বিদ্রোহ। পৃথিবীর কোনও রাষ্ট্রযন্ত্রই আসলে কোনওদিনই জানতে পারবে না সেই ভিতরে ভিতরে ঘনিয়ে ওঠা বজ্রগর্ভ মেঘের খবর। বৃহৎ সিস্টেমের বিরুদ্ধে জং ধরা দুটো তলোয়ার, হাতা, খন্তি, লাঠি কিংবা পর্তুগিজ আমলের মাটির তলায় চাপা পড়ে থাকা একটা নুনু-কামান নিয়ে সেই অসম যুদ্ধে চোক্তার আর ফ্যাতাড়ুরা নেমেছে হাসতে হাসতে, কার্নিভালের মেজাজে। ভাবছিলাম, করোনা ভাইরাসের এই সর্বগ্রাসী পরিস্থিতি যদি বেঁচে থাকতেন এখনো নবারুণ কেমন করে ফুটিয়ে তুলতেন তাঁর লেখায়?
  • ভাবছিলাম আর আমার এই ক্ষুদ্র মস্তিষ্কেই আন্দাজ করতে পারছিলাম কী অসম্ভব এক আখ্যান তৈরি করে দিতেন নবারুণ তার কলমের আঁচড়ে।
  • এই ভাইরাস-সংক্রমণ-কে কি চোখে দেখতেন তিনি? কিভাবে নির্মাণ করতেন এক যাদু-বাস্তবতা –যা আসলে বাস্তবেরই এক নিষ্করুণ চেহারা মাত্র। এখনও আমরা নিশ্চিত নোই কিভাবে এই ভাইরাসের উৎপত্তি – তা কি প্রাকৃতিক উপায়ে সৃষ্ট নাকি মানুষের বিজয়াকঙ্ক্ষার এক নির্মম পরিণতি।
  • এই আবছায়ার সুযোগ নিয়ে হয়তো তিনি দেখাতেন এই ভাইরাস আসলে ফ্যাতাড়ূ আর চোক্তারদের দীর্ঘকালব্যাপী সযত্নলালিত এক নাশকতার পরিকল্পনার রূপায়ণ মাত্র। মানুষ নামক অহঙ্কারী (তাই পতনোন্মুখ) জীবটির মুখে এ এক বিরাশি সিক্কার থাপ্পড়। এই দেখ তোমার লোভ, তোমার জয়ের আকঙ্খা, পৃথিবীর সব খাদ্য আর সব সব সম্পদে নিজের আধিপত্য স্থাপনের ইচ্ছায় ভরপুর তোমার অন্ধকার অবচেতন – আজ তোমায় কোথায় নিয়ে এসে দাঁড় করিয়েছে।
  • তারপর আবার ভাবি, সত্যিই কি নবারুণ দেখাতেন এই নাশকতা? তিনি তো চিরদিন সেইসব সাধারণ খেটে খাওয়া মানুষের হয়ে কথা বলেছেন। এই ভাইরাস-যুদ্ধে সেই মানুষরাই হয়তো এখনও পর্যন্ত সবচেয়ে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত। মধ্যবিত্ত, চাকুরিজীবী আমরা কিংবা উচ্চবিত্তরা তো এখনও দুবেলা ভালোমন্দ খেয়ে, ডালগোনা কফি কিংবা ছোটবেলার হামাগুড়ি দেওয়া ছবি আপলোড করার চ্যালেঞ্জ নিয়ে নিশ্চিন্তে দিন কাটিয়ে দিচ্ছি। নবারুণ হয়তো সেই মানুষদের হয়ে নির্মাণ করতেন কোনও আখ্যান যারা রুজি-রুটি হারিয়ে অনিশ্চিত বর্তমান ও আরও অনিশ্চিত ভবিষ্যতের দিকে এগিয়ে চলেছে। আমি তাকিয়ে থাকি ছবিটার দিকে।
  • কিছুদিন আগেই সব খবরের কাগজে বেরিয়েছিল এমন এক ছবি। একদল মানুষ মিছিলের মতো চলেছে। সংঘবদ্ধ মিছিল নয়; ছত্রখান হয়ে যাওয়া মিছিল-যারা জানে কোথায় পৌঁছাতে হবে অথচ পৌঁছানো যাবে কি না যাদের জানা নেই। দেখতে ছিন্নমূল মানুষের মতো লাগছে ওদের। তাড়াহুড়োয় যেটুকু সম্বল গুছিয়ে নিয়েছে নাইলনের ব্যাগে কিংবা সিমেন্টের থলিতে কিংবা রেক্সিনের লম্বা ব্যাগে। যানবাহনহীন রাস্তা দিয়ে হেঁটে চলেছে সবাই। কারও কাঁধে বাচ্ছা, কারও কোলে। কোনও কোনও বাচ্ছা পাল্লা দিয়ে হাঁটছে মা-বাবার সঙ্গে। হয়তো আরও হাঁটতে হবে- পঞ্চাশ মাইল কিংবা একশো মাইল বা আরও বেশি। একজীবনে মানুষকে অনেক অনেক হাঁটতে হয়। এই সত্যটাকে সহ্য করতে পারতেন কি নবারুণ ? তার ফ্যাতাড়ুরা নিশ্চয়ই প্রতিবাদে এগিয়ে আসতো? পুরন্দর ভাটের কবিতা নিশ্চই খাদ্য, জল, আশ্রয়ের নিরাপত্তায় মোড়া আমাদের শান্তির গৃহকোণকে ব্যঙ্গ করতো।
  • না কি তিনি নির্মাণ করতেন এমন কোনও আখ্যান যা তিনি নির্মাণ করেছেন ‘ভোগী’ উপন্যাসে। এই সংকটে পরিত্রাণ হিসাবে এগিয়ে আসবে ভোগীর মতো কেউ। মানব সভ্যতায় এমন এক সন্ধিক্ষণ ঘনিয়ে এসেছে, মানুষকে বাঁচাতে, মানুষের কল্যাণের জন্য নির্মোহ ভাবে যখন ভোগী নিজেকে উৎসর্গ করবে মৃত্যুর কাছে। তার সেই স্যাক্রিফাইস আবার পৃথিবীকে বাসযোগ্য করে তুলবে এই নিশ্চিত বিশ্বাসে সে হাসতে হাসতে মরে যাবে।

