Choosing to pursue a B.Sc. in Biotechnology in Adamas University accordance with the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP2020) can be an excellent decision for a students’ career

A B.Sc. in Biotechnology provides a strong foundation in the principles and applications of biotechnology. A student will gain in-depth knowledge of subjects such as molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, and bioinformatics, which are essential for a career in the field. Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary field that integrates knowledge from biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. By studying biotechnology, student will develop a diverse skill set that includes laboratory techniques, data analysis, problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills, which are valuable across various industries at present. A B.Sc in Biotechnology opens up a wide range of career opportunities in industries such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare, agriculture, food processing, environmental conservation, and biomanufacturing. In addition, Biotechnology is a rapidly evolving field that drives innovation and scientific discovery. With a B.Sc. in Biotechnology, students may have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research projects, develop new technologies, and contribute to advancements in areas such as healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability in line with the NEP 2020. The biotechnology industry is experiencing rapid growth globally, leading to a high demand for skilled professionals. Graduates with a B.Sc. in Biotechnology are in demand for roles in research institutions, biotech companies, government agencies, and academic institutions, offering excellent job prospects and opportunities for career advancement. Working in biotechnology can be intellectually stimulating and personally rewarding. Being involved in research, innovation, and problem-solving can provide a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment in your career, knowing that you’re contributing to advancements in science and technology.


Studying B.Sc. in Biotechnology at Adamas University offers several compelling reasons:


Academic Excellence: Adamas University is known for its commitment to academic excellence. Our B.Sc. Biotechnology program likely follows a rigorous curriculum designed to provide students with a solid foundation in biotechnology principles, techniques, and applications.

The university offers a curriculum that is closely aligned with the needs and demands of the biotechnology industry. This ensures that students graduate with the necessary skills and knowledge sought after by employers in the field. Here in Adamas University, we have modern infrastructure and facilities, including well-equipped laboratories, research centers, and technology-enabled classrooms. Access to such facilities enhances the learning experience and allows students to gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge equipment and techniques. The faculty members in the Dept. of Biotechnology have several years of experience both in academics as well as industry. Their expertise and guidance can greatly benefit students, providing them with valuable insights, mentorship, and support throughout their academic journey. The university offers ample opportunities for students to engage in research projects, internships, and collaborative initiatives with industry partners and research organizations. These experiences allow students to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world problems and contribute to advancements in the field of biotechnology. Adamas University likely has strong partnerships with leading biotechnology companies and organizations. These partnerships can facilitate internships, placements, and networking opportunities for students, helping them gain valuable industry exposure and kickstart their careers. In addition to academic excellence, Adamas University also focus on the overall development of students by offering extracurricular activities, leadership opportunities, and personal development programs. We have students run Biotechnology club where student nurture their creative minds for different research, innovation, entrepreneurship activities. This ensures that students graduate not only as competent professionals but also as well-rounded individuals ready to face the challenges of the real world.

Figure 1: We learn…..we encourage…….we innovate, Biotechnology club, Adamas University

Figure 2: SEED embedded papers prepared from waste papers

Figure 3: Herbal Abir preparation by Biotechnology students

Figure 4: YESUMMIT 2021 winners

Figure 5: Ongoing session on fabrication of Drone and application in Agriculture

Figure 6: Making Biological science related models with 3D printers

Institutional preparedness for NEP 2020 by Adamas University

In line with the National Education Policy 2020, Adamas University adopted a holistic vision and strives to be an internationally recognized university through excellence in inter-disciplinary education, research, and innovation, preparing socially responsible, well-grounded individuals to contribute to nation-building. The institutional mission focuses on improving employability through a futuristic curriculum and progressive pedagogy; an outcomes-based education system; the notion of lifelong learning; industry collaborations; inculcating ethical principles and developing an understanding of environmental and social realities. Adamas strives to work closely with the vision and mission of NEP 2020 and already launched a new strategic project (AU/PROJ/2022/02) under the leadership of the Hon’ble Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Samit Ray for NEP–2020 implementation across the various schools of the university. Institutional preparedness for the implementation of NEP 2020 at various levels can be outlined as follows: 

  • Multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary: Adamas University offers flexible and innovative curricula through credit-based courses and various interdisciplinary projects in the areas of community engagement and service, environmental education, and value-based education across the schools.
  • Academic bank of credits (ABC): To facilitate its students to avail the benefit of multiple entries and exits during the chosen program, the university has been registered with the National Academic Depository (NAD) in ABC to offer additional services such as credit verification, credit accumulation, credit transfer/redemption, and degree authentication, with students serving as account holders. Equipped with advanced instruments, the Stem Cell Research Lab, Central Instrumentation Centre, and BIRAC-E-YUVA Centers are empowering students and faculty members with the advanced experiential learning system. 
  • Skill development: The University and its schools have adopted several capacity development and skill enhancement initiatives to prepare an industry-ready human resource. The Centre for Life-Long Learning (CLL) is a dedicated wing of Adamas University catering to the need for soft skill enhancement of the students. It has three divisions, namely the Life Skills Division, Professional Skills Division, and Upskilling Division. 
  • Focus on Outcome-Based Education (OBE): Adamas University has implemented outcome-based education with a constructive alignment focus. This refers to a teaching system associated with the learning activities inherent in the planned outcomes and measured by knowledge and skills in the discipline studied, attitude, and values acquired through the defined process that includes curriculum design, teaching and learning activities, and assessment to follow-up.

Distance education/online education: Teaching-learning is supported by the Learning Management Systems (TCSion Digital Learning, CANVAS, aSc TimeTables, etc.) that automate various activities, including master timetable scheduling, course announcements, capturing student attendance, creating course websites, internal assessments, learning activities, and examination-related activities, etc. The institution does not currently offer any distance learning programmes, but it is anticipating the possibilities of a blended and hybrid learning environment.

Few recent success stories of students of Dept. of Biotechnology, Adamas University continue:

Mr. Manojit Samanta

B.Sc. Biotechnology (2021-present)

JAM 2024 All India Rank: 36


Mr. Soham Pal

B.Sc. Biotechnology (2021-present)

JAM 2024 All India Rank: 52


And many more such stories are waiting for you to create & write …………..

Explore the fascinating world of Microbiology at Adamas University


In the quest to understand the microscopic organisms that influence every aspect of our lives, from health to the environment, Microbiology is a pillar of scientific inquiry. Adamas University, located in India’s vibrant educational landscape, offers undergraduate and postgraduate program in Microbiology that is more than just a course of study, but a journey into the unknown world that holds the keys to our future. Adamas University’s Microbiology programme is meticulously designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and insights required to succeed in this dynamic field. Here is an in-depth look at what makes this programme so appealing to Microbiology enthusiasts.

Adamas University’s Microbiology programme is well-known for its balanced approach, which seamlessly integrates theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Students learn about the fundamentals of microbiology, such as bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology, while also building a solid foundation in biochemistry, molecular biology, and immunology. This comprehensive curriculum ensures that graduates are well-equipped to face the challenges and opportunities in the field of microbiology. Adamas University boasts cutting-edge laboratories and research facilities. These facilities are equipped with cutting-edge technology and instruments, allowing students to conduct high-quality research and experiments. Whether researching Antibiotic Resistance, investigating nanotechnological applications, investigating microbial genetics, or developing pioneering and sustainable applications in Microbiology, the university’s facilities provide an ideal environment for innovation and discovery. Throughout the Microbiology programme, students actively engage in a diverse range of activities, including seminars, industry talks, career talks, field trips, webinars, and skill development programmes.

The Microbiology program’s distinguished faculty consists of seasoned academics and researchers with extensive experience in their respective fields. These experts not only teach but also mentor students, instilling a sense of curiosity, critical thinking, and scientific inquiry. Their guidance helps students prepare for successful careers in microbiology and related fields. The faculty members are well connected to industry leaders and leading experts in academia to foster cutting edge collaborative research and teaching-learning pedagogy in the curriculum. Adamas University’s Microbiology programme recognises the importance of industry readiness and focuses on bridging the gap between academic learning and industry application. Internships, industry projects, and collaborations with top companies and research institutions provide students with valuable real-world experience. This experience not only improves their employability but also gives them a better understanding of the practical challenges and opportunities in the microbiology sector.

