Biosensors using MODFET to detect DNA and RNA Virus


DNA field effect transistor (DNAFET) and RNA field effect transistor (RNAFET) are very useful semiconductor devices for detection of DNA and RNA viruses respectively. Sometime these electronic devices are known as BioFET. Using DNAFET and RNAFET one can design biosensor for detecting deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid and protein molecules. After detection one can investigate the nature of detected virus.

DNA and RNA virus:

The most commonly known DNA viruses are Herpes Virus, Hepatitis B virus, Adeno virus, Pox virus and so on whereas most commonly known RNA virus are Rubella virus, Ebola virus, HIV, SERS virus, SARS COV-2 (COVID-19) virus etc.

The whole world is suffering due to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and all the daily activities have been disrupted due to this.

As per the research paper published in Indian Journal of medical research by ICMR(Indian council Of Medical Research) there are eleven different types of SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) COV2 virus namely O or ancestral type of virus that was originated from Wuhan, China, reported in December,2019, A2, A2O, A3, B, B1 and so on.

There are four types of deoxynucleotide base:

  • DATP (Deoxy Adenosine Triphosphate)
  • DCTP (Deoxy Cytidine Triphosphate)
  • DGTP (Deoxy Guanosine Triphosphate)
  • DTTP (Deoxy Thymidine Triphosphate)

Unlike DNA, RNA is found as a single helix structure. In RNA, four different bases are:

  • Adenine (A)
  • Guanine (G)
  • Cytosine (C)
  • Uracil (U)

and base-pair (BP) between A-U and G-C, the three bases A, G and C are also found in DNA but Uracil is replaced by thymidine (G-C and A-T for DNA). The main function of RNA is to carry information of amino acid sequence.

Biosensor design:

Gold has a very good chemical afficinity with nucleic acid and protein molecules which is used to immobilize DNA, RNA and protein molecules. Instead of using Au one can use Pt as for detection of biomolecule. This biosensor will be fabricated as MODFET structure where DNA and RNA potential molecules will be detected by measuring the variation of biomolecular changes of capacitance and charges. DNA and RNA virus will be detected by both in situ and ex-situ measurements of 2D-EG (2D-Electron Gas) change also one can measure the change in threshold voltage to detect the base sequence of DNA and RNA virus.

Using iterative process of multiple-base or single-base extension one can measure the change in electron density as well as threshold voltage. The intrinsic charges generated by DNA and RNA virus can be transduced into proportional electrical charges with the help of MODFET biosensor.

Each of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP which generate a different 2D-EG. This change in charge carrier can be measured as a change in threshold voltage of MODFET biosensor. For DNA virus as electrostatic charge in DNA molecule interact with 2D-EG through the spacer layer of MODFET biosensor.

Conclusion: Applications of MODFET biosensor

Multi gate or single gate GaN-AlGaN MODFET biosensor is useful for real time detection of COVID-19. Recent COVID-19 pandemic the most useful diagnostic method Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) which having longer detection time but one can detect COVID-19 virus using MODFET biosensor with shorter time of detection. So this biosensor is an alternative way for rapid and accurate detection of COVID-19. The advantages of biosensor include low cost and quick detection.

The 7 Cs of Corona! Acclimatizing and Adapting amidst Adversities

A few days back I attended a webinar on the challenges of teaching in the present scenario. There, I happened to encounter another family of the 7Cs – no, not of communication or marketing – but something that can be remarkably related to ‘dealing’ with our present digital lives! I learnt that this set of 7Cs are aspects related to Resilience and an assimilation of all these aspects are crucial for reaching out effectively to our audience – our students.

After being overwhelmed by this new (partly owing to my ignorance) set of information, I did the most smart and intelligent thing that most of us do after coming across something new – Googling it! Google, in its all humility, came up with just about 80 thousand results in 0.36 seconds and I found that Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg, a renowned paediatrician, believed that if people want their kids to experience the world fully, then they need to build ‘resilience’ which can be developed by following those 7 Cs. So, if children need self-fashioning to acclimatize themselves with the new world that surrounds them, wouldn’t we need the same sorts of things to combat the crisis? With the outbreak of Covid-19 and subsequent/ simultaneous lockdown, we are living in a world we can hardly recognize as our own. It might just be the time for all of us for a (re)orientation course for living in this new world, or looking from another perspective, developing a renewed perspective about our existing world. Wondering how? The infallible 7 Cs are here to the rescue.

