Mathematics offers diversified scopes in the aspect of career opportunities

“Without Mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is a number”

Mathematics is a subject, which can show the path to a number of different scopes. After completing Graduation and/or Post Graduation in Mathematics, doing B.Ed. may open several career opportunities to a learner. COVID-19 pandemic, literally, has brought different threats in front of us. Conducting a regular schooling system is one among many. Introducing online schooling, managing students virtually, and making them engage in the study was like an unknown path to many of the teachers as well as administrators. However, the crisis has been minimized now, but not consummated. Subject, like Mathematics, is a fear file to many school-goers, then and now. Not only having a B.Ed. degree certificate in own bag is enough to minimize the anxiety associated with mathematics learning, one has to use the learned knowledge as well.

Why B.Ed. after UG/PG in Mathematics?

  • The Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) course will show the path of how to connect Mathematics with the environment, as well as nature.
  • It helps to learn about different teaching strategies, other than the traditional Lecture and Question-Answer method
  • helps a would-be teacher to learn the appropriate teaching strategies for explaining a particular topic
  • Ed. guides a would-be teacher to gain innovative ways to engage the learners in a Mathematics class
  • shows a way to explain Mathematical concepts and ideas in an easier way
  • helps to understand that connecting new knowledge to already existing knowledge is how much important for learning Mathematics.
  • Internship during the course will help the would-be teacher to gain hands-on experience in teaching Mathematics under the supervision of a teacher.

Career Opportunities after having B.Ed. and UG/PG in Mathematics:

  • TGT/PGT: Since the ancient age, teaching is one of the most sophisticated jobs. After completing UG/PG in Mathematics and B.Ed. one can go for the teaching profession. The scope of being a Mathematics teacher in a school is always open for the prospective teachers, even during the pandemic and post-pandemic time reputed private institutions recruited Mathematics teachers, as the need of the hour is something different. Teaching-learning system is now e-based almost. So, institutions and schools require a number of well-groomed and subject knowledge expert faculties. Managing students over virtual platforms, explaining the subject matter, engaging students, completing the required portion on time as well handling evaluation processes are required at a time. B.Ed., as a professional course, will help one to learn all of those and even one can practice during internship time. The Bachelor of Education degree in India offers compulsory internships in renowned Govt.-aided, private, and even International Schools, which is helpful to learn all the above-mentioned aspects.

To apply for the post of TGT and PGT teachers in Govt., Govt.-aided, and Private schools, having a Bachelor of Education (Two Years, regular) degree is compulsory now. As per the existing curriculum of B.Ed., the would-be teacher must have to select one school subject as the method paper. Those who have UG/PG in Mathematics can select the subject as the method paper, which will guide them to learn different teaching strategies, identify appropriate teaching strategies for a topic, prepare and use teaching-learning materials, etc.

  • Online Content Creator: In the Post-Pandemic era, the online content development-related job is one of the best. Different educational institutions and coaching centres are ready to recruit experienced as well as fresher Subject Knowledge Experts to develop their content. Mathematics, as a subject, is abstract in nature. That’s why companies required such people who can make Mathematical knowledge more interesting to the children. B.Ed. can help one to flourish as an online content creator. Maximum companies required employees who have B.Ed. degree.
  • Online Tutoring: In Post-pandemic times, schools are not running in regular ways. Explaining practice-based subjects, like Mathematics, and simultaneously fulfilling all the queries of the learners, clearing all the doubts, and completing the subject matter within time is really challenging for teachers. Naturally, the need for online tutoring arose. After completing the B.Ed. degree, mathematics students can grow their careers as online tutors. There are few reputed sites that can show the path by providing contact numbers of the help seekers. Students having UG/PG degrees in Mathematics and B.Ed. can continue as a freelancer as well as may attach with any reputed companies like Byju’s, Tutopia, or any local company.

