#PhysicsPlus: Next big things in the field of Physics

So far, the year 2020 has been quite dramatic. This is not something any of us expected. But crisis brings new challenges which in turn create opportunities. We believe this crisis only makes us stronger by leveraging the opportunities it created. With this determination let us not worry too much and focus on our favourite subject, Physics. Here I’m going to tell you about what we might expect to happen in the field of physics in the next 10 years.

Before discussing the next 10 years, let us assess what we have witnessed in the last 10 years from 2010 – 2019. We find several breakthroughs that physicists long been hoped to achieve. In a span of 4 years we have seen, the discovery of Higgs boson (in 2012), spotting of the cosmic neutrino in ice cube detector (2013) and the gravitational waves (in 2016). Double quantum teleportation has also been observed in the same period. This is remarkable indeed!

In the next 10 years, we hope at least some of our long-standing mystery will be solved, which includes, detection of dark matter, signatures of physics beyond the standard model, proliferation of quantum computing and communication, wireless communication through LiFI system. And last but not the least it to the effective management of data generated by physics experiments through artificial intelligence and machine learning. All these topics are interesting and vital, but due to space constraint, I am going to focus only two of the topics mentioned above. The topics are: Wireless communication through LiFi system and dark matter detection. So without wasting any more time, let’s find out.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Wireless communication through LiFi system:

Data is playing a vital role in our daily life. It is so important that a new subject is developing around it, known as Big Data. In the coming years, we are expecting a sea change in the ways we are communicating with each other. I am talking about LiFi (Light Fidelity) system of wireless communication. In this method, the light wave is used to transfer data wirelessly. Thus a simple LED bulb can be used as a device to access the internet. Let us see how does it work: LED bulb is used to capture data in modulated form. Its frequency lies in the range of visible light. The LED bulb then transmits the data and received by the device, such as a smartphone. The receiving device contains a photosensitive detector which would demodulate the light and converts it into electronic data for ready use. (Image Credit @ PureLiFi)


It has various advantages over traditional WiFi. In terms of speed, LiFi can be up to 100 times faster than WiFi. Because of light frequencies are used for data transfer the interference is also much less and can be used where traditional WiFi system can not be used. For example, salty seawater or chemical plants where the use of radio-frequency can be dangerous. It is more secure as we can limit its range by physical barriers, such as walls. However, its most unfavourable feature is the coverage distance, which is roughly 10 meters. And for that reason, it is not a replacement technology for WiFi. But rather it is being considered as a companion technology.


Various companies are competing to harness its potential. Among them, pureLiFi is at the forefront. It is founded by Professor Harald Haas, who coined the term LiFi and considered to be the founder of this particular technology. Other companies which are working in this field to build LiFi products for daily use are: Signify, Oledcomm, VLNcomm, Velmenni, LumEfficient, General Electric, Panasonic, Wipro etc.

It is being predicted that the general public would be able to test LiFi technology in 2022.

Dark Matter Search:

The fate of our Universe depends on its matter-energy content. An important clue regarding the amount of matter energy present in the universe was unveiled by Hubble Space Telescope in 1998. It was found that the universe was expanding at a rate which is faster than what was thought it to be. That was puzzling as the known matter content of the universe could not explain such expansion rate. Intense research led to this realisation that our knowledge regarding the universe is very limited. Current estimates show that to explain the expansion rate we need, 68% Dark Energy, 27% Dark Matter and the rest, only 5% is the visible matter. This subtle balance of matter and energy is what required for the observed cosmic acceleration.

Dark Energy:

Dark energy can be said to be a property of empty space or vacuum. It generates a reclusive force that drives the acceleration of the expanding universe. Since it does not have a local gravity effect, it is hard to detect. But it does produce a global effect like acceleration on a cosmic scale.

Dark Matter:

Dark Matter, on the other hand, tries to slow down the expansion because of gravitational attraction. The name “dark” comes from the fact that it can not be seen through our naked eyes. This property leads to the understanding that the dark matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force. Our current understanding about it is much about what it is not rather than what it is. 

Despite the challenges, several dozen experiments are methodically searching for signatures of the Dark Matter. In these experiments, they search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPS) or a (theoretical) particle called the axion, which is basically dark matter version of the light particle (photon). These searches can be broadly divided into two categories: Direct detection and indirect detection.  For further information on these experiments please visit: https://www.interactions.org/hub/dark-matter-hub.