Competence: It is certainly not a bad idea to turn the learning mode on and strive for excellence. If Ranchoddas ‘Rancho’ Chanchad’s words are to be believed, success will definitely come after you! If not, well, you will at least be much wiser than before which is not that bad at all. Didn’t somebody tell you that knowledge is power? So even if you have had enough of knowledge, go for it for power’s sake please! Have you ever thought about how digital humanities can help, for example? See what Rimi Nandy has to say about it in this context.

Coping: If life is all about “survival of the fittest” by being adept at adapting, lockdown can very well be the ultimate test for it. What better test than being unable to consume a plate of biriyani or being deprived of the glory of being the voice of the nation in the much coveted adda pe charcha! But fret not, you have the social media, after all! The ultimate space for carnivalesque masquerades where you can pretend to be anybody and anything and bask in the glory of likes, comments, shares and emojis. Worried about not so friendly react buttons? Don’t be embarrassed, any publicity is good publicity, or so they say! You can also choose slightly more mundane options, like being habituated with staying with family and being responsible, living a disciplined life away from pollution, avoid feasting on junk food and so on.

Confidence: No, we are not talking about having the splendid confidence of going out without a mask. But it takes a lot to be courageous in front of such adversity and resisting instilling fear in people’s mind and speak about some positivity. Making people laugh would be a great way to alleviate fear. Would love to learn more on this? Take a cue from Anish Bhattacharyya here.

Connection: Social distancing doesn’t really mean social alienation, right? So what are you waiting for? Unless you are too obsessed with much romanticised alienation (courtesy literature) and think that you are just a solitary individual and not lonely, take the mobile phone in your hand (which is already always there anyway) and call up your long forgotten relatives, forsaken old friends, or even enemies! They will hopefully feel much better and that may earn you some brownie points. Just don’t forget to ask, “Are you at home?” I know some of you are missing travelling, too. We all are. But did you know that you can still travel anywhere you like amidst lockdown? Don’t rub your eyes in disbelief, let Madhumita Roy tell you how to do that.

Contribution: In case you are a serious reader and absolutely hating this frugal piece of writing, you will love this I am sure! While you are complaining about not being able to get outside, there are many who need your generosity now more than ever. So lend a hand for those who need it. Just resist the temptation of taking a selfie and posting it on social media while doing that, would you?

Character: By this time you already have acquired some perspectives of life, haven’t you? You now know that there are such viruses which are so inspired by the ideals of equality that they spread diseases at liberty and which can only be endured with your sense of fraternity. Dear reader, now you know that we do not really rule the earth, we are her guests at best! We know that Mother Nature might just be healing at the cost of our predicaments. So, what better time than this to set or reorient the moral compass for ourselves?

Control: Everybody would love to control the entire world, including the wicked virus, but I hope that you have already learnt that the most difficult and desirable lesson is that of self-control. With the concerns rising over long term psychological impacts of the pandemic, this seems even more pertinent. A few years down the line, with the coronavirus hopefully gone, you can always look back at this time with great pride and boast of the stuff you learnt, the ways you fought and the ways you reengineered yourself against all odds and emerged victorious!

One of my favourite literary figures once said and I find it very relevant in the present context- “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it…” (Maya Angelou in Letter to My Daughter, 2008)

The evolutionary approach to drug development: a resistance perspective

Student contributor: Akash Mitra, PG-IV Microbiology

The tussle between pathogens and antimicrobial therapy is essentially in the evolutionary arms race. The specific mutation for stabilizing the drug-tolerant property and horizontal gene transfer, offering selection advantage against antimicrobials, are the common modes for resistance acquisition as observed for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Often the rate of mutation acquisition is enhanced from a transient hypermutation phenotype, with loss of maintenance of fidelity for genome duplication owing to dysfunctional mismatch repair or by error-prone translation repair mechanism. However, for obligate parasites including viruses, the evolutionary landscape is somewhat multidimensional in terms of dynamic intra-host drug concentrations resulting in differential selection pressure. Mutations induct considerable fitness cost for basic processes associated with parasitism. Antiviral resistance often accompanies less robust therapeutic regimens insufficient to diminish viral replication, thereby imposing selection pressure and eventuates rapid adaptation leading to resistance. With the high replication rate for large population size, the resistance-conferring polymorphisms emerge promptly in the viral genome (Irwin et al., 2016).

