The recent worldwide lockdown is not a historical change but a paradigm shift of the society from modern and post modern to hyper modernity. This ushers a fabulous global transformation in every step of human life Although people are facing some daily problem of basic needs, I am highly optimistic about it. Here my main concern is about the situation in the Indian subcontext. Before this halt in life, different media houses exposed that the government of India is signing and declared that India will be a digital India. When this idea was published in the newspspers, magazines etc. , we could never realized the gravity of this slogan. Suddenly “Ghar Bandi”(stay at home) model has modified our traditional conversation into a virtual conversation. This is not a curse but blessings for the Indian people to be acquainted more with the latest information technologies in an Information Age.. While some may consider the Digital Divide to be a national crisis, others may consider it to an overvalued non-issue. Actually the Digital Divide refers to the perceived gap between those who have access to and those who do not.

Europe, America and Australia have already reached to that highest level through their digital development and now they are more dependent on e – card rather than paper but the people are not dissociated whereas Indian scenarios are different compared to these countries. The fuzzy myth is prevailing that if the digital divide continues to exist then India might be in a different position and the dissociation may affect the whole country. Here lies the misunderstanding between development and under development .As a result India is also following the same path as high tech core countries to a certain extent did. Indian society was adopting all kinds of modern e – gadgets according to choice.

So the sudden lockdown has created such a situation that either people have to use digitalized apparatus or die for illiteracy. It’s like a flood when there is nothing to do except to hold one paddy straw for survival in the water . People are now forcefully adopting digital gadgets as otherwise they have got no choice. There is a widespread concern that the Internet is exacerbating inequalities with regard to information between the rich and poor and sudden digitalization has created man as a machine over night.

This mechanization of digital dependence is not a curse but a boon in the present social structure as people are more concerned about timely work keeping in mind the importance of space and motivation towards work situation through the use of computer ,i-pad, phone with so many apps like Zoom, TCSion, google classroom, e-seminar,video conference and so on. This has created a new kind of consciousness that like core /developed countries , they can easily be well equipped with the modern form of digital use . This is a new engine of New India through which Indian people can achieve success for generation after generation.

Indigenous products may create peoples’ lives more smooth and through mass involvement of virtual gadgets which in turn can provide a safe ,great and free life. Till today we are running with low speed but now speed is our motto of high digitalization. It can proliferate across India.

It forecasts a better future ,more luxury, accommodative and an e- journey without hassle .It will not only bind rural, urban ,suburban and cosmopolitan cities but also make a bridge without any hardship. We can say that it is connecting mind with hyper active measures through visual and sometimes non visual networks. We shall “Bande mata, Bharat Mata” ( bow to our Mother India) from Kashmir to Kanyakumarika, from Asia to Europe and America .We can proudly utter “Made in India” with boldness.

India can save its capital from unnecessary expenditures. Refurbishment of e-technology and networking system can facilitate India’s fund in the Reserve Bank which can further create refurbishment in man’s necessities. India can prove its sustainability in the long run without the assistance of other countries. India will be the Gateway to superfast growth .


A new kind of academic flavor will come up which deals with high tech-savvy highly digitalized syndrome that will surpass all other traditional mechanism in the education sector .The new pattern of education system may create one second distance mode of education which is available irrespective of Rural-Urban barriers and can be made accessible to all sections of pupils in India. This neo-digital education system may create a new path for the new generation of our country. Highly digitalized education system can be less economic oriented but made available to all sections of the society. As a result a new employment opportunity will grow that can dilute the rural urban division.


The common view is that the Indian public cares less about women folk , as a result, most of the women stay at home. They are either dependent on their father or on their husband and son for the whole life. Through digitalized instrumentation, they can get the opportunity for empowerment instead of living with their disengaged condition. The growth of female citizens may bring the country’s speedy prosperity.

At a glance ,this new system will be conducive to gear up new sectors which is still unknown area to us. This is an epoch making process for the growth of this nation .This journey is a positive reverse journey towards a New India.


Impact of lockdown on Digital Divide:

We humans are presently surviving in Network Society (the term coined by renowned sociologist, Manual Castells) which is driven by global networking, information, knowledge, technology, competence, and surveillance. Since the inception of Information Technology revolution and computing technology, the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has been profound intervening in every sphere of network society.

The concept of ‘Digital Divide’, however was conceived much later, when it was widely observed that digital technology was not uniformly accessed by all, and the divide in access to digital technology has created wide disparities in the society on several counts. The issue became increasingly noticed as the divide increased with every development of digital technology, from broadband connections, to WIFI, smart phones, and 4G connections. However, besides producing a positive impact on society in terms of effective networking and communication facilities for all people, ICT has also produced negative impact on society  one of them being Digital Divide!!

Digital Divide involves the lag between those individuals, groups, businesses and geographical areas at different socio-economic levels with regards to their opportunities to access ICTs and Internet for various purposes in everyday life (Brousseau E. & Curien.N, 2007). It actually refers to the division of society into two groups  between those who are economically able to benefit from the economy (haves) and those who are excluded from the beneficiary (have nots). This shows that digital divide perpetuates the class based exploitation of society (as referred by Karl Marx) and is a major product of socio-economic inequalities in society.

Sociological implications of Digital Divide during Lockdown:

The concept of digital divide is mainly based on two more concepts: democracy and market economy. It varies locally, regionally, nationally and internationally among various countries and their inhabitants. The concept of ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ plays an important role here. At this present juncture of social change our society is very much dependent on digital platform and thus, is making the society into two categories again- the information rich and information poor (Dragulanescu 2002). Internet connection is playing an important role here. People who have proper internet connection can be a part of this digital society and people who do not have the access properly are lacking behind in this race of post-modern era. A very important variable should be noticed here. People who does not have proper internet connection does not always necessarily imply that they do not have proper economic resources to buy it.

Despite having economic resources people may not have proper internet access. It depends on the region where they live. That means who do not have the economic resources were already there in the category of information poor and now the second category of people joined them who have the economic resources but cannot have the access of proper internet because of the regional internet problems. Now, we all can have a rough idea of the ratio of information rich and information poor in this present situation. It has been seen that women and aged group of our society are vulnerable in this context of getting information poor. Thus, a new concept of ‘poverty’ encroaches our society that is not strictly bounded by Marxian concept of ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’.

This digital divide also divides the countries in terms of information rich and information poor, the distinction including developed and developing countries. The sphere of social interaction is going through a massive change with this new emerging ‘must do’ of social distancing. The concept takes a critical shape when we think about human being as a social animal and being human with social distancing! It is thus reflecting on the mental and physiological health of not only of a particular human being but society at large.

