The Tech Era- Its emergence and importance Post Covid19


COVID-19 is here for long and it has affected each and everyone in the world across all fields and strata. The existing situation has compelled most of us to be confined at home and like many other sectors; technology is playing a considerable part in the COVID-19 pandemic scenario, in the education sector too it has entered our classrooms much earlier and faster than we could ever imagine.

To each Nation, its students are the future leaders. Our classroom is the house of our future doctors, engineers, and entrepreneurs. At present computers along with the internet not only aid students learning process but helped discover creativity in addition to imagination and understanding of the technology at a very early. Today each child has access to one machine and that machine opens up the world to him or her.

The technological era

Computer education has always played a major remarkable role in the career development of both young children and youth. The ongoing pandemic, Covid-19 has compelled experts to reconsider the conventional manner of education, and technological education is the answer to build a bridge of communication. Being dynamically used, post-Covid, in almost all educational institutes like schools, colleges as well as big universities, the use of technology has helped the students to develop a newfound interest in the subject of Information Technology. It makes students better thinkers, more creative, and self-confident, providing high-quality technological tools in an amalgamation of IT infrastructure. Students of today’s classroom are more and more inclined towards the use of the new paper-less medium and this has led to more interest in the existing platform at an early age. Students are trying new methods and are more excited than before to attend the classes as the induction of technology has opened up new avenues of exploration and have relieved the monotony of the printed paper books.

Classroom technology

Presenting learning through instructional technology during the COVID crisis, in the classrooms for the young is helping our students to be prepared for future digital demands. Technologies provide access to a huge range of information and open up digital libraries as well as different data for analysis and exploration, which become a perfect magnet to young minds.

It is a sea change that a student is going through and since young learners are becoming more and more accustomed to the advanced process of learning along with editing, formatting, transferring data, or creating word or PDF documents along with programming, designing and apps development in higher classes, it is more likely that they develop an interest in technological career sooner than before. It is thus a giant leap to advancement specifically in the education sector. Suddenly even the novice knows how to use a laptop or a mobile device. and as the old saying goes “necessity is the mother of invention” coding and programming will soon be the new language of communication and any field be it medicine, aviation industry, making bills in shops & malls, industrial process, or even creating presentation slides in application software for taking notes and delivering classroom lectures in colleges or universities, will all succumb to this sudden “man to the machine” transformation.

Innovative technology

Technology is at the pinnacle of research and development, post-Cvid, and provides with a downright encouragement, to generate something new. It is an integral part of every industry in the country starting from agriculture, entertainment, journalism, transportation, real estate, and even manufacturing. New technologies with the developing sciences of artificial intelligence as well as deep learning models have enthralled students of higher classes since long and the ‘digital’ and ‘technological’ revolution, which has brought in an enormous wave of efficacy in addition to effectiveness in almost all industries, mostly due to convenience and COVID. The new data-based technology has opened up ways to change the traditional practices, structures, in addition to our cultures, and we, as parents, facilitators and guides should encourage our students to be innovative, creative and put their utmost efforts to showcase their hidden talents. And it is not a wonder that Educators are choosing the digital revolution besides adapting to new technologies to help students reach their full potential.


However, technology-based careers comprising primarily of scientific reasoning in addition to hard data, being an original, creative, and right-brain thinker is essentially advantageous. Post-Covid the affinity towards Computer technology will grow rapidly than ever before and the workforce value for software professionals will rise along with the technological advancement in addition to the increasing ubiquity of increasing day by day. Most of the industries from healthcare to finance to education to manufacturing, COVID 19 has forced companies to use technologies and to reconstruct every aspect of their operations.  So it is a positive effect that students are exposed to the technological milieu and thus comprehending the trends in the technology is expected to become much easier. But whatever the scenario is post-COVID, there is no denying of the fact the ‘new-norm’ is here to stay and we must nurture our talent in the classrooms whatever way possible, remembering that the future of the Nation is shaped in the classrooms.

Implementing Co-operative teaching and learning process in educational institutions

Kaviguru Rabindranath Tagore has rightly said “….let us unite, not in spite of our differences, but through them. For differences can never be wiped away, and life would be so much the poorer without them. Let all human races keep their own personalities, and yet come together, not in a uniformity that is dead, but in a unity that is living”.

About Co-operative learning: Cooperative learning is an instructional strategy that enables small groups of students to work together on a common assignment. The parameters often vary, as students can work collaboratively on a variety of problems, ranging from simple mathematics problems to large assignments such as proposing environmental solutions on a national level. Students are sometimes individually responsible for their part or role in the assignment, and sometimes they are held accountable as an entire group.