To become a freelancer in online Mathematics tutoring, the most in-trend method is to create one YouTube channel and make videos on different topics of Mathematics. B.Ed. will help the video creator to illustrate the subject matter in an easier way. The B.Ed. programme actually helps the trainee-teachers about different teaching-learning models. It helps to prepare an effective plan to utilize the instruction-giving time at its highest level. Concept formation is the most required thing when one is going to teach mathematics over a virtual platform as well as in physical mode. No doubt, this is tougher in virtual mode. B.Ed. will guide about different strategies of concept formation.

Another aspect of the online freelancing tutoring job is to provide private tutoring. Students within India, as well outside of India are help seekers in case of Mathematics learning. Parents are much more conscious about this, today. B.Ed. will help a job-seeker to establish a career. Professional guidance about how to teach, how to explain Mathematics in an easier way, how to conduct a formative evaluation as well as a summative, and what are the needs for conducting a formative and summative evaluation is much more needed thing before starting this job.

Adamas University: Successfully imparting Intelligence using Artificial Intelligence

With simulation of human intelligence in a machine, artificial intelligence (AI)is befitting substantially in our day-to-day life. Human cognitive activity is mimicked through machine learning and it has quietly become ubiquitous in different ways. From very popular movies like A Space Odyssey and Star Wars to thermal imaging in recent COVID-19 pandemic, AI is accustomed as a central core in the digital transformation of society. Each day new algorithms in AI are updated which has a potential to bring enormous changes in near future. This automated technology can bring infinitesimal revolution in everyone’s life.

AI: up scaled the teaching-learning pedagogy in Adamas university

The state of play is also sandbagging us towards the implementation of AI in our day-to-day affairs. Pandemic has already devastated the current education system and with each passing day we are hanging more towards the newer technologies to run the show in a continuous manner. At the very high time newly implemented advanced technologies have been adopted by Adamas University through QS-IGAUGE which certifies the preparedness of the university to conduct online teaching and learning. Our proud moment to receive the prestigious E-learning certification from QS came on 27th June 2020 and Adamas University is the only renowned private university in east-northeast India to receive this award.

AI at our schools

Every corner of our university is well-equipped with modern facilities. Whether it is related to lab facilities, classrooms or conference rooms. To the tune of these facilities, we can proudly announce and commit that “Yes we can provide quality education to our students”. We have modern news rooms, advanced audio recording facility, Mac lab for editing, high-end cameras, sophisticated biological laboratories, highly equipped computer labs, instrument labs, dispensing pharmacy and physical pharmaceutics lab, pharmacology labs, pharmaceutical analysis labs etc. included in the lab infrastructure of different schools and AI is acting as a cornerstone in the establishment of all these laboratory infrastructures.  

Students are practising AI in their projects

Teachers of Adamas University through advanced curriculum and experimental learning have well trained their students in advance to tackle all the upcoming future challenges and definitely they are going to shine in their future with this type of teaching learning process. One live example for the above statement is one of our bright students named Ankit from department of computer Science and Engineering. They have committed with the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) on detection of Parkinson’s disease with the use of AI. In 2019 Rahul Sarkar student of Electrical Engineering Department of school of Engineering and Technology has implemented AI in his project entitled Smart Vehicular Automation system and awarded a bronze medal in the 50th All India student design competition-2019. The list of such students is endless which has gratified our university with their intelligence using artificial intelligence.

We are successfully running Robotics and artificial Intelligence clubs

We have solely constituted robotics and artificial intelligence clubs which are organising hands-on workshops and conferences emphasising on the basics and advancements of the AI. Very recently on September 6th, 2019 Adamas Robotics and artificial intelligence club has organized a one-day Hands-on Workshop on “Robogyan” for Adamas World School.

AI in our habits

Our day in Adamas starts with AI at the entrance where regularly temperature has been checked with non-contact thermal imaging system. Implementation of biometric punching machine for head counting, making use of biometric system during lunch hour in canteen, operating automated coffee machines, use of food vending machines, all these seems to be a minute part of AI but it has automated our habits very efficiently.