The digital divide is very quickly engulfing the sectors like education, health and religion and thus making a democratic country difficult to maintain its democracy where these are the basic rights of a human being. Situation becomes worse when we go to villages from mega cities. Thus, our society is in a constant threat of becoming imbalanced in its digital platform that is now dominating and moulding our entire society for a new change. We are not only making ‘history’, we are experiencing ‘history’ at the same time. So, it is our responsibility to try to reduce this digital divide to maintain the democracy in its every possible way.

Impact of Lockdown on various sectors of India:

Over the last few weeks, government responses to arrest the spread of the coronavirus pandemic have brought massive disruptions to Indians’ economic lives. The people feeling those disruptions most viscerally include the millions of workers left jobless by shuttered restaurants, hotels, and retail stores, plummeting air and rail travel, and emptied museums, casinos, and sports stadiums. Among them the daily wage earners and migrant workers are most affected. Due to lockdown, they are all stranded in different cities, far from family feeling helpless.

The plight of these individuals and their families motivated the administration to enact significant increases to unemployment benefits, assistance to small businesses, and direct payments to individuals working in private concerns. Now, however, leaders most prominently at the local level must provide affected workers with information and connections to not only federal assistance, but also local emergency “bridge” programs that can help them while they await support. The vulnerable sectors that are being affected by Lockdown include daily wage earners, migrant labourers, retail, and even railways.

Until now one knows what is digital divide and how it differentiates between the haves and have nots. One has to keep in mind that major migrant and daily wage earners reside in metropolitan cities in India. This digital divide has made them more secluded and ostracized from mainstream society as they are not economically well-off to use the digital medium. The advantages digitalization is providing to the learned or economically strong people are incomparable with the miseries which these workers and labourers are encountering due to the pandemic crisis.

We have to keep in mind that major migrant and daily wage earners are found in metro cities of India


Transportation, retail, hotels, and restaurants/bars are ubiquitous industries in and around Indian cities. As a result, large numbers of residents in major metro areas rely on immediate-risk industries for employment.


Sectors such as retail, food service, and arts/entertainment have traditionally provided gateway jobs for younger people getting started in their careers, people working part time or seasonally, and people with lower levels of educational attainment. These industries face immediate risks from the pandemic, resulting in a set of vulnerable workers with a distinct demographic profile. 


The nature of immediate-risk industries, and the demographic profiles of their workforce, combine to result in vulnerable workers experiencing below-average earnings and greater overall economic insecurity.

Lockdown and Digital Divide in Education sector:

Certain social implications are involved in the concept of digital divide which is mainly caused by socio-economic inequality to access the information and communication technologies for the purpose of studies, banking facilities and even leisure. This lockdown phase has brought forth various problems due to digital divide for various sectors of the society  one of the sectors which have been affected by this socio-economic technological inequality is the education sector.

With the entire world coming to stagnation due to the lockdown caused by the pandemic crisis of COVID-19, most of the educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities) have tried their best to keep the classes alive through the virtual teaching-learning pedagogy.

While there are educational institutions which are trying their best to conduct online classes through various technological medium, some students from remote areas studying in government schools/colleges/ universities have become victims of the socio-economic technological inequality due to their poor socio-economic background. For these economically backward students, attending classes over the digital medium is like a dream which can never be fulfilled in reality!  An icing on the cake is the poor quality of cyber-infrastructure of the educational institutions of the public sector. Such situation mostly does not prevail in rural areas where a handful of the students can access the internet since they neither possess proper internet connection, nor are they economically able to own a desktop or laptop. Such lack of proper facilities of cyber infrastructure of the schools, colleges and universities of rural areas has posed the problem of Digital Divide faced by students. Thereby, proper initiative needs to be taken in the direction of Digital Inclusion of education so that the students of the educational institutions of both public and private sectors can access proper education, devoid of being stratified and divided by the digital economy.

    1. Dr. Somdatta Mukherjee
    2. Ms Nabamita De
    3. Ms Kahini Palit

Removing psychological distance in corona days and preparing for the future

করোনার দিনগুলিতে মানসিক দূরত্ব ঘুচিয়ে ফেলে আগামীর জন্য প্রস্তুতি      

বর্তমান বিশ্বে করোনা এক মহামারীর চেহারা নিয়েছে। পৃথিবীর সবকটি মহাদেশে এবং প্রায় দুশোটি দেশে এই মারণ ভাইরাস ছড়িয়ে পড়েছে। ইতিমধ্যে মারা গেছে লক্ষাধিক মানুষ। স্বাস্থ্য ও আর্থিক পরিকাঠামোয় উন্নত ইউরোপীয় দেশগুলি এবং আমেরিকাও করোনার মৃত্যুমিছিল সামলাতে হিমসিম খাচ্ছে। ভারতবর্ষও করোনা মোকাবিলায় ইতিমধ্যেই দেশজুড়ে লকডাউন শুরু করে দিয়েছে। এক অভূতপূর্ব পরিস্থিতির মুখোমুখি আমরা। আমাদের দৈনন্দিন রুটিনটাই এখন আমূল পালটে গেছে। প্রতিদিনের অভ্যস্ত বহির্মুখী আমাদের যাপন এখন ঘরের চার দেওয়ালে বন্দি। ব্যবসা-বাণিজ্য, অফিস-আদালত, দোকান-বাজার, পাড়া-প্রতিবেশী, বন্ধু-বান্ধব সমন্বিত আমাদের যে জীবনযাপন তা এখন অনেকটাই নিয়ন্ত্রিত কিংবা একেবারে বন্ধ। বন্ধ সিনেমা হল, বন্ধ ঝাঁ-চকচকে মল, বন্ধ খেলার মাঠ, বন্ধ কফিশপ বা চায়ের দোকান। এমনকি টিভি খুললে এখন পুরানো অনুষ্ঠানের কিংবা সিরিয়ালের সম্প্রচার। জীবনটা এতোদিন বন্ধুর বিয়ের বাজনার মতো সুরে বাজছিল এখন সহসা তাল গেছে কেটে। মসৃণ গতিতে এগিয়ে চলেছিল জীবন-গাড়ীর চাকা, এখন আচমকা ব্রেক। কিংবা এ যেন তুমুল এক আলো-উৎসব-আনন্দ আয়োজন থেকে সরাসরি নিক্ষিপ্ত হওয়া অন্ধকূপে। নিজেকে ক্রমাগতই বহির্মুখী করে তোলার শিক্ষাপ্রাপ্ত মানুষ আমরা এখন নতুন করে শিখছি নিভৃত গৃহকোণও জীবনরক্ষার জন্য কতটা জরুরি।


  • মানসিক অবসাদ তৈরি হওয়া খুবই স্বাভাবিক এই পরিস্থিতিতে। জীবনকে যেভাবে এতোদিন ধরে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে উপভোগ করে এসেছি আমরা সহসা এক ভাইরাসের আক্রমণে বিপর্যস্ত হয়ে পড়েছে সবকিছু। ভাইরাসের মৃত্যুভয় যেমন একদিকে জাঁকিয়ে বসছে, সেইসঙ্গে যাপনের এই অনভ্যস্ত দায়ভার আমাদের ক্লান্ত করে তুলছে আরও বেশি। ফেসবুক বা যে কোনও সোশাল মিডিয়ায় চোখ রাখলেই বোঝা যাচ্ছে চারপাশের বেশিরভাগ মানুষই লকডাউনের এই গৃহবাসের দিনগুলিকে বন্দিদশার সঙ্গেই তুলনা করছেন। করোনাপূর্ব দিনগুলির স্মৃতিভারে তারা আচ্ছন্ন। কিন্তু বাড়িতে থাকার এই দিনগুলোকে কি শুধু বন্দিত্বের সঙ্গেই তুলনা করা চলে?


