Contribution of professional studies or skill building towards career progression

Joy Chowdhury writes on how professional and skill development training is crucial for enhancing one’s employability. Graphic: Saubhik Debnath

Skills and knowledge are the engines of economic growth and social development of any country. Countries with higher and better levels of knowledge and skills respond more effectively and promptly to challenges and opportunities of globalization.

“Education, vocational training and lifelong learning are central pillars of employability, employment of workers and sustainable enterprise development”

– International Labour Organisation

A ‘Young’ Nation

More than 60 percent of India’s population is in the working age group and more than 50 percent of the total population is below 25 years of age. It is estimated that the average age of the population of India in 2020 would be 29 years, as against 40 years in the USA, 46 years in Europe and 47 in Japan.

Keeping in mind this enormous number of workforce in India, the youth need to be equipped with necessary skills and education. The country presently faces a dual challenge of severe paucity of highly-trained, quality labour, as well as non-employability of large sections of the educated workforce that possess little or no job skills.

As compared to other developed and developing countries, India has a unique window of opportunity for another 20+ years called the “demographic advantage”. If India is able to skill its people with the requisite life skills, job skills or entrepreneurial skills in the years to come, the demographic advantage can be converted into the dividend wherein those entering labour market or are already in the labour market contribute productively to economic growth both within and outside the country.

Professional and skill development training would be crucial for enhancing the employability of individuals, by facilitating the individual’s transition into the labour market. The present skilled workforce in India is only 2 percent, much lower than the developing nations Korea (96 percent), Japan (80 percent), Germany (75 percent), UK (68 percent) and China (40 percent) as reported by the Labour Bureau report.

With more than half a million engineering graduates every year, the Federation of Chamber of Commerce states, 64 percent of the employers are not happy or satisfied with the educated workforce. It is imperative to focus on the development of the professional skills for Indian labour force to become eligible enough to fit into the Industry Market requirement.

We also need to understand that the Indian workforce is extremely talented and immensely adaptable. In order to develop this workforce, we need structured Skill development and vocational Training.

The skill development framework in India is skewed towards a formal education system with limited profession or skill development training. While the skill development training is in a dreary state both qualitatively and quantitatively, the higher education system itself is struggling with issues related to scale and quality.

Moreover, there is a serious disconnect between the formal education system and work requirements, thereby increasing the challenges related to the skill gap. An intensive action is required on the supply side to safeguard sustained employability of the Indian youth thus transforming the skill development ecosystem and making it more cohesive to needs of both industry and the workforce.

School of Professional Studies at Adamas University is focused in creating a scalable, comprehensive and efficient Skill development framework to cater to the future requirements.

We vision to create an island of excellence in the sea of mediocrity.

Skill development

Skill development refers to the identification of skill gaps and developing the existing skills to enable a person to achieve his/her goals. The current generation lacks the much needed skills and there is a humongous gap between the skills existing in a person and the skills demanded by the industry.

The word Skill is apparently intangible but following definitions are presented for its different facets.

“The ability, coming from one’s knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well”: (Carpentry is one of many skills).

“Competent excellence in performance; expertness; dexterity”. (Girls have special ability in embroidery work). []

“An ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively carry out complex activities or job functions involving ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and/or people” (interpersonal skills).

“A skill is learning to carry out a task with pre-determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both”.

In a nutshell, skill can be defined as a competency needed to perform any kind of task and related to activities and people.

Let’s have a quick look at why is it so important

Skill development is an integral part in the overall development of a student.

For Better Opportunities: As we have earlier discussed on the Skill Gap, it is evident that skill development would create wider scope in the professional field. Introducing skill training and encouraging the students will also help in providing equal opportunities.

Multiple Career prospects: Introducing skill development initiatives for the college students will help them to get an understanding of multiple career options. This will help them to plan their future and achieve their goals.

Preparation for the Future: The process of skill development introduces the students to employability-skills at a very young age, thus ensuring the right development of the students.

Personal development skills are empowering skills; they would not only increase the opportunities but also empower an individual for life. Skills like networking and communication would go a long way in helping the overall development of a person.

Nurture talents: Skill development helps to identify, develop and nurture talents and skill sets in a given field.

Skill Development during your College Education

A student spends their maximum time in their College or Universities and that is where the true skill development would happen. The skill development training focused at their career planning should get a head start in their college campuses. Skill development can also take place in the classroom by engaging the students in the entire learning process. There are multiple concepts that the teachers can make use of, like experiential learning, project-based learning, activities for students, and peer to peer interaction. In fact, the right time to start building skills would be during their student life, we can create more meaningful and empowering skill developmental programs for life.

Professional Skills that need attention:

In today’s fast paced, rapidly changing global business scenario, it is imperative that the students are well equipped and trained on the following few professional skills.

There are many skills that a person needs to inculcate, of which there are skills that need to be given priority as these skills direct a person’s life and success. 

Skills sought by graduate employers across the globe include teamwork, communication, planning and organizing, problem solving, and so forth. Some skills overlap with one another, Leadership, for instance, encompasses a number of other skills including decision making, verbal communication, planning, organizing, and collaboration.

