Education and Social Change: An Interrelationship

A great desire for change in social, economic and academic sector has been taken in India. After Independence, the Five Year Plans, Commission, Act and Movement for progress have been set afloat to achieve what we had hoped for. It has been pointed out by most of the thinkers, that education has much to do with social change and that will lead to other changes. We can find out that there is a strong relationship between Education and Social Change. It may be pointed as follows –

Education as a State of Social Change: 

Without education, there can be no Social Change, is what this implies, and education therefore comes prior to social change. Many reforms are initiated within the social areas but since the people lack education, the reforms are ineffective in practice. Hence, education should bridge the gap.

The most important agent to alter is Education. It is expected to alter the attitudes and values among people and build in them a desire for progress.  Education can help in increasing contemporary knowledge and within the dissemination of data on current facts, scientific ideas will be spread among people through education.

Education has enabled many children from the poorer state of a society to go ahead and to obtain a profession, followed by a job and then a better status than their father had in his life. The outlook of many people has changed also due to this opportunity for education. 

Education as a Tool of Social Change:

Education provides knowledge, training and skills as well as inculcates new thoughts and attitudes among the young. Many of the old superstitious beliefs and absolute values which prevent progress, through Education can be changed in the favour of enlightened ideas. Backwardness and Poverty of the masses are mainly due to illiteracy and ignorance. Hence, education can be the instrument of rescuing them from their plight.

The basic scheme of education was designed as an instrument of social change.  In its goals and methods, we discover all the necessary components of a dynamic plan to change society.

Earlier days, the reform movements such as Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, Ramakrishna Mission and Christian Missionaries worked as the instruments to bring social change and indeed they proved most effective. The products of the schools and colleges have on the whole proved to change the mindset of people.


In the present times, many schools and colleges, established by Government and local bodies (as compared with those run by private bodies) often do not consider themselves to be instruments of social change consciously i.e. they often ignore their function of promoting social change consciously through their educational programmes and activities. The teachers too do not always realize their function of promoting social change by their teaching as well as by personal example. Children take over the ideas, opinions and values of their teacher. A degree of achievement, motivation, sensitivity, high standards of learning and performance, vocation and a desire to work for the country’s unity and progress, all these ideals can be inculcated in the classroom by teachers.

Every school needs to keep as its objective, not only knowledge through subjects, but also the needs of the country. The people and the teachers should endeavor to fulfill those needs through a vitalized educational programme. Unfortunately very few schools do more than the minimum that is required of them. Hence, the school can hardly be called an instrument of change in such cases.

Education as the Effect of Social Change:

If education is the outcome of social change it means that social change has produced an urge for education. If their effect is a great demand for education, then the nature of education should be connected with the type of social change that occurred. Education may, therefore, have certain objectives. Education for awareness, like, discussing, problem solving, debate, original thinking must be encouraged in the classroom from a very early age.

Industrialization, scientific inventions and technology have made life more comfortable by providing trains, cars, jet planes, factories for rapid production of standardized goods, antibiotics against disease and many other amenities. Pollution of air, land and water have resulted all over the planet, farms, fields and forests have been destroyed to make room for factories and mills. Noise and smoke have altered the climate, of cities. The greater the technological progress in a country, the greater the danger to life and the lesser the chances of survival from poisonous air, water, land, accidents, noise and other agents of destruction.

It can be concluded that effective dynamic education may sometimes bring words of wisdom from the young mind which may cause his teachers to wonder. Thus, the interrelationship between Education and Social Change can be proved through this.

BBA as a Career- A Multidimensional Opportunity

Selection of Career:

In today’s scenario, it is a very challenging task for students and parents to select an option for study after the completion of higher secondary. The job market is very volatile in nature, and is highly competitive. It therefore requires an individual to acquire specialized knowledge and skills in their field of operations. Hence, it is essential that an individual starts developing comprehensive domain specific knowledge early on in his/her academic life.  The scope in government sectors is decreasing and at the same time, using modern technology, industries are moving from manual to automation. As a result, the importance and the requirement of huge manual forces are reducing. The core sectors are not performing well all over world and in India as well. If we look at the last five year’s economic and industrial growth in India, it was not significant enough to give hope to the young generation. If we look at the present, it is clear that all over the world, the job market has been affected because of COVID-19 and it will take a long time for it to recover. On the other hand, it also observed that some new areas are emerging and creating huge employment opportunities and that is mostly in the service sector. If we look at the developed nations, they have great strength in the service sector and India is also following the same path. The government is also promoting some areas such as entrepreneurship, skill based programs and self sufficiency programs, where the next generation will not only be looking for job, but rather, will develop the creativity to generate jobs for others. Thus, in the present situation, the students have to take very careful steps before selection of any program after higher secondary because it is very difficult to predict future trends. So we should focus more on multi dimensional career approaches rather than single outcomes.