  • একটু অন্যভাবেও তো অনুভব করা যায় এই দিনগুলোকে। এমনভাবে কাটানো যায় যাতে করোনার আতঙ্কও মনের উপর জেঁকে বসতে না পারে। কাদের সঙ্গে কাটাচ্ছি আমরা এই দিনগুলো? বাবা-মা-ভাই-বোন-স্বামী-স্ত্রী-সন্তান-দাদু-ঠাকুমা –এদের সঙ্গেই তো! এরাই তো আমার পরিবার। আমার সবচেয়ে আপনজন। এদের সঙ্গে সময় কাটাতে পারিনা বলেই তো করোনা-পূর্ব দিনগুলিতে আমরা আক্ষেপ করতাম, মনখারাপ করতাম। তাহলে এই প্রিয়জনদের সঙ্গে এই সময়টুকু তো আমরা উপভোগ করেই কাটিয়ে দিতে পারি। একটু ভেবে দেখতে পারি আমরা। দৈনন্দিন কর্মব্যস্ততা, প্রতিযোগিতা, ইঁদুর দৌড় –এসবের মধ্যে আমরা বোধহয় সবচেয়ে বেশি উপেক্ষা করে এসেছি এই প্রিয়-মানুষগুলোকেই। পড়ে পাওয়া চোদ্দ আনা ভেবে নিয়ে এই সম্পর্কগুলোও যে আমাদের মনোযোগ দাবি করে, সময় দাবি করে সে কথা ভুলতে বসেছি। সবাই মনে করে দেখি তো শেষ কতদিন আগে বাবা-মায়ের সঙ্গে বসে একটা গোটা বেলা নির্ভেজাল আড্ডা দিয়ে কাটাতে পেরেছি। কোনও রেস্টুরেন্টে কৃত্রিম আলোয় নয়, কোথাও বেড়াতে গিয়ে নয়, নিজের বাড়িতে, নিজের বিছানায় নিজেদের সুখ-দুঃখের কথা, ছোটোবেলার কথা নিয়ে আড্ডা দিতে দিতে কেটে গেছে অনেকটা সময়। তারপর আচমকা হয়তো মা বলে উঠেছেন যে , এতো বেলা হয়ে গেল, ভাত বসানো হলো না। দাদুর ঘরের দরজা দিয়ে মুখ বাড়িয়ে –শরীর ঠিক আছে কি না জিগ্যেস করা ছাড়াও আরও কত কিছু নিয়ে কথা বলা যেত একসময় মনে পড়ে? মনে পড়ে সুনীল গাভাসকার বড় ব্যাটসমান না শচীন তেন্ডুলকর এই নিয়ে খুব তর্ক হতো তোমার দাদুর সঙ্গে। শেষ কবে ঠাকুমার বয়সের ভারী শীর্ণ মুখের বলিরেখাগুলোয় শান্তভাবে হাত বুলিয়েছি –মনে পড়ে? যে ভাই বা দাদার সঙ্গে বর্তমানে স্বার্থবুদ্ধি পরিচালিত আমাদের এতো সংঘাত, যার সংস্পর্শ এড়াতে হয়তো বা কেউ কেউ উঠে এসেছি স্বামী-স্ত্রী আর অ্যালসেশিয়ানের শোভিত ফ্ল্যাটে –সত্যি কি মনে পড়ে না তার সঙ্গে কাটানো শৈশব ও কৈশোরের সেই সব প্রথম সবকিছু। হাতে এখন অনেক সময়। ফোন করা যায় তাকে একটা? ছোট হয়ে যাবো? না একেবারেই না বরং ভেঙে যাওয়া সেতুটা আবার গড়েও উঠতে পারে। 


  • আসলে আধুনিক এই যন্ত্রসভ্যতায় হাজার মাইল দূরের স্বল্প-পরিচিত ব্যক্তিকে আমরা অনায়াসে আপন করে নিই ভার্চুয়ালি, কিন্তু নিজের বাড়ির আরশিনগরের বাসিন্দার খবর রাখিনা। এটাই আমাদের বাস্তব। আমাদের নিউক্লিয়ার সন্ধ্যায় তাই শুধুই মনখারাপের রাগিণী বেজে চলে। লকডাউনে কাছের মানুষদের মাঝে বসেও নিজেদের বিষাদগ্রস্ত বলে মনে হয়। উপেন্দ্রকিশোরের রচনাসমগ্রটা টেনে বের করে এনে ছেলেমেয়েকে পড়ে শোনাই আসুন রামায়ণ কিংবা মহাভারতের কাহিনি অথবা টুনটুনির গল্প। স্বামী-স্ত্রী যে যার ফোনে অনাবশ্যক সোশাল মিডিয়ায় স্ক্রল না করে দেখি ফেলি পুরানো কিংবা নতুন কিছু সিনেমা।


  • বিচ্ছিন্ন দ্বীপের মতো থাকার যে অভ্যাস আধুনিকতা আমাদের উপর চাপিয়ে দিয়েছে – করোনার দিনগুলিতে সেই নিয়ম ভেঙে একটু বের হয়ে আসি। আমাদের মধ্যবিত্ত মন আর মননের পুরানো মেজাজটা ফিরিয়ে আনি। নিজের ভয়গুলো, সমস্যাগুলো নিয়ে আলোচনা করি পরস্পরের সঙ্গে। তুমি ওসব বুঝবে না বলে মা-কে দূরে সরিয়ে না দিয়ে কাছে গিয়ে বসি। গল্প করি সবার সঙ্গে। নিজেকে প্রকাশ করি। অন্যের প্রকাশকে গুরুত্ব দিই। পরিবার মধ্যবিত্ত মানুষের সবচেয়ে বড় শক্তি। সেই শক্তির যাদু আমরা চর্চা আর মনোযোগের অভাবে হারাতে বসেছি। বাইরের পৃথিবী বিধ্বস্ত হচ্ছে।