Cooperative learning has received a lot of attention and praise—especially since the 1990s when Johnson and Johnson outlined the five basic elements that allowed successful small-group learning:

  • Positive interdependence: Students feel responsible for their own and the group’s effort.
  • Face-to-face interaction: Students encourage and support one another; the environment encourages discussion and eye contact.
  • Individual and group accountability: Each student is responsible for doing their part; the group is accountable for meeting its goal.
  • Social Skills: Group members gain direct instruction in the interpersonal, social, and collaborative skills needed to work with others.
  • Group processing: Group members analyze their own and the group’s ability to work together.

Co-operative learning experience

 A true cooperative learning experience requires that a number of criteria be met.  They are:

    -Division of labor among students in the group
    -Face-to-face interaction between students
    -Assignment of specific roles and duties to students
    -Group processing of a task
    -Positive interdependence in which students all need to do their assigned duties in     

     order for the task to be completed.
    -Individual accountability for completing one’s own assigned duties
    -The development of social skills as a result of cooperative interaction
    -Provision of group rewards by the teacher

The introduction of “learning teams” into the classroom is an effective method for increasing the number of students willing to make an effort to learn in school.  The teams usually work together on long-term assignments, although sometimes students remain together in duos, triads or quadrants for the entire day.  In these groups, each individual is responsible for assuring that the other team members learn the assigned material.  Those who understand the lesson/material are responsible for teaching it to the others.  Groups progress to a new unit of study when all members of the group have mastered the lesson.

 Group members are also responsible for the behavior of all members.  If a team member displays inappropriate behavior, it is the duty of fellow members to remind that student to `check’ him/herself.  The members attempt to refocus the misbehaving student by offering help and suggestions.

 Initially, temporary grouping can help students to grasp the concept of long-term learning teams, and practice responsibilities while the teacher sharpens his/her skills and receives feedback from the students regarding how to improve assignments.
( Reference :

Conclusion :  Cooperative learning is gaining popularity for a number of reasons.  Evidence indicates that it raises achievement, promotes positive self concept, and raises regard for others.  It appears to be especially useful for students from racial minority and low socio-economic groups who have not excelled to the same degree as middle income majority-culture pupils in the traditional competitive classroom.  The performance of these previously less successful groups tends to rise in cooperative groups, majority culture students seem to achieve just as well as with the individually-oriented style of instruction and learning, often better.  Cooperative learning may also help to lessen the fatalistic attitude toward schooling that is often found among students from minority groups and those who have experienced repeated failure in the schools.  When these students notice the value of their input and effort, a more internal locus of control and belief in one’s ability is fostered. Social and work skills are imbedded.

**[Since Co-operative learning also includes theories made by stalwarts like Johnson & Johnson etc. the Blogger has also cited the references and the Quotations as and when required]**

From E-learning to M-Learning : The transformation


Mobilelearning, also referred to as M-learning is actuallya newmethod toaccesslearningcontentusingmobiles.Mobilelearning supportswith the help of assistive  mobiledevices, continuous| access tothelearning process. Previously it was done  using deviceslikelaptop but now mobile phone has become more handy.Youare able todiscover and understandwhenever and wherever one wants. With theadventofmobilelearning, systems things have  changing rapidly.

Transformation of e-learning system Nowadays, with rapid advancements in technology, e-learning has rapidly become the new norm. E-learning was developed  to adapt to our growing web-based presence. But as that online presence itself  begins to shift to  mobile and the online learning |is actually keeping up  with the latest trends of e-learning. Mobile education, however| is actually designed especially for users who are  on the go and are not connected to a single computer/laptop. As mobile devices become the dominant one specially in COVID-19 era,  the manner in which we access the web , m-learning plays a a crucial role in the online learning sphere. M-learning is necessarily going to replace e-learning .However some contents still needs e-learning, as it may be too complicated for a mobile  platform. Instead it is likely to supplement m-learning. It will help in actually getting the entire instruction and experience. With the proper learning management system (LMS), it is not too difficult  to provide training on phones and tablets through any web based applications. Using a flexible,multipurpose and adaptive LMS opens the adaptive LMS up to a world of learning opportunities. Example of such is TcsIon which is present used as a LMS in Adamas University and in other higher education institutions as well.