Unique Selling Proposition of BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration):

Looking into the above facts, modern day students are increasingly opting for this program which offers them a multidimensional approach in terms of knowledge, ability and skills. At the same time, this is the reason why, in the present scenario, many colleges and institutions in India have realized that only academic engagement cannot solve the problem. There is a need for academic blending that make the students industry ready, productive, efficient and employable (even self-employable) when they start their careers and step into the industry.  It is a program covering various aspects of capability enhancement courses, skill enhancement courses and general courses which helps students understand about economics, statistics, accounting and finance as well as different subjects covering wide aspects of management like HR (Human Resources), Marketing, Finance, Banking and Insurance, Industrial Relations, etc.  Not only that, the program also teaches technical skills to the students which help them to remain up to date in this area. Further, it emphasizes on the skills which are required by the industry. This BBA program is highly appreciated by the industry because they get a multi-skilled workforce with a good overview of how industry works, and as the program is multidimensional in nature, they can put the students, as per requirement of the industry, under different departments.

 Multidimensional Career Opportunities:

 A few specific areas where BBA students are getting opportunities and also getting opportunities to develop skills are as below.

  • Becoming a financial analyst- there are different areas of Finance being covered in this program which may help the students to choose a career as a financial or investment analyst. In the current situation, most of the banking and insurance organizations are recruiting a huge number of people from BBA courses.
  • Becoming a marketing and sales executive- this is an area where BBA students get huge opportunities in comparison to other graduates. Companies also prefer to recruit BBA students as executives in the entry level positions.
  • Opportunities in Back office operational jobs- Companies like HSBC and TCS hire BBA students to work as a back office operational executives for their foreign clients.
  • Opportunities in Market research firms- Most companies have separate market research consultant teams where they recruit BBA students for doing different market research activities.
  • BBA graduates get hired in leading consulting firms such as IBM, Accenture and Deloitte. Consulting firms provide access to individuals with subject matter expertise who can help them take right decisions. Being part of consulting firms allows one to gain experience across a diverse set of industries.
  • Opportunities in Human Resource departments- BBA students get fundamental knowledge in different aspects of human resource management. Because of that, they can get opportunities in the companies in various functions in the HR department such as hiring activities, placements and performance evaluation.
  • Opportunities as a Logistics Manager- this is also a big area of opportunity in the present market where BBA students are in demand and most industries like FMCG, Automotive and Retail hire BBA students to manage their distribution networks.
  • Career as Customer Relationship Managers in Banks – the basic job is to maintain the relationship with the customer by providing them various services like grievance compliance, tele-calling and service support.
  • Opportunities in startup ventures – BBA student work under different disciplines like Growth Hackers, Marketing Specialists and Product Managers.
  • Build a career as a Cost and management accounting specialist- in the BBA program enough scope is there for students to clear ICWA or CA.
  • Build a career as an Entrepreneur- This is an emerging area where most BBA students are starting their career because this program gives enough knowledge which is essential for entrepreneurship.
  • Explore opportunities in the Government sectors- Though the course covers different aspects of general studies and management areas, there is a high chance of the students joining as Bank Probationary Officers, Civil services or other government jobs through Staff Selection Commission (SSC) etc.
  • Doing a BBA would help an individual who aspires to do an MBA and get greater preference by industries in their managerial positions.

In short, a BBA is seen today as a preferred vehicle to launch one’s career, given the enormous scope it offers to those graduating in this area.

Counselling: A Ray of Hope

Individual’s life is not like a bed of roses. It is the combination of happiness and sorrow, hopes and aspirations, ups and downs and many more. Always life pattern follows the normal probability curve .So in the  life of human beings there is always a need for proper  directions to chose from right and wrong , to decide his own path of progress according to his own abilities and disabilities , to make his own decision and to carry his own liabilities. In this path of life he may face failures. So instead of being disappointed, feel depressed, being anxious, developing stress he should maintain a good balanced mental health. Some persons are well equipped with strong mind power and support system where as some are not. Hence they need outside support to move ahead. Here comes the role of Counselling.

Counselling to common person may be similar with the word of Guidance. But it is really not like that. Guidance has a much more wider scope and is broad than that of Counselling. Anybody with proper knowledge, skill and experience can guide a person who is in need of it. Whereas counselling is one of the many services provided under guidance .It requires specific qualifications and skill. Counsellor must be able to handle all types of technical supports that is used in the process of counselling. It is a two way interaction between the counsellor and the counsellee.