  1. Communication
  2. Problem Solving
  3. Digital Literacy
  4. Interpersonal Skills
  5. Empathy
  6. Business Acumen
  7. Analytical Ability
  8. Negotiation and Persuasion
  9. Leadership

If we are looking at the demographic advantage, we have got our students prepared and skilled to face tomorrow’s professional world. At this juncture, it would be appropriate to state that School of Professional Studies would be ‘the arrow in the quiver’ for creating a skilled workforce.

The writer is Assistant Director, Center for Professional Studies, Adamas University. He is an eminent Leadership Development professional, a motivator and an emotional intelligence coach. A double post graduate in English Linguistics and Management along with a Masters in Psychology, he has been awarded an honorary doctorate in Psychology by University of Swahili Foundation, Panama. Joy had been a Guest Lecturer with multiple universities across Europe and the US.

This blog was first published by ABPEducation. Click here to read original article.

Digital Learning Vs Old traditional Learning: A Perspective

Dr Jyotsna Yagnik writes on how digital learning will not attract the youth in a long run, Graphic: Saubhik Debnath

Distance education was a new word then, when for the first time a thought came and implemented by an educator – Sir Isaac Pitman. Somewhere in the year 1840, a shorthand course was taught by Sir Isaac for the first time by mailing texts transcribed into short hand on postcards and receiving transcriptions from his students in return for correction. Who knew in the year 1840 that the world would have universities to impart distance education on such a large scale. Today, when one sees the distance learning center of the open university one does not remember the father of distance learning or distance education.

I was inclined to find out the name of the father of distance learning due to the tremendous spread of digital learning today all around the world and it being the predecessor of digital learning in the education system.

Computers, laptops or smartphones which were purchased only before a few months more as status symbols have overnight become indispensable tools for learning without which digital communication could have been impossible. Today there is a flow of every kind of knowledge from every stakeholder. The digital world has reduced to a visible small village, at times on our social media there is lot of digital noises, national library is at the distance of our fingertips, it is known that there are numerous learning platforms to impart education, but it is seldom noticed that one  common platform in every family called, its dining table, has also restarted imparting   new learning, unlearning and even relearning family tradition and culture with different degree of emotion,care and affection.

Who says Corona pandemic has only created terror, unrest and discomfort all around rather it has showcased the world’s many important but forgotten legacy of Indian culture out of which one is a newly generated flow of family education from the platform of the dining table of the family.

In the perspective of today, it has been felt by all that there cannot now be any substitute for digital learning and had it not been invented, the world would have reached to halt, a serious pause as far as education is concerned. In my opinion what is constant in the universe is change, transformation. Today’s digital learning is a more purified version of distance learning .

Those who are in the field of education are aware that there was a constant rise in the number of absenteeism of the students in the class rooms. Different attractions like Gym, lovely playground, indoor stadiums, convention centers, lush green campuses of the universities have not proved to be successful to bring down the number of absent students. True that face to face learning and teaching has its own charms, but the takers are decreasing day by day. We have tried to change the patterns of examination, evaluation methods, teaching aids and what not but even then it could not effectively increase the attendance of the students in the class rooms.

The study on the reasons for decline in attendance has shown that though there are no concrete reasons for the students to leave the class rooms, or saying in language of the students… to bunk the classes, the fact remains that there is steady decline in that too. No university or the best or most popular teacher can claim 100 percent attendance of their students in the classrooms and no teacher can be blamed for it.

Every good university attempts all the measures to ensure employing the best teachers, purchasing the best teaching aids and tools and also to create an ambiance where learning becomes fun. In spite of all these it is felt for long that the saturating point has already arrived at or is closed to arrive for the students as far as classroom teaching is concerned.

Some years ago, it was felt that the lecture system is age old and for longer duration, it is counter productive. Then came the stage of shift from blackboard to whiteboard or greenboard, but putting candidly… not substantial change was noticed in attendance of the students in the class rooms. From lecture system to inter participative method was chosen but no notable result. It was then thought that seeing is believing which brought the age of projector, bullet points or highlighting segments in coloured fonts with attractive powerpoint presentations with colorful slides and newly devised fonts or say smart writing but even this transition did not help much.

Coronavirus has added one new chapter in the education system of complete digital learning and today it is held as desirable to impart a minimum 25 percent education by digital learning even after normalcy resumes. However, 75 percent of the syllabus is held to be such which needs to be essentially delivered by face to face learning. Today almost all universities in the world are attempting to complete its course by digital teaching.

In this background, the question which comes up for our consideration is whether this method of learning is more acceptable to the youth for whom the entire exercise of digital teaching is being carried out. If one wishes to answer with the mirror like outcome then it can be answered in affirmative. Every teacher has experienced in its digital classrooms many new, unseen or rarely seen faces for the old roll numbers. These faces of the students seen in virtual classes were not appearing or regularly appearing in the recent past in the routine class rooms. 

Even with a lot of efforts those faces were not visible in the classrooms. The pressure which built up by writing letters to parents was not working because the parents might have been helpless to compel their wards to attend the classes. The device of debarring the students on account of their lack of requisite attendance in the classes did not work as well because it was ultimately perhaps costing the parents. 