  • বাড়িতে আইসোলেশনে বসে থাকা ছাড়া এখন আমাদের কিছুই করার নেই। করোনা-যুদ্ধে এটাই আমাদের একমাত্র অস্ত্র। সেই অবসরে আমাদের অন্দরমহলটিকে এখন আমরা আবার রঙচঙে করিয়ে নিতে পারি। সম্পর্কের রেখাগুলোর উপর জমতে থাকা ধুলো উড়িয়ে দিতে পারি সহজেই। আর তা পারলেই ঘরে থাকার এই দিনগুলো আর বন্দিদশা বলে মনে হবে না। বাইরের আলো যখন নিভে এলো তখন ভিতরের আলো জ্বালিয়ে রাখাই দরকার। সেই আলোর জোরেই আমারা উঠে দাঁড়াতে পারবো। করোনা মহামারী নিশ্চয়ই কেটে যাবে।


  • কিন্তু বিশেষজ্ঞদের অভিমত আমাদের সামজিক ও আর্থিক ক্ষেত্রে এই ভাইরাস-হানার এক সুদূরপ্রসারী প্রভাব দীর্ঘদিন বজায় থাকবে। বিশ্বব্যাপী মন্দা গ্রাস করবে। লক্ষ লক্ষ মানুষ চাকরি খোয়াবে। দরিদ্ররা হারাবে তাদের শেষ সম্বলটুকু। কিসের জোরে আমরা সেই দীর্ঘমেয়াদী লড়াইয়ে নামব? এই প্রিয় মানুষেরা, আত্মার আত্মজনেরাই সেই লড়াইয়ে আমাদের শক্তি জোগাবে। আমরা শক্তি জোগাবো তাদের।

Impact of Info-Savvy Skills in Digital Learning

In the time of globalization, the blast of technologies is affecting the world in more ways that can be envisioned. The quick transmission of data and information has empowered cross-border collaborations to be more effectively executed, subsequently permitting organizations to be run more proficiently.

Technology has encouraged nowadays bringing an outlook change in the way education used to be worked. Creative and critical thinking as well as and problem solving skills are now much more in demand. According to the demand of human beings, educators are also emphasizing these new skills in educational curricular reviews. The use of information and communication technologies in education is seen as a way to produce a more educated knowledge-based work force. World Education Report of UNESCO noticed that the new advancements challenge traditional originations both of teaching and learning and by reconfiguring how educators and learners access information can possibly change teaching and learning processes.

Education has never been met with so much change so quickly as in the era of technology. Educators also take the challenges to cope up with these constant changes and acquire various skills that are needed to move with these rapid changes.  In this time of Information and availability all members of the society, whether student, teacher, or parent need to know where to find out exact information. After getting information we need the skills to assess whether the information is valid or not. Finally making good judgment about how to use the information in our lives, personally and professionally, to improve ourselves and the world around us is imperative. So, we can say that, for searching information on the Internet certain skills are required which are called Info Savvy Skills. These skills help us to acquire definite information through internet.  It is helpful for a student to build him/her a successful teacher in future.

Info- Savvy Skills implies thinking systematically and objectively, analysing scientifically, able to use quantitative and qualitative procedure in data collection and interpretation, able to assess and compute by applying digital media, ICT and also naturally. When one is having all these skills is known as Info-Savvy. It also involves use of internet and keeping oneself up to date regarding searching a matter on Internet.

There are five Info-Savvy skills like Asking Skill, Accessing Skill, Analysing Skill, Applying Skill and Assessing Skill.

  1. Asking Skill:

Asking Skill is the first or initial skill of Info-Savvy Skill. Here, teacher represents a topic in front of the students and tell them to ask questions from the topic to the teacher. Teacher uses internet resources to reorganize the question related matter. This skill has following components –

  • Identifying the Specific Problem: Firstly we have to identify the topic related problem.
  • Identifying exact Key-words and Forming related Question: After identifying the problem we have to identify the key-words related to the problem also frame the questions around that problem.
  • Brain-storming: With the help of Brain-storming technique, we have to conceptualize various things related to the problem and also shape their key words and questions more systematically.
  • Divergent Thinking: We don’t think in one direction only for the problem but think for various alternatives also. They frame many hypotheses on that particular questions related to the problem.
  • Listening properly, Viewing sharply and Speaking critically: To get the correct information, we should Listen Properly, view all the details related to the problems sharply and also speak in proper structure, socially acceptable phrases, words etc.
  • Refine Information from Noise: We have to filter out information which he/she get from their environment.
  • Sharing Personal Knowledge and Experience: We always share our personal knowledge and experiences with others.
  1. Accessing Skill:

Accessing as such from the very name it implies reaching to the sample of the study from where data can be gathered. This skill has following components –

  • Determining the Source of the Information: We have to find out the source of the information i.e. Newspaper, Library, Internet, etc.
  • Determining Necessary Skills to locate the Information: We have to acquire necessary skills to locate the information on various media. We need to have skills of surfing the Internet, if the information is located on Internet.
  • Using both Manual and Electronic Sources: We have to collect the relevant information from variety of media, such as, radio, print, over head projector, television, Internet etc.
  • Using Proper Searching Strategies: For getting information we have to select proper Searching tool which depends upon the nature of information.
  • Skimming and Scanning resources for Relevant Data: We have to use Skimming and Scanning Approaches to check the whole information by each and every bit.
  • Taking Pertinent Notes: We need to take pertinent notes related to the information. 
  1. Analysing Skill:

Analysing is organising data for a systematic result. After checking the relevancy of Data, then we begin the process of converting data into usable information. Here, we have to determine if the collected data is sufficient to answer the questions, or whether more data is needed. This skill has following components –

  • Split Up the collected Data into Various Categories: We have to divide the available data in a manner that which are relevant and which are irrelevant with respect to the context.
  • Identification of Appropriate Data: We have to identify the relevant data from the set of collected data.
  • Find Authenticity and Credibility of the Data: We have to find authenticity and credibility of the data and then establish it.
  • Differentiate Facts from Opinion: We have to differentiate the necessary facts from the opinion.
  • Establishing Relationships among Various Data Set: When we find out so many data, then we have to find out relationship among the data. 
  1. Applying Skill:

Here, Applying is nothing but the presentation of the collected data. Presentation can be done by using the various formats of information like Text, Image, Audio and Video. As the presentation is developed, it completes the procedure of converting Data into Information and usable knowledge.

  1. Assessing Skill:

This is the final skill of Info-Savvy skills. When all the activities are done properly then these are being evaluated. This skill assesses the whole procedure with the help of certain questions like –

  • Is the problem identified in appropriate manner?
  • Are relevant questions asked?
  • Is acquired data sufficient?
  • Is data analyzed accurately?
  • Is information applied conveniently?
  • Is problem solved?