Types of Counselling:

It is a well known fact that no two individuals are alike. There exits individual differences. It is not feasible to adopt any one type of counseling service to solve the problems of individuals with varied needs .Depending on the nature of the problem, many types of counseling services may be applied. Generally there are three types of counselling like –

  • Counsellor centered Counseling or Directive Counselling:

In this type of counselling the counsellor plays the major or pivotal role. The main exponent of this was E.G. Williamson (1950) of Minnesota University. In this type of counselling the counsellor listens to the problems of the client, decides the way out, encourages and motivates the client to act in a desired way. It is the counsellor who takes all the decisions about the counsellee but with the consent of the counsellee. There are six steps in counsellor centered counseling like analysis, synthesis, diagnosis , prognosis , counselling and follow up .At first the counsellor collects information about the client . Then at the second stage he finds out the liabilities, weaknesses and strong points about the client .In the next stage he anticipates the pros and cons of the procedures to be adopted .Then the counselling is provided and that is to be followed up.

  • Client centered or Nondirective counseling :

In this type of counselling client plays the active role. The main advocate of non-directive or client-centred or permissive counselling is Carl R. Rogers. This type of counselling believes on the potentialities of the client.It is stated that the client is having enough abilities to solve his own problem.The Counsellor should provide proper opportunities to the client.Carl Rogers has given the following steps of this non-directive counselling— Defining the Problematic Situation, Free Expression of Feelings, Classification of Positive and Negative Feelings., Development of Insight, and Termination of Counselling Situation.

  • Eclectic Counselling:

This is a combination of both directive and non directive counselling. F. C. Throne advocates for this type of counselling. In this type of counselling the counsellor may start with directive approach but when the situation demands, he may incorporate non-directive technique.

Need of Counseling in today’s Context:

It is a well known fact that the time is changing as well as the society. Hence at times it becomes difficult for the individual to cope up with this change. As per psychologist Ericksons’s view in human being there exits two types of forces. When one is able to adapt the situation perfectly, he proceeds or else there may be conflicts or confusions. This needs to be systematically removed. Some people have well equipped defense mechanisms to adjust, whereas, some may not have. Those who fails, to do so may face different types of behavioral problems or need the help of competent persons or counsellors. It is not that the people need counselling to solve the behavioral problems only. Counselling is needed for proper, personal, educational and occupational or vocational choices in life.

Now in  the present situation in the wake of Covid-19 , where there are negativity  every where, counselling is needed by all, irrespective of age, area and sex to remain calm, to develop positivity in their attitude and behavior, to find   mental peace and  pace in the society as a whole . So it can be rightly said that counselling is a ray of hope in the present situation.

The Manifestation of Machine Learning in Educational Process: An Untiring Exertion

“The great paradox of automation is that the desire to eliminate human labor always generates new tasks for humans.”
Mary L. Gray


The method of education is evolving regularly and dynamically. The delivery process in and out of the classroom has been changed to generate the targeted outcome. The regular involvement of technology in education helps to make it adaptive, more effective, and resourceful.

Machine Learning which is encompassing almost every aspect on earth, is also explored to find novel methods to enhance the dynamic change of the educational process. From cancer detection to predict financial data, driving a car to forecast weather, Machine Learning has left its footprint in almost everywhere. Adopting Machine Learning models helps educators to save their time in off-classroom jobs. For instance, a machine assistant can support an educator remotely for his students or scholars. The way of learning and progress of students is highly enhanced through the application of such methods. Teachers/educators gain insight into a student’s progression through the application of advanced Machine Learning algorithms and are very much help full to prepare an adaptive curriculum for the students.

Figure 1
 Image Source:

Machine Learning and its Types

The term Machine Learning is about writing self-learning programs with the help of appropriate mathematical models (process depicted in Figure – 1). It is the process of learning from EXPERIENCE which is nothing but the data supplied to it. One larger set of data is used to train (create knowledgebase) the machine and a smaller set of similar kinds of data are used to test its correctness to identify a similar type of new instance. This process of training and test continues until the machine achieves correctness near to 100%. Machine Learning is categorized into three main categories as in Figure – 2. 

Figure – 2

Image Source:

  • Supervised Machine Learning: It is like a student is taught and evaluated by a teacher. The teaching process is similar to the training process and the evaluation process is similar to the testing process. In this method, a machine is a student, and data or dataset is the teacher. In this machine learning paradigm, a machine is also given scope to improve upon repeated training like a student.
  • Unsupervised Machine Learning: It doesn’t require a teacher though; it is a categorization. If a machine is given a few types of objects, its job is to create categories comprises of those objects based on some common categorical features of objects.
  • Reinforcement Learning: This method is an amalgamation of both the above methods. A machine may also learn from its mistakes. Whenever a machine makes a mistake it is notified and the algorithm is reinforced (re-iterated) to improve the performance. After a considerable amount of repeated learning, it makes the least mistake if the underlying algorithm is a robust one.