Although there is no strong evidence from direct dark matter search experiments, various indirect detection experiments have got encouraging result. That gives us hope that may be in the coming years we will be able to uncover the enigma of the dark matter. This hope is amplified by the promising result coming from the XENON experiment in June 2020. Though this result is yet to be peer-reviewed, scientists are eagerly waiting for the reviewers’ opinion. If found true, it would be considered as one of the first breakthrough results. However, this result is not statistically significant to be called as a discovery but will act as inspiration for future attempts.

For further reading:


  1. https://lifi.co/
  2. https://purelifi.com/

Dark matter:

  1. https://science.nasa.gov/astrophysics/focus-areas/what-is-dark-energy
  2. https://www.interactions.org/hub/dark-matter-hub
  3. https://home.cern/science/physics/dark-matter
  4. https://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/science/objects/dark_matter2.html
  5. https://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/outreach/teachers/class-kits/mystery-dark-matter

Corona Positive or Positive Corona: A Mechanical Engineer’s Perspective

Be it the talk over a cup of coffee or the table talk by the leaders of the world, Corona Crisis is the buzz word. At present times, our mornings start with a dip into the negative impacts of COVID 19. With the industry hit hard, an uncertain future looms large before the graduating engineers and young aspirants. But is there another side of the story? I thought of reaching out to my readers with the findings that hint at transforming thoughts and positive drives catalysed by the global pandemic.

Mechanical Engineering Industry @ Positive Corona

As per VDMA (Mechanical Engineering Industry Association), majority of the industries are focusing on technology transformation to return to the ‘New Normal’. The pandemic has triggered the need of a complete overhaul of an organization’s technology systems encompassing hardware, software, network architecture, data management favourably affecting all of people, process and the technology. Though the Mechanical and Plant Engineering industries were already in the process to adopt Industry 4.0, the technology transformation timeline has been positively brought forward with the emergence of this global pandemic.

  • The crisis driven high tech mechanization will bless the industry with better product realization, flexibility, and reliability.
  • Lessons learnt from the global crisis will prompt a rational focus on the product portfolio and risk profile of the company.
  • As per United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), manufacturing sector has earned its place as a mainstay of the recovery strategies of post-COVID-19 economies.
  • Demand of counter COVID-19 products has opened up a new horizon before the Mechanical Engineering industry focusing on scaled up production of medical devices and appliances.
  • Projected investments in future technology such as Collaborative Automation may soon see the Collaborative Robots (Cobots) ushering in Industry 5.0 ready industry.
  • In the post-Corona world, entrepreneurship is expected to witness a spike. There will be surge in the start-ups with deep-pocketed investors willing to invest in the areas of clean energy, healthcare, food and agriculture, drone technology etc. which will be attractive propositions for a Mechanical Engineer.

The Corona Crisis will pass, while the strategies developed during the turmoil will continue to evolve the industries stronger and fitter for the future.

Mechanical Engineering Education @ Positive Corona

The ‘New Normal’ will require more skilled engineers than ever before. With the industry poised to adopt the crisis driven technology transformations, the traditional Mechanical Engineering education is revamping itself with a modern curriculum. The essence of automation, cyber physical systems, digital communication, Industrial IoT (IIOT), digital manufacturing, robotics, cognitive computing methods, and their integration are finding the place among the core Mechanical Engineering concepts. With students taking up such allied domains as Minors will only boost their preparedness for the multi-disciplinary environment of the industry.

The pandemic has seen a rapid shift to a model of blended learning with the teaching community turning out to be more tech savvy ultimately transforming the pedagogy. Creating virtual & interactive Mechanical Engineering laboratories has always posed a great challenge. The concept of ‘Lab on Laptop’ has received a tremendous boost with the need of online mode of teaching-learning during the crisis situation. Importantly, the crisis has reinforced the intense academia-academia and academia-industry collaborative teaching-learning through online seminars, guest lectures, colloquiums, virtual industry internships etc. The wider canvas of Mechanical Engineering dealing with systems- big and small, human-powered and AI driven- is expected to be immensely benefitted through the rich spectrum of online mode of collaborations.

Mechanical Engineering Research and Innovation @ Positive Corona

Any crisis is always is always a strong driver of creativity and innovation, and the same is also true for the Corona crisis. In COVID-19 times, the research world of Mechanical Engineering focused on fighting the pandemic.

