Responsibility of electronics and communication engineers in fight against COVID19 epidemic


By means of Covid-19 contaminations rising worldwide, there is too growing concern regarding a need of vital life-saving appliances and more essential medical assets to avoid the extend of the pandemic and offer best possible care to those affected. In addition, for COVID-19 related patients, who might require vital care, ventilators provide as a critical medical option earlier than a pharmacological treatment is recognized. A large diversity of test-kits (antibody examples, self-administered) need a quickening in the manufacturing procedure. The increasing demand for diagnostics investigations, ventilators, other critical medical supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE), has additionally augmented the demand for medical based electronics in excess of the forecast phase (2020-2025).

Electronics and Communication Engineering Vs Covid19

Electronics and Communication Engineering  participate  a extremely significant position in providing automated resolutions like  infection supervision, incorporating sensor scheme in a android based smart phone for early recognition of infection indications like aarogya setu app, sensor-related sanitizer dispenser, thermal scanner etc. so, utilisation of electronics components, incorporation with  sensors, wifi connectivity, and remote workability etc are the basic requirements for this epidemic  apparatus.

Individuals with this explicit information are providing, and will provide appreciably in developing automatic technology in combating against this type of epidemic. When the World Health Organization (WHO) established the Corona virus as a deadly disease and immediately several countries have imposed lockdown process to prevent the spread of this disease. As per a market study, electronics company await minimum five to six-week manufactured goods dispatching delay from dealers because of the corona virus pandemic. Along with these difficulties, the electronics engineers have worked in R & D sectors in combating beside the pandemic and performing as a mainstay to all the leading staff (Doctors, Nurshing staffs, House keeping staffs, Health workers, Administration staffs like Ministers etc.). One of the important techniques of reducing the spread of the infection in common public areas has been to distantly note the temperature of persons when they move through selected regions. Different electronics monitoring appliances came into marketplace to note the temperature of the common public. Electronics peoples mainly favour infrared rays to calculate the temperature of a group of persons.

There are few more appliances that are further complex in operation, like wearable temperature supervising equipments thermal imaging related cameras, drones, robots, etc. Basically, each appliance on the forefront to calculate the temperature of a person with no direct contact. Drone is also used to monitor social distancing.

Social Responsibility by Electronics and Communication Engineers

To precisely examine the information to predict and supervise the extend of the disease crosswise countries, the life span of patients and obtain the stress off forefront radiologists, the Internet of Things (IoT), deep learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI)  techniques are being utilized. At present, satellite communication offers high-baud rate, multi-media patient data to assist shared medical resolution-making and timely analysis. Distant visual and phone discussions or video conferencing assist in various surgeries diminishing the spread of viruses.

The utilize of satellite communication permits quarantined analysis with no danger of face-to-face touch, because of the infectious character of COVID19.

Drones are now dominant equipments to visualize and communicate in complicated and infected areas. In an attempt to sterilize public areas and avoid the further extend of COVID19,few health care organizations have experienced out methods to arrange agriculture based showering drones to sanitize infected regions most effectively. These drones are occupied with sanitizers as a substitute of pesticides.

Few more drones are utilised by infrared cameras to examination body temperature calculations. Some health care centres approved wide-ranging distant temperature calculation in mainly building compounds by  using drones. Furthermore to road surveillance, few organizations are utilizing drones to broadcast information concerning lockdown processes, particularly  in the rural region that absences open communication paths for health related issues.

 Robots to sanitize nursing homes, hospitals and autonomous aerial vehicle drones to transport medical provisions and foods are being supported by general positioning system or satellite navigation technique. AI is being utilized to process large quantity of data to develop a antibody. By means of the use of a trajectory-tracing algorithm ,It is possible to display real-time chorography of disease positions and recognize hotspot zones. After evaluating the position of the cause of disease with respect to the frequent way of employees’ daily travel, and inspecting the population density  and vehicles with respect to dissimilar time, the method may re-structure a secured drive to work. To authenticate approach to online school classes based on the position of pupils and also the time satellite Communication technique is used. Geo-location detection technique is being used in a few countries, to update people whether they have been in near contact by a virus carrier and to quarantine them. So, navigation, internet of things, satellite communication,  mobile telecare system, geo-observation merged with independent technologies and geographic statistics schemes are performing a crucial task in distributing health protection, avoiding cross-contamination between doctors and virus carriers.

Finally the  technology not just improves delivery of crucial medical equipments and samples but too decreases the risk of contact to health care staff which prepared a main difference in efforts to fight the corona virus.

Knowledges like Machine learning, Location detection Technology, Artificial Intelligence and autonomous equipments separately from Electronic healthcare kit are also participating  a rising position in responding to COVID-19 epidemic where a lot has been and still being donated by Electronics People. Anyway, in this battle in opposition to  unseen enemy, a huge salute to the forefront soldiers and hero of our country – healthcare staffs, doctors, house keeping staffs, media, local police, security guards, etc.