M-learning in higher education institutions:

M-learning is used at present in higher education institutions. Many of the students are beginning to  use mobiles as a means of learning instead of laptops/desktops. Educational applications are becoming increasingly accessible to teachers and trainers as well

While interaction during lessons, instructors also utilizes mobile devices to enhance interaction. For instance one can ask questions during their training by making use of online discussion forums or even asking the learners to complete a survey after taking a training.
Here instant feedback is given. This is particularly effective when training and educating large groups. With synchronous learning the teacher is also in a position to get immediate feedback even when the student is at home. In addition teachers are able to interact with their students during lectures.

Benefits of mobile learning

Convenience : Enjoy a lecture at one’s own convenient time and place.Eg.Competitive examination preparation while on the go.

Motivation :   Students are motivated to find out when they can easily make use of  tablets or even other mobile devices.

Different types of content :  One can add educational videos, audio files and images with mobile learning. Videos ensure it to make learning livelier and interesting.

While we are looking on the PLUS side let us have a look at the MINUS side of M-learning.

Disadvantages of M-learning :

Distraction: Mobile devices is a distraction for participants. As a teacher or a mentor you are not always able to control what your students are actually doing on their tablets. For adults, mobile learning can be distracting when the users get constantly interrupted with text messages and notifications. Therefore it calls for self-discipline and focus on their part.

Lack of Internet connection or electricity: Using mobile devices for e-learning could be an issue if your users don’t have internet connection or electricity readily available. 

In spite of  the disadvantages the recent survey and results give us an insight that M-learning is very much relevant in the present context and specially in higher education when at present we are in a situation of  #STAY HOME#STAY SAFE#

AR-VR-MR-The future of higher education


In the 21st century, technology  is actually taking over education – whether it is skill building programmes in colleges, real world specialized knowledge and learning of abstract ideas in schools. The shift from standard ways to experiential techniques of transacting learning has viewed new age systems such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality(VR) and Mixed Reality  – a blend of AR/VR –  that happen to be playing a major role in driving learning as well as edtech engagement.

Understanding AR-VR-MR

Now before discussing additional we should realize the terminologies AR-VR-MR.

AR-The phrase augmented truth was believed to be coined in the first nineties by Thomas Caudell, The verb augment describes the activity of adding to a thing in order to really make it much more significant. It derives using the Latin augere meaning’ to increase’.

Augmented reality uses the earlier phrase virtual reality, popularised with the eighties by US laptop scientist Jaron Lanier, a first pioneer in the the industry.(

Virtual Reality or VR (VR) is actually an immersive experience even called a computer simulated reality. It refers to personal computer technologies with reality headsets to create the realistic sounds, pictures along with other sensations that replicate a true setting or even establish an imaginary world. VR is actually a means to immerse owners in a completely virtual world. A true VR environment is going to engage all five senses (taste, sound, touch, smell, sight) though it is essential to suggest that this is not always possible.

Mixed Reality: MR – The phrase “Mixed Reality” (MR) is actually utilized for videos in which VR content is actually mixed as well as overlapped with real time film sequences. To be able to do this, the individual in the VR is captured with the help of green screen technology. The role of the actual digital camera is then hooked up with the placement of the virtual digicam. Outside parties are then in a position to see what the individual in the virtual world is now experiencing.

Importance of immersive technologies in education:

Immersive technologies are able to help pupils understand theoretical concepts a lot more quickly, ready them for professions through simulated happenings and keep them interested in learning.

Immersive reality is actually bumping us within the deep end, essentially speaking. Colleges and universities big and small are actually launching centers and labs new devoted to research on the subject areas of augmented reality, 360-degree imaging and virtual reality. The very first academic conference held entirely in virtual reality just recently returned for the second year of its, hosted on Twitch by Lethbridge College found Alberta along with Centennial College found Toronto. Majors in AR and VR have started showing up inside advanced schooling throughout the United States, like applications on the Savannah School of Design (GA), Shenandoah Faculty (VA) as well as Drexel Faculty Westphal (PA).[Source:] Educationists have most lately positioned the timing for wide adoption of these systems in training at the two year to three year horizon. The survey has expected that by the season 2021, sixty % of advanced schooling institutions within the United States will “intentionally” be utilizing VR to produce simulations and set pupils into immersive environments. [Source:]

VR may be used to teach a lot of items, starting from history to anatomy.

Now think you would like to teach history to kids; needless to point out, getting them enthusiastic about the learning process could be tough. But there is a way out – one may particularly  may make use of an Augmented Reality (AR) movable app via what pupils will point their smartphone cameras at pictures in the books of theirs and virtual items will show up on smartphone screens.