জানি, নবারুণ তার পূর্বের কোনও লেখারই অনুবর্তন করতেন না এই পরিস্থিতিতে।  সম্পূর্ণ নতুন এক জীবনবেদ রচিত হত তার হাতে। কিন্তু ঠিক জানি, তিনি কলম ধরতেন এই পরিস্থিতিতে সবকিছু হারাতে বসা মানুষগুলোর জন্যই। যে মানুষগুলোর পাশে সাধ্যমতো দাঁড়ানোই এখন আমাদের একমাত্র দায়িত্ব বলে মনে হয়।   

Hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19

Hydroxychloroquine is a 4-aminoquinoline derivative that has both anti-inflammatory and antimalarial activities. According to 21stWHO Model List of Essential Medicines (2019), it is a disease-modifying agent used in rheumatoid disorders (DMARDs)1. It can be used as an immunosuppressive agent also2.

On 11th March 2020, WHO declared Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is a global pandemic disease3. COVID-19 is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Nowadays, there is no specific treatment for COVID-19. Some clinical studies has been going on for combating this global pandemic diseases. Among those, Hydroxychloroquine or combination withHydroxychloroquine has been studied to fight the COVID-19.  In in vitro study, Hydroxychloroquine is better than chloroquineto resist SARS-CoV-2 but, there is no enough proof to support the use of Hydroxychloroquine in SARS-CoV-2 infection4.The treatment of Hydroxychloroquine significantly reduces the viral load to resist COVID-19. At the same time, the effect of Hydroxychloroquineis enhanced by theincorporation of Azithromycin5.The spike (S) viral protein uses sialic acids and gangliosides for attachment to the surface of respiratory cells for replication. Some molecular modelling approach shows that chloroquine and its more active derivatives Hydroxychloroquine bind with sialic acids and gangliosides with high affinity so that the viral S protein is unable to bind with gangliosides6.In the meantime, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has recommended the use of Hydroxychloroquine for health workers who engaged in the treatment of COVID 19 patients for prophylactic purpose with the consultation of the doctors due to some undesirable side effects.

But, some precautions should be taken while using Hydroxychloroquine, such as regulating of haematological parameters (RBC, WBC and platelet counts), serum electrolytes, blood glucose (due to hypoglycemic effect of Hydroxychloroquine), hepatic and renal functions. It may cause QTc prolongation also7.