AI in removing international boundaries from Education

AI has made online education even more wide spread than ever before. AU is also not behind in this aspect. The Pandemic has not stopped the university to provide an international level of education to its students. The Department of Pharmaceutical Technology has organised international e-conference namely “Changing waves in Healthcare Research: Focus of Post Covid Era” in the month of April’ 21. Mentioning just the name of only one conference has not stopped the list there. The list of e-conferences and webinars conducted by AU is endless.

Looking forward in the development of efficient automated tool using AI to conquer the deadly devil (Covid-19)

In the era of Covid-19 we are wondering more about the devastated situation of the mankind and for the welfare of human being our university has taken a bold step to conquer the devil using artificial intelligence. Adamas University recently partnered with Elmax Systems & Solutions (ESS) to develop an automated detection and diagnostic tool to detect the Novel coronavirus disease.

Helmut Schmidt has rightly said “The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement”. AU also believes that there is always a scope of challenging the present situation for the development of the University and rigorously works towards the same to cope up with the present hardships.

At this pandemic situation where, entire system is suffering with conditional hardships, Adamas university has proven its technological capabilities well in advance by receiving the QS IGAUGE E_LEAD certificate which defines the adaptability and achievement of the university to conduct the online classes. Therefore, it is needless to mention that AU is always ready to accept challenges to improve the virtual education system and thus, it is believed that in near future also the university will take all necessary steps to achieve the excellence.


Nanoscience involves the study of the control of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. This molecular level investigation is at a range usually below 100 nm. In simple terms, a nanometer is one billionth of a meter and the properties of materials at this atomic or subatomic level differ significantly from properties of the same materials at larger sizes. Although, the initial properties of nano materials studied were for its physical, mechanical, electrical, magnetic, chemical and biological applications, recently, attention has been geared towards its pharmaceutical application, especially in the area of drug delivery. According to the definition from NNI (National Nanotechnology Initiative), nanoparticles are structures of sizes ranging from 1 to 100 nm in at least one dimension. However, the prefix “nano” is commonly used for particles that are up to several hundred nanometers in size. Nanocarriers with optimized physicochemical and biological properties are taken up by cells more easily than larger molecules, so they can be successfully used as delivery tools for currently available bioactive compounds.

Cell-specific targeting can be achieved by attaching drugs to individually designed carriers. Recent developments in nanotechnology have shown that nanoparticles (structures smaller than 100 nm in at least one dimension) have a great potential as drug carriers. Due to their small sizes, the nanostructures exhibit unique physicochemical and biological properties (e.g., an enhanced reactive area as well as an ability to cross cell and tissue barriers) that make them a favorable material for biomedical applications. It is difficult to use large size materials in drug delivery because of their poor bioavailability, in vivo solubility, stability, intestinal absorption, sustained and targeted delivery, plasma fluctuations, therapeutic effectiveness etc. To overcome these challenges nanodrug delivery have been designed through the development and fabrication of nanostructures. Nanoparticles have the ability to penetrate tissues, and are easily taken up by cells, which allows efficient delivery of drugs to target site of action. Uptake of nanostructures has been reported to be 15–250 times greater than that of microparticles in the 1–10 um range. Nanoparticles can mimic or alter biological processes (e.g., infection, tissue engineering, de novo synthesis, etc. These devices include, but not limited to, functionalized carbon nanotubes, nanofibers, self-assembling polymeric nano constructs, nanomembranes, and nano-sized silicon chips for drug, protein, nucleic acid, or peptide delivery and release, and biosensors and laboratory diagnostics. Various polymers have been used in the design of drug delivery system as they can effectively deliver the drug to a target site and thus increase the therapeutic benefit, while minimizing side effects. The controlled release (CR) of pharmacologically active agents to the specific site of action at the therapeutically optimal rate and dose regimen has been a major goal in designing such devices. The drug is dissolved, entrapped, encapsulated or attached to a NP matrix and depending upon the method of preparation, nanoparticles, nanospheres or nanocapsules can be obtained. Nanocapsules are vesicular systems in which the drug is confined to a cavity surrounded by a unique polymer membrane, while nanospheres are matrix systems in which the drug is physically and uniformly dispersed. Biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles have attracted considerable attention as potential drug delivery devices in view of their applications in the controlled release of drugs, their ability to target particular organs/tissues, as carriers of DNA in gene therapy, and in their ability to deliver proteins, peptides and genes through a per oral route of administration. Recent advances in the application of nanotechnology in medicine, often referred to as nanomedicine, may revolutionize our approach to healthcare. Cancer nanotechnology is a relatively novel interdisciplinary area of comprehensive research that combines the basic sciences, like biology and chemistry, with engineering and medicine. Nanotechnology involves creating and utilizing the constructs of variable chemistry and architecture with dimensions at the nanoscale level comparable to those of biomolecules or biological vesicles in the human body. Operating with sub-molecular interactions, it offers the potential for unique and novel approaches with a broad spectrum of applications in cancer treatment including areas such as diagnostics, therapeutics, and prognostics.