  • Mechanical ventilators with artificial intelligence capabilities to automate the functioning of the ventilator.
  • IoT-based system to create a Ventilator Management System.
  • Positive Pressure Respirator System (PRPS) as a substitute of N-95 masks.
  • Disinfection chamber and isolation shelter.
  • Autonomous robotic disinfection system along with capabilities of serving medicines, food, and collecting samples of patients.
  • Internal combustion engine emission study techniques adapted to research new mask materials.
  • Improved HVAC systems to reduce the incidence of human-generated airborne COVID-19 transmission (ACT) in public spaces.
  • MEMS sensor technology into 3-D printed mobile ventilators and wearable wireless sensor systems to enable electronic tracking of physical distancing.

Post crisis, the manufacturing industry is expected to sanction boosting research and innovations in green manufacturing, digital technologies and big data, product material passports, traceability technologies such as use of sensors. Mechanical engineers will be taking up the task of innovating technology upgrades in the area of medical devices especially for the strongly evolving mechanical ventilator industry. Necessitated by the crisis, automotive industry has realized the need of accelerating research on autonomous vehicles, touchless transactions, e-scooters, kickboards etc. The pandemic has brought forward a unique opportunity of collaboration between researchers cutting across disciplines which is certain to promote academic research as well as industrial R&D.

COVID-19 Ramifications on Power Sector

Despite increased energy access in developing countries, 789 million people all over the globe remain in the dark. COVID-19 has had an impact on the market, in particular as it has led to reduced demand, financial stress and disruptions in the power supply chain.

Power sector is one of the key driver’s of the global economy which supplies electricity to all other sectors. In times of crisis, such as the pandemic, we are witnessing in 2020, reliable electricity supply has become essential for sustained medical services and working remotely under lock-down conditions, among other aspects of our modern daily lives. The power sector consists of generation, transmission, and distribution. Traditionally, power was generated by burning hydrocarbons and harnessing hydropower. However, in recent years, the share of power generated from renewables such as wind and solar has grown, thanks to declining costs and concerns about global warming. Generated electricity moves through transmission lines that are as extensive as highways—power crosses international borders and is traded on global markets. Once the transmission lines reach users in industrial, commercial, or residential areas, the distribution network takes over and delivers electricity to the end consumers. A handful of corporations (or state agencies) operated power plants and networks before the 1990’s. However, many countries across the globe have unbundled their electricity utilities — separating generation, transmission, and distribution, which has facilitated industry investment in the private sector, increased demand, and lowered electricity prices. Added to the mix is research on the regulatory environment that has become essential to building trust among investors, maintaining fair pricing and promoting renewable energy, conservation and efficiency.

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 — Ensuring access for everyone to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy — is a prerequisite for progress on many other SDGs, including health, education, industry, sustainable cities, and more.


Lockdown initiatives have greatly decreased the demand for electricity in both the commercial and industrial sectors over the past few months. The International Energy Agency (IEA) reports (fig. 1) that global demand for electricity dropped by 2.5 per cent in Q1 2020 and expects a 5 per cent fall by the end of the year. In March and April 2020, a 15 percent drop in demand was observed. Slower growth in demand as a result of falling COVID-19 led economic activity would likely hold oil prices down. Nonetheless, we should anticipate volatility. Low oil prices would benefit oil-importing nations, particularly those where oil prices are linked to natural gas. Despite the economic downturn in China and record shale gas production in the United States, natural gas prices were already at historic lows before COVID-19. Spot prices in countries with a significant share of renewables reached rates close to zero marginal costs (for example, at certain hours in Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Turkey).

Adamas University

According to estimates, the downturn in demand led to cleaner air with an expected drop in carbon emissions in April by 17 per cent compared to a year earlier. Contributing to this is declining factory production, less cars on the road and less power generation. In addition, global renewable energy generation increased by 3 per cent, powered largely by new online solar and wind projects over the past year. Under current conditions, the sustainability of renewable energy offers a clear hope for potential increased demand and investments in renewables.

Growing energy demand can also be met as economies rebound from COVID-19 by ramping up the generation of thermal power plants, which will increase carbon emissions. If fossil fuel prices remain small, renewables, particularly in countries with large hydrocarbon endowments, may potentially be squeezed out in the medium term. On the other hand, low gas prices are now helping make gas-fired power generation relatively more attractive in comparison to carbon-intensive, coal-fired power generation.

