Increase of Heat: Major Hassle


All over the globe, climate change has been a major issue, especially after 2000s. Hot days are becoming more common and hotter over the world. According to statistics, in India heat waves are increasing by five-six events every year. This immoderate heat is taking many lives. Let’s talk about it and make an effort to comprehend so that we can take action.


As we all know “Global warming” is the main reason behind almost every environmental issue. The burning of fossil fuels, logging of forests, and raising livestock all have a rising impact on the climate and temperature of the planet. In a nutshell, it tells us who is responsible for such weather conditions.

Burning fossil fuels, cutting down forest, powering buildings, excessive use of personal transportation, air conditioners, refrigerators, aerosol, foam blowing agents causes gases like CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) which is depleting the ozone layer. The stratospheric ozone depletion when CFCs persist in the stratosphere, they split oxygen atoms off ozone (O3) to form oxygen (O2).

This increases the greenhouse effect and causes global warming by adding a significant amount of greenhouse gases to those that are already present in the atmosphere.

The major greenhouse gases are water vapour, which contributes about 36-70% of the greenhouse effect, carbon dioxide (CO2), which contributes 9-26%, methane (CH4), which contributes 4-9%, and ozone (O3), which contributes 3-7%. 

Meaning of Heat Wave:

Firstly we have to understand what is heat wave. It is defined based on the temperature thresholds over a region in terms of actual temperature or deviation to normal. In simple words, it is a condition of air temperature which becomes tragic to human body.

Heat wave is considered if maximum temperature of a station reaches at least 40oC or more for Plains and at least 30oC or more for Hilly regions.

In India, heat wave mostly happens from March through June, with a few uncommon instances even occurring in July. May is when the heat wave in India reaches its height. This year in Kolkata, during mid April the temperature rose up to 43oC which led the government to close all the educational institutes. 

Effects of Heat waves on Environment:

Without a corresponding rise in precipitation, heat wave can cause water shortages and increased stress for plants, especially in desert areas. As a result, there will be less plant growth, which is the foundation for energy production and the food chain, and a general drying up of the landscape.

In some parts of Europe, heat wave damaged trees, accelerated leaf fall, and converted carbon-sink landscapes into sources of carbon, releasing more CO2 into the atmosphere than was taken in.

Forest fires, which now frequently accompany heat wave, can start and spread quickly under these hot, dry circumstances. It burned more than 15 million hectares of forest, vegetation, and peat land, and crucially in areas devoid of fire-tolerant species. This was the hottest summer in 130 years.

Heat waves can hasten glacier melt and dry up shallow aquatic ecosystems. Five times greater than the typical yearly loss, the European heat wave caused a 10% loss in glacier mass. The French Alps saw similar effects in 2019. Such deep permafrost warming and thawing could eventually lead to landslides and rock collapses, extending the detrimental effects on the environment. 

Heat Wave Effecting Economic Condition:

During heat wave, worker productivity is lower in many economic sectors, particularly in agriculture and construction. It is estimated that 2% of all working hours are lost annually due to either workers being unable to function in the heat or having to work more slowly. By 2030, it is anticipated that lost productivity from workplace heat stress will cost $4.2 trillion annually, primarily in poorer nations, increasing inequality.

Hotter temperatures are expected to have a greater impact on the agricultural sector, where 940 million people make their living, pushing workers, crops, and cattle past their physiological heat and drought tolerances. Loss of workers, poorer harvests for farmers, higher prices for consumers, and other negative effects will occur.

How Heat Wave is affecting humans?

The most serious heat-related condition is heat stroke. It happens when the body loses the ability to regulate its temperature. The sweating process fails, body temperature increases quickly, and the body is unable to cool itself.

Between 1979 and 2018, the death rate as a direct result of exposure to heat generally hovered between 0.5 and 2 deaths per million people, with spikes in certain years.

In India, heat waves have claimed the lives of almost 6,500 people since 2010, and several cities experienced record-breaking temperatures last year. According to scientists, climate change is causing South Asia’s hot spells to become harsher and more frequent.

Precautions to Stay Safe:

Since the heat is rising rapidly, these are the small precautions one take to avoid health issues caused by heat.

Avoid being outside in the sun, especially between noon and three in the afternoon.

Drink enough water and as often as you can, even if you’re not thirsty.

When the temperature is high outside, stay away from physical activity.

Avoid dehydrating substances including alcohol, tea, coffee, and carbonated soft beverages.

Eat fresh food and stay away from high-protein foods.

Necessary Measures:

 In order to lessen the detrimental effects of excessive heat, the government has started the Heat-Wave Action Plan seeks to establish a framework for the execution, coordination, and assessment of extreme heat response operations in Indian cities and towns.

