A Tribute to the International Day of Yoga: Finance – A Science of Yoga

Pertains to the following courses of the Programme titled M.Sc. in Quantitative Finance offered by the Department of Economics:

  • Financial Management
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Financial Modelling using excel
  • Financial Econometrics
  • Asset Liability Management

In literary sense the word ‘yoga’ means addition, union or integration toward growth of a small volume to a large volume. The sense of addition applies to a tangible object, say, the mature value of a recurring deposit accumulated through a small amount of periodical deposit. The word ‘addition’ is used in tangible or concrete sense while the word ‘integration’ is used in abstract or conceptual sense, say, the discipline of ‘Business Study’ indicating integration of the disciplines of Commerce and Management. On the one hand the word ‘yoga’ is popularly mentioned in the sense of a spiritual activity and on the other hand it is used frequently as an exercise in mathematics. A historically early reference to the connection between yoga as spiritual value and mathematics as a process of attaining spiritual values over a series of rebirths is spelt in Meno by Plato but the Vedas are considered to be the explicit references in this matter, say Rig Veda for geometry, Yajur Veda for the concept of big numbers and Atharva Veda for the concept of zero. The connection of Sufism and Arabs to yoga and mathematics are also relevant here. Yoga in all faiths and communities is considered as a process of a homogenous object or entity becoming larger and larger in size and gradually too large to be far from infinity that encompasses heterogeneous objects and then finally becoming one with the infinity, just like leaves, flowers and fruits of a tree are different objects but they are one with the tree and the tree was embedded in a small seed. Yoga is seen essentially as a process of ascendance from a state which is changeable, finite and temporal limited by time and space to a state infinite and of no-change. The concept of time in the context of a soul traversing from one to another birth is embedded in the dialogues between Plato and as well as in the reincarnation theory of Hinduism. In what follows we shall see how the application of mathematics to yoga over a time period in the secular sense when stripped of religious and spiritual characteristics, forms inter alia the fulcrum of traditional non-Islamic finance literature that is taught and practiced in around two-third of the countries of the word including India and USA.

The discipline of finance revolves around choosing the appropriate time value of money in the form of return on asset and cost of liability in order to maximize the difference between the two over the chosen time period and also to maximize reputation in matter of servicing or discharging the liabilities. Asset means a contract that involves current outflow of cash in lending or investing and future inflow of earnings and a contract of reverse nature is called a liability. Calculating time value of money and formulating strategies to optimize time value of money involves application of higher level of mathematics including integral calculus to the inputs available from various book of accounts internal to a firm and external data on macroeconomic variables and financial markets. The time value of an asset for a number of short periods can be integrated over the continuum of a long period through rolling activities for the purpose of comparison over a single long period in terms of profitability. This financing activity is integration (yoga) of the mathematical value of returns or net return and has underlying economic considerations regarding choice of assets for the purpose of deploying investible or lendable funds and the choice of liabilities for the purpose of raising or procuring funds. A financial product or security is an asset for the investor or lender and a liability for the issuer or borrower. The risk and return profile of a financial security depends on the character of the issuer. An investor can study the character of an issuer with help of the latter’s financial statements, past repayment records and credit rating. Depending on the need of investors and issuers of diverse nature, a number of offshoots of the finance discipline evolved with the titles Security Analysis and Portfolio Management or a slightly different Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Market Risk Management and Credit Risk Management to serve the interest of the investors and borrowers on the one hand and on the other hand Corporate Finance and Project Finance serve the interests of the issuers or borrowers. The titles of Financial Management, Financial Mathematics, and Financial Markets & Regulatory Systems or a slightly different title Financial Markets & Institutions at the basic level, Financial Modelling using excel at the middle level, and at the advanced level Financial Econometrics and Derivatives serve the purpose of educating both of investors and issuers.

Places of employment as finance professional are the departments or divisions of treasury, international banking, risk management, analytics and asset liability management in banks (e.g. SBI Treasury in UK), development banks (e.g. World Bank and Asian Development Bank), non bank financial companies (e.g. LICI Treasury and ICICI Prudential AMC Risk Management Department ), clearing houses (e.g. CCIL Risk Management Department), broking houses (e.g. HDFC Securities), corporate groups (e.g. Tata Group Treasury in Singapore), regulatory bodies (e.g. Reserve Bank of India), rating agencies (e.g. Fitch and CIBIL), consultancy and advisory firms (e.g. Dun and Bradstreet) and exchange houses (e.g. Singapore Exchange Limited). The Financial Risk Management (FRM) certification by GARP (Global Association of Risk Professional) is mandatory in matter of taking the finance career to the top notch in treasury and risk management.  