The Manifestation

According to the recent studies Machine Learning algorithm has been applied to education in a multi-dimensional approach. The aspects of the educational process where Machine Learning has made a direct impact are described below based on those studies:

  1. Personalization and Customization in Learning: Machine Learning algorithm is capable enough to identify the problem/doubt areas of individual students by interaction through a crafted questionnaire. The answers to those questions will be encountered by the appropriate Machine Learning algorithm to categorize the students and address the students with possible customized comprehensive content so that the students can clear doubts fully. This process may also generate a report to the teacher after categorization for better monitoring and preparing personalized content for the students. In this method, no students will neither be overlooked nor be left behind. EdTech and MagicBox learning systems are following this method. It will thus address student retention problems by identifying the students who are at risk zone while learning.
  1. Content Analysis: ML models are also able to analyze the content to be taught in the class to measure the quality with the fixed standards set by the institute using statistical learning. It also helps to find out the relationship between the content taught and the student’s intellect by suitable distance metrics and classification methods. Analysis of the content to be taught in compliance with student’s intellect is a tedious job for a faculty, which is reduced with the interference of Machine Learning to a large extent.
  1. Bias-less Grading: Use of Machine Learning reduces the human bias in grading a student. Machine Learning using Natural Language Processing implements the automatic grading system where the machine evaluates the answer of a student using the model answer. It also checks for the cheating or copying in the examination by plagiarism check with the help of supervised learning.
  1. Analysis of Student’s Performance: Machine Learning, with input data such as grading score, behavior, attendance, the scale of interest, completion of assignments, etc. can analyze the performance and help students to fill-up the learning gaps accordingly by predicting suitable measures. Machin Learning approach like Recursive Clustering technique can be applied for analysis and predicting student’s performance. Also, Neural networks can be used for such analysis and prediction.
  1. Automated Feedback: In education system feedback is an essential part of further improvement in the teaching-learning process. Machine Learning, after analyzing the filled-up data by students and teachers comes with the objective feedback by which the assessment will be easier for students and teachers. Thus, Machine Learning eradicates human prejudice to provide feedback.
  1. Career Prediction: During the learning period in an institute, a student generates different = types of data through marks achieved in the examination, achievement in a competition, presenting in conference, participating in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, developing projects, etc. Machine Learning after considering these data as features can predict the career path in multiple options using a decisive algorithm (such as Decision Tree). It is a great benefit for a fresher who has difficulty in identifying the correct career path and Machine Learning has proved to gain better accuracy than human counseling.

The above-mentioned areas are not only the aspects where Machine Learning has been applied. The other aspects such as curriculum development, conduction of examination, preparation of schedule, development of lecture plan, searching proper content for a particular student are also been endorsed by the Machine Learning algorithm. Also, Machine Learning is used for testing and evaluating various educational software with the use of algorithms like Artificial Neural Network, Decision Trees, Genetic Algorithm, Bayesian Learning, etc.


 Though I am concluding this blog, it is the beginning of a new era of education or learning process where knowledge is imparted in an optimized and intelligent manner. The use of Machine Learning is going to reshape the educational process into a highly personalized learning environment where students and teachers can identify and use their potentiality at the highest level. The application of Machine Learning in the educational process will not replace the human teaching method rather it improves and enhances the existing methods. It will simplify each task and leads to the effective completion for both the entity with the slow adoption of Machine Learning models. An ample amount of training and awareness programs are required to adopt this method of AI/ML-based teaching-learning. We hope to see a future where learning is no more considered as a tedious task.

Further Readings 


Is Corona a curse to human or boon to the world!

 “Novel Coronavirus” is the only name all over the world’s newspaper now. It was started to spread by the end of 2019 and people became aware of this for the last two months. Even Hollywood has started making a movie recently on this named “Coronavirus: A silent killer”- wow!! Though in the age of globalization, diplomats have commented on this, “the world is a victim of political conspiracies”. But that’s not a big deal for us as we are disrupted from normal life today.

Now the noticeable fact is where the world is heading. So, first of all, we need to think about what do we mean by ‘the world’? In 1878, seeing the Taj Mahal one ambassador of British king said, “there are two kinds of people-one who have seen the Taj Mahal and another who has never seen Taj Mahal”. In the same way, the world can be divided into two- world with human and without human. Without human!! We can never think of it. Even we understand the whole world means all people of the world.

This time we are going to think biologically the “human” species as five other species, just to see where Corona is taking the future of the earth. After that, we will see what is the position of “human- the best creature” in the coming world. So, the overall discussion of the subject is from the point of view of nature and human. We have to judge on both sides.