So, Hydroxychloroquine is not widely accepted drug to treat this disease, based on little evidences till date.But, some of the institutions and organizations have already recognized the utility of chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine8.Itis preferably safe, low cost, and easily available in the countries where malaria is endemic9. The research on Hydroxychloroquine is going on rapidly. Therefore, it may be effective treatment to control COVID-19 in near future.


  1. World Health Organization model list of essential medicines: 21st list 2019. Geneva: World Health Organization.

2.Liang N, Zhong Y, Zhou J, Liu B, Lu R, Guan Y, Wang Q, Liang C, He Y, Zhou Y, Song J, Hou J, (2018) Immunosuppressive effects of Hydroxychloroquine and artemisinin combination therapy via the nuclear factor‑κBsignaling pathway in lupus nephritis mice, Experimental and therapeutic medicine 15: 2436-2442.

  2. Yao X, Fei Ye F., et al., (2020)In Vitro Antiviral Activity and Projection of Optimized Dosing Design of Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciaa237,
  3. Gautret P., Lagier JC., et al., (2020) Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents,
  4. Fantini J., Di ScalaC. et al.,(2020) Structural and molecular modelling studies reveal a new mechanism of action of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine against SARS-CoV-2 infection,International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents,
  5. Liu D, Li X, Zhang Y, Kwong JSW, Li L, Zhang Y, et al.(2018) Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are associated with reduced cardiovascular risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Drug Des DevTher, 12:1685-95.
  6. Touret F, de Lamballerie X. (2020) Of chloroquine and COVID-19. Antivir Res, Mar 5;177:104762.
  7. Singh AK., Singh A., Shaikh A., Singh R., Misra A., (2020)Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19 with or without diabetes: A systematic search and a narrative review with a special reference to India and other developing countries, Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 14: 241-246.

Nanomedicines and infectious disease

Understanding chemistry at nano-scale level is considered to be fascinating and often very rewarding. Nanotechnology was vastly experimented against life threatening diseases since ages. However, revolution in nanotechnology was initiated in the year 1959 at CalTech (USA) by the famous lecture of Richard Feynman1. Thereafter, lots of blockbuster nanomedicines came into market and received FDA status such as ‘AmBisome’ (liposomal Amphrotericin B), ‘Abraxane’ (serum albumin entrapped paclitaxel), ‘Doxil’ (liposome bound anticancer), ‘Cimzia’ (antibody protein attached to polymer), ‘Pegasys’ (PEGylated IFN alpha-2a protein), ‘Adynovate’ (Polymer-protein conjugate), etc.

Nanomedicines therapy exhibits unique benefit due to high solubility, thermo-sensitivity, controlled releasing capacity, easy surface modulation and high surface area to volume ratios. These exceptional features allow to get rid of increased drug resistance problem of anti-infectious agents. In addition, nanomedicines are able to deliver drugs across the tight impermeable blood brain barrier (BBB) that protects the inner blood circulation of the brain from rest. Thus, viruses like HIV/AIDS or TB that forms a reservoir in brain can be treated by nanomedicines efficiently2. There are different forms of nano-based drug delivery systems including nanocapsules, liposomes, dendrimers, nano-biomagnetic, attapulgite clays with nano-pores, nanovaccines, quantum dots, nanotubes and nanogels studied against various infectious diseases. Nanomedicines are also useful as an adjuvant therapy to enhance the immune stimulatory properties of traditional vaccines. ‘MF59’ is a nanosized oil-in-water emulsion (<250 nm) developed from squalene which is used as an adjuvant for influenza vaccine in many countries and is the only vaccine adjuvant approved by the FDA. Nanoemulsions also successfully used to deliver Hepatitis B antigens for needle free nasal immunization. Solid lipid nanoparticles loaded with rifampicin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide shows higher recovery from tuberculosis after single administration compare to pure drugs3. Liposomes nanocarriers encapsulated with indinavir showed efficient delivery of the drug to lymphoid tissues and successfully reduced HIV viral load4. Metallic nanoparticles such as Ag, Au, Cu, Ti, Fe or metal oxides have shown significant antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral activities. It is proved that metal nanoparticles and metal ions produces free radicals that lead to oxidative stress through reactive oxygen species generation which ultimately induce damage in microbial proteins and DNAs and lead to death5. Some nanoparticles shows inherent antimicrobial activities called as nano-antibiotics. For example, nitric oxide-releasing nanoparticles have been shown to inhibit the growth of antibiotic-resistant strains of P. aeruginosa, E. faecalis, K. pneumoniae, and E. coli. Their antimicrobial activity mostly depends upon generation of reactive nitrogen oxide intermediates (RNOS), bacterial DNA damage, subsequent deamination of nucleotides, etc6. This multiple killing mechanisms of nano-antibiotics make them more advantageous over other conventional antibiotics.