Globalization and spread of infectious disease

Globalization involves accelerated transcontinental streaming of goods, people, capital, information, and energy across borders, frequently empowered by technological developments.  The dissemination of infectious diseases worldwide has followed a parallel trend. Since the prehistoric era, an enormous breeding ground was created as Europe, Asia, and North America became connected by world trade routes. During the Antonine Plague, smallpox emerged in Rome killing millions of Roman people from 165 AD to 180 AD. After 300 years Europe was afflicted by the bubonic plague as the Plague of Justinian (542-543 AD). This bubonic plague re-emerged in the 14th century in more severe form as the Black Death with the initiation of a new trade route with China that prompted rapid transmission of flea-infested furs from plague-ridden Central Asia.

Before the expansion of world trade routes, the spread of human pathogens predominantly occurred in two ways.

  1. With the livelihood as a hunter-gatherer, people lived a life in motion. So it was challenging for the microorganisms to come in contact with their human host for a long period. As people started colonizing in large numbers in the same space with farming as an occupation, they were in prolonged contact with each other and also with their fecal matter that increased the chance of disease transmission.
  2. With the establishment of towns and cities even larger numbers of people came in closer proximity under even worse sanitary conditions.

After two millennia as the human civilization proudly embraced a new era of globalization in terms of faster travel over greater distances and worldwide trade, the human pathogens also took the golden opportunity to disseminate following the same route. At the beginning of19thcentury, the emergence of plague epidemics in several port cities all over the world demonstrated the remarkable influence of increased trade and travel on infectious diseases. In Johannesburg, the incidence of the plague led to the relocation of black residents as white colonists believed them to be the source of the disease. Almost at the same time, human civilization witnessed the death of millions of people worldwide due to the influenza pandemic. Thus with the current era of globalization, population density is becoming higher, millions of people are moving around the world very fast (by choice or by force), food, animals, capitals and other daily commodities are freely getting transported across political boundaries. In the course of this process, pathogens are getting plenty of opportunities to hitch rides all around the world using humans, commodities, airplanes, and other conveyances as vehicles. Regardless of the successful endeavors of the developed world to control and even eradicate several infectious diseases, every year around 13 million people still die from such diseases.

In the last two centuries, the average distance of human travel with speed has amplified a thousand-fold together with the number of people traveling at a time, while incubation periods for infectious diseases continued to be the same as before. Previously what could have been a merely localized outbreak, now can progress into a large, worldwide epidemic in a matter of days. The global spread of AIDS is a singular, but the most devastating, instance of the impact of this tremendous human mobility on infectious disease.

Open borders and international travel opportunities complemented by advances in transportation technology are availed not only by the tourists; but also by millions of other people who leave their homeland in search of a job or an improved quality of life, and several more who are forcefully displaced by war. Such migrant populations are among the most vulnerable to emerging infectious diseases. The emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases like multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in developed countries are often reported to be associated with the massive influx of immigrants from poor countries with a higher prevalence of such diseases. It is expected that the situation will deteriorate more in the future with the growth of the world population along with an increase in demographic and economic gaps between the developed and developing worlds that will instigate people to move out in search of a better quality of life. In the context of transportation, an airplane transporting an infected mosquito vector in the wheel wells was hypothesized to be the vehicle for the introduction of the West Nile virus into the United States in 1999 for the first time.

Previously, most food products have been manufactured and consumed locally. However, over the last few decades, with the rise in consumer demand and adaptation of westernized lifestyle together with food production and processing activities being geographically more fragmented, the epidemiology of the foodborne disease has changed significantly. Before the establishment of WTO in 1995, trade in animals and animal products were conducted following a policy of zero risks. But at present, imported products are treated similarly to domestic products, even as animal health restrictions are considered. The experience of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in the United Kingdom and Europe exemplifies the remarkable threat that accompanies the unlimited growth and opportunity offered by new international trade regulations enforced by WTO. Many countries do not have all-inclusive food safety programs incorporated into their public health strategies. Outbreaks of foodborne illness have revealed many shortcomings in food safety regulation practices not only in developing countries but also in developed countries like the United States. The free flow of food also elevates serious concerns about the global spread of antibiotic resistance associated with the consumption of antibiotic-fed food animals.