So, we shall look at the position of the world in terms of the evolution of human civilization from beginning to present day. In the history of human civilization, the day human discovered fire, probably set fire to the coffin of their death. However, if the discovery is blocked, the development of knowledge, in fact, the whole nation is blocked. So without going into the context of how many blessings or curses science has, in today’s civilization, notably, human disease is healing the world.

Lockdown is going on worldwide today. When the species that are monopolized all over the world are house captive, it is easy to see that along with human captivity, artificiality is also a hindrance. So, human civilization started giving nature the gift of pollution is off now. News says O3 is filling its gap itself. Migratory birds that were deprived of their regular arrival due to natural causes are returning to places. Witnessing the “sacred Ganga” which was threatened by severe pollution, Kolkata and Howrah are now silent visitors. The arctic is also indirectly benefitting. The fact that “weather is also changing due to this captivity” is a testament to the misfortune of Bengali month “Baishakh”. In the stillness of all technological civilizations, the world seems to have returned from the boundaries of the old age of youth. Where environmental scientists say “Earth is becoming a fireball, the day of the submerged earth is not far away”, even Tokyo residents could not breath one morning a few years back – such an improvement in nature is truly astonishing.

So when many people think that this virus is leading the world to destruction, it can be said that it is not at least reasonable to link the death of people of the world to the destruction of the world.

Truth be told, the world is regaining its soul.

Such a line can easily be said. But, if a disease like Corona gradually leads man to the pit of death then who is left to enjoy the next beautiful world!!

An article named “Desh” was issued in the month of March in Anandabazar Patrika said, “WHO has declared the disease a pandemic and it is not possible to come to a big decision right now”. Again in this issue when lockdown did not start, the benefits of the disease were discussed in a different light. They believe people would be habituated with precautionary measures like using a mask, hand wash, etc. against pollution.

So this time the only question remains is who will enjoy the beauty of the future? Incidentally, the devastation of Spanish flu in 1920 was also fatal. The only difference is that the media did not improve that time and the scientific methods of taking statistical data may not be as public as it is now. Yet that was a terrible chapter in history. Again that chapter has other benefits. After world war I, the world was thought to have survived some of the most horrific political democracy. And now it is needless to say a clean world is waiting because of Corona.

Corona will end sooner or later.

Then what? Undoubtedly, where the world’s economy will stand is a matter of concern. However, since the beginning of the 20th century, a large scale of a direct or indirect way of pollution has been one of the leading causes of human death- which will be lesser because of Corona, it may be said.

But overall, one thing can never be good or bad. Especially when it comes to life and death. Yet, is it wrong to call it the good side of Corona?

Career with Drone Technology

A Drone is an airborne robot that can work remotely or freely in assistance with on-board sensors and GPS using software-controlled flight strategy in its system. It is a smaller type unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) .The operation of a drone is controlled by remote. Sometimes we use quad copter which is also a type of drone. It is  a small remote-operated aircraft like a helicopter, with four rotor/blades that go around on top, used particularly to take pictures of things from air.

How quad copter/drone work:

Quad copter is a particular category of drone that is operated by four rotors so it is called a quad-rotor or a quad-rotor helicopter. Quad copters normally use two couples of indistinguishable propellers; two clockwise (CW) and two anticlockwise (ACW). These utilize independent deviation of the speed of each rotor to get control to maintain balance. By continuously varying the speed of rotor it is possible to produce a desired total  force; to locate for the centre of force both longitudinally and tangentially; and generate a required torque. Drone is a broad area of any category of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) which is not restricted to only four rotors. Drones are either controlled by remote control or by on board computers.

Basic concepts of quad copter/drone and helicopter is almost same but differ in structure. Quad-copter use rotors which are able to change pitch of the blades as they rotate around the rotor hub. But anyway earlier prototypes were very limited and performance of quad-copter was very poor. But recently the components of Basic Drone belongs to advanced microcontroller along with embedded firmware resulted low-cost lightweight flight controllers, Inertial measurement Unit, GPS (Global Positioning System) and cameras. Conventional Helicopters are having more mechanical complexity, size is bigger and also cost is high. The blades size of quad-copter are smaller and they acquire low kinetic energy, lowering their ability to cause break. If blade size increases their momentum also increases and this gives negative impact on control. Quad copters are steadier than helicopters due to the suitable understanding of the centre of gravity.