So in conclusion it can be said that a person in order to do any scientific, systematic and objective work needs to be info-savvy that implies he or she must have acquired those five skills. Knowledge of the five skills like Asking, Accessing, Analyzing, Applying and Assessing will not only help the person who uses it but also indirectly help the civilization to start a new era of teaching and learning.

Peer Tutoring: An Alternative Strategy

Peer tutoring as such is nothing but where a student teaches to his peer/ batch mates or to the lower class students. Teaching is a two way process where it requires someone who will study and someone who will teach or tutor. In peer tutoring, a student under the guidance of a teacher will involve in the process of tutoring.

Benefits of Peer Tutoring:

The benefits of peer tutoring are –

  • Individual attention can be given as teaching learning is on one to one basis.
  • Active learning can be possible as there is direct interaction between students.
  • While teaching others peer tutor refines and revises his own knowledge and skills
  • As the tutor is from among the peer they are more open about their problem.
  • It is more cost effective than to engage additional staff.

Peer tutoring Model:

Peer tutoring can be of different types. Like –

  • Class wide peer tutoring –In this model the entire class is divided into small groups not larger than five with different ability level.
  • Cross-Age Peer tutoring –In cross age peer tutoring younger students are pair with older students. The Older students are supposed to tutor the younger ones
  • Peer assisted learning Strategies – The students are paired with more or less same ability level where each student learn from the other .

Limitations of Peer Tutoring:

  • At times over tutoring may create problem
  • Personal biasness of teacher may arise in selecting the tutor.

In general Peer tutoring is an assistive device to help the pupil in the class to achieve success in their academic field. In peer tutoring both the tutor and the pupil get benefited.

Smartphones in times of Corona-Boon or Bane?

Growing Smartphone production in India Pre-COVID-19 crisis:

India has emerged as one of the global front runners in the manufacturing of smartphones since 2016. The manufacturing of smartphones in India has seen an increase by 7% from 2016 to 2019. The major reasons for this rapid growth are i) provision of getting production-linked incentive (PLI) from government of India for boosting the domestic production of smartphone and their components, ii) US-China trade war is considered to another vital factor for companies shifting their manufacturing base away from China iii) Cheap availability of land and labor in India and iv) the gigantic domestic market as well as the options to curtail substantial import duties.

Additionally, firms like Apple, who were firmly against the setting up of their smartphone manufacturing units in India due to infrastructural inadequacies, lack of manufacturing ecosystem and interlinked supply chains, has agreed to do so. Its accord manufacturer (which are already present in India), Foxconn, has initiated the manufacturing of iPhone XR in Chennai and intends the production of the complete iPhone11 series from India.

Impact of COVID-19 on India’s Smartphone Production:

As a consequence of COVID-19 outbreak the Indian smartphone manufacturing industry may encounter a serious setback in domestic production and sale of smartphones by double digit percentages, due to its influence on both supply and demand. As a consequence of lockdown in China majority of the smartphone manufacturers have reported the lack in supply of the essential components from China in the first week of March. Amidst all these prospects as an impact of unstable economy, the demand of smartphones in India will significantly reduce thereby effecting overall production by the domestic as well as global smartphone producers.

The smartphone manufacturers are compelled to close down their production units as a consequence of the country wide lockdown starting from 25th March and further extended till 3rd May 2020. The initial lockdown from the government of India is considered to cause a monetary loss of more than $2 billion to the smartphone manufacturers. The extension of countrywide lock down will make the losses even enormous. Smartphone manufacturers have requested government of India to permit them to operate in the category of essential service, so to enable them to distribute smartphones during the lockdown. Xiaomi described that the request was not intended to create earnings, but about placing a crucial device in the reach of the people during the pandemic. Additionally, the COVID-19 outbreak has now been under control in China, providing stability to economy. As a consequence the smartphone manufacturing units are increasing production vigorously. On the other hand India is going through its extended manufacturing shutdown, which is expected to cause exponential losses to the smartphone industry in India.

Opportunities post-COVID-19 crisis:

Due to the COVID-19 crisis people around the globe are compelled to stay at home for several weeks or even months. The lock down will cause some persistent alterations (habituation to digital platforms) in the day to day life of people around the globe, leading to potential increase in the use of smartphones and the associated services. With work from home developing into a norm, and the halting of offline retail, the smartphone industry is expected to get significant number of new users, thereby increasing the demand for its quick production. Additionally, as a significant consequence of country wide lockdown, digital payment platforms have emerged as a necessity for common man. With the habituation of digital payment platform, smartphones are expected to ease endorsement of digital payments, thereby increasing the demands for smartphones.

Both the environmental and human nature is undergoing fast metamorphosis in these days of lockdown and Covid-19 crisis. Few bad habits will surely make way for a few new ones to replace in our day to day lives. Quintessential hand held remotely operated SMARTPHONES will remain and possibly gain bigger roles in our livelihood gathering more new customer bases not only just in India but also across the globe.

COVID-19 Pandemic: A Process of Environmental Purification

The Beginning

These are dark times; there is no denying. We have faced no such more significant threats as we do now. The world that we have built for us is shattering day by day. We are only left to think about what have done to this world! This coronavirus pandemic can be coined as the most intelligent virus ever to attack the human race. As we see, the very first outbreak in Wuhan China, which was abruptly recorded in December 2019, was way different than how it affects Italy, Spain and USA.

The Biggest Challenge in Human History

If we think clearly, we can be startled by the magnitude of power, the virus has and the way it can manifest. Within a month, it has locked almost every person on earth, inside their house. The gradual dwindling of the world economy and the production has not only putting us to accept the biggest challenge in human history, but also to understand a few things. Well! There is a lot of controversy regarding the outbreak of this virus, which, personally, I think, will never be solved, and the issue will go down in history.

The Fear of the Uncertainty

The reason for the outbreak is definitely humans, and the penalty of the shenanigan that we have done we are paying what we have to. Every day the number of cases is increasing, the death toll is rising, but most people are panicking. We hear it every day that the mortality rate of this disease is meager compared to Ebola, SARS, MERS, then why we fear it so much? The reason probably is because we have to fight a war of uncertainty. We do not know about the correct weapon that must be used to, neither the complete behavioral attributes of this unsung virus. We fear the uncertainty more than the transmission of the virus. However, the scenario is different in each country, but the silver lining is the same.   

 Save Our Planet

It is said even in the darkest hour; you can find light; all you need to do is to turn on the light. We read it everywhere in a specific column that we MUST SAVE OUR PLANET. But, is it really, can we save our planet? Or we need to protect our home? The connotation needs correction perhaps that is what this pandemic is teaching us. Our world has survived with dinosaurs and megalodon, and it will survive with or without us. So, we must protect our home. As we are all quarantined and left with time, I did a bit of thinking. Are we a blessing or a threat to the world?