Similar aspects make the situation more complex as novel diseases emerge and spread out very fast causing unprecedented pandemics like SARS in 2002-2004 and COVID 19 in 2019-2020. Thus as we dream to progress using technological advancement as a vehicle towards a borderless world through globalization, often we are forced to halt and take several steps back as the pandemics are jeopardizing public health and socio-economic conditions all around the world. We hope, utilizing the seamless global communication and scientific development as devices of globalization in real-time, proper treatment measures will soon be invented and implemented to control, if not eradicate the life-threatening diseases from the world.

Change in food habit has opened up the demand for processed food: Scope of Food Biotechnology

Student Contributor: Sayantan Bhattacharjee & Abhikhit Chatterjee.

Not a single person would have believed that a small virus can create a pandemic that would force the world to lockdown at home. Over the last few months, there have been dramatic transformations in our access and the availability of food, along with where we eat and with whom. The closure of restaurants, fast food outlets, cafes, schools, colleges, universities, and workplace canteens has contributed to more people eating at home. It seems that lockdown has encouraged many people to revive the joy of cooking at home with their family, with more people cooking from scratch and wasting less food. Everyone tried their best to store an adequate amount of food for their family during the lockdown. Either they have visited the local market for raw food or have to store packed/Processed food for the period. To know what processed food was in demand during this COVID-19 time, we conducted an online survey with 130+ people from different parts of India.

The respondents were asked the following questions, among them the significant questions are below-

  • Which type of food do you prefer during a lockdown?
  • Which type of processed food you have purchased from the market during a lockdown?
  • If healthy food is manufactured, what are the benefits you love to see in it?

Review analyses are based on the feedback given by the respondents from different parts of the country, working in different sectors, and are from different genders & ages. Out of the total respondents, 97% preferred home cook food (Figure 1), form the graph, it’s clear that people are much aware regarding the social distancing, and tries to restrict themselves from a restaurant or local fast food outlets.

Figure 1. Food Preference during the lockdown period.

During the initial phase of lockdown, people started stockpiling probably panicking for unavailability of food in the future if the situation worsens. During this time 74% have brought the raw material for recipe making, around 16% of people have picked ready to cook (Figure 2). It reveals that recipe making items are none other than perishable, semi-perishable, or non-perishable food, but they must be properly packed and kept under the appropriate condition for longer shelf life.

Figure 2. Type of processed food generally bought from the market during the lockdown.

Finally, we asked a question that if healthy food is manufactured then, what are the criteria they want in it. The majority suggested, it must be a novel product with value addition, it must have minimum thermal processing, and surely low cost. So a meal must be converted to functional meals from the consumer’s end.

Here comes the scope of Food Biotechnology. It is a rapidly expanding field of science that deals with the production processes of foods. It is the application of modern biotechnological techniques to the manufacture and processing of food as well as keep the nutritional value of a food. Food biotechnology is an umbrella term that covering a vast variety of processes for using living organisms such as plants, animals, microbes, or any part of these organisms, to develop new or improved food products. It includes the newer forms of food biotechnology that offer a faster and more precise means to develop food products.

Current trends in Food Biotechnology

Food biotechnologists are always searching for how to develop food are other food-related issues. A recent report from the Institute of Food Technologists highlights that they develop food packaging techniques. These developments stem from research in the food biotechnology industry on innovative food packaging solutions. According to the report smart food technology that can prevent food spoilage as well as keep food safe long time. Smart packaging technology is designed to monitor the food quality through technology such as freshness, temperature, or quality indicators built into the package and communicate that to either sellers or consumers. The food flavor control unit has focused on reducing the loss of food flavor during storage. Food often loses its flavor over time because the food flavors are often absorbed by the food packaging itself or degraded by other products within the package.

Biotechnology applications within the food-processing sector, therefore, target the choice and manipulation of micro-organisms to enhance method management, product quality, safety, consistency, and yield, whereas increasing Biotechnological processes applicable to the improvement of microbe cultures to be used in food- processing applications involve standard strategies of genetic improvement. Biotechnology within the food process sector utilizes and implements micro-organisms for the preservation of food and the assembly of a variety of added merchandise like enzymes, flavor compounds, vitamins. So, consumers are interested in the formulation of smart food having many criteria (Figure 3). Next-generation food is about targeting high nutritional values, multi-functional, and long shelf life bearing. Food Biotechnology is an important part of Biotechnology. Amidst this pandemic situation, Food Biotechnologies can come up with a new hope. These tools can serve us in a future pandemic situation.