The goal of the heat-wave action plan is to get people and communities involved in preventing avoidable health issues for their loved ones during periods of extremely hot weather. This strategy might be helpful to broadcast media and alerting organizations as well. General, social, and economic services may also be disrupted by intense and protracted heat waves. To prepare for and respond to heat waves locally, government agencies will therefore need to collaborate closely with the departments of health and other relevant entities to develop a long-term strategic plan.

Even only one person can make an effort to change the world. Therefore we all should start taking care of Mother Nature by not wasting natural goods like cutting down forests, burning fossil fuels, wasting water and so on.

Geography Unleashed: Exploring the Evolution and Opportunities of Geoinformatics


Gone are the days when Geography was merely about memorizing names of places and geographical features. Today, it’s a dynamic field where geographers are not just observers but questioners. They delve into the intricacies of spatial phenomena, asking where places are, what they’re like, why events occur, who is involved, and how things happen. This shift in approach has not only revitalized Geography but has also opened up a world of opportunities for those passionate about exploration, environmental analysis, community engagement, and even for tech enthusiasts like computer programmers and data scientists.

The integration of Geoinformatics into Geography marked a paradigm shift. Traditionally focused on studying spatial patterns and relationships using maps and physical data, Geography now integrates advanced technologies and data analytics through Geoinformatics. This evolution has expanded the scope of Geography, enabling researchers to delve deeper into spatial analysis, predictive modeling, and real-time monitoring of dynamic phenomena. Geoinformatics has blurred the boundaries between physical and digital landscapes, allowing geographers to explore complex spatial interactions, understand environmental changes, and address societal challenges with unprecedented precision and efficiency. This technological fusion has not only modernized classical Geography but has also created vast job opportunities globally.

Imagine a world where every location, from your favorite pizza place to areas impacted by natural disasters, is seamlessly connected through digital mapping and spatial analysis. This is the realm of Geoinformatics, a field that has revolutionized how we perceive, analyze, and interact with geographical data. At Adamas University, the M.Sc. Geoinformatics program opens doors to a myriad of opportunities in this exciting domain.

  1. Mapping the Future: Geoinformatics isn’t just about maps; it’s about transforming data into actionable insights. From identifying optimal routes for transportation to predicting environmental changes, Geoinformatics professionals play a crucial role in shaping our world’s future.
  2. Diverse Career Paths: A degree in Geoinformatics opens doors to diverse career paths. You could be a GIS Analyst, unraveling spatial patterns for resource management. Or perhaps an Image Analyst, decoding satellite imagery for environmental monitoring. The possibilities are as vast as the data you’ll work with.
  3. Technological Edge: Geoinformatics is at the forefront of technology. You’ll dive into Digital Image Processing, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning, gaining hands-on experience with tools that drive innovation in fields like agriculture, urban planning, and disaster response.
  4. Research and Innovation: Adamas University fosters a culture of research and innovation in Geoinformatics. You’ll collaborate with experts, dive into cutting-edge projects, and have the opportunity to publish your findings, contributing to the global discourse on spatial science.
  5. Real-World Applications: Geoinformatics isn’t confined to the classroom. Field projects, internships in industry, and visits to research institutes immerse you in real-world scenarios. You’ll see firsthand how your skills can make a tangible impact on issues ranging from climate change to public health.
  6. Specializations for Every Passion: Whether your interest lies in natural resource management, climate modeling, or urban planning, Adamas University offers specializations that align with your passion. You’ll tailor your education to match your career aspirations, setting the stage for a fulfilling professional journey.
  7. Global Connections: Geoinformatics transcends borders. With national and international research collaborations, you’ll be part of a global network of professionals, gaining insights from diverse perspectives and expanding your horizons.
  8. Career Acceleration: The demand for Geoinformatics professionals is on the rise. With Adamas University’s emphasis on industry relevance and practical skills, you’ll be well-equipped to seize exciting career opportunities in public and private sectors alike.

In essence, Geoinformatics is not just a degree—it’s a gateway to a dynamic career where every data point has the potential to drive meaningful change. At Adamas University, the M.Sc. Geoinformatics program empowers you to navigate this ever-evolving landscape, turning your passion for spatial science into a rewarding profession.

Do follow us on Facebook  , on LinkedIn and on YouTube Channel Today’s Geographers in Adamas University for the recent updates. Geography and Geoinformatics Students at Adamas University will have equal opportunities for pursuing higher studies in aboard, choosing academics, and getting into the corporate world.

Pharmaceutical Technology: The Blessings for Advanced Healthcare

Pharmaceutical-Technology The Blessings for Advanced Healthcare

With the release of COVID-19, the focus of the globe has shifted to developing vaccines to combat the coronavirus, leading to a significant increase in the awareness of pharmacy branches. As a result, we can state that no one on the planet can dispute the need for the creation and use of pharmaceuticals and other medications, and as a result, the study of medicine will never be considered out of date.
In the contemporary world, pharmaceutical technology and sciences, encompassing multiple degrees like D. Pharm, B. Pharma, and M. Pharm, is the most renowned undergraduate and graduate programme, particularly in India. Its popularity can be attributed to the vast array of employment opportunities these programmes offer.