When nothing worked satisfactorily suddenly the digital learning which was started out of compulsion created by the lockdown due to corona pandemic is found to have been working well as observed  through the lenses of statistics of attendance of the students in virtual classes. It is observed that the student who has usually not chosen to sit and learn in the four walls of the air conditioned classroom has chosen to sit across the smartphone and laptop. 

It is being discussed among teachers that what has worked? Is it a side product of the lockdown, is it compulsion to remain at home, is it facility to choose only audio, is it facility to choose or to start video at one’s desire, is it wearing comfortable domestic dresses and sitting in a comfortable posture in one’s room with freedom of domestic ambience or is it the liberty which every human being likes in which there is freedom to attend the class for a few minutes and to take rest as an when desired. 

As it may be, but the fact remains that digital learning has suddenly increased unprecedented figures of 100 percent attendance of the students in the digital classroom. Digital classroom has a benefit of seeing the teacher or only listening the teacher or doing both. It has a facility of unilateral seeing or not seeing the friends or teacher at the digital classroom and still becoming Mr. India of Bollywood (Anil Kapoor fame), it has a chance of seeing everything without being seen and watched by others, it is a beautiful thing, isn’t it?. 

Today the importance of digital classroom and digital learning is at such a high peak that many educators have formed their opinion that the days are not far where more than beautiful campuses of universities, beautiful platforms of digital learning and effective teaching aids and tools to reach students digitally will attract and hence will capture the market.

I am of the view that digital learning will remain temporarily an attractive phase in the background of pandemic and lockdown, but it will certainly not attract the youth in a long run as it will lose the temporary attraction it has created. It is like the first week of a routine Bollywood movie or masala movie. Unless a movie has many important packages of messages, morals and mint with it, it will seldom attract an audience in the second week.

We cannot forget that India has the heritage of Gurukul where physically living and learning from gurus has “parasmani”/Midas touch. The body language, eyes, expression, anger, affection, appreciation or even scolding of a teacher cannot be compared with face to face learning. The immense pleasure and apparent benefits of personal teaching of a dedicated and committed teacher can never be replaced. I am  sure a day is not far where human beings will crave for digital silence. 

The digital noise today in the social media right from good morning messages to the longest article creates a situation where people have found out shortcuts of not downloading or not depositing unwanted messages in the phone to avoid burdening memory of the instruments. I am sure the time will come when students would return back to classrooms, would choose to avoid digital noises, would love to observe digital silence at least for some part of the day to avoid over burdening of the memory of the mind. 

All said and done, human touch, human sensibility, comfort between one human being to another human being, affectionate approach, human affinity with humbleness, positive attitude of the teachers will all bring a new dawn, a ray of hope on this mother  planet.

The writer, a former Judge, is Pro Vice Chancellor of Adamas University, Kolkata. She has been a former Principal Judge, City Civil & Sessions Courts, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. She has served as POTA, NIA and CBI judge of Gujarat in addition to Special Judge for Serial Bomb Blasts cases, Hooch Tragedy, Riot Cases etc. She has been teaching law for about 34 years and is a former Principal of Law College. She is an Arbitrator, Trained Mediator, Conciliator in International panel of ICADR and Corporate trainer for laws.

This blog was first published by ABPEducation. Click here to read original article.

Challenging traditional education system with Outcomes Based Education

Dr. Deependra Kumar Jha writes on how Outcome Based Education requires a mind shift in the curriculum process. Graphic: Saubhik Debnath

Change has become a new constant – as we move forward, the traditional education system loses its relevance rapidly. Skill sets in demand are reforming as new jobs surface in the market – coupled with technological advancement, it puts the threat of obsoletion on the current work-force.

Therefore, it is the need of the hour which requires educational institutions to refocus their agendas. The world now needs no absolute experts in particular, narrow domains – it calls for graduates who are nimble and adaptive and capable of coping with the ever-changing demands of the industry. It calls for life-long learners and it calls for a paradigm shift in the way we impart knowledge.

Now more than ever, it is imperative for these institutions to shift from the traditional education system to Outcome Based Education (OBE) system.

Traditional education focuses too much on what they teach rather than what their students learn – OBE, on the other hand, emphasises learner-centric approach. It focuses on the real-world relevance of education – what the student takes away at the end of a session or a course is more important than what or how something is taught. OBE is a progressive model that involves the restructuring of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment practices to reflect the achievement of high-order learning rather than mere accumulation of course credits.

Traditional Education System and its deficiencies

A traditional education system relies on rigidity and standardised structure – students assemble under a roof at a particular time to be instructed by a teacher. After completion of a lecture, the learners discuss with peers or ask the teacher for clearing their doubts. That is to say, the knowledge gained – or the effectiveness of the education system – largely depends on the ability of the teacher and the knowledge level of the peers.

