Bureaucracy: Fascination for Power

“Bureaucracy is the art of making the possible impossible.”- Javier Pascual Salcedo 

Bureaucracy in modern India started its journey with the handholding of the British. Since, it’s initial days it is a fascination among Indians both fear and desire. During the British empire used to function through its bureaucratic setup. It connects the metros with the outpost of the empire. After the breakup of the empire, bureaucracy setup has been adopted by the former colonies. 

Bureaucrats are the office holders who serve the executive functions of the government in India. The bureaucrats are responsible for implementing the policies of the government. People working as bureaucrats face lots of challenges in their career too. Also, they enjoy various benefits from the government. Combining these pros and cons, millions of aspirants every year try their luck in respective exams with the hope of getting selected as a bureaucrat. 

The following points enlist the reasons behind the craze among the people for being bureaucrats. 

1) Secure life with a decent salary: In this competitive world, money is the most essential instrument for leading a happy and a peaceful life. The job of a bureaucrat offers a handsome starting salary with high increments along with promotions. The office holders can lead a standard life with their families. This makes the job so attractive among the people. 

2) Facilities: The government provides lots of facilities to the bureaucrats including electricity allowance, travelling allowance, telephone, internet, and so on. They get residential apartments too from the government. All these factors add security to their life and make it smooth. 

3) Attracted by the position: The volume of immense authority and power given to the bureaucrats, make the position very demanding. The bureaucrats are in the charge of complete control over an area allotted to them. They are respected and saluted by the entire population of that area. This image about the bureaucrats is created in the minds of the people who aspire for the jobs. This particular image is passed from one person to another which increases the number of aspirants every year. 

4) Willing to control the policies and administration: The society runs as per the government’s policies and interventions. So, in order to control the good and bad happenings in the society, one has to stay in touch with the respective organs of the government. The civil servants can directly stay in touch with the leaders who frame the policies and run the administration. So, they can directly influence the society through their actions and decisions. The bureaucrats can alter any malpractices rife in the society. People who are willing to take that role have craze for being bureaucrats. 

5) Influenced by the social media. The social media these days play a significant role in generating new civil service aspirants each day. The coaching institutes offering courses for preparation for civil service examinations site examples of some successful aspirants who got selected as bureaucrats. 

They add audio and visual effects to the images and videos of those bureaucrats to charge the viewers for being civil service aspirants. Then they advertise about their coaching institutes and enlist the courses offered and facilities given. All these activities generate new craze among the people for becoming bureaucrats. 

These are some of the major factors that makes people desire to become bureaucrats. Not only this field has positive sides, but also it involves many challenges, the initial challenge being the selection as a bureaucrat. So, one must choose their career option wisely and not get influenced by any external lures from friends, relatives or the people involved in the business with the aspirants. 

Millennials Studying Political Science/International relations from a Liberal Arts perspective

Critical thinking and understanding a wide array of subjects is a necessity for the millennials due to the ever changing world scenario. As rightly stated by Jan Ludert, the ‘liberal arts skills’, ‘serve as stepping-stones … for a wide range of possible careers’ (Lüdert 2020).

What is Liberal Studies? An area that encompasses knowledge from a wide array of disciplines be it core subjects of Humanities and Social Sciences, this includes disciplines like Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Creative Arts, History, Literature, etc. A knowledge in such varied field had proven to be a boon for the experts and for the International representative at national and international forum and committees. Similarly, “A discipline in International Relations has grown over the years and so are the opportunities. Varied professions such as Area Studies, Peace Studies, Conflict resolution, think tanks etc. have also emerged and the need for skilled professionals with expertise in international politics is on a rise,”

Understanding Political Science/International Relations:

The interconnectedness between Political Science and International Relations explore the concept of sharing and shaping of power at different levels. An understanding of these liberal disciplines provides an edge over the systematic understanding of the world scenario and provide a better solution to the world problems. Students learning and exploring the subject from an interdisciplinary perspective provide them a holistic approach of the subject. These sort of knowledge gathering and learning at college and university level provide them to become more pragmatic and problem solvers at a very early stage of their academic career. They tend to become an effective and ‘ignited’ minds to contribute towards policymaking/suggestions for issues pertaining to national and International issues.

Interconnectedness of the Liberal disciplines:

Subjects like Political Sociology, Political Economy, Political Psychology, Geo-psychology or Psephology have evolved over the period of time and gaining expertise in these fields along with the core papers of Political Science and International relations are opening up news avenues for a secured and better career prospects. These areas of expertise provide a better working environment as a policy think tank representative, decision makers for national and International bodies, NGO’s, NPO’s, Government institutions, etc.

‘The subject knowledge of these Liberal disciplines not only gives an insight into world politics but also enhances their critical thinking. A better understanding of international relation helps to mitigate world problems’.

What next?

Be the problem solver, and become the part of the world which is going through tremendous world problems, be it fight for land and resources for national interest, struggle to keep the environment clean and from understanding of economic issue with cross boarder challenges. You can learn the world and can provide a better solution for a better future. You join the process to Learn more, unlearn a few and to relearn Political Science and International relations from a liberal perspective that will make the world a better place and to solve ‘wicked problems’.

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