Nanotechnology also opens pathways to developing new and efficient therapeutic approaches to cancer treatment that can overcome numerous barriers posed by the human body compared to conventional approaches. Improvement in chemotherapeutic delivery through enhanced solubility and prolonged retention time has been the focus of research in nanomedicine. The submicroscopic size and flexibility of nanoparticles offer the promise of selective tumor access. Formulated from a variety of substances, nanoparticles are configured to transport myriad substances in a controlled and targeted fashion to malignant cells while minimizing the damage to normal cells. They are designed and developed to take advantage of the morphology and characteristics of a malignant tumor, such as leaky tumor vasculature, specific cell surface antigen expression, and rapid proliferation.

Nanotechnology offers a revolutionary role in both diagnostics (imaging, immune-detection) and treatment (radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, thermotherapy, photodynamic therapy, and anti-angiogenesis). Moreover, nanoparticles may be designed to offer a multifunctional approach operating simultaneously as an effective and efficient anticancer drug as well as an imaging material to evaluate the efficacy of the drug for treatment follow-up. In recent years, nanomedicine has exhibited strong promise and progress in radically changing the approach to cancer detection and treatment.

Physical Science- Career prospects to help in winning the games of thrones

Physicists are trying to discover the laws that govern inanimate objects. Possible occupations include geologists and chemists. Geologists study Earth’s composition and processes to gather information about the Earth’s present, past, and future, while chemists study the atomic and molecular aspects of matter and how these materials react with each other. As geologists, students use tools to collect samples of rocks, oil, or minerals, study those samples in a laboratory, and collect and interpret data. As chemists, students are more likely to engage in basic or applied research, testing interactions between elements, or working on new products. The following table provides education, qualifications, and employment information for geoscientists and chemists.




Degree Required

Bachelor’s for entry-level work; Master’s or Ph.D. for research positions

Bachelor’s for entry-level work; Master’s or Ph.D. for research positions

Education Field of Study

Geosciences, mathematics, physics


Key Skills

Critical thinking, interpersonal, outdoor, problem-solving

Analytical, mathematical, organizational, problem-solving

Projected Job Growth (2020-2030)



Median Salary (2020)



Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Higher studies in Physical Science: Physics refers to the field of science that includes the study of inanimate objects such as matter and energy. Common areas of physical science include physics, chemistry, geology, and astronomy. Students can choose from a wide range of associate and bachelor programs in physics. For example, students can earn an associate’s degree in physics (AS) or an associate’s degree in chemical engineering (AAS). General undergraduate program students can choose from astronomy and astrophysics, geology and geophysics, earth sciences, physics and chemistry. Students must earn a Ph.D. in Philosophy to qualify for research positions in physics, chemistry, astronomy, and other physical sciences. PhD programs in Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Materials Science, Geology or Atmospheric Science are widely available. If students decide to get a PhD. in  chemistry or physics. Students are more likely to focus on graduate studies in specific areas of the broader science. For example, students may focus on organic chemistry, inorganic or ORGANOMETALLIC chemistry, physical chemistry, particle physics, and optics or condensed matter physics.