The traditional system considers mostly the input part of the learning process and have many deficiencies:

  • A rigidly defined curricula that may not include stakeholder participation
  • Focus on achieving grade points or marks rather than knowledge, skill or attitude
  • Gap between formal education and career-oriented skill set
  • Little emphasis on learning attributes like collaborative teamwork and other soft skills
  • Objectives, activities and assessment not appropriately aligned
  • Lack of Assessment of competencies and work for further improvement

This system is rather static and teacher-centric – mostly resulting in disinterested, passive listeners in a classroom. It’s a generalised approach that takes away the spark of interest that attracted these students in the first place. Not only does it often fail to acknowledge the fact that students have individualised incentives – it also fails to take into account their personal and unique talents and pace. In turn, these students spend more time and effort in studying something they are neither good at nor interested in.

This system tends to take away the credibility of education for building strong future careers.

Outcomes Based Education (OBE)

As the name suggests, Outcomes Based Education (OBE) is an education system based on outcomes. It focuses mainly on what knowledge/skill set students acquire following the completion of a session or a course. OBE is a comprehensive approach to articulating a curriculum that is focused on successful demonstrations of learning by each learner. Activities in or outside classrooms are designed in a manner that help students to achieve these outcomes. Under OBE, credit is assigned when the student achieves a stated outcome. OBE does not endorse grading exercises on the basis of a class average.

Advantages of OBE includes:

  • Focused at achieving specified outcomes in terms of individual student learning
  • More directed or coherent Curriculum designed to achieve competencies or qualities and the process involves major stakeholders
  • Outcomes – key things students should understand and be able to do or the competencies they should develop
  • Educational structures and curriculum are regarded as means not ends. If they do not do the job they are considered for improvement (Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)).

OBE philosophy

The Shift to OBE

The aim of our education system is to prepare learners for life. The focus of outcome-based approach is as much on the process of learning and the final outcome or result, as on the knowledge, skill and attitude. For any education system to be successful, we need excellence in its three components – content, pedagogy and assessment – and continuous improvement strategy is the key to success. OBE requires a mind shift in the curriculum process in addition to delivery and evaluation approach in a way that empowers learners for achievement of the outcomes.

OBE addresses the following key questions: What do we want the students to have or be able to do (curriculum)?, How can we best help students achieve it (pedagogy)?, How will we know whether they students have achieved it (assessment)? And how do we close the loop for further improvement (Continuous Quality Improvement, CQI)? OBE facilitates a shift from traditional ways of measuring input and process to include measuring the outcome as per targets set.

The system ensures that graduates become lifelong learners.

 Different level of outcomes

All courses of an academic program will have specific course outcomes (COs). These COs are mapped to the program outcomes (POs) and in turn mapped to the programme educational objectives (PEOs). Suitable assessment methods need to be chosen, depending on the expected course outcomes. The outcomes measured at all levels undergo a process of continuous quality improvement (CQI).

Final words

As we come to terms with the fact that the educational landscape is changing, we must realise how it translates into real world challenges. More than half of current school children would be entering into jobs that do not exist today – the digital disruption in both manufacturing and service sectors is transforming the job market.

The world at large stands at the threshold of an over-all evolution in the meaning of education – it is a tool to make our generation equipped to face an increasingly globalised world. We can expect a growth in students (traditional or otherwise) seeking to acquire new skills to further propel their careers. This implies increased demands in vocational training with flexible degrees and competency-based programmes. Teachers remain to be disseminators of knowledge, but with technological intervention, they might become facilitators.

Hence, Outcome Based Education (OBE) is the new strategy to accommodate these changes. The services and results attained by the student are the most significant aspect of education.  Contrary to the mark/grade based educational system, it does not depend on the conformist instruction approaches. OBE makes it imperative that institutions and teachers alike change and improve their ways of instruction and assessment.

After all, education is not about teaching – it is about what the students learn.

The author is Vice Chancellor of Adamas University, Kolkata.  

This blog was first published by ABPEducation. Click here to read original article.


Imagining and acting like a scientist”- the very ideology to be impregnated into the attitude of a student. The very workflow in the process of science teaching have been like: Concept-> Process -> Social implication. Going beyond the content; teaching science would be a way of knowing. A process of unlearn the misconceptions among students to relearn the scientific processes

                Every aspect of our day to day lives is hugely influenced by scientific changes happening around us. The most causative catalysts for these changes are revolutionary advancement in information technology and communication along with globalization. Socio-economic changes intermingling with the scientific advancement in real life caters to open up enormous scope of learning before the new generation. This also creates some challenges to the new generation teachers. Knowledge of some new skills side by side with the traditional skills become inevitable such as – logical thinking and problem-solving, creativity and innovation, communication and co-operation.

            Presently all the Teacher Education programs aim to incorporate all these essential skills in the methodology of teaching process. The future teacher can cater their services purposefully to help overall development of their learners. The tasks of science teacher also include them to inculcate science education amongst the learners of various levels. The school level science classrooms are the hatching field for learners who will take science in their higher studies. The very science of science teaching emphasizes on innovation greatly. Some innovative strategies of science teaching are discussed here.

  • Project-based learning:

            Adoption and preparation of projects are not same with the high quality project-based learning. The project –based learning aims to solve a particular real problem related to science. The strategy itself drag the learners to prepare specific questioning, give multiple solutions, analyze scientifically the given solutions, enhance ability to reach a meaningful solution and ultimately adopt the best one for future.