While strategizing drug designing, a key factor to consider is sustainability. Genetic barrier, i.e. number of genetic changes required for building resistance is the cornerstone in determining the period for optimum applicability of an antimicrobial. For some of the older drugs like the first generation reverse transcriptase inhibitors, the genetic barrier was indeed feeble and mere one or two variations impart resistance. The genetic barrier should not be perceived as a mere number (of mutation) but the type of genetic variation that would result in resistance also influences the magnitude of the barrier. Transition mutations are often common compared to transversions. Drugs requiring to transversions (for resistance) should impose greater impediments compared to a transition. Additionally, a higher genetic barrier requires building an integrated mutation network to attain a stable and substantial level of resistance. Such a situation imposes deleterious trade-offs like reduced replication rate and deregulation of gene expression which often surge beyond error threshold causing deleterious mutations (and lethal) to occur.Such situations cause depletion of faithful replication and eventual extinction. However often compensatory mutations emerge to decrease the fitness cost imposed by such trade-offs (Gotte 2012). Therefore, a clear understanding of resistance emergence from an evolutionary perspective is imperative for strategizing antiviral regiments including developing novel, repurposed, or combinatorial therapy.

RNA viruses replicate close to error threshold and are prone to ‘error catastrophe’. Although this might appear an inherently unstable evolutionary strategy, provided that viral population sizes are sufficiently large, life at the error threshold does allow RNA viruses to produce effective mutations within a few replication cycles. So a prospective rational for next-generation drug development can be aiming at exceeding an error threshold. Favipiravir is one such drug that targets RNA dependent RNA polymerase of RNA viruses including Coronaviridae and enhances wrong base incorporation.Although targeting RNA dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) might be considered as a strategy to induce “error catastrophe”, mechanistic understanding of components of replication for the virus shed light on various other factors that can be targeted. Like many other RNA virus, coronavirus (CoV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) lack co- and post-replicative proof-reading pathways as reflected by the incorporation of mutations at a considerably elevated rate.  RdRps have been exploited as a favored node for intervention as being prone to incorporate nucleotide analogs like ribavirin into nascent viral RNA during genome amplification (Crotty et al., 2000). For CoV, resistance inducing mutation against3C-Like protease Inhibitor displayed considerable fitness cost indicative of low genetic barrier (Deng et al., 2014).  Interestingly, in this group of the virus, nsp14 protein with 3′-5′ exoribonuclease (ExoN) in the amino (N) terminus (Eckerle et al., 2010) mediates mismatch correction. Inactivation of nsp14-ExoN of SARS-CoV results in ~20-fold more mutations in genomes than for wild-type (wt) viruses in infected cells (Eckerle et al., 2010). The ExoN domain (amino acids 1–287) with a DEEDh catalytic motif and the N7-MTase domain (amino acids 288–527) and a DxGxPxG/A SAM-binding/catalytic domain of nsp14 are distinct in structure among other members of the same enzyme family. The N7cap-MTase domain is also linked to RNA processing as it generates Cap0 of mRNA and this reaction is particularly crucial for recognition by the host ribosome (Chen et al., 2016). Inhibiting NSP14 mediated mismatch correction might be a viable strategy to induce ‘error catastrophe’ during replication. With the ongoing effort to screen specific inhibitor against NSP14 (Fig.1) and deciphering the evolutionary impact of such inhibition on mutational dynamics can accentuate the development of a sustainable drug against SARS-CoV-2.


Chen Y, Guo D.Molecular mechanisms of coronavirus RNA capping and methylation.Virol Sin. 2016 Feb;31(1):3-11. doi: 10.1007/s12250-016-3726-4.

Crotty S, Maag D, Arnold JJ, Zhong W, Lau JY, Hong Z, Andino R, Cameron CE.

Eckerle LD, Becker MM, Halpin RA, Li K, Venter E, Lu X, Scherbakova S, Graham RL, Baric RS, Stockwell TB, Spiro DJ, Denison MR. Infidelity of SARS-CoV Nsp14-exonuclease mutant virus replication is revealed by complete genome sequencing.PLoSPathog. 2010 May 6;6(5):e1000896.