Therefore, Nanomedicines are compelling new generation tools to combat many infectious diseases.


  1. R.P. Feynman, There’s plenty of room at the bottom, Eng Sci, 1960, 20, 17.
  2. H.Y. Dou, C.B. Grotepas, J.M. McMillan, C.J. Destache, M. Chaubal, J. Werling, J. Kipp, B. Rabinow and H.E. Gendelman, Macrophage delivery of nanoformulated antiretroviral drug to the brain in a murine model of neuroAIDS, J. Immunol.,2009, 183, 661.
  3. R. Pandey, S. Sharma and G.K. Khuller, Oral solid lipid nanoparticle-based antitubercular chemotherapy, Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2005, 85,415.
  4. L. Kinman, S.J. Brodie, C.C. Tsai, T. Bui, K. Larsen, A. Schmidt, D. Anderson, W.R. Morton, S.L. Hu and R.J. Ho, Lipid-drug association enhanced HIV-1 protease inhibitor indinavir localization in lymphoid tissues and viral load reduction: a proof of concept study in HIV-2287-infected macaques, J. Acquir Immune Defic Syndr., 2003, 34, 387.
  5. R.P. Allaker and G. Ren, Potential impact of nanotechnology on the control of infectious diseases, Trans R Soc. Trop Med. Hyg., 2008, 102, 1.
  6. R.Y Pelgrift and A.J. Friedman, Nanotechnology as a therapeutic tool to combat microbial resistance, Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev., 2013, 65, 1803.


What is COVID-19?

The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which originated in Wuhan, China, has become a major concern all over the world. The pneumonia induced by the SARS-CoV-2 is named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). 

The COVID-19 effect

By mid ofthe April, 2020, this virus has affected more than 2,258,725people worldwide and caused more than 154,381 deaths.

The COVID-19 treatment approaches

No drugs or biologics have been proven to be effective for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Number of antiviral agents, immunotherapies, and vaccines are being investigated and developed as potential therapies. Apart from this supportive care, such as oxygen supply in mild cases and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for the critically ill patients. specific drugs for this disease are still being researched. 

All about Convalescent Plasma

Convalescent plasma (CP) therapy, a classic adaptive immunotherapy, has been applied to the prevention and treatment of many infectious diseases for more than one century. Over the past two decades, CP therapy was successfully used in the treatment of SARS, MERS, and 2009 H1N1 pandemic with satisfactory efficacy and safety.

Convalescent plasma refers to the liquid part of the blood from recovered COVID-19 patients. So in this therapy, blood from recovered patients, which is rich with antibodies, used to treat other sick people.

How the therapy works

In this therapy, blood is drawn from a person who has recovered from COVID-19 sickness. The serum is separated and screened for virus-neutralizing antibodies. The serum, which is rich in antibodies, is then administered to a COVID-19 patient showing severe symptoms.

The process for donating plasma is similar to donating blood and takes about an hour, according to Houston Methodist, which became the first academic medical centre in the US to transfuse donated plasma from a recovered COVID-19 patient into a critically ill patient.

Plasma donors are hooked up to a small device that removes plasma while simultaneously returning red blood cells to their bodies. Unlike regular blood donation in which donors have to wait for red blood cells to replenish between donations, plasma can be donated more frequently, as often as twice a week, it said.

This therapy is not simple to harness, primarily due to the difficulty of obtaining significant amounts of plasma from survivors. In diseases like COVID-19, where most of the patients with severe symptoms are aged, and often suffer from other medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and so on, the effectiveness remains questionable.

Effectiveness of the therapy

Earlier, a study in China found the therapy effective, albeit on small sample size, in treating coronavirus patients. In this trial, a 200 ml dose of convalescent plasma was administered to 10 adult COVID-19 patients with severe symptoms. The patients witnessed significant improvement with the disappearance of the virus reported among seven patients without any severe adverse side-effects.

Through this therapy, the sick acquires only temporary passive immunization. It lasts only till the time the injected antibodies remain in the bloodstream—usually less than a week. On the other hand, a vaccine, if developed, could provide life-long immunity against the pathogen.