Figure 3. Criteria for Smart Food.

Biotechnology or Microbiology? What to Choose?

Biotechnology and Microbiology are two major disciplines of Biological Sciences with a diversified application related to their domain. Biotechnology refers to a field dealt with the manipulation of living organisms at the molecular level through recombinant DNA technology also known as genetic engineering to form useful products for the betterment of mankind. Microbiology is an area of science exploring the world of microbes in terms of their genomics and proteomics and their applications in food, pharmaceutical, and biotech industries. In the historical perspective of biological sciences Biotechnology and Microbiology developed in parallel. The age-old method of fermentation technology in which microorganisms were used to produce commercially important products is an example of collaboration between these two fields. Understanding the science behind naturally occurring fermentation of sugar and fruit mashes to alcohol by microbes comes under Microbiology. Biotechnology later took the credit of developing the fermentation technology for mass production and commercialization of alcohol. This article is going to provide an outlook on these two important courses in terms of knowledge, application, and job prospects.

The course of Biotechnology drives with a vision of “Heal the world”, “Fuel the world”, and “Feed the world.” Several discoveries and developments 1950 onwards revolutionize the process of genetic engineering when scientists were able to modify the genome of microbes, plants, and animal cells for recombinant commercial production of biomolecules and other purposes. With the rapid growth in world population biotechnology is an important domain to `answer the challenges of food and nutritional requirements, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and fuel needs. Studying biotechnology have the advantage of covering several different disciplines like general biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, molecular biology, etc. The knowledge in those different disciplines nurtures the mind of biotechnologists for innovations. The subjects of animal biotechnology, nano-biotechnology, and microbial biotechnology are useful to learn the techniques for designing new targeted drugs for the treatment of diseases with low side-effects and devising new smart nano-sized tools for early diagnosis. Similarly, in plant biotechnology, genetically modified plants developed in labs can empower mankind for increased production of highly nutritious food with a low spoilage rate. Biotechnology also uses fermentation technology of microbes in the production of biofuels like alcohol and bio-hydrogen thus reducing the dependency of society on petroleum like conventional fuels.

Microorganisms are present everywhere around us, on us, and within us and play vitally important roles for maintenance of life on earth. Microbiology is a science to understand the biochemistry, genomics, proteomics, pathophysiology of invisible microbes for their application in food, fermentation, pharmaceutical, and biotech industries. Microbes include bacteria, fungi, viruses, prions, protozoans, algae and they have an important participation in nutrient cycling on earth,  biodegradation/bioremediation, food-spoilage, disease pathogenesis, and analysis of climatic changes. Studying microbial biochemistry and genomics helps microbiologists to understand the biological mechanism of these microbial lives. On the other side Food technology, microbial biotechnology and industrial microbiology subjects focused on the application of versatile microbes in industries such as the development of vaccines, antibiotics, dairy, and food supplements (probiotics). Microbiology also helps us to understand the microbial diversity and their evolutionary aspects of life on earth. It can answer a big question on the emergence of the first life on earth. Currently, the researchers are trying to identify the function of the microbiome (microbial population in our gut) in combating cancer, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s diseases.

Thus, Biotechnology and Microbiology both seem to be close and interlinked to each other, there are differences when it comes to jobs and prospects. As we have seen that biotechnology depends partly on different laboratory methods of microbiology, but the applied part of microbiology is completely dependent upon biotechnological methods. Therefore, a bachelor degree in Biotechnology can pave the way of aspirants to a various different area of work which may include industrial processes in different types of industries (agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical), research and development along with management jobs, while Microbiology degree can offer you jobs mainly in research and development and some specific industries.  B. Tech degrees in Biotechnology with initial exposures to engineering subjects like computer sciences and electronics open their job prospects in bioinstrumentation and bioinformatics companies. Currently, MBA in Biotechnology (followed by B.Sc. Biotechnology) is another new and upcoming course offered by several Indian Universities. With the rapid growth in new start-ups on biotech, the job market in India is attractive with more requirements of biotech professionals in labs as well as managerial positions.