  • Construction of concepts:

            Science teaching is not just the explanation of scientific causes behind any fact. The teacher should give conceptual lessons by arranging the inter-related concepts of entire   curriculum of a particular class. The science teacher facilitates the learners to build their own knowledge by attaining different concepts pertaining to the specific knowledge.

  • Organization of team activity:

            Innovative strategies are the successful outcomes of team work or activities. The co-operation among the team members give birth of an innovative thinking. The team comprises of both science teachers and students of the concerned level. Each and every individual are responsible to the team. Exchange of views, co-operation, giving suggestion between the team members ultimately facilitate implication innovative strategies in science teaching.

  • Emphasize on creative thinking:

            To bring out the innovative potentialities of the learners the science teachers themselves express their innovative thoughts through different activities such as transaction of lessons, giving assignments to learners, organize some memory games, applying laboratory methods etc. The entire atmosphere compels the learners to think innovatively.

  • Reflection of lessons:

            Imparting of science teaching is not confined to only achieving good academic score in science. Effective teaching of science develops scientific attitude and aptitude in learners. The lessons of science would be assimilated so deeply that will show their reflection in daily usual activities in and out of class room.

  • Recognition of discovery:

            To maintain and think of innovative ideas, activities, projects in science, the science teachers should always give recognition to new discovery. By doing so, it will reinforce the learners interested to new discoveries.

  • Preparation of science models:

            It is a constructive arena to explore the understanding of the real world. Actually it is a very significant and effective way to bring out the inner innovative potentialities of learners. By engaging in model preparation, learners get a scope to apply their acquired scientific knowledge, mensuration ability, imagination and creativity. It is a very cost effective approach. The science teachers are always there in every steps of preparation of scientific models.

  • Fishbone technique:

            It is such a technique which gives emphasis on cause-effect relationship to explain the scientific cause behind any events. The present technique helps to develop innovative thinking of learners in a sustainable manner. By using this technique, science teachers motivate creativity and boost up problem-solving abilities of learners.

  • Use of ICT and software application:

            Information communication technology has become the essential part of our regular lives. It has included in classroom also. In science classrooms science teachers can use programmed instructions and computer aided instructions; not only instructions but also use the electronic gadgets for presentations of teaching learning material, and measurement of the learning outcomes of students. Nowadays the new generation learners are getting more interested in different online modes. Some popular application software for innovative strategies of science teaching are Human body, Cosmic zoom, Video science, Science 360 etc.

  • Organization of science quiz and science exhibition:

            Science quiz is an interesting episode of classroom teaching of science. After completion of one or more than one chapter of science the science teacher can conduct science quiz by dividing the students in different groups. Here the students get opportunity to readily share their understanding of science topic with others.

            Science exhibitions are usually organized at school level by both the science teachers and students. Sometimes more than one school participate in the science exhibition. By organizing science exhibition students can get scope to utilize their innovations and also channelize themselves to science oriented activities from the very beginning of their lives.

            Here in the present discussion the emphasis is mostly given on innovative strategies of science teaching at school level by teacher education program in order to acquire all those skills by the future science teachers.

  • Membership of science club:

            The science teacher must be a member of local science club. Sometimes schools also form their own science club. In school science club, the science teacher and students both are the members. The science clubs are the right place where all members can share their scientific knowledge and also explore new arena of science learning.

  • Participation in science magazine publication:

            By providing articles based on science the student can participate in science magazine creation. The magazine provides the news of new scientific discoveries around the world. By doing this the student participants can update themselves. The science teacher supervises the overall activities and give their valuable suggestions to wall up the magazine successfully.

  • Set up of virtual science laboratory:

            It is an artificial set up of science laboratory where the interactions of learners create a situation of conducting simulated experiments. The students can easily get ideas about the inner and outer structures of anything related to science. The virtual laboratory is very useful for school level learners. Science teacher should be aware of the uses of virtual laboratories. 


            In this entire discussion the emphasis is mostly given on innovative strategies of science teaching at school levels. As the teacher education program provides the grooming sessions to acquire all these skills for the future science teachers, hence the above discussion is very relevant for science teachers and students in the teaching and learning of science subjects.          

Train Your Brain to “Be Positive”

Scientist say that a human mind at an average has 20,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. There are also data which says that 80% of all our thoughts are negative. In fact we train our own brain to think negative.

Sounds alarming!!! Well its not. Our mind was never designed to be happy or sad. It was wired for our survival. Simply put from the time of our evolution, it was always trying to sense and avoid danger, fight hunger and thirst and things more crucial for our survival. Decision making is more important to the brain than being creative and productive. But then over this long evolution, the functioning of the brain has also changed a lot.

Most of us pay a lot of attention to our physical health by doing regular exercise, eating properly and other ways to be fit. But often we fail to realize that mental health is as important to us as physical health is. But unfortunately, we hardly put any efforts to maintain our mental health. In our present lifestyle, with so much work pressure, stress and anxiety all around, it has become more than important to make a conscious effort to upkeep our mental health. Post-Covid 19, with social distancing becoming the norm, we shall be socializing lesser, eat out fewer times, go out for movies or arts even lesser. Life shall turn more solitary. That shall have a tremendous negative effect on our mental health.