 Environmental Impacts

Since the beginning of the quarantine period, I have been following particular news, that

  • The ozone layer of earth is healing after thirty-something years. Right before I was appalled by the report that the polar bears are practicing cannibalism as they are failing to hunt due to the high rise of temperature ever recorded in the Arctic zone.
  • To make our country look shiner, a few measures were taken to clean the water of Yamuna. Surprisingly, due to the absence of human interaction, the river Yamuna has regained her former glory.
  • The water of Rishikesh is said to have become clean enough to consume. I do not think I need to assert my saying here anymore.
  • The sky appears bluer every day, and the animals loiter freely across the road with no concern.
  • The dolphins are back swimming merrily in the canals of Italy.
  • Endangered sea turtles lay eggs on beaches in Brazil and India.

It seems like the harmony of flora and fauna is back for the partial absence of only species. Is it not a lesson enough for us? Or we are failing to see the predicament of a human being.

The ray of hope

Considering what history has taught us, that after every hundred years, an inevitable pandemic hits the human race to bring the world at its equilibrium, but this 2020 pandemic is a little different from the previous pandemic ever recorded. I am thinking clearly; this 2020 pandemic will be remembered for long after its retrieval. Apart from the fact that somehow the reset button has been pressed and the earth is renewing and rejuvenating, I see the ray of hope somewhere. Unknowingly the world has learned to overcome the barriers of politics, religion, and every sort of binaries to be one. To live as a one, then I wonder what we fought for earlier.

Lessons we are learning

Although we all are house arrested, standing close like never before with each other. Countries are standing for each other, just like our family. Also, there are a few specific lessons we are learning. These are,

  • We as humans aim for the high, and somehow the act of gluttony has become our natural self, but this coronavirus pandemic is educating us to be moderate.
  • Now, the need of doctors and nurse have become inevitable than a football star.
  • We are getting to know to get our things done, with no help at all.
  • The oils and gases are a waste without consumption.
  • And last but not least, Sustainable farming must be a compulsory course.

A Testimony of life

As the storm comes and leaves, so will this COVID-19. We will all be reuniting one day celebrating our victory. Maybe that day isn’t too far, but the lesson we are learning must not be forgotten. I can firmly say, and so can you, if you all think clearly, you will believe that once the coronavirus pandemic ends, the world will be at peace, merrier than ever. If we are determined to follow the lesson we are leaning, it will be a testimony of life.

How the healthcare industry needs to be reshaped to fight pandemics like COVID-19

“There’s no point dwelling on what might or could have been, you just go forward”. — Jack Nicholson

If we are to believe the numbers given by the state and central government, it seems India has until now managed to tackle the COVID crisis quite well. Despite a few cases of religious mass gatherings and some elite weddings and garden parties, the nationwide lockdown since 24 March 2020 has ensured that India does not become the next USA, Spain or Italy. The disturbing part is the increasing gap between the recovery rate and the number of new cases. We, as common people do not really know where we are heading. Now let’s have a look at countries like South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore. These are the countries that could successfully flatten the curve before COVID-19 cases could reach the exponential growth rate like most other countries.

South Korea, with the largest initial outbreak outside China, managed to bring down the total number of new cases without even having to impose a national lockdown. Taiwan, another neighbouring country to China could limit the total number of cases to just 395 (till April 17, 2020) in a span of 4 months since its first outbreak in January 2020. Similarly, Singapore, which has already reported over 5,000 cases, has had only 10 deaths until April 17, 2020. Aren’t these numbers intriguing? How have these countries managed to limit the spread of the virus so effectively?

The answer lies in 3 specific steps: preparedness from the very beginning, rigorous random testing, social distancing, and contact tracing. All three countries mentioned above took the coronavirus seriously right from the start, perhaps because the sufferings from the SARS 2003 outbreak are still fresh in public memory. Taiwan started screening passengers at airports since the day they came to know about the outbreak in Wuhan. South Korea, with a population of 51 million, tested 20,000 people daily. Singapore was tracing, detecting, and isolating people at large. Not only immunocompromised patients, but even those who came in with the mildest symptoms were treated with utmost care from the very beginning. These countries were using tracking devices for updates from the suspected and infected patients. Even Canada has reduced the impact of COVID- 19 by taking necessary steps without any delays.

Has India managed to do the same? The answer is both yes and no. Yes, because Kerala, the southernmost state in India is already working towards flattening the curve. Kerala which has a large diasporic population had a higher chance of spreading the contagion as they returned from all over the world. However, the state promptly responded to the crisis with extensive random testing at different locations without violating the lockdown imposed by the central government. Indeed, the Kerala model has worked like a miracle. It has also set a great example for the rest of the country.

As the country reels under the pressure of this recent COVID crisis, how has it affected India’s general health care system? How, for instance, has this affected cancer patients who have to visit the hospital for regular treatments, pregnant women who are going into labor, stroke survivors, heart patients, geriatrics, and patients with mental illnesses?  How are they coping in the midst of this pandemic? It has become clear that the healthcare industry in India needs a massive reform in order to fight such contagious diseases. Given that the country’s healthcare system is already overwhelmed with a sudden surge in the number of health related cases, governments have been trying to “flatten the curve” through social distancing and self-isolation so that existing infrastructures can continue to accommodate the number of patients requiring critical care. It’s however too early to call India a success story. To understand where India stands and what the future holds, we need to pay attention to a few things:

  1. Public health vs private healthcare systems

At present India ranks 129 out of 189 countries in Human Development Reports published by United Nations Development Programme. A report by The Financial Express says India spends only 1.15% (as compared to 1.3% for the last three years) of the GDP on healthcare which brings India to rank 184 out of 191 countries.  More funds need to be allocated to heathcare in India. The Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Abhiyan (PM-JAY) or the Aayushman Bharat was launched in 2018 which was to provide insurance coverage (for hospitalization) of up to Rs 5 lakh to about 50 crore poor people. Although there are no detailed reports of its execution, this year the Niti Aayog was proposed as a public-private partnership (PPP) plan which allowed the takeover of government-run district hospitals by private investors. The Indian Medical Association opposed such model. COVID-19 showed us why. The private hospitals were charging humongous amounts of money for a simple screening test. What would have happened if the government had no control over the hospitals? Poor people wouldn’t get even the bare minimum. Thus PPP model in Indian healthcare is expected to fail miserably.

On the other hand, private healthcare facility in India is doing well and people have started depending on the doctors and hospitals of our country rather than visiting abroad unless absolutely necessary. This indirectly indicates that the private players are striking gold. But can we really grow individually if the country falls behind? Is making money the only motivation for these private enterprises? We all know the answer, but it’s time they should realise the existence of the unprivileged. Both the government and the private healthcare providers need to direct funds towards public health and healthcare in general as we know health is wealth.