Adamas University’s Microbiology programme graduates are well-prepared for a variety of careers. There are numerous opportunities for research and development in pharmaceutical and biotech companies, as well as quality control and assurance in the food and beverage industry. The programme also prepares students for careers in healthcare, environmental management, and academia, among others. Adamas University’s Microbiology programme demonstrates the university’s commitment to excellence in science education and research. With its comprehensive curriculum, cutting-edge facilities, expert faculty, and strong industry connections, the programme provides students with an unparalleled opportunity to explore the microscopic world and make significant contributions to the field of microbiology. As the demand for skilled microbiologists grows, Adamas University graduates are well-positioned to lead the way in furthering our understanding of microorganisms and their impact on our world.

 Learn how Adamas University can help you achieve your goals. Visit our campus, meet our faculty, and discover for yourself why our Microbiology programme is the best fit for your future. Your journey into the microscopic world starts here at Adamas University.

Read one of our past events in a blog here:



Students with their certificates at the end of the Agar Art Contest held by the Department of Biological Sciences at Adamas University. Some of the agar art works are shown on the right.

Navigating the Future: Exploring the Dynamic Market of Biotechnology


In the realm of scientific innovation, few fields hold as much promise and potential as biotechnology. With its interdisciplinary nature combining biology, chemistry, engineering, and computer science, biotechnology has already revolutionized healthcare, agriculture, environmental sustainability, and more. As we are standing on the slope of such technological advancement, it’s the need of the hour to examine the current state and future trajectory of the biotechnology market.

Recent Market Trends: Over the past decade, the biotechnology market has experienced exponential growth, driven by advancements in genetic engineering, synthetic biology, and precision medicine. Key areas such as gene editing, personalized therapeutics, and agricultural biotechnology have seen significant investment and breakthroughs.

Gene Editing: Technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 have transformed the landscape of genetic engineering, offering precise and efficient tools for editing DNA in vivo. This has immense implications for healthcare, including potential cures for genetic disorders and personalized treatments for related genetical diseases.

Personalized Medicine: The shift towards personalized medicine, tailoring treatments to individual genetic profiles, has gained momentum. Biomarker discovery, companion diagnostics, and targeted therapies are redefining how we approach diseases, improving patient outcomes and reducing adverse effects.

Agricultural Biotechnology: With a growing global population and increasing environmental challenges, agricultural biotechnology has become vital for sustainable food production. Traits such as drought resistance, pest tolerance, and enhanced nutritional content are being engineered into crops to address food production problems.

Future Market Projections: Looking ahead, the biotechnology market is poised for even greater expansion and innovation. Several key trends and advancements are expected to shape its trajectory over the next one to two decades.

Synthetic Biology: The convergence of biology and engineering in synthetic biology holds immense potential for creating novel biomolecules, biofuels, and even synthetic organisms. This field is anticipated to drive breakthroughs in drug discovery, renewable energy, and industrial biotechnology.

Cell and Gene Therapies: The next frontier in healthcare lies in cell and gene therapies, offering potential cures for previously untreatable diseases. Advancements in gene editing, stem cell technology, and immunotherapy are expected to lead to more effective and accessible treatments for conditions ranging from genetic disorders to cancer.

Precision Agriculture: As climate change continues to impact global food systems, precision agriculture technologies will play a crucial role in enhancing crop resilience, optimizing resource use, and minimizing environmental impact. Smart sensors, drones, and AI-driven analytics will enable farmers to make data-driven decisions for sustainable agriculture.

Bioinformatics and AI: The exponential growth of biological data necessitates sophisticated tools for analysis and interpretation. Bioinformatics, coupled with artificial intelligence (AI), will revolutionize drug discovery, disease diagnosis, and personalized healthcare by uncovering complex patterns and correlations within biological datasets.

Environmental Biotechnology: Addressing environmental challenges such as pollution, resource depletion, and climate change requires innovative biotechnological solutions. Bioremediation, bio-based materials, and carbon capture technologies will play a crucial role in mitigating environmental degradation and fostering sustainability.