Utilization of Drones and Quad copters in various areas

Drones are mostly used in   military aircraft. They carry attacks, carry out surveillance and based on that provide rescue operations. Drones can be utilised in commercial uses. They can carry medicines from medical stores and provide service to patients. Drone discovers its use in airborne Photography/ Videography. Drones are also helpful for farmers and Agriculture drone also came into market. Presently Amazon (Online Market) also uses Drone for shipping and delivery purposes. . In few countries drones used to report and authenticate   news on events that include wars, earthquake or illegal activities in huge crowd.

Quad-copter can be also used for photography and aerial videos but with limited height and distance. In quad copter, utilization of radio frequency is also restricted and remote control is having limited operation. Recreational quad copters are commonly subject to lower directives than other types of drones. Quad copters are usually used for fun.

Finally we know the use of drones to collect geographic data has quickly been accepted by the geographic data collection community as an important data assembling tool. So moral and legal related issues about collecting geographic data using drones can be categorised into four main areas: licence policy/regulation, privacy, safety/security, and noise.

Job Opportunity in   Drone Industry:

Drone skill has wide applications in various areas. In the coming days, its variety will more expand and unfalteringly figure our daily needs. From surveillance to agriculture to manufacture to surveying to constructions to smart cities, drone expertise is more and more being organized to improve effectiveness and finally productivity. So after completion of Engineering if students have knowledge of Drone Technology along with project based learning then they are having lots of job opportunity in various companies. Around 50 companies are working under drone in India. Indiairstrobotics, Aerotics Technology, Hire and Freeze Manpower Solution, Aarav Unmanned Systems, Aurora Integrated Systems pvt Ltd, Drone Aviation Etc.

Quad copter







Why Sociology? And that too in Adamas University

The answer to the question, ‘what is sociology?’ is a very simple one – the study of society. It is the subject matter that is difficult to define. Sociology as a subject includes everything under its name, it is interrelated to all social science subjects, and all that’s happening in the society. The subject matter of sociology is related to other fields of study such as political science, geography, economics, and even natural sciences like physics, chemistry, etc. Hence, while studying the subject, we are often exposed to subjects like political sociology, economic sociology and developmental sociology.

Sociology is a social science which helps to understand the way society works. Those who study sociology will be able analysing sociological issues and devising potential solutions and improvements, perhaps by addressing social inequalities relating to factors such as class, gender, race and poverty.

Sociologists look at the human society both past and present, gaining insight into how societies develop and organize themselves. Topics covered on a sociology degree can be incredibly wide-ranging depending on your interests. Sociology students will learn about the social causes and consequences of common human experiences and issues. This knowledge can then be used across multiple sectors, from politics to social welfare.

Sociology is a vast field and there are different areas where one can specialize in with the advent of one’s studies and career. There are experts who study behaviour of children, deal with problems of adolescents, decode criminal behaviour and action, assist students to broaden their horizon and become able enough to conduct an effective communication, analyse and solve their problems and so much more. One can choose from the many options present and think of making his career in the world of Sociology. There is no vertical specialisation when it comes to sociology.

Being a sociologist asks for a lot of patience and dedication to their work. Employers will look for people with good communication and research skills along with the capacity for detailed observation. Since you’d be required to solve problems along with diagnosing them, so you must have a strong sense of problem solving along and critical thinking.

On the other hand Sociology would mean the scientific study of human social behaviour. It includes origin and development of organization and different institution. Sociology will not only help you comprehend the human behaviour more easily but also help to know more about its cause and consequence. Sociology is more of a subject where the student will have to be patient and have an eye for detail to understand the behaviour of human beings through their social interactions, and understand how societies organize, develop and change. Your education in Sociology can open many arenas for you.

Some of the many career options of Sociology

  1. Community and youth work

Community and youth development are common yet incredibly important fields in which to pursue sociology careers. The focus here lies with social welfare amongst young and vulnerable people as well as the wider community, on both a local and at national scale. Often these roles have close involvement with social politics, particularly regarding social care, education, community involvement, poverty, rehabilitation and healthcare. Studying sociology will help develop the knowledge needed to work in community development, including awareness of how laws and regulations affect society with strong interpersonal skills. Common roles in community and youth work include roles as community officer, social worker, carer, youth worker, equality and diversity officer and sports development officer.

  1. Counselling and therapy

Studying sociology could provide a way into counselling and therapy careers. While a psychology degree is a more typical route into professional psychology careers, counsellors and therapists can come from numerous backgrounds. The main attributes required are strong interpersonal, communication and critical thinking skills and an ability to empathize without judgment. Counselling and therapy roles mean working closely with a diverse range of people – individuals, couples and/or groups – helping them to talk through and overcome an array of problems.