Educators are able to make use of augmented reality to teach any subject they need – using the alphabet to geography to chemical make up.

Role of Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality in education

AR, VR, MR are actually the realities of the upcoming classroom teaching systems in future. Classroom learning is actually in the process of change at an unprecedented speed. Technology is making the way of its to the classroom, raising the interactive components which many pupils are benefitting from.

Pupils these days are already familiar with different technologies, which is the reason computerized resources and apps can be best used in a classroom environment.

A survey of India Today with regards to VR and AR specially in the contemporary circumstances of COVID-19 says the following. Experiential learning is actually being applied in India in the type of virtual labs, social networking platforms, augmented and virtual reality equipment, as well as gamification of learning.

  1. Gamification of learning is actually a good pedagogy which maximises pupil commitment as well as engagement by integrating game things in learning environments.
  2. Virtual labs are actually interactive environments for producing as well as conducting simulated experiments grounded on real world phenomena so that pupils are able to work together with an experimental apparatus or maybe another activity via a pc interface.
  3. This gets rid of the issue of accessibility along with the absence of physical infrastructures for lab based learning, particularly in science topics.
  4. VR allows pupils using e learning platforms on devices that are mobile to directly interact with review material. This will keep their engagement levels high and also inspires them to learn better and more.
  5. On the various other hand, AR facilitates trainers and teachers in executing tasks, they previously have not or maybe can’t, in a secure environment.

Finally, in conclusion it can be said that collectively, all of these are engaging pupils in ways such as never before and are actually creating their impact and usage in the future.

Mental health issues of the college learners : A burning issue

Medicine and mental health

  • Health does not always come from medicine. Most of the time it comes from peace of mind. Short term stresses and worries are very common in our life. But when it lasts for a significant period of time, then it should be taken seriously. In recent years, a huge number of people are suffering from mental health problems worldwide. Among them mental health crisis in youths are revealing alarming reports. These mental health issues interfere with the personal, emotional, social, and educational life of a person. Various factors ranges from biological to psychosocial contribute to the development of the mental health problems. Now it is the time to take this matter seriously. In this endeavor, teachers, students, mental health professionals should work collaboratively to create sufficient awareness to check the mental health issues at the earliest and to minimize its effect in every spheres of life.
  • So, In this regard, it is needed to be understand that mental illness is not a personal failure. So let’s talk about it and say no to stigma!

Mental health issues

  • In recent years, it has been found that young persons suffering from mental health issues are increasing significantly. According to World Heath Report (2001), around 450 millions people currently suffer from such conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill – health and disability world wide. Among the mental health sufferers, a good portion of youths have been found to be suffering from mental health problems severely. For them trying to do college work and managing other responsibilities, while experiencing mental illness can make it even harder. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13-18 live with mental health issues, develop them prior to the age of 24. Mental health conditions can make some learners withdraw inward rather than seeking help.

Prevalence of mental health issues faced by the school learners :

Mental health problems are very common among students today. There are various types of mental illness, the learners are suffering from. According to WHO, worldwide 10-20%  of children and adolescents are suffering from mental health problems. Half of all mental illness begin by the age of 14 and three-quarters by mid-20. Many studies have been conducted worldwide to find out the mental health challenges faced by the children. Findings from some of these studies can be stated as follows :

  • In one survey by the school teachers in Britain, Britain’s school  children are found to be suffering from a range of mental health epidemics of anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. In that survey teachers have seen anxiety as the most common problem faced by the children. Besides it has also been found that a pupil struggle with a mental health problem in the past year, with 14%  cases involvingsuicidal thoughts or behavior, 45% cases with depression, 30% cases with eating disorder, 28% cases with self-harming tendency and 10% with addiction.


  • In mental health research conducted by National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), approximately 11% of children are diagnosed with a depressive disorder by the age of 18.


  • The Anxiety and Depression Association of America found that 1 in 8 children are affected by anxiety, yet 80% of those with a diagnosable anxiety disorder do not receive treatment.


  • In a study by National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) it is found that 70% of high school seniors have tried alcohol, 50% have tried an illegal drug, and more than 20% have used prescription drugs for a non-medical purpose.


  • The data by the National Survey of Children’s Health indicates that approximately 6.1 million American children aged 2-17 had been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).


  • Data from the National Institute of Mental Health indicates that school children have the tendency of suffering from eating disorder.


  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half a million American children have been diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).