The question therefore is how to keep the mind happy! We can control our mind in various ways, we can train it to be positive and thus affecting our overall feeling and wellbeing. In India we have seen our elders, grandparents and ancestors meditating. We have heard stories about how great yogis have the power to control any thing with their minds. We also have heard about people who are in a perpetual happy state of mind.  So how is all this possible? Can all of us also do it?

To train your mind to be positive, you do not have to be a practicing yogi. Its simple and all of us can do it. The first thing to do is by observing your thoughts – even if it’s just for couple of minutes. When we start practicing this, at the very beginning similar negative thoughts shall come back creeping up in your mind. Anxiety about an upcoming trip? Stressed out work? A old fight you had with your spouse, friend or colleague? Once you know which is the issue which is bothering you the most, try to address the issue. If it’s a fight, reach out and talk about it. Put the thing at rest.

Next thing to do is to think about something positive, which happened during the day. If it is more than one thing, think about both. If nothing has happened today, think about some happy memory. Do this for at least 2 to 3 minutes every day before going to bed. Once you can do this easily, try doing it more frequently. Research shows this releases dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin in our brain, chemicals which makes us feel happy.

It is very important to understand what is really important in life. It is not the clothes in your closet or the number of properties you own. It is you who is important, your family and friends and society around you. These things make you happy and make you feel happier. So its important to take time out for yourself and do what you like, cook, paint, read a book, listen to music, anything which make you happy, talk to family and friends. The lockdown has made us realize this better that it is not the eating outs, trips and parties which bring joy to our lives. It is things which are much simpler than that. Sharing with the community is another thing which gives immense joy. It is not necessary to donate money. You can also donate time. Help people around you. All these help you to feel better and of course stay positive.

Keep away from too much news. Media today has reached amazing heights. It has its own benefits. We are far more aware about everything and that too in matter of minutes. Internet and smart devices have helped this even further. People are always getting news feeds, forwards which are often fake news, and overload of information. It is not always possible to filter the right from the wrong. So, it is best to ignore and disconnect yourself from all of this. Select some trusted sources for information and ensure that you follow only that. This misinformation definitely triggers unnecessary negative thoughts in your mind. Especially, when we have this pandemic in the world, news tend to be even more disturbing. These news disturb your mind and makes it less productive and creative.

Another important thing is to Take short breaks. The world as we know it shall change in going forward. We are moving towards a more virtual life. Classes shall be online, work from home shall be a norm. And this trend shall be growing more than not. While doing this we often get stuck to our computers or smart devices for very long stretches. This is extremely stressful though it does not seem like it. Your brain is getting overworked and the rest of your body is doing no physical activity. It is thus very important to take breaks. After every 30 mins to 45 mins take a short break of 3 to 5 mins. Walk around. Look out of the window. Make it a point to take a stroll for at least 30 mins a day. These things keep your mind calm.

The last thing is to take proper rest. Try to sleep for at least 7-8 hrs. a day. Have light meals in the night and minimize screen time just before going to bed. This shall ensure that you have a sound sleep. This deep sleep is required for your brain to cool down, remove all the harmful toxins and chemicals, and rejuvenate itself. Sleeping late night, watching something violent before bed, consuming alcohol before bed or even late dinners are all reasons to have a disturbed night sleep.

Life has changed and so we need to adapt these changes more than ever. Our lifestyle has to change also. Many things which were general good habits now must be made the norm. The faster we do it, the happier we shall be by being Positive. 


What Exactly Is Copywriting?

What exactly is copywriting? If we are to deconstruct the term, we shall find that it is one of the most creative writing genres. The Oxford Dictionary describes a copywriter as “A person who writes the text of advertisements or publicity material.” The Cambridge Dictionary, however, is a little restrictive when it defines a copywriter as “someone who writes the words for advertisements.”

The process is not that simple though. In addition to being an accomplished writer, the copywriter needs to have a unique vision that can make the advertisement catchy and attractive. To put it in very simple terms, copywriting involves the creation of text for promotional materials. Copywriters craft the written materials for advertisements, billboards, brochures, catalogs, websites, emails and multiple other platforms. The text that is created in the process is known as copy.

How Does Copywriting Help?

It needs to be understood here copywriting primarily deals with inciting the audience into buying a service or a product or an idea. While editorial writing involves the creation of interest, copywriting focuses on engaging the target audience. It wouldn’t be injustice done if we were to say that a copywriter is often called a ‘salesman in print’.