  1. Education

For careers in primary and secondary education, a sociology degree could provide you with relevant knowledge of education in society, as well as the child development process, and even the laws of the playground. Although a background in sociology provides a solid foundation for careers in education, a professional teaching qualification is also often required (B.ED), usually taking two years to complete. For careers in higher education, postgraduate qualifications are often a prerequisite – you’ll typically need at least a master’s degree, and often a PhD. At this level you’ll likely be working within your own specialization in a teaching (professor) and/or research capacity. Job roles include lecturer, tutor and researcher; many of those working in academia combine several of these functions, while focusing on writing papers for publication in journals and books.

  1. Public service

Careers in public service often focus on similar issues to those addressed in community development roles. Potential public service jobs for sociology graduates include roles in social and welfare services, public health services, the voluntary sector, criminal justice, probation and prison services, rehabilitation and housing services. Social researchers are also needed to track societal developments across the public service sector. Employers often look for analytical and critical thinking skills, cross-cultural understanding, ability to collaborate and present complex information, awareness of current laws and regulations in the sector and solid interpersonal skills. Which ultimately helps in preparation of the competitive exams needed for getting into public services. 

  1. Careers in business

Combining a background in sociology with a career in business opens up a huge range of potential career paths and sectors. Business careers span every industry, incorporating roles in marketing, statistics, research, public relations (PR), recruitment, human resources (HR) and more. Those who study sociology are likely to have the strong analytical skills needed to make it in the business world, as well as the critical thinking skills needed to make connections and find solutions to business issues.

  1. Careers in marketing

A knowledge of the complexity of human societies and behaviour is extremely helpful for pursuing careers in marketing. Marketers focus on targeting messages to different sections of society, identifying the needs of different demographics and acting accordingly. An understanding of how to categorize and analyse different subsections within society will help with the creation and targeting of marketing campaigns, with the statistical and analytical skills gained during a sociology degree providing an excellent background for effective work in this field.

  1. Careers in politics, activism and the charity sector

Sociologists’ knowledge of society, patterns of social relationships and the culture of everyday life is important in order to question the status quo in society, in matters such as race, class and gender equality. If you want to use the skills and knowledge gained during your degree to make society better, you could consider careers within the charity sector, local and national politics, or by becoming a political activist. Entry-level roles in professional politics may require a relevant postgraduate degree. But many roles are available to bachelor’s graduates who can demonstrate the passion for the sector alongside skills in conducting research and analysing complex data, awareness of current affairs and the ability to argue, reasoning and persuasion.

  1. Consumer Relations

A sociologist often has an understanding of the complexities of human nature and can apply the tools to understand the behaviour and formulate reports on it. Consumer relations involves understanding the requirements of the customer, the various factors that are involved in changing the requirements of the customer, etc. There are various other fields that require the knowledge of sociologists, such as public litigation, policymaking, etc. There is also social media that has changed the way people communicate or view each other, and the subject of sociology helps us understand this phenomenon among various others.

  1. Journalism

Journalism requires one to develop an understanding of a phenomenon and provide an unbiased opinion on that. Analytical and critical thinking accompanied by excellent communication skills are a must if one wants to become a journalist. A sociology major is taught various methods and approaches of studying a social phenomenon. Sociology majors learn the various methods and approaches of studying a societal phenomenon such as conducting interviews, case studies and surveys. A typical sociology class often involves heated discussions and debates where the individual is supposed to share their ideas and views on a topic. You are also exposed to assignments where employing critical and analytical thinking is essential. These learnings can very well be implemented while taking up a career in journalism. 

Why ADAMAS University?

Adamas University has world class facilities, with specialised faculties, who guide throughout the entire span of degree. In Adamas you can opt for all UGC acknowledged full time courses like B.A, M.A, M.Phil, and PhD in Sociology as major subject. As we all know by now, that Sociology is a very important subject or paper to be considered in competitive exam, because it is both very informative, all-encompassing and updated to study and get through the exams. On one hand sociology as a subject can be studied here and on the other hand, all the allied subjects like logic, reasoning, G.K, English, history etc. can be studied here too. Because in Adamas University, you will get after college evening classes, where these things are helped with.  Thus come to Adamas and explore the horizon.

An Insight of Career Perspectives in Construction Industry


Building Construction have always been admired career options for students. Abundant varieties of skills are required for construction industry which implies portentous career perspectives. The career paths of budding engineers can be diversified once they specialized in their area of interest. Large opportunities are there in construction industry to make a start-up company and become boss for their own business. This industry exhibits different forms of career paths covering various aspects of construction activities. A statistical study says that 4 million skilled Civil Engineers are required to complete the roll-out project available in the market. Here let’s try to get a glimpse out of this in detail.

Career Opportunities – A Review:

The construction industry is partitioned into two sectors- (i) Construction of Housing, Institutional and Commercial Buildings and (ii) Infrastructural Development.