The students seeking their career mainly in research with the aim of Ph.D.degree in the future also carries the advantage of having a degree in Biotechnology. Due to the diverse nature of the Biotechnology discipline, the students can more easily switch to other closely related biological science subjects for Ph.D., which can’t be so flexible with a Microbiology degree. There are many Fellowship programs of monetary funding for scholars pursuing a Ph.D. in India, offered by DBT-JRF and CSIR-NET. Further with a master’s degree in Biotechnology and Microbiology, students can also apply for Ph.D. in highly reputed foreign Universities. Former Prime-Minister of India recognized the importance of Biotechnology for the common people of India and established the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) as a part of the Ministry of Science and Technology. DBT is responsible to fund important research going on different institutes all around India. In conclusion, it must be said that both areas offer good career prospects with a bit of an advantage on the Biotechnology side. However, it is the personal interest of a student which ultimately drives their way to the summit of a professional career.


Career as an Electronics and Communication Engineer in the 5G enabled future world

Positive Impact of 5G implementations on enhancing employability throughout the globe:

The Fifth Generation (5G) is the next-generation wireless communication technology. This most awaited technology is expected to create more than a few million jobs as well as boost the GDP to the next level. Although the Indian telecommunication division is encountering a disruptive phase in the present scenario, the unfold of 5G is expected to generate massive employment opportunities for electronics and communication engineers. According to a report by Accenture, the installation/setup procedure for this promising technology is also significant. In the United States of America alone, the telecommunication operators are looking forward to investing about $275 billion in infrastructure, which can lead to the creation of 3 million jobs and boost the GDP by $500 billion. It is predicted by economists around the world that the economic influence of 5G in the latest goods and utilities will cross $12 trillion by 2035. The 5G technology is expected to be initiated in India by 2020 (as reported by the 5G High-Level Forum) and is anticipated to create a progressive economic influence of $1 trillion (in India) by 2035. According to Ericsson, the global front runner in 5G technologies, 5G-enabled digitalization income capability in India will be more than $27 billion by 2026. Moreover, according to the predictions reported by Global System Mobile Association, India will have approximately 70 million 5G connections by 2025. It is extensively recognized that the worth of 5G implementations for India can be greater as compared to advanced nations around the globe as a consequence of the marginal investments in physical infrastructure.

Influence of 5G technology in new and existing industry verticals:

The deployment of 5G is likely to allow the addition of different service aspects apart from the orthodox voice and data through the enabling technologies like IoT, Massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO), Adaptive Beam Forming through Advanced Digital Signal Processing, device to device, Millimeter Wave, Terahertz communications, Cloud services, Big Data, Mobile cloud computing, Virtual Reality (AR/VR), etc. The majority of these enabling technologies are sheltered under Electronics and Communication Engineering. With a capability to explore $12.3 trillion revenue across various industries, the implementation of 5G is expected to influence almost every industry including agriculture, energy, logistics, fleet management, tracking, home, industrial application and control, traffic safety and control, remote manufacturing, remote training, remote healthcare, smartphone and many more. Apart from the user range, 5G will enable new potential and adaptability for mobile service providers to satisfy the specific needs of enterprise consumers. 5G is expected to play a vital role in enabling the 4th Industrial Revolution, as technology is smoothly planted within the bounds of the society as well as in commercial and industrial processes. Another positive aspect of 5G technologies is that it will not replace all the existing generations of telecom networks like 2G, 3G, and 4G. Reports also suggested that even after the introduction of 5G into the Indian networks, the primary generation of cellular technologies can co-exist with the 5G technologies for a span of at least 10 years. This will restrict the reduction in the current job opportunities in the Tele-communication sector as well as create new employment opportunities with novel 5G deployments for Electronics and Communication Engineers.

Impact of futuristic 5G technology on real-time teaching and learning:

5G is expected to boost the remote teaching-learning processes, because of its lightning data rate (as well as ultra-low latency). This is expected to enable instant interactivity, with minimal energy consumption. This indicates that instead of watching the video of a facilitator/faculty, learners in remote locations of India or other countries can participate in classes with instant interactivity.

Role of Electronics and Communication Engineering in building 5G ready career:

The courses included in the program of Electronics and Communication Engineering like Antenna and Wave Propagation, Microwave Engineering, Digital Signal Processing, IoT, Robotics, VLSI, Data Communication and Networking, Digital Communication, Electronic Devices, Control System, etc. will provide the fresh graduates/post-graduates with an added advantage to pursue a bright career in the 5G enabled future world. The 5G enabled future worlds will demand young minds with an in-depth knowledge of Electronics and Communication Engineering possessing innovative and problem-solving skill sets. The 5G enabled future world is promising exciting career opportunities for young minds pursuing Electronics and Communication Engineering as careers.