Götte M.The distinct contributions of fitness and genetic barrier to the development of antiviral drug resistance.CurrOpinVirol. 2012 Oct;2(5):644-50

Irwin KK, Renzette N, Kowalik TF, Jensen JD.Antiviral drug resistance as an adaptive process.Virus Evol. 2016 Jun 10;2(1):vew014.

The broad-spectrum antiviral ribonucleoside ribavirin is an RNA virus mutagen. Nat Med. 2000 Dec;6(12):1375-9

Fig1. Putative inhibitor for nsp14.Molecular docking analysis depicting potential interaction between the ExoN domain of SARS-CoV-2 nsp14 and a candidate molecule annotated as ExoI.5 (unpublished data).


Impact of Covid-19 on Automobile Industries

Since January, 2020 Covid-19 or Corona virus spread all over the world and create a situation the WHO have to declare this is a Pandemic for world. That creates a heavy impact in economic, industries, social life everywhere. Oil market is a not a exception from that. Two big oil market area like Russia and maximum area of gulf countries like Iran, Iraq, UAE etc are in situation that creates a heavy impacts in oi market globally. As virus is spreading beyond Asia then Europe that suffer the continuous loss in oil market. Even in India that lockdown creates less oil consumption through out country. So daily oil demand is decreasing day by day. More over if we can concentrate on some reason that happened after the effect of say precession of Covid-19 that crating demand factor low for oil market. Worldwide travelling through jet is stopped that creates a huge demand effect of oil market.

Another market that is direct related to oil and energy scenario of global system is Automobile Industries. In this pandemic situation even Automobile Industries are facing a very dull production rate. It will be a proper time to devote and develop a good market analysis for Electric Vehicle. Here new dimension for Electrical engineers will open and that can creates a new area in future. In few days back EV was establish in just research area but now a day its practical implementation is creating a great impact in consumer end as well. Every big companies like Tesla, BMW,Ford Nissan amd many more.

Why Electrical Engineering is necessary here:

One of professional path in Engineering is Electrical Engineering that deals with the knowledge and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. Now a days paradigm of Electrical Engineering is changing, in today’s world we are in crisis situation with power as natural resources are limited and decreasing days of day. It becomes essential to utilize the renewable resources and make effective less pollution in nature. For both the concept electric vehicle spotted very effectively. Its changing the dimension of Automobile industries. This is happening with support of Electrical Engineering Knowledge.

Benefits of Electric vehicle

  1. Low Running cost:

EV have the advantage of low running cost phenomenon that can attracted easily the consumers even analysis say its almost one third of the petrol value per kilometre. 

  1. Low Maintenance:

In compare to IC engine EV has low amount of moving parts that makes it less maintenance and economically benefits to all purpose, starter motor, fuel injection system, radiator and many parts is not required for EV.

  1. Other Savings:

Some Australian states offer some extra advantage for those who own EV. With many benefits from government one very focusable one is for registration EVs does not creates any stamp duly charge.

  1. Eco friendly system:

EV is much eco friendly and less polluted device to have in present time.  An EV does not have any exhaust emission and does not emit green hose gases. Diesel cars emit NOX, SOX etc. which is the main reason for acid rain. Volatile organic compound also not emit from EVs .otherwise CO, CO2, CH4 etc. does not emit from EVs.

  1. Renewable Energy:

Renewable energy can be creates as key features for EV utilization by which we can creates greenhouse gas emission even further. EV can also be recharged with hybrid combination with solar PV for creats a isolation grid system.

  1. Energy Sources:

There are various energy sources for EVs. Like lithium-ion batteries, ultra capacitors, gasoline, diesel, compressed natural gas, ultra fly wheel, petrol, hydrogen etc. batteries stores energy in the form of chemical and converts it to electrical. Ultra capacitor stores energy in the form of electrostatic form. Flywheel stores energy in the form of mechanical energy. Compressed natural gas has higher specific energy than liquid but low charge density. Hydrogen has high energy density than liquid but requires high compressed storage state so it requires lot of accessories. 