Increasing unemployment due to the pandemic may prevent many people from paying their electricity bills. The payment delays and delinquency of utility bills by end-consumers (residential, commercial and industrial) is beginning to have a detrimental effect along the energy supply chain. In many countries, governments have intervened by maintaining electricity services to the population during the lockdown while also reducing the negative financial impact on the sector.

Lower power demand and pressures on end-consumer bills limit distribution companies’ ability to compensate power suppliers under long-term, take-or – pay power buying (PPAs) agreements. Many power distribution enterprises need substantial and immediate liquidity support. This is a major concern for investors who rely on PPAs to recover and make a return on their investments.The drop-in demand in more liberalized markets has resulted in the fall of the electricity market rates, hurting power generation firms.

Globally, many companies across different sectors have ceased or decreased capital expenditure and the power sector is no exception where possible. Non-critical investments around the sector — from generation to transmission to distribution — were suspended.

Supply chains are also affected for the power sector. Some power sector equipment manufacturing is moving into a sharp slowdown. On the positive side, China’s COVID-19 situation, where most of the solar supply comes from, is normalizing, and factories are beginning to re-open. Supply shortages from other countries impact the wind industry more strongly than solar (which relies on foreign supply linkages). In addition, local and international travel restrictions, quarantine requirements, and lockdowns resulted in project delays and added to the construction costs of the project.

Way Forward

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the power sector to suffer multiple dislocations. Nevertheless, as the pandemic eases and mobility increases, it is possible that economic activity will take off. It will increase commercial and industrial energy demand, which will alleviate many of the problems facing the crisis. While governments attend to the significant funding needs emerging from COVID-19, among other pressing objectives, the private sector will play a vital role in providing the major investments and expertise needed for the power sector in developing countries. International organizations with a long history of financing power projects internationally, mobilizing partner support and a deep partnership with governments and local stakeholders will continue to make a major contribution to the sector’s growth. In the future, the aim in the electricity sector is to help countries in creating cost-competitive power markets that foster sector resilience, inclusiveness and the role of renewables.

Business Education for the New World in the New Era!

Business is not a new subject or a profession. But, perspectives of business has changed dramatically in the last 10 to 20 years. Anyone who engages with business as an entrepreneur, manager, analyst or consultant soon realizes that what they had learnt in business schools no longer hold true for the new era in a world transformed beyond the normal.

21st century world needs evolved working models harnessing the power of data and technology with optimization and synergy across functions. Holistic professionals equipped with the right knowledge, skill, attitude, a global perspective and entrepreneurial mind-set, are needed for this transformational journey. The global pandemic Covid 19 has just exposed how narrow our perspectives of business had become of late. Is there an Institute that recognizes this changed scenario and grooms professionals for the new world in the new era?

The School of Business & Economics, a constituent school of the Adamas University, located at Barasat in a lush green 135 acres campus, strives to do just this and more! The School houses three departments, namely Management, Economics and Commerce, each with an illustrious faculty, who are intellectual leaders, straddling rigour of research and relevance of practice, and alert to demands of millennial workforce, mentors students and provides them with latest knowledge tools like AI, IoT, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Block-chain, etc. in a socially embedded value system, and cross-cultural sensitivity. The full range of its offering includes undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral level programs, aimed at students who have just passed their Plus 2 exams, fresh graduates or even working professionals with substantial experience who want to upgrade their knowledge and skills to enhance their employability.   

Management: One of the fastest growing professional fields of study, management is the choice of students who want to build a career in the corporate or social sector as an administrator or manager. Understanding of business fundamentals like finance, human resource management, marketing, operations is crucial and are important areas of specializations in management. Apart from the traditional courses like BBA or MBA, Adamas University’s School of Business and Economics also has a few new programs in the domain of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Digital Marketing, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship and Family Managed Business, etc. which groom students for the growing new sectors.

Economics:  This discipline of study has always been the favourite of those who want to work as economic analysts or consultants, and equip students with the right skills and knowledge to steer companies and even nations to higher economic growth. Apart from the traditional BA, BSc, MA, MSc in Economics and Quantitative Finance, new high-demand Post-Graduate Diplomas in various disciplines like Economic Analysis, Finance and Banking, Public Policy have been introduced to cater to the BFSI sector and public think-tanks. 

Commerce: Commerce is as old as business, and therefore has a market-pull which has a history of almost a century. Every company needs professionals who are trained in book-keeping, accounting, audit, taxation and such domains of expertise. The BCom and MCom programs from this department caters to the need of trained professionals who essentially manage the life-blood of any business – funds. These programs are also well-suited for those who are aspiring to get into roles like corporate lawyer, company secretary, etc.