Professional career Availability: The students have many career options in the field of physical science. Regardless of which field of physical science the students choose, always have the option of conducting basic research and teaching courses at a research university or simply instructing at a teaching university or community college. If the students choose to pursue a career in chemistry, they will also have the option of conducting research in pharmaceutical, chemical, biotech, petroleum and other consumer products industries. On the other hand, if the students choose to become a materials scientist, the students could find employment with companies that manufacture plastics and other polymers, semiconductors, electronics and chemicals. If the students choose the physics route, the students could work for companies that design and manufacture lasers, imaging equipment and other scientific instruments, as well as looking for opportunities with defense contractors and companies that sell data analysis software. As physicists or astronomers, students may also conduct research at national laboratories or federal agencies such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Alternative career from the field of Physical Science: If a career in physical science isn’t for the students, the students may choose to work in a different field of science. One such option is agricultural and food science. Scientists in this field research ways to effectively grow and protect crops and farm animals, study soil health and work on efficiency with food products. The students may also wish to consider the field of environmental science where the students will work to take care of the environment through cleaning up pollution, working with those who make government policies and eliminating excess waste. A bachelor’s degree will be needed for an entry level position in all of these fields, though, master’s degrees are often required if the students wish to advance.

In Life Sciences & Environment The disciplines in this field, such as ecology, overlap to a large extent with the fields of physics, such as hydrology, geology, and soil science. Graduates of the Faculty of Science can continue their studies in the fields of ecology and the environment and enter related careers.

In Education and Training- With postgraduate and doctoral qualifications in physical science disciplines, careers in the academic field can be taken up.

In Civil Services and DefensePhysical Science graduates can enter a variety of civil servants after taking the civil service examination and entering the civil service, or after passing an examination administered by the civil service committee.

In Engineering– Postgraduate students in certain fields of physics can enter engineering through the GATE exam, which can help them pursue M Tech.

Governments across the world and private sector firms are giving an increasing priority to the research and development in the field of physical sciences. Hence the opportunities in the field are also growing in general. However some areas like particle physics, nanotechnology, astrophysics, and bio-analytical chemistry will grow comparatively faster. Graduates in physical sciences have different career options in manufacturing companies, labs, R&D organizations and government agencies. Since the field is more or less research oriented, a PhD would be very vital for career growth. And if the student gets a PhD in academia, he has a lot of options.

Career Prospects of B.Ed. in Post-pandemic Era

In the new normal, the whole educational system has been changed to some extent everywhere. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, all the schools from primary to secondary level used to focus on traditional face-to-face teaching-learning processes. But in the post-pandemic, almost all the schools, from rural to urban, from state boards to ICSE boards, from neighbourhood to international schools, from day schools to boarding schools, adopted the online teaching-learning tools for curriculum transaction.

From the last census to now, the population increased manifolds. Hence, there is a need for trained teachers has been realized massively across the nation. In addition, after B.Ed., passionate teachers became reflective and humane teachers who are in tremendous demand to meet the needs of young aspiring minds. B.Ed. degree provides the opportunity to transform the intellects into thoughtful teachers.

Are you qualified to be a teacher and hold the B.Ed. degree? If yes, then here are your alternatives to lead your professional career after a B.Ed. in Kolkata or anywhere else.

Let’s talk about the options in the professional career after B.Ed.

B.Ed. programme is an undergraduate course anyone can do after graduation in their various disciplines. Basically, it is a pre-service teacher training programme for becoming secondary school teachers approved by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). Though, some states also allow B.Ed. as an essential qualification in the recruitment of primary school teachers.