  1. Housing, Institutional and Commercial Buildings

Residential, Institutional and Commercial buildings are the major parts of construction in the globe. Due to its comprehensive presence and equally grandiose job opportunities residential construction is usually appraised as a separate sector. Opportunities of working on mighty construction projects for renowned companies are available in this sector. Always there is a greater opportunity for growth in construction sector for the young and dynamic engineer who is ready work hard and smart; from a humble junior engineer to a project head. Apart from this there is wide spectrum of opportunities are there in the field of maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation area. We all know that the Commercial, entertainment and institutional buildings are accountable for the economic and social well being development. Hence huge jobs are there also for construction. Let us put forth straight like this,  whatever may be the project either it may be housing, commercial, health, educational and industrial, nearly 60 percent of the total budgeted investment need to be spent for constructing operational building. The abovementioned opportunities are demand knowledgeable people in the areas of designing, detailing, supervising, estimating, managing and controlling the projects. The detailed job requisites are listed below.

  • Planning Engineer: The role of a planning engineer is to prepare the time schedule of the project and fix the target date of completion of different activities.
  • Structural Consultant: Provide technical guidance on secure designs and construction. They obtain planning and/or building regulations sanction and investigate configurations of the basic components of a structure.
  • Quantity Surveyor: The quantity surveyor is liable for estimating the costs, materials, and labour required to accomplish a project. They competent enough to use relevant software and very much able to communicate with the site engineers in terms of cost of construction.
  • Building Information Modelling (BIM) Analysts: The role of the BIM Analyst is to carry out analyses and simulations based on the BIM model (US GSA, 2009), e.g., building performance study, circulation and security examination. This specialist can work in Drafting and Design Firms, and also as a Design Consultant.
  • Site Engineer: The role site engineer as a mediator between the field workers and the management office to ascertain effective communication. Apart from this, they are liable for any problems or conflicts that may come up between the field and the office.
  • Construction Manager: The job of the construction manager is to plan, operate, lead and control the construction project to mange time and cost. They are the key persons in the organization to formulate strategic planning, managing and controlling of men, machine, and materials involved in the construction project.
  • Procurement Engineer: The job of procurement engineer is to purchase materials, equipments and other service requirements for successful construction operation. Their essential skill-sets are to recognize quality materials, equipments and the relevant suppliers who will provide those with optimal cost to the company.
  • Maintenance Engineer: Maintenance Engineers are liable for the fixing and maintenance of industrial equipment and existing buildings. They perform routine equipment safeguarding, troubleshoot issues, and make onsite maintenance when required.
  • Safety Engineer: He is the in-charge for preparing safety rules and regulation of the job site to provide safety to all. He is responsible for monitoring and controlling labours health and safety at work place.
  1. Infrastructural Development:

The construction of roads, bridges, railways, airports, harbour, water, sewer, power sectors, oil and gas pipe lines all are covered under one umbrella called infrastructures. All of us knew that different central and state government schemes are announced in the budget for infrastructural projects, especially 100 smart cities have been identified and the project is in development stage which unveiling abundant career opportunities and high-paying jobs in planning, operation, maintenance and control. This highly expensive massive scale projects will take several years to get completed and requires hard working and committed employees who even work under difficult situations. These projects are real job providers for Civil Engineering students for numerous years, but one must ready to work flexible enough across the geographic boundary and time. The job profiles included in this sector are:

  • Design Engineer: He is the key person in industry who is responsible for new strategies, creating new avenues for business, products and systems.
  • Highway Engineer: Highway engineers are specialized in building highways and calculate total funding of the project. They explore new machines and technology, new pavement designs, and enhanced maintenance operations. This research is the origin for well-planned and well-built highways.
  • Sanitary Engineer: Sanitary engineers are involved in the projects such as water and waste water treatment, composting wastes to produce fertilizer and energy recovery from the waste materials by following regulatory norms of the government bodies.
  • Quality Controller: A quality control engineer is responsible for planning, extending and executing the quality management systems in the construction sector. 

How to Get Started for this Dream Career?

There are multiple of courses being referred at college level which can mould a beginner for a career in construction. A 4-year Civil Engineering Programme can be pursued in a university by keeping into mind the future prospect of the course. Further specialization Courses like Structural Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geo Technical Engineering, and Smart Infrastructures can be beneficial in this regard. While pursuing these courses, internship with leading general builders and core branch engineering companies may give a good grasp for future running.

On a Concluding Note:

The field of construction is a chief employment originator. It promotes the society during economic recession. So choosing a career in this field or being a part of this field is very praiseworthy. With an appropriate perception of the industry and the various amenities it provides aspirants, those undeniably have an affluent and worthwhile career.

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