When a copywriter writes a copy, there are certain approaches that are adopted to draw the attention of the prospective consumers. It is essentially something that caters to either the customers’ needs or wants or interests. These factors are collectively known as advertising appeals. The seven primary appeals could be given in the form of pointers given below:

  1. Humour Appeal: In this case, the copywriter tries to connect with the funny bones of the customers to create the necessary impact. The idea is to create a favourable impact on the prospective customers. The ingrained humour in the copy might make the customer remember the concerned product or the idea or the service. Eventually, this might result in enhanced sales. We can take the example of an advertisement for Bose Headphone which shows that a person is so engrossed listening to music through his earphone while boating that he is not aware that he is approaching a water gorge. Almost an impossible proposition, it does incite laughter.
  2. Music Appeal: In this case, the copywriter inserts music between words to soothe the customers and bring them to action. Music is one of the primordial elements that attract human beings. It has been proven by multiple research studies that the possibility of brand retention when music is used is stronger than the possibility of brand retention when music is not used. Thus, an effective copy intelligently uses the services of music along with words. As a distinct example, we can cite an Amul advertisement that talks about the multiple benefits of drinking milk. The accompanying song and lyrics became extremely popular. The popularity can be gauged by the fact that the song almost turned into a national anthem.
  3. Scarcity Appeal: Widely used, copywriters often point at the scarcity of something and invite the customers to take action so that they ‘don’t miss out on something’. There is a primordial human instinct that propels customers to scamper for something that is rare. Scarcity appeal cleverly uses this psychological trait to sell an idea or a service or an idea. We can cite the examples of discount advertisements to drive home the point. Most of such advertisements come with the disclaimer that the offers are applicable only for limited time periods. This spurs the customers to flock the respective brand stores to claim the benefits before the stocks end.
  4. Rational Appeal: A rather popular way of writing a copy, the copywriter in this case makes his presentation based on valid logic and rational facts. It is the most common appeal used in advertising copies. This harps on the inevitability quotient and convinces the customers on genuine factors. In order to get a clear understanding of this strategy, we can take the example of Domino’s Pizza publicizing a change in its pizza crusts. It purely talks about how the new crust is better than the earlier one and why customers should now check it out. Customers who like straight talk get influenced by such advertisements.
  5. Emotional Appeal: At times, the copywriter might as well tickle the emotions of the prospective customers. This strategy works more often than not. Human beings are emotional by nature. There is an increased possibility of convincing a prospective customer if emotions are used with a correct sense of timing. To exemplify this appeal, we can cite some outstanding advertisements by British Airways. One of such advertisements talks about the evolving relationship between a British female flight attendant and an elderly Indian lady. These advertisements explore the brighter side of humanity and incite the customers to take positive steps.
  6. Sexual Appeal: Sex indeed sells! An enhanced sexual orientation to the copy often attracts customers to the extent that they start taking actions. Globally, the usage of sexual stimulus has incited customers to come and buy or use a given service or a product or an idea. Gillette, a men’s safety razors brand, has used the concept of sex multiple times to drive their point home. In fact, most of these advertisements harp on the fact that men have become more handsome after using Gillette razors. Across multiple countries, advertising strategists have used the concept of sex to sell.
  7. Fear Appeal: Fear appeal is something that a copywriter creates in order to incite a real or a perceived threat of not using a product or a service or an idea. Again, fear is one of the most intrinsic human tendencies. If the same could be elicited using an advertising copy, there is nothing like it. A lot of advertising campaigns across the globe have made use of fear extensively. A lot of the insurance companies use this concept to sell insurance products. Medical insurance products are sold mostly by using inciting fear amongst the prospective customers.

However, it isn’t enough just being good with words in order to be a successful copywriter. Not only should one be excellent with words, his/ her sense of timing and placement must also be impeccable. However, there are certain basic strategies, which if followed, could go a long way in ensuring that one becomes a crafty copywriter. Let us look at the strategies one by one:

  1. The copywriter must know his/ her customers. Before starting with a copy, the copywriter has to ensure that he/ she has conducted a substantial amount of research to have found out what the customers want and aspire.
  2. The copywriter should not ever make any content error. In copywriting, any error is considered to be unpardonable.
  3. The copywriter must give his/ her customers enough reasons to act the way he/ she wants them to.
  4. The copywriter has to ensure that he/ she doesn’t sound self-indulgent because if he/ she does, he/ she is in for trouble for sure.
  5. The copywriter should not ever go for the marketing bluffs or else he/ she stands to lose his/ her credibility.

Having said whatever we did, the art of copywriting can’t really be put in a caged form. In order to be a copywriter, one needs to innovate constantly and come up with out-of-the-box ideas. However, if one has the requisite talent, it can always be professionally honed at a media school. The rest, as they say, depends on will and determination.

Can machine become self-aware: A guide to the emerging era of Artificial Intelligence

It was in the year 2015, one morning, while trying to plan my higher education, I came across an article in a magazine ‘Computerworld’ titled “Can Machine Learn”. I found the topic very interesting and started reading more about it. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning since then, have become two terms which are trending but these two term are also much confusing.

As Herbert Simon has defined Artificial Intelligence (AI) as –

We call programs intelligent if they exhibit behaviors that would be regarded as intelligent if they were exhibited by human beings.”

Then how can we describe machine learning because the term is in close relation to Artificial Intelligence. Let us dig deep into this

  • What is machine learning?
  • How it is related to Artificial Intelligence?
  • What are the basic if someone needed to start machine learning?
  • What are the career aspects in machine learning?

Machine Learning: What it is?

Lots of books have defined this term is many ways. The famous book “Machine Learning” written by Tom M. Mitchell [3] defines

“A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.” 