The scope of B.Ed. is trending everywhere as few state governments merged Basic Training Certificate (BTC) with B.Ed. Hence, aspiring teachers are pursuing B.Ed. because of increased opportunities in the teaching field. For example, after B.Ed., one can be eligible for a teacher at the primary, upper primary, and secondary school levels. Apart from this, B.Ed. degree holders may flourish their careers as academic counsellors, educational administrators, educational researchers, content writers, and entrepreneurs.

If any B.Ed. degree holder wants to pursue their career further in teacher education; then they might have postgraduate and doctoral programmes. Here, some of the courses offered by the teacher training institutions/universities are given as follows:

Master of Education (M.Ed.) or Master of Arts (M.A.) in Education:

  • If someone wants to make a career in further teacher education after B.Ed., then the available option is to move ahead with postgraduation like M.Ed. or M.A. in education. Students can be enrolled in these programmes offered by almost all the universities throughout the country. After completing M.Ed./M.A., students will be eligible for postgraduate teachers (PGT) in higher secondary schools and colleges. It is also helpful in becoming the Principal of Senior secondary schools. After M.Ed. or M.A. in education, one can appear in National Eligibility Test (NET) or State Level Eligibility Test (SLET), which is the minimum essential qualification for entry-level posts in teacher education. As per the NCTE and UGC norms, only NET qualified candidates will be screened out as eligible to become Assistant Professors in education.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Education:

In continuation, after M.Ed. or M.A. in education, students can go for doctorate programmes available to touch the zenith in education and open up new avenues in their professional career. Generally, Ph.D. is considered a higher academic degree; however, after Ph.D. one can also pursue post-doctoralprogrammes and Doctor of Literature (D.Lit.)/Doctor of Science (D.Sc.). As per the National Education Policy (2020), Ph.D. will be mandatory for Assistant Professorship in higher education.

  • Some of the lucrative job opportunities after B.Ed. under the government of India spectrum:
  • Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV)
  • Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV)
  • Army Schools
  • Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV)
  • Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS)
  • Leading private international schools affiliated with CBSE, ICSE and other state-run boards:
  • Dhirubhai Ambani International School
  • Manav Rachna International School
  • Doon School
  • Scindia School
  • Ecole Mondiale World School
  • Woodstock School
  • Mercedes Benz International School

During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, a considerable decrease was reported in the class size, which is alarming for school education. The situation required a reservoir of committed and trained teachers to restore normalcy. B.Ed. degree holders can be the game-changer in the post-pandemic era of teacher education. To sum up, with a B.Ed. degree on can become a Secondary School Teacher, Principal, Counselor, Home Tutor, Online Tutor, and Entrepreneur.


It is the year 2019, an unknown Virus peeped into the planet of human which ultimately seems to be an epidemic and becomes the rationale for large life takers. The aftermath of this Virus devastation ruined our globe`s varied facets like livelihood, health, working conditions, and more resulting in global crisis. The planet moves into a trance of death. The massive and super-fast spread of novel Corona Virus disease (COVID–19) pushes the globe into an identical state that cherish the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Cities till date i.e. sufferings from the poison of nuclear destructive effects on the mankind in multitudinous ways. From its first reported case the amount of confirmed cases has grown at an exponential interest rate and continues to rise till date. Lockdown and social distancing are standing out as cure-all in these hard-hitting times. It’s also pushed the economy of the globe at stake. The pandemic outbreak resulted in an exceedingly drastic shift of the current working conditions, norms and arrangements, and lots of employees are directed to figure from home and maximum workers even lost their jobs too. The foremost sufferers were the daily waged workers and social class families. Not only that, even the scholars were at major loss. Their educational base grounds were forced to be distorted. the rationale behind for that’s that, Online Teaching becomes the new normal and therefore the students who were previously been taught in face to face mode of interaction were been taught now in a very mode which is initially a discomfort to them as not everyone is tech-savvy and nobody is fast and good learner. However, as a result they face adjusmental issues and orientational concerns. At this time of crisis period, the Guidance and Counselling Professionals are like Silver Linings. The professionals who provides Guidance are termed as Guidance Provider and also the professionals who provides Counselling are termed as Counsellor. Guidance and Counselling are the dual concepts and they’re not synonymous. Guidance is guiding within the educational context whereas Counselling is specialized service of guidance. As Counselling may be a specialized form of Guidance, thus Counselling is simpler an efficient in solving typical personalised issues. Before we move in to details, allow us to first understand the two etymological terminologies. Guidance could be a process of helping every individual, through his/her own effort to find and develop his/her potentialities for his or her own personal happiness and social usefulness. Counselling is basically a process within which the counsellor assists the counselee to create interpretations of facts regarding a choice, plan or adjustment which he must make.