The future of biotechnology holds immense promise, with groundbreaking innovations poised to transform healthcare, agriculture, industry, and the environment. However, realizing this potential requires continued investment in research, infrastructure, and regulatory frameworks to ensure the ethical and responsible deployment of biotechnological advancements. By harnessing the power of biotechnology, we can address some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity and create a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come.

Unlocking Nature’s Secrets: Exploring Biotechnology’s Potential for Sustainable Solutions


Today’s biotechnology industry is at the precursor of innovation, providing previously unheard-of chances to address urgent global issues. Exploring and using nature’s secrets and using the complex mechanisms of living things to create sustainable solutions, is at the heart of its goal (1). This essay explores the complex field of biotechnology and considers how it might help us understand nature’s

mysteries and move toward a more sustainable future is represented in fig 1.

Figure 1. Different aspects of sustainable Biotechnology

Biotechnology is a broad field of study that uses living things, biological systems, or their byproducts to create technologies and products with a range of uses. Fundamentally, biotechnology offers alternatives to traditional methods that frequently deplete finite resources and worsen the environment, holding up the promise of sustainability.

Bioprocess technology, which includes the design, optimization, and management of biological processes to generate useful products or services, is the foundation of biotechnology. Bioprocesses use the metabolic processes of cells, enzymes, and microbes to transform basic materials into desired products. This strategy has enormous promise for long-term fixes in a variety of fields, including environmental cleanup, healthcare, and agriculture. Through the use of microbial symbiosis, scientists have created biopesticides and biofertilizers that improve soil health and lessen the need for chemical inputs. Bioprocess technology provides environmentally friendly substitutes for conventional chemical synthesis techniques in the manufacturing sector. Biotechnologists use renewable feedstocks to create a broad range of bio-based chemicals, polymers, and medicines through fermentation and enzymatic catalysis. These bio-based goods pave the way for a greener industry by reducing dependency on fossil fuels and lessening the negative environmental effects of chemical manufacturing processes. Biological agents are used in bioremediation, one of the most exciting uses of bioprocess technology, to break down or sequester environmental toxins. Because of their extraordinary metabolic capacities, microorganisms are able to degrade a variety of pollutants, such as heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and persistent organic pollutants. Bioremediation is an economical and ecologically beneficial method of cleaning up contaminated locations and repairing ecosystems by utilizing the power of microbial communities.

Biotechnology has enormous potential, but in order to fulfill its promise of sustainability, a number of issues must be resolved. These include ethical and legal issues related to genetic engineering and bioprospecting, as well as technological obstacles including scalability, process optimization, and cost-effectiveness. However, biotechnology has the ability to transcend these obstacles and propel revolutionary change in the direction of a more sustainable future with sustained research, innovation, and cross-disciplinary cooperation. Unlocking nature’s secrets through biotechnology holds promise for addressing the complex challenges facing our planet. By utilizing the strength of biological systems responsibly, we can pave the way towards a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come

Certainly! Here’s a simplified tabular format outlining some potential job prospects in biotechnology:

Job Title


Biomedical Engineer

Design and develop medical devices, equipment, and software used in healthcare settings.


Conduct research to develop new products, processes, and techniques in biotechnology.


Study the chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms.

Genetic Counselor

Provide guidance to individuals and families regarding genetic disorders and testing options.

Pharmaceutical Scientist

Develop and test new drugs and medications, ensuring safety and efficacy.

Clinical Research Associate

Coordinate and monitor clinical trials to evaluate the effectiveness of new medical treatments.


Study microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and their interactions with humans.

Bioinformatics Specialist

Analyze and interpret biological data using computational tools and techniques.

Regulatory Affairs Manager

Ensure compliance with government regulations and guidelines in the biotechnology industry.

Quality Control Analyst

Test and inspect biotechnological products to ensure they meet quality standards.

This is just a snapshot of some potential job roles within the field of biotechnology. The field is diverse and continuously evolving, offering a wide range of career opportunities across various sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and environmental science.


  1. Ulrich A.K. Betz, Loukik Arora, Reem A. et al. Game changers in science and technology – now and beyond, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 193, 2023, 122588, ISSN 0040-1625,
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