  1. Health Benefits:

EV does not polluted air in terms it does not exhaust any unwanted substance in air that reduce air pollution as well creates health benefits as well. EVs are also quieter than petrol/diesel vehicle that creates less notice pollution.

  1. National Energy consumption scenario:

At present India has a huge demand of petrol consumption that petrol maximum we have to import from gulf countries but with use of EV and renewable energy resources that consumption rate can be reduce that can creates a huge earning benefits for country.

EV with New Indian Automobile Industries Dimension:

Indian scenario will be changed with revolution of Electric Vehicles. It has already in note of automakers, heavy engineering firms and even state-owned oil marketing companies here. Many have already announced plan for an EV foray or are in the process of doing so.

Stand To Gain More By Hopping Onboard of the EV: 

Public Transport

EVs can create standard public transport more reliable, eco-friendly and cost-effective. To make a successful transport and public transportation via EVs a lot of charging station need to establish that can generate a lot of revenue to the firm.

Power companies

It is a great responsibility for power sector of India to produce a large surplus amount of power to facilities EVs need.

Renewable Power Farms

Renewable sources like Solar Wind face a huge economical loss due to Pear hour condition. These losses can be optimized with demand of EV charging with use of renewable sources.

Battery Manufacturers

A recent study showed that if global sales of EVs touch 8 million vehicles as much as $60 bn worth of batteries will have to be sold to cater to this volume. Battery is most important part in the devices. Day by day battery manufacturing companies are investing on R&D sector to improve batteries module.

In a summarized  EV is not going to only change the view of automobile industries but also it will amplified many industries that create a good job market for Electrical Engineers specially.


Economics, social science, fun to read for all

Economics. A word that sparks curiosity as well as fright amongst many of us. Yes we come across these in headlines or in the front pages of the leading dailies…but the subject has an intimidating feeling which make us hesitant to delve into it deeper.

This pandemic again has brought economics to forefront. We are hearing, seeing so many policy prescriptions to combat the crisis. While some say the government should print new money others are of the opinion that it will lead to inflation. Some we understand, many we don’t. All because we don’t want to delve deeper into the spiral of economic jargons, that we feel, a little bit tough for us to understand.

Today, economics has made our lives easier. Be it in the form of e-commerce, or e-payment, or e-shopping, or in the form of online shopping portals like, e-bay. Everybody would definitely admit, that all the so called “E” in our lives, or the words prefixed with “E” is making our life easier every day.

Economics is a social science. It has close ties with history, politics. How society changes gets reflected into economic theories and again economic theories reflect back into society. This wheels of dialectics makes the subject alive.

Just look around you. The time that we are going through during this coronavirus pandemic is a very bad time for economy. Be it of the world, or for our country. Everybody is in a tough economic situation. States as well as individual persons are being directly affected by this current economic condition. People are losing their jobs, companies are compelled to cut job, salaries are slashed, businesses are down, ground workers, daily laborers are fearing whether they would get the same daily wage after the pandemic is over. Economists are researching and suggesting the governments to take new steps to harness the down falling economy.

In a way, everybody is affected. Whether it is a daily wage earner, or a salaried person, or a businessman. You, me, we, us, just everyone.

In a time like this, it has become really important for everyone to understand what the current economic situation is demanding from them. Now is the very time to learn more about economy and economics.

Yes, I know that sometimes economics can get tedious, due to its usage of mathematics and calculations and everything that we fear the most. But you should know that, they are just the tools that are used to learn more about the subject. Tools to analyze results. Don’t let them demoralize you. Because as an economist your ultimate aim is to explain the logic and story behind the mathematics, data. Just like the archaeologists, who use many tools to dig the long lost articles of history within the earth, but their ultimate aim is to know about them, not to dig, with their shovels and all.

Lastly, I would like to say, just embrace the subject of economics. Because, for economics, the world is the laboratory, where you can and will tread upon in search of new possibilities, and don’t get confined in a laboratory room like other subjects to find out something that’s yet to be found.

It’s just like the adventurer who has set out on a voyage of the unknown, to see new places, learn new things, which will ultimately help him in achieving something no one has ever achieved and let him prosper like no one has ever been.

So, embark into the ship of economics to be on that unique voyage that would let you shape the economy of the world as well as your country, and your career.

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