The Pharmaceutical Council of India (PCI), an authorized government organisation, fully regulates degree programmes. Pharmacy practices are covered in pharmacy courses, along with the many components of pharmaceutical science and its building blocks, including biochemistry, chemistry, pharmacology, ethics, and many more.

Opportunities & Promises

Since pharmacy is a programme that is entirely focused on careers, graduates and postgraduates have several options. The student can choose to pursue academics and further their education by pursuing an M. Pharm or Ph.D. degree to gain more research expertise. Students can work in a variety of pharmacy-related fields both in India and outside as:

  • Pharmacovigilance officer/drug safety specialist: this person keeps an eye on a drug’s effects after it has been approved for use, especially to identify and evaluate any side effects that have not yet been reported.
    A chemist, who is a qualified professional who manages all matters pertaining to drugs and medicine.
    Pharmacies and related industries: Private pharmaceutical multinational corporations (MNCs) are made up of many departments, including those responsible for drug manufacture, quality control, quality assurance, and packaging.
    • Drug Inspector: An expert who assesses a drug’s quality, efficacy, and effectiveness before taking measures to preserve it.
  • Quality control analyst: guarantees regulatory compliance and the safety of the medication in a range of scenarios.
  • Pharmacologist- Examine the effects of medicines on biological processes. To determine what impact particular medications might have on humans by conducting the in-vitro study or in vivo research.
    • Health inspectors: Law enforcement personnel who also take other steps to safeguard the public’s health.
    A medical/scientific writer is an expert who evaluates a patient based on their medical history and evaluates the risk associated with providing life and health insurance to the policyholder.
    • Drug Technician/Licensed Healthcare Provider: Pharmacy technicians assist with prescription processing and handling, drug inventory tracking, and customer and pharmacy records.

Pros of studying at Adamas University to pursue a D. Pharm, B. Pharm, M. Pharm, or Ph.D.

The TIMES-Best institutes for studies 2023 in West Bengal rank Adamas University, located in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, seventh among schools of medical and health sciences (SOHMS) and pharmaceutical technology (DOPT). This allows students to pursue degrees in pharmaceutical sciences and technology, including D. Pharm, B. Pharm, M. Pharm (pharmaceutics and pharmacology), and Ph.D.
Credits for theories, practicals, internships with hospitals and pharmaceutical businesses, and project work are all included in the course curriculum. Renowned professors and faculty members provide students with in-depth education in the study areas so they can absorb the concepts properly. The department is fully prepared with innovative lab technology, a dedicated department library, the ability to host both national and international conferences and seminars, and an animal home for drug studies.

The Emergence of Neural Network Engines in the Game of Chess


Neural networks have been increasingly used in the gaming industry in recent years, revolutionizing the way we play, learn, and interact with games. Neural networks can be used in various aspects of game development, including game design, graphics, and game-play. One of the primary uses of neural networks in gaming is in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Game developers use neural networks to create intelligent agents that can learn and adapt to game environments, providing a more realistic and immersive experience for players. These intelligent agents can be used to create more challenging opponents in games, as well as to improve the performance of non-player characters (NPCs) in games.

The emergence of neural network engines in the game of chess has revolutionized the way we approach the game. Chess has been a popular game for centuries, and it has always been associated with strategic thinking and intelligence. In the past, chess engines relied on brute force calculations to determine the best moves. However, with the advancements in machine learning and the development of neural networks, chess engines have become more sophisticated.

Neural network engines use a combination of algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze and evaluate chess positions. They are capable of analyzing a vast amount of data, including previous games, positions, and strategies, to determine the best moves for any given situation. The neural network engines can also learn and adapt to new situations, which means they can continue to improve and become more accurate over time.

AlphaZero – The Self-Taught Chess Engine that Defeated the World’s Strongest Chess Engine

One of the most famous examples of a neural network engine in chess is AlphaZero, developed by Google’s DeepMind. AlphaZero is a self-taught chess engine that learned to play the game by playing against itself using reinforcement learning techniques. It was able to beat the world’s strongest chess engine, Stockfish, after just four hours of training.

Impact of Neural Network Engines in Chess – New Interest and Advancements in AI Research

The emergence of neural network engines in the game of chess has sparked new interest in the game, as players can now learn from these engines and use their insights to improve their own strategies. It has also led to new research in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, as developers continue to explore the potential of these technologies in other areas. Overall, the emergence of neural network engines in the game of chess has been a game-changer, and it will be exciting to see where this technology takes us in the future.

Overall, neural networks have greatly impacted the gaming industry, providing new ways to create, design, and play games. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovations in the gaming industry through the use of neural networks and other forms of artificial intelligence.

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