Communication, they say, is the key to maintain global peace and equilibrium. However, peace and equilibrium seem farfetched in the prevailing crisis situation. As Covid-19 ravages the world, people are increasingly getting to comprehend the sheer importance of communication and resultant collaborations.

Whether it is the development of vaccines and medicines to combat the dreaded virus or its possible control, humanity is decidedly dependent on international and intercultural communication. Concomitantly, it becomes critically important to examine the factors that affect the flow of communication between individuals, communities and nations.

While we are at it, let us carefully analyze the primary factors:

  1. Language: Language is probably the most important element in the communication chain. To put it simply, language is the medium through which the group speaking that particular language expresses its culture. A cursory glance at world history will prove that language has not only been the biggest unifying human force, but it has been the largest bone of contention as well. To make it easier to have global collaborations, it is essential to have one connecting language. Let us take an example to understand this. Internationally, English has been a great unifying force between countries.
  2. Ethnicity: In a multiethnic world, ethnicity is as important as language. Often misunderstandings crop up from ethnic differences. These misunderstandings in turn hamper the communication chain. We can take a very easy example to illustrate this point. India, which has multiple ethnic identities, often goes through ethnic churnings thereby destabilizing the communication chain. This is equally true for communications that happen between two different ethnic communities from two different countries. The primary way to deal with ethnic differences is to forge a human bond that respects the differences but tries to create a unifying factor that is beneficial to all concerned.
  3. National Identities: The concept of nationhood is a very complicated proposition. The concept of national pride at times inundates other humane considerations. We can take a very pertinent example to illustrate this point. The current military spat between India and China has created an often overzealous national consciousness in both India and China that threatens common sense. Such spats overwhelm the necessity to have communication and subsequent collaborations. From time immemorial, the group consciousness associated with nationhood has been the reason for multiple wars. The Nazi dispensation in Germany used ultra-national pride to trample human rights and hence make communication secondary. The best way to make way through this negative national consciousness is to develop the penchant for having rational humane considerations that doesn’t bank on jingoism.
  4. Religious Identities: History has been witness to the fact that religion has played the role of the biggest human divisive force. If we take a sneak peek into the history of humanity as a whole, we would be able to find out that religion has been the single largest cause of conflicts. Whether we talk about the crusades or we deliberate about the current religious unrests, religion has fomented the maximum trouble among fellow human beings. To tackle it, the best way is to have a personal take on religion. Human beings need to appreciate that differences in religious orientations are natural and the same should not deter people from having communication and forging collaborations.
  5. Social Class: No wonder that social positioning and economic status of people put them into certain brackets. This artificial division again creates rifts between the haves and have-nots thereby leading to a breakage in the communication chain. All throughout the world, the existence of different social classes is a crude reality. Let us take an Indian example. As the pandemic keeps getting worse, the biggest victims have been the migrant labourers. The reason why this class has taken the toll is their economic and social status. The best way to deal with this differentiation is to reduce the gap between the social classes.
  6. Gender: Let us now come to gender. As basic as it is, the reality remains that gender can also become an impediment for the flow of communication at times. The difference between genders across the world is very real. In India, the transgender community has to face social ostracism all the time. The communication channel in this case is broken. There is hardly any discourse on the community. The best way to deal with this stalemate is to accept that gender can’t be the basis of any discrimination. However, like many other things, it is easier said than done.
  7. Age: Across societies, generational shifts can cause a lot of miscommunication. As the world changes, meanings and communication channels change. At times, older people can’t cope with these changes, which in turn creates an imbalance in communication. At other times, the younger generation fails to understand the frame of reference of the older people thereby creating an unnecessary rift. Mutual acceptance and sustained dialogues constitute the only way to get out of this imbroglio.

While there are multiple other factors, the ones mentioned above are the biggest factors that either propel or inhibit the flow of global communication in the current context. As communication students, it is extremely important to be aware about the factors. This is exactly where the role of institutionalized media education comes in handy. International Communication is one area that a lot of media institutions are emphasizing upon these days in order to convert the students into comprehensive media professionals.

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