  1. Low cost medical equipment

The biomedical industry mostly imports high performance diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. This, in turn, increases the cost of the service provided through those instruments. For few of such facilities provided by the government, too many patients and mismanagement reduces the availability to the ones who needs it the most. Needless to say, the middle class can neither avail these facilities, nor afford the private hospitals. Therefore, access to CT scan, MRI, and many more diagnostic tests and treatments which are commonly prescribed, becomes a financial burden for most. COVID-19 sets a wonderful path to what could be done to improve this scenario. A three-year-old Pune based start-up, Mylab Discovery Solutions, a molecular diagnostic company came up with highly accurate COVID-19 test kits, with faster response time for 1200 INR as compared to 4500 INR charged by the private labs using the imported test kits. They got a funding of Rs 1 crore from Action COVID Team Grants to scale up their production, which could further bring down the price of the test kits. As more kits become available, the whole country will be able to shift to the model of random testing and tracing of COVID-19 positive cases. The healthcare industry in India should welcome more such companies with qualified scientists and large scale manufacturing units to meet the increasing demand of disease diagnosis and treatment in India. Moreover, price control on medical devices and reduction of import duty on raw materials and medical equipment could be done to make healthcare more affordable and equitable.

  1. Role of academic and research institutes

The academic institutes are focusing more and more on teaching interdisciplinary subjects to prepare the students to find some application in the healthcare industry as they envision the huge demand to be created in the healthcare sector. It is not necessary that one becomes a doctor or a scientist to contribute to the healthcare industry. The technologists operating the devices, the biomedical engineers taking care of the medical devices, the medical physicists taking care of radiation safety, and the paramedics are all part of the healthcare industry, who are currently risking their own lives to serve the nation and its people. We need more young, dynamic people to boost up the healthcare system.

Almost all the research institutes in India are already working on innovation in diagnosis and treatment of diseases. They understand that universal healthcare is no less essential than basic necessities like food and hygiene. As researchers, we mostly focus on low cost, easy to use, biodegradable/reusable, diagnostic devices which can be used at home as well as in hospitals and diagnostic centres. The researchers not only develop equipment, they also analyse data. That brings in the other domains like network engineers and AI specialists to collaborate with the biomedical researchers. An article published in a medical journal in England mentioned that situations like corona virus spread would bring in a digital revolution in the healthcare sector. As education is uninterruptedly continued through digital platforms globally, digitized healthcare gadgets could reduce the vulnerability of the healthcare providers and increase tracking of patient condition. India is almost digitized now with internet connectivity reaching the majority. So digitizing health monitoring is possible through telemetry. Moreover, laboratories in India are capable of producing vaccines and medicines better than many other countries as we witnessed that we need not depend/threat other countries for hydroxychloroquine. But what we need is funding for the research. The Department of Science and Technology – Science and Engineering Board announced several special research projects for fighting COVID-19. We still require more funding from the government on healthcare projects.


  1. Technology transfer

IIT Kanpur, IIT Roorkee, IIT Hyderabad developed low-cost ventilators that could be used during COVID-19 outbreak to provide life support. IIT Delhi developed an infection-proof fabric for the healthcare providers to prevent hospital-acquired infections.  A team of researchers at IIT Bombay developed nasal gel to prevent spread of the coronavirus. IIT Ropar developed a UV-technology fitted ‘trunk’ for homes to sanitise grocery, currency and other essential products acquired from the market. All of these discoveries happened in such a short time! Undoubtedly, there is potential in India to revolutionize healthcare. But where are the products? How many of the research innovations are actually coming out as products or getting commercialized? The vast gap between innovative protocol discovery and large scale manufacturing (which could make the products affordable) needs immediate attention to reform the present healthcare industry. Strong collaboration of the research and academic institutes with the industry can support the commercialization and actually help reconstruct healthcare system in India.

  1. Rural development – awareness and monitoring

About 70% of India’s population live in the rural areas of the country, which means they are deprived of the best facilities and that most of them are unaware of the services they deserve. We all know education and health do not reach these areas the way they should.  Although the government has launched a list of schemes for skill development, employment, basic education and healthcare, we the privileged ones should also take up certain responsibilities. We need to spread more awareness regarding hygiene and healthcare. It can be proposed that involvement in projects related to rural development could be made as a part of the curriculum for higher studies. Monitoring of vital signs by organizing health camps just as we organize blood donation camps will result in early detection of chronic diseases, just like rapid testing would help contain the spread of epidemics like COVID-19. Efforts from the young generation along with their supervisors will not only help in development of the poor but also build strong characters in students who would understand the value of giving back to the society.


To summarize, we need to reboot our healthcare system once we win the fight against corona. The healthcare industry would certainly get exhausted as we are not able to take care of the frontline workers as the way we should have done. We should learn from the situation and bring into action the changes that are required for public health in India. All of us can contribute in our own little way and make India proud and rich.

A Key to Sustainable Marketing Strategy by Firm in COVID- 19

Market situation in present time:

We talk about different marketing strategy under different market conditions and most of the firm use diversified strategic approach as per market situation. Offers also vary by looking into the demand supply ratio. Company change their strategic decision in terms of selection of products, price and distribution system and also they restructure their market segmentation and positioning. So this is a common platform of every business cycle, and business opportunity also depends upon economic situation of the country.  But the present scenario, all strategy fails because of lockdown situation due to COVID 19. Manufacturing system partially stop, distribution systems are getting hampered, supply of raw material was not taken place. Now this is not that economic slowdown market system break, it is a situation which collapses all the chain system. As a result the firm crisis develops in terms of production, selling or marketing and that reflect the economic crisis of the firm.

Challenges of the firm:

In this regard what could the probable strategy of the firm to handle and overcome the situation. Because in this situation buying behavior of the consumers get reduce. A statement published in Harvard Business Review (2009) and commented that we’ve identified patterns in consumers’ behavior and firms’ strategies that either propel or undermine performance. Companies need to understand the evolving consumption patterns and fine-tune their strategies accordingly. During recessions, of course, consumers set stricter priorities and reduce their spending. As sales start to drop, businesses typically cut costs, reduce prices, and postpone new investments. Marketing expenditures in areas from communications to research are often slashed across the board—but such indiscriminate cost cutting is a mistake. At the time of slowdown, we have examined the disposable income, feeling confident about their future, trusting in business and the economy, and embracing lifestyles and values that encourage consumption. So this is basic model to understand buying pattern of the consumers.