Essence of Engineering in Biopharmaceutical Field


Biopharmaceuticals are the flourishing section of the pharmaceutical manufacturing, with worldwide deals .In India and other countries, the biopharmaceutical employees are comprised of many departmental related   and indirect jobs across a different supply network of retailers supporting the industry need. Biopharmaceutical field will grow based on highly knowledgeable and skilled manpower, integrated with  engineers performing  a significant role in motivating innovation.

The difficulty of manufacturing methods in biopharmaceutical area has motivated the need for a highly experienced multifunctional  biopharmaceutical manpower that extents the pharmaceutical sciences, life sciences with  microbiology, engineering (mechanical, chemical,  electrical, electronics and biomedical), drug, and finally production .

Role of Engineers in Biopharmaceuticals

The whole product development will be controlled by engineers and they handle  many different responsibilities. Few positions are quite alike to those in the pharmaceutical production and simple to know: Engineers, play a essential role in the design and  manufacture of services.

Once product design engineers hand over the work to  other teams like manufacturing  process engineer and production teams, though, numerous crucial  engineering functions stay to be filled like:

  • Process engineering, to build up and improve  processes as well as execute tech transfer and modify.
  • Maintenance  engineering, to make sure existing equipment or instrument is maintained
  • Automation engineering, to compel process efficiency and price reduction by pulling sensors, multivariate analysis, and advanced model predictive control.

Modern automation and process control schemes to make biopharmaceuticals are well behind those established  in other extremely automated businesses, like developing semiconductor. Routine observing and proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers never offer manage of many significant complicated  parameters that impact complicated quality aspect. Setting up a vigorous control scheme during process growth that can be scalled up and moved to manufacturing  is vital to certifying  quality all through the manufactured goods life cycle. When advanced observing tools are accessible, operating them efficiently is a challenge  as advanced control keys must be capable of calculating what might happen within a group or unit process and act accordingly to rectify it. To meet present requirement as well as be placed to anticipate and defeat coming challenges in computerization, engineers have to be talented with the essential training .

Integration  of  Biopharmaceuticals  with Engineering and Technology

A Chemical Engineer with knowledge of microbiology can make a carrier  in chromatography process development on flu vaccines  and  afterwards  may move to  Subject Matter Expert/tech lead in recombinant protein Purification processes. When a bioprocess technician work in a vaccine manufacturing position and learn fundamental of good manufacturing techniques and due to the experience and integrated degree same technician can get a post  as a process engineer in another manufacturing industry.So due to variation in experience and variation of knowledge a biotechnologist  can  become expert in mechanical field also. Similarly in case of pharmaceutical sector, at many drug  manufacturing sectors, still a lot of unnecessarily manual operations are happening but  the future will bring complete automation in system. A biologist or pharmacist with knowledge of machine learning technology will have better job opportunity and  engineers with knowledge of biotechnology and pharmaceutical will have better scope in future. The industry is developing permanently and we need to stay up to date. Any experience that we  get from other roles will help to  set a strong base for being able to speak technically and competently. New technologies are being commences to our pharmaceutical industry at an ever-growing rate.A person with biopharmaceutical and technical knowledge will able to work with other technical disciplines to realize an organization’s entire business needs.

Career with Drone Technology

A Drone is an airborne robot that can work remotely or freely in assistance with on-board sensors and GPS using software-controlled flight strategy in its system. It is a smaller type unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) .The operation of a drone is controlled by remote. Sometimes we use quad copter which is also a type of drone. It is  a small remote-operated aircraft like a helicopter, with four rotor/blades that go around on top, used particularly to take pictures of things from air.

How quad copter/drone work:

Quad copter is a particular category of drone that is operated by four rotors so it is called a quad-rotor or a quad-rotor helicopter. Quad copters normally use two couples of indistinguishable propellers; two clockwise (CW) and two anticlockwise (ACW). These utilize independent deviation of the speed of each rotor to get control to maintain balance. By continuously varying the speed of rotor it is possible to produce a desired total  force; to locate for the centre of force both longitudinally and tangentially; and generate a required torque. Drone is a broad area of any category of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) which is not restricted to only four rotors. Drones are either controlled by remote control or by on board computers.

Basic concepts of quad copter/drone and helicopter is almost same but differ in structure. Quad-copter use rotors which are able to change pitch of the blades as they rotate around the rotor hub. But anyway earlier prototypes were very limited and performance of quad-copter was very poor. But recently the components of Basic Drone belongs to advanced microcontroller along with embedded firmware resulted low-cost lightweight flight controllers, Inertial measurement Unit, GPS (Global Positioning System) and cameras. Conventional Helicopters are having more mechanical complexity, size is bigger and also cost is high. The blades size of quad-copter are smaller and they acquire low kinetic energy, lowering their ability to cause break. If blade size increases their momentum also increases and this gives negative impact on control. Quad copters are steadier than helicopters due to the suitable understanding of the centre of gravity.