Recruiters complain that though India produces a large number of educated graduates and post-graduates in business domains, their employability is not high. Adamas University addresses this with programs which are integrated with the Industry in the form of deep partnerships with companies like SAS India, AIFMB, Safex, etc. so that students not only get good placement but also can be productive to their recruiters from Day 1. No doubt, Adamas University is the chosen destination for students who want to make a career in business and economics fields. Going beyond the syllabus, each student is mentored by a professor or a corporate guide, classroom teaching is augmented with rigorous field projects on real-life issues, lecture method is substituted with more student-centric methods like case teaching, action-learning, etc.

Prof. Dr. Naveen Das, Dean of The School of Business & Economics, Adamas University, sums up: “The world will not remain the same post-COVID, so why not get educated for the new world and a new era. Welcome to Adamas to know how we create professionals who are humanistic yet analytical – all ready to face the challenges of a global, networked, competitive world with confidence and wisdom!”

#PhysicsPlus: Particle and Nuclear Physics

Enormous progress in Physics has been seen in the twentieth century. First half of the century is dominated by Einstein Theory of Relativity and development of Quantum Mechanics. In the year 1905 Einstein put forward his Special theory of Relativity and took another 10 years to publish his General theory of relativity to include Gravity which is published in the year 1915. The birth of Quantum theory starts with the Planck’s theory of black body radiation in 1900. Einstein took the Planck’s theory to describe photoelectric effect and predicted the quantum of light (photons) which behaves like particle. Subsequently Niels Bohr, Louis de Broglie, Erwin Schrodinger and Paul M. Dirac, advanced Planck’s theory and developed the theory of quantum mechanics as a mathematical application of the quantum theory with matter and wave equivalence with a probabilistic view in contrast to Classical theory.

The 2nd half of the twentieth century observed the rise of the Particle Physics. A huge number of particles are identified in high energy accelerators. The systematic study of the properties of these zoo of particles gives us the knowledge of basic interactions and their properties which in turn contribute to the understanding of basic laws of nature. First attempt came from Gell Mann and Zweig in 1964 in Eightfold way scheme where the known Mesons, Baryons and Octet baryons are classified in a geometric pattern according to the quantum numbers and suggested the quark model. The classification can be compared to the classification of elements in Mendeleev’s periodic table with basic difference in quantum numbers and the table is replaced by geometrical patterns like hexagon, triangle etc. These quantum numbers are internal quantum numbers which manifest the underlying symmetry of nature. By the early 1930s, physicists thought they had a complete picture of the constituents of matter with electrons, protons, neutrons, neutrinos and their corresponding antiparticles but in 1936 with the discovery of the muon, a heavier version of the electron comes as big surprise to physics community. Particle collision is fundamental tool for studying elementary particles. The first colliding lepton beam facilities were built in the early 1960s. Subsequently new particle colliders were planned and built, leading to milestone discoveries on November 1974 with observation of the J/Ψ particle, a new unstable state of matter of charm quarks (c-family) simultaneously at SLAC and Brookhaven National Laboratory  (BNL) at USA which is termed as ‘November Revolution’. The discovery of the Upsilon (Υ) particle (b-quark family) has been reported at Fermilab in 1977 by the CFS (Columbia-Fermilab-Stony Brook collaboration) E288 experiment. Large particle accelerators of the 1980’s, and the other discoveries established the Standard Model of elementary particles as a well-tested physics theory. As physicists continued to collide the particles at ever higher energies, they discovered more and more particles. A new era of particle physics experiments started with the Large Hadron collider (LHC) at CERN. Discovery of Higgs particle reported in 2012. The experiment is focused to search answers to very fundamental questions like origin of mass, dark matter, Primordial plasma and matter antimatter asymmetry.