COVID-19 situation in India

Now if we discuss in context of Indian market where 70% people have an income limitation and unemployment level is higher and recent problem COVID 19 a long lockdown scenario most of the company are not in a position to operate properly. So for large corporate it is big challenge to retain their customers because now local player are getting edge in the market and they understand the psychology of the consumer in recession time. On the other side level of unemployment increase and there is no control mechanism. For that tendency towards preference buying will surely affected. Now the relationship between consumption pattern and demand supply are getting affected.

How firm should sustain:

In this regards some important measure can be taken by the marketer leaders, challenges and follower. These are they have to emphasis on short term investment by looking availability of local resources as result the price mechanism system can be control and the firms need to take extra burden and also try to avoid  long term investment because this time need immediate return to manage working capital of the firms. In terms of product development decision more emphasis has been given on essential products rather than premium. As I already mentioned that in this situation people do not have capacity to access money for purchase of premium item rather they should prefer the common item where price is in their control. Monitoring is required by the marketers that they must balance effort to pare cost and shore up short term sales. In Indian market it is very much applicable because highest number of consumer comes into small income group and tries to make up their immediate necessity. Marketers need to streaming product portfolio, improving affordability and bolstering. Now come to the customers mind prospective. In India also we find that large corporate do huge promotion of the product to attract new customers and retain their existing customers. What I suggest in this COVID 19 situations marketers can changes their promotional structure by looking into the scenario. More emphasis can be given on sales promotion rather than advertising. It should be maintained through middleman like wholesaler and retails because they are the ultimate people who deal with direct consumers. In this lockdown situation the role of company sales people affected. Therefore, if marketers’ offers through middleman than it can influence the existing customers to develop a bonding with the company and by their word of mouth communication, new customer may attract, for that company need not to pay extra. They can cut down some cost of advertisement and put into the sales promotion. It will also help the large firm to maintain a corporate social responsibility in this situation and sustain their brand image. Now the question arise about distribution pattern, what I suggest the most important techniques of distributions are breaking down the large chain and make the supply by following short roots, develop temporary warehouse as per the market demand, allocation of more local trader to maintain the distribution network in a small cluster. So the above discussion may help the reader to understand the market survival policy in such condition in India. (Reference- Quelch. J   & Joch.K (2009), How to market in downturn, Harvard Business Review, April issue).

So in summarization the strategy may be

  • Emphasis of short term investment instead of long term to get immediate return
  • Emphasis on essential product rather than premium.
  • During downturns, marketers must balance efforts to pare costs and shore up short-term sales against investments in long-term brand health.
  • Streamlining product portfolios, improving affordability, and bolstering
  • Development of win –win policy for the exiting customers.
  • Emphasis on sales promotion rather than advertising.

Culture and Education

The inseparable Siamese twins

Culture and education are two inseparable parameters and they are interdependent. Any educational pattern gets its guidance from the cultural patterns of a society.  For instance, in a society with a spiritual pattern of culture, the educational focus would be on the achievement of moral and eternal values of life. On the contrary, if the culture of a society is materialistic, then its educational pattern will be shaped for the attainment of materialistic values and comforts. A society which does not follow any culture definitely has no definite educational organization. So, the culture of a country has a very powerful impact on its educational system.

Today while human lives continue to live in local realities, the lives and experiences of youth growing up will be allied to, social processes, economic realities, technological and media innovations, and cultural flows that go across international borders with ever greater momentum. These worldwide transformations will involve youth to adapt to new skills that are well ahead of what most educational systems can now distribute.

How do we define Culture?

Culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs. Culture shapes individual’s worldviews and the way communities address the changes and challenges of their societies. For this reason, education serves as a critical vehicle for transmitting these value systems as well as for learning from the humanity’s diversity of worldviews, and for inspiring future creativity and innovation. (The Culturalization of Human Rights Law, Federico Lenzerini,2014)

The most powerful and influential method to solve any social and economic issues in the society is nothing but, learning through cultural engagement at all levels and for diverse target groups. There is an urge and special consideration on the cultural sector in educational and lifelong learning programs as it has been ignored as the positive impact at all levels is indisputable.

Let’s explore answers to the following questions:

  • What are the roles of educational institutions, educators, and educational materials in cultural formation and transformation?
  • How have education and elements of culture such as language, religion, symbols, and routines influenced each other historically?

The roles of educational institutions, educators, and educational materials in a cultural formation and transformation are for the overall growth of a human being.We learns about the social and cultural values through education. Education makes students ready to deal with cultural ethics and norms. There are many materials and educational sites, which the focuses on culture development of education. Individual’s adoption of natural and social environment in a positive way takes place via cultural elements. Each person of the society has his or her own preference and mentality to perceive the world around. Education changes the perception of the individual toward different forms of community.

Education seems to be a foundation of the transmission, and at times, the transformation of culture. Understanding this interaction is complex, in part because “education” and “culture” are difficult to portray with precision; and in part because the interaction goes in both directions: culture has an impact on education along with, great impact of education on culture. Education has the privilege, authority and potential to reshape the process of thinking of the society and culture across the globe. J.L. Nehru viewed, “Education must help in preserving the vital elements of our heritage”.

To answer the second question, we need to dig deep into the following pointers:

  1. Culture plays a vital role in every individual’s life. It brings together numerous elements to create a unique way of living for different people. Some of the major elements that exist in every culture and many change with time as the society progresses are symbols, language, values, and religion. The first element is variety of symbols. A symbolis used to stand for something. People who share a same culture attach a specific denotation to an object, gesture, sound, or image. For instance, Christians use a cross as a significant symbol to the religion. It is not just two pieces of wood attached to each other, nor is it just an old object of torture and execution. To Christians, it represents the basis of their whole religion, and they have great respect for the symbol.


  1. The second factor in every culture is a language. Languageis a structure of words and symbols used to communicate with other community. Beside English, Spanish, French there are other unique languages which belong to certain groups of people. Those are slang, common phrases and body language. For example, English is most common and fluent spoken language in America and Britain, however, we see and hear slangs and phrases that mean different things; American cookies are British biscuits; American French fries are British chips, and so on.


  1. A system of value is a culture which is defined for standard what is good or pleasant. There is a share system of values which is used by member of the cultures to evaluate what is right and what is wrong. In West, people are individualistic, they strongly believe in competition and emphasize on individual achievement. According to the culture whoever gets promotion is appreciated for his/her hard work and talent. However, in East the collectivist values of culture are in oppose to the West. In East there is a strong believe on welcoming the collaboration and an individual’s achievement is only as good as his/her contribution to the group.


  1. Last but not least, religion in any culture is a unique phenomenon. Religion is still important in global societies, in twenty first century, and in each country since communities of worship can provide not only great chances for emotional and spiritual development but also a system of support to public in all phases of their lives. This sense of belonging is crucial for human happiness.
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