  • From surveys like National Survey of Children’s Health, it is found that in America approximately 4.5 million children aged 3-17 years has been diagnosed with behavior problems; approximately 4.4 million children aged 3-17 years have been diagnosed with anxiety; and approximately 1.9 million children aged 3-17 years have been diagnosed with depression.

So from the above discussion it can be said that the mental health problems affect youths largely. Most of the mental health problem includes anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder(ocd), attention deficit hyper active disorder(adhd), eating disorder, drug addition etc.


Suggestions :

  • Mental health awareness is an important issue for all educators. It can be said that mental health has a connection with educational outcomes. So, keeping this fact in mind. necessary knowledge and skills to be imparted as a comprehensive, integrated health education programme, They include :
    • Life skills education
    • Basic knowledge of risk factors
    • Basic knowledge of mental disorders
    • Ability to recognize psychosocial and mental disorders
    • Classroom management of psychosocial problems
    • Mental health interventions
    • Use of referral resources

The knowledge and skills should be maintained or updated through workshops and continuing educational activities.


In the present days, the numbers of mental health problems sufferers are rising at a high rate, and where these problems does not limit in the age range of adult hood- it also affects greatly the children and adolescents. So mental health awareness is required to live a healthy life.

Education’s Digital Divide amidst Corona Virus

• In India, many rural students lack the connections or hardware to learn remotely. More nations specially in Asia will confront the same reality as the outbreak of Corona Virus spreads.

Digital divide and India : In a matter of weeks, corona virus (COVID-19) has changed how students are educated around the world. Those changes give us a glimpse at how education could change in the long term.Take for instance a study on the colleges of rural India. Many of the students lack smartphones till now. Some do not have access to Whatsapp or even Facebook. Forget about the Google classrooms or the Zoom platform. Some digitally conscious student may feel it as a joke. But this is the harsh reality. Like hundreds of millions of other students worldwide, the college students of rural India are getting used to having their classes online. Since all of their teachers have smartphones they expect their students to be more digitally conscious.

• Rural India’s digital divide in the wake of Covid-19 : It must be remembered that in some of the households in parts of rural India one family member may have the smartphone. So it is the case of borrowing the phone from the family member and use it in a small time frame. But does it really work with online learning?
“The Economic Times” has written a similar article about the digital divide in India. There is a huge gap of digital divide between rural and urban India where growth is biased in favour of urban areas; according to statistics, more than 75 per cent of the broadband connections in the country are in the top 30 cities . Added to these, the growing population, insufficient funds and affordability have been some of the challenges that have led to unequal development in the society, which is responsible for digital divide.

• Educational challenges and Covid 19 : While educators promote online learning as coronavirus spreads, some students specially in rural India are not equipped with the broadband or similar connections. The epidemic’s impact on rich and poor, city and country, is a reality that more of the rest of the world is fast beginning to confront. More than 770 million learners worldwide are now being affected by school and university closures, according to the United Nations.


In India, many parents cannot afford to buy multiple devices for themselves and their children.The nation is blanketed in 4G service, yet the signal is spotty in parts of the countryside. Home broadband can be expensive outside big cities.

Access to quality educational opportunities are deeply inequitable in this country. Now, this unprecedented new epoch risks further widening the gap, placing students from families with low incomes.

• Digital divide around the world : Even the digital divide consists not only in India but also in the world. According to Jessica Rosenworcel, a Democrat on the Federal Communications Commission. “With coronavirus, we’re about to expose just how challenging our digital divide is, and just how unequal access to broadband is…..” (Source: The Washington Post) . For students who may be housing insecure, food insecure, or both, the economic fallout from the coronavirus may makes it more harder. Regional colleges tend to have more limited resources than elite institutions, too.
Even faculty with resources may not be as comfortable with technology and designing an engaging online course. Some classes — those with hands-on lab components or performance oriented subjects like theatre, dance, or music — are more difficult to translate into an online format, though there can be creative workarounds.

• The harsh reality : Online learning might be the flavour of the season, but the praxis calls for deeper reflection than has been evident thus far. Chief among them is the very possible digital divide, for not many students have the means to boast a desktop computer or a laptop. Still more inconvenienced will be those who stay in remote villages with little or no internet connectivity. Online learning ought not be reserved for computer-savvy students of urban India.

• In conclusion as excerpt, a few lines are shared from an article in “The Statesman” – “A central policy on online learning is yet to be formulated in the midst of the pandemic, a bevy of issues call for reflection by a cross-section of academics from the school to the post-graduate level. A holistic approach must be developed that covers all students and thus (hopefully) fulfils the Benthamite doctrine of the greatest good of the greatest number.”

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