Particle Physics/ Nuclear Physics as career:

The career in Particle Physics or High Energy Physics is very exciting. It can be divided into two categories like Theoretical and Experimental. For both the areas the knowledge on quantum field theory (QED), Gauge theory, basics of Particle Collision mechanism are required. The High Energy Physics (HEP) landscape has changed significantly over the past few years. This field involves studying the basic constituent of matter and radiations. The other closely related areas are AstroParticle physics, Early universe, Big Bang nucleosynthesis (study to search for origin of creation of the universe and abundance of different elements we observe in nature), Dark matter, Neutrino Oscillations, CP-violation. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), Exotic particles, Multiquark states. The area also extended to study the quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), a new state of matter. Particle physicists can find positions in International laboratories working with high energy colliders or at a higher education institute that excels in basic sciences. The United States Department of Energy funds Brookhaven National Laboratory, which employs about 3,000 scientists and hosts 4,000 guest researchers annually from different countries. Particle physicists are able to engage in extensive high-energy research here with their Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), the biggest and most powerful particle accelerator other than the LHC. The RHIC is designed for quark-gluon plasma research. The LHC is housed by the European Organization for Nuclear Research, which employs 2,600 regular staff members, and 7,931 scientists and engineers from different universities and research facilities. Research at CERN mainly focuses on particle physics starting basic structure to super symmetry and physics beyond the Standard Model. Some experimental evidence, including non-zero neutrino masses, baryon asymmetry of the Universe, dark matter and dark energy, indicates the model is still not complete. The situation requires development of theoretical models to explain the specified phenomena, and design of appropriate experimental setups to test these models.  India became an associate member of CERN in 2017. A significant contribution has been done by Indian scientists to the construction of LHC, CMS and ALICE experiments with more than 400 scientists from India. The Future Circular Collider Study (FCC) is developing designs for a higher performance particle collider to extend the research of LHC. In India there are many institutes which provide good opportunities in high energy physics research including Astrophysics and Cosmology such as IISc, HRI, TIFR, SINP, VECC, IACS and others. Apart from that there are opportunities in colleges and universities as faculties. Most young high energy physicists appeared eager and optimistic about careers in academia and research however for those who want to work outside of academia may opt for Programming, data analysis, statistical analysis, and oral communication which are among the most applicable skills that were originally developed during High Energy Physics (HEP) training. 

Nuclear Physics explores nuclear properties in terms of the behavior of its constituents. Rutherford’s large angle scattering experiment in 1911 gives us the idea about nuclear structure and considered it as the discovery of protons. In 1932 neutron were discovered. It is known by then the nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. A number of models for the nuclear structure have been suggested since then to understand the interaction among nucleons which makes the nucleus stable. Till we have challenges in describing atomic nucleus which is a self bound and a complex many body system. Structure of nucleus yet is to be revealed with components of subatomic entities quarks, gluons and their interactions. This is an interface of nuclear and particle physics. A number of theoretical works are going on the areas overlapping with Particle Physics such as exploring the structure of Exotic nucleus (proton and neutron rich nucleus), stellar physics, Big bang Nucleosynthesis, State of matter in Early universe, Quark-gluon Plasma. Hyper-nuclei are strange quark containing nuclei which transform the nuclear matter to up, down and strange quark combinations. These nuclei are experimentally detected and lots of studies are going on hypernuclei now a day. With a new kind of nucleus immense possibilities are there both in theoretical and experimental applications. Nuclear physicists are working with material science in superconductivity for studying cooper pairs and possibility of single cooper pair tunnelling to individual quantum states. This is absolute new research going on. Nuclear Power technology is moving fast. India has set a target of increasing nuclear power generation three times by next 10 years. Clean energy is needed for the hour with environmental crises all over the world. The complete microscopic description of the fission process and the nuclear reactions remains a computationally demanding task. Positron imaging processes where positron-emitting isotopes are used to tag tracer particles both for studying real-time flow in industrial processes and for diagnosis in hospitals. Opportunities of Nuclear Physics in medical science and health care systems are immense. Treatment with positron therapy and with proton, neutron, heavier elements are becoming more and more widespread along with radiation and MRI. Nuclear Physics is the most important candidate for the study of the environment. The use of nuclear equipment are growing for national safety and security purposes. A number of research institutes in India like SINP, RRCAT, DAE, VECC, IIMS recruits nuclear scientists.


The research and application in Nuclear and Particle Physics have entered a new era for the last few years. In all forward move, we need innovation, theory, conception and technique. In Undergraduate and PostGraduate studies in the subject, students develop skill in conceptual and experimental techniques. The opportunities are immense but it should be always remembered that opportunity favours the prepared mind. Apart from that  for a student of physics, doing science is a joy which can never be ignored and I quote from a saying of great scientist Henry Poincare ‘Scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studied it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful. If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, and if nature were not worth knowing, life would not be worth living’. Key words to success in science.

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