Guidance and Counselling showcases assistance in several domains which are as follows: 1) Adjustmental Domain: It help the individuals in making the most effective possible adjustment to this situation in any settings. It enables them to simply accept the items which they cannot change in life and differentiate what they will change and can’t change in life. 2) Orientation Domain: It helps in orienting the individuals within the problem of designing, programming and directing towards long run aims, objectives and values. 3) Developmental Domain: it’s concerned with helping the people to attain self-development and self-realization and in developing self-concept too. Therefore, from this we are able to conclude that, Guidance and Counselling isn’t only helps in educational concerns

but also different personalised issues and concerns too like as follows:

  • Guidance & counselling for privateneeds and problems
  • Guidance & counselling for physical, emotional, social, moral & marital problems
  • Guidance & counselling for career advancement
  • Guidance & counselling for educational needs and problems
  • Guidance & counselling for vocational, occupational and professional needs
  • Guidance & counselling for holistic individual development
  • Guidance & counselling for situational problems.

If we focus into the sphere of Counselling especially, because it is that the specialized variety of Guidance, the subsequent Career Avenues are there which addresses the above points:

  • Career Counsellors: Counsellors who work with people of all ages for vocational and career counselling are called Career Counsellors.
  • School Counsellors: School Counsellors deals with adjustmental and achievemental concerns of school going
  • Family Counsellors: Family Counsellors deals serious concerns i.e. behavioural and relations especially with relation to family, relatives and its members or generations.
  • Marital Counsellors: Marriage Counsellors deals with different issues or problems associated withmarriage i.e. it’s going to be pre and post marriage in domains like personal compatibility and relationships etc.
  • Counsellors for Child Guidance: Counsellors who work with children especially and guide them are called child guidance counsellors.
  • Life Skills Trainer: Nowadaysmany folks may have providing assistance within the course of daily life on account of stress reception or the workplace. They taught us, guides us about the Life Skills thus are called as Life Skill Trainer. For example, a well-adjusted younker might want to become proactive to optimise his or her potential. Other than this, Life Skill Trainer makes a candidate ready for facing interviews whether it’s going to be of Job or Educational Admissions etc.

With the outbreak of the Pandemic, not only students but also the entire community goes through the tough times of stress and thus it adversely affects the mental state of each individual. It’s so because as we all know that, this Pandemic, Lock down pushed the humankind towards unemployment, food crisis, job downsizing, Economic downfall and Financial crisis which results in reporting of increased rate of several Suicidal Cases which isn’t in the slightest degree accepted and is simply inhumane. These above mentioned Career Avenues of the Guidance and Counselling helps the people in general wherever and whenever required to beat their distress. Not only during the Pandemic time but also in Post Pandemic period Career Avenues of the Guidance and Counselling proved to be the life saver for several.The above mentioned diversified Counsellors helped the individuals in guiding as well as counselling with all possible solutions through different specialised dedicated sessions in either individually or in group whichever is most appropriately applicable to help everyone to life happily and peacefully with full harmony as that is the fundamental right of every individual human being. Therefore, in near future too those who are willing to choose different Career Avenues of the Guidance and Counselling will be doing a noble work of life saver and they would be always value as the most important in the society and thus the career prospects in this particular field is very demanding and essentially required.

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