Utilization of Drones and Quad copters in various areas

Drones are mostly used in   military aircraft. They carry attacks, carry out surveillance and based on that provide rescue operations. Drones can be utilised in commercial uses. They can carry medicines from medical stores and provide service to patients. Drone discovers its use in airborne Photography/ Videography. Drones are also helpful for farmers and Agriculture drone also came into market. Presently Amazon (Online Market) also uses Drone for shipping and delivery purposes. . In few countries drones used to report and authenticate   news on events that include wars, earthquake or illegal activities in huge crowd.

Quad-copter can be also used for photography and aerial videos but with limited height and distance. In quad copter, utilization of radio frequency is also restricted and remote control is having limited operation. Recreational quad copters are commonly subject to lower directives than other types of drones. Quad copters are usually used for fun.

Finally we know the use of drones to collect geographic data has quickly been accepted by the geographic data collection community as an important data assembling tool. So moral and legal related issues about collecting geographic data using drones can be categorised into four main areas: licence policy/regulation, privacy, safety/security, and noise.

Job Opportunity in   Drone Industry:

Drone skill has wide applications in various areas. In the coming days, its variety will more expand and unfalteringly figure our daily needs. From surveillance to agriculture to manufacture to surveying to constructions to smart cities, drone expertise is more and more being organized to improve effectiveness and finally productivity. So after completion of Engineering if students have knowledge of Drone Technology along with project based learning then they are having lots of job opportunity in various companies. Around 50 companies are working under drone in India. Indiairstrobotics, Aerotics Technology, Hire and Freeze Manpower Solution, Aarav Unmanned Systems, Aurora Integrated Systems pvt Ltd, Drone Aviation Etc.

Quad copter







Robotics and Automation Plays an Important role in combating COVID19

Advanced technology play an important role in helping humans in containing the spread of virus and handling the existing cases during global fight against COVID-19.Robotics is one of the advanced technology which became very popular across the world. Large number of hospitals, nursing homes are presently uses various types of Robots to guide doctors, healthcare staffs as well a as patients.

Robots to substitute Human Workers? 

Robots have the capabilities to be used for disinfection, delivering foods and medications, measuring important signs. For preventing disease, robot-controlled UV surface disinfection is being used as COVID-19 spreads not only from human body to human body via close contact but also via contaminated surface.Artificial Intelligence based Robots may be utilised to  support quarantined peoples. World Health Organization  has recommend safe distancing for people around the globe to prevent community level transmission of COVID-19.So robots are being used not only in the hospitals, they are used for supplying essentials in high risk areas.

How Countries are dependable on Robots 

The Robots, supplied by China can disinfect, provide medicine to patients and also measure their body temperature.

In India, A Autonomous Robot, invented by  Asimov Robotics ,Kerala that can be used to help critical patients in isolation ward with full support.

A humanoid robot can also be applied for  delivering food and medicines to COVID-19 patients admitted in the hospital. Sawai Man Singh Government Hospital in Rajasthan has taken initiative to experiment this type of Robots to care for doctors and nursing staffs against coronavirus .

Victoria Hospital in Bengaluru has used robots to serve medicines and foods to COVID19 patients to lower the risk of Doctors, nursing staffs and housekeeping peoples.

This is also one example of good use of technology during this corona virus pandemic.

“Robots can play an important part during present situation as they can reduce the human interference at all level, starting from patient analysis to medicine delivery system and full patient care.”Lovi Raj Gupta, executive dean of Science and Technology in Punjab’s Lovely Professional University, explained.Robots can be utilised for maintaining hygiene and collecting garbage at hospitals.

Robots can provide very important task by taking body temperature of people in public places and giving social support to Corona suspected peoples as per the editorial published in journal Science Robotics. The researcher of Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok found that large, small and swarm robots that can constantly work and clean in big area could be utilised. Aerial Vehicle Drone which is a part of Robotics become very useful for safe transport of medicines and medical sample delivery.

Petrol Robots became popular in China in public places, airports which continuously informs people to wear masks, and sanitize hands. Guangzhou Gosuncn Robot Company has developed a more Advanced Robot with AI, which is having infrared thermometer, sensors and high resolution based cameras that can sense and scan temperature of group of peoples at a time within a radius of 4-5 meters which is programed inside device. If peoples are not maintaining the rules then an information being sent by robots to the medical authorities, and a real time acknowledgement will be initiated by the authorities against those peoples.

Advanced Technology is the way of the Future 

These are the few applications where advanced robotics technology along with vision have taken responsibility to challenge non-human labour demand during this pandemic situation. The advanced technology like robotics became more popular in helthcare, pharmaceutical field and to provide automation in manufacturing unit to avoid the crowd inside a area during COVID19 period. As we don’t know when this pandemic will end, but for maintaining the production of industry atleast these complicated automation techniques can be utilised. This COVID19 situation is special opportunity for development of Robotics Technology. Now  hospitals, industries, academics also upgrade their existing facilities with advanced technology like Robots, Artificial Intelligence, automations and digital technologies for better and safe operation.

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