The good news is three critically ill COVID-19 Indian-American patients in Houston are also showing signs of recovery after they were transfused with the blood plasma from recovered patients.

As the world waits for a vaccine against COVID-19 with bated breath, it remains to be seen if this method can provide a much-needed short-cut in finding a cure.



  1. Casadevall A, Pirofski L. The convalescent sera option for containing COVID-19. J Clin Invest10.1172/JCI138003.
  2. Bloch EM, et al. Deployment of convalescent plasma for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, J Clin Invest10.1172/JCI138745.
  3. Shen C, Wang Z, Zhao F et al. Treatment of 5 critically ill patients with COVID-19 with convalescent plasma. JAMA, doi:10.1001/jama.2020.4783.
  1. Dean  CL, Hooper  JW, Dye  JM,  et al.  Characterization of Ebola convalescent plasma donor immune response and psoralen treated plasma in the United States. Transfusion. 2020. doi:1111/trf.15739.

The current situation in the Pharmaceutical Industry in India- Opportunity and challenges

Indian Pharmaceutical Industry plays a major role to supply affordable generic medicine in the world at a very affordable price and of appreciable quality. India is the number one exporter of generic medicine (>20%) and the value of export of medicine from Indian market is around US$ 14 billion with a growth of 30% yearly. Currently, drugs manufactured in India are being exported to more than 200 countries, and the United States is one of the biggest markets for it.

Current situation due to COVID-19 is changing the overall situation in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, like never before. Due to lockdown, the current demand for drugs across the country is also very high because of panic buying. The sales of the drugs increased by more than 9% overall. Some of the drugs are like Cardiac therapy drugs, anti-diabetic therapy drugs and respiratory medicines saw a sharp increase in 12-23 % during March. All the other drugs are also in high demand in the country. Some of the companies also had seen a growth of 20-30% in March only. Due to the high demand in the domestic market Indian government initially imposed a ban on 13 essential drugs to be exported to other countries but later it was lifted.

On the other hand, due to certain belief on Hydroxychloroquine, and Azithromycin which are believed to be helpful to cure mild symptoms of COVID-19 patients and give easy recovery; gives a huge opportunity to Indian pharmaceutical companies to boost their export business based on these drugs. The current situation opens up a new market for Indian companies for drug export to other countries where they don’t have any business. It was observed that the Indian companies produce around 70% of Hydroxychloroquine tablets of world’s total demand. Indian pharmaceutical companies are trying their best to meet the current demand both in the domestic and international market. Currently, India is exporting these drugs to more than 50 countries and Indian companies have increased their production by twofolds to meet the current demand.

To fulfil the demand, Indian pharmaceutical companies need a huge amount of Active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) which is mainly supplied from China. Thus, the Indian government has taken some necessary steps and made some policies to boost the increase of API production in the domestic market. This will help them to maintain their current production demand in the domestic and international market. The supply chain management of API, other raw materials and finished drugs is also a key factor for the growth of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry.

During this time to maintain the growth, demand and overall supply chain the following steps and precautions should be followed:

  • Sufficient amount of API supply to be maintained both by increasing the domestic production as well as import from China. However, China has restricted the supply of API to some extent. Thus, the Indian government and the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry should make attractive policies and take necessary steps to increase its own API production.
  • Other materials required for API production and drugs’ formulation should also be sufficiently supplied by corresponding industry or should be exported from other countries.
  • Pharmaceutical Production units should take necessary steps to prevent COVID-19 spread to their workers and production area. Regular check-up of the employee’s health should be done. Imported raw materials should be checked for COVID-19 contamination and other quality checks should be performed. Regular sanitization process is necessary for the whole unit and each employee associated with the whole process. Minimum social distance should be monitored in the working area.
  • Supply chain management plays a key role to maintain the overall process. Government and Pharmaceutical Industry should develop proper coordination for smooth running of the process.
  • Quality control process of raw materials and finished products are the key factors for the medicine to maintain the overall demand in the domestic and international market. Indian Pharmaceutical Industry and government regulatory authorities should work hand in hand for the easy, strict, accurate and smooth regulatory process and measurement.

Overall if the process is maintained properly then we have a very good opportunity to maintain a higher growth in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, even during this challenging period. This environment would also create a huge job opportunity for the sector. Simultaneously the education sector also plays a major role to supply the current demand of workforce in the coming days.

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