The definition itself explain many terminologies like Experience denoted by E, Class of tasks denoted by T and performance measure denoted by P which may not be understood by a laymen.

Hence as a layman we can say machine learning is a concept which makes a machine able to learn.

For making a machine able to learn we need to feed the machine with some past data based on some specific tasks and measure how it is performing when  new specific task are assigned to it. If same behavior exists in past then only the machine can predict if the same task will happen again. Prediction mainly depends on past cases.

How Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence are related? 

Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a major tool to map thought process with computational model. Artificial Intelligence (AI) captures, shares, develops and transform knowledge as per the desired format of organization. It originates from Greek mythology of artificial beings with thinking ability. This terminology is introduced by John McCarthy almost 30 years ago. But the journey started much before that. Vanner Bush put forward a system which turn up and understand human’s mind. Many computational models have been proposed using software tools to capture intrinsic knowledge associated with application domains.

Artificial Intelligence is a domain or field that can be handled by several sub-fields like vision, robotics, speech processing, expert systems, natural language processing, machine learning. Machine learning are mainly some algorithms that recapitulate over large datasets. They are mainly handling the task of prediction, classification and clustering. They analyze patterns in data and can help to produce reliable result from history. Nowadays as a result, numerous sectors are being associated with machine learning like automobiles, health, entertainment, cooking, e-commerce, etc.

 Day by day as artificial intelligence is replicating human though process in terms of analyzing, learning and decision making. Machine learning systems are helping human race in many ways

  • Less error prone than humans, if coded properly
  • Able to do repetitive and tiresome tasks without getting tired or bored, since machines do not have any feelings or emotions.
  • More organized than humans
  • Memorizing capability is exceptionally higher
  • High capability in detecting frauds, assisting human and integrating power with other technologies

Not compulsory but requirement will be helpful


Machine learning techniques and algorithms are mostly borrowed from or dependent on statistical theories. Statistical distributions help to understand the variations in data. Some knowledge of descriptive and inferential statistics is helpful to extract and gather some meaningful information from data.

Linear Algebra

The subjects include many topics like vectors, matrices, transformations to understand the internal working of the algorithms. But no harder mathematics are required. Nowadays libraries like scikit-learn in Python and caret in R is dealing with hard core mathematics which makes implementation of machine learning algorithms easy. [1]


To gain deeper insights about advanced machine learning algorithms like deep learning, neural network, knowledge of calculus like gradient descent, nonlinear functions are helpful.


Probability itself is a huge area, but it acts as a pillar in the field of machine learning. Some concepts like maximum likelihood, Bayesian probability, probabilistic graphical models includes some skills of probability.

Programming Language

Learners of machine learning have a big question regarding what programming language is best?

 R or Python. To answer this debatable question I always suggest the choosing of the language depends on the particular task. For what purpose you are going to implement machine learning according to that you have to choose your coding language. Beside R or Python environments like Weka, Scikit-Learn are mostly used by non-coders who want to implements machine learning algorithms to perform their task.

Career Aspects in Machine Learning

Start-ups and big tech giants are tending towards artificial intelligence and machine learning for decision making and predictive projects. Pay scale of machine learning engineer in the United States is $100,956 per year as reported by the top American website that provides salary and compensation information about different companies [2] The salary of a data scientist with machine learning skills in India is around 9 lacs and whereas in the US it is around $92,000[4].
“According to a Tractica Report, AI driven services were worth $1.9 billion in 2016 and are anticipated to rise to $2.7 billion by end of 2017 of which 23% of the revenue comes through machine learning technology.
A report from TMR mentions that MLaaS (Machine learning as a Service) is expected to grow from $1.07 billion in 2016 to $19.9 billion by end of 2025.”[5]

Lastly I want to conclude that this digital era i.e machine learning is going to create a boom in job opportunities for upcoming professionals. Applications in sector of cyber security, recognition, recommenders etc are looking for machine learning experts for better delivery in services in form of prediction or decision making. Besides all these, sectors like healthcare, manufacturing, production, human resource, marketing etc have good opportunities to develop forefront applications. We have to understand that in order to make machine learn in a much efficient way, we human beings have to understand the subject in best possible way.


[1] Sakshi Gupta. (2019, October) Springboard blog. [Online].

[2] PayScale. [Online].

[3] Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning.: Mc Graw-Hill education.

[4] (2019, May) Edureka. [Online].

[5] (2017, November) ProjectPro. [Online].

Digital Learning is a need based Technology in Education

Digital Learning is an instructional practice that effectively uses need based and application based technology to make the students learning process much stronger. Digital learning increases the skills of critical thinking, based on analytic reasoning, thus promoting cooperation and skilful team work in every aspects of life. Hence, it is used for professional learning opportunities of teachers and to provide personalized learning experience for students.

(A) There are different processes in digital learning:

1) On-line learning: It is the process of education in which contents or instructions are only delivered through internet.
2) Blended or hybrid learning.
3) Differentiated learning.
4) Personalized learning.
5) Flipped learning.
6) Individualized learning.
7) Gamification.
8) Understanding by Design.
9) Universal Design for Learning.

(B) There are different tools and resources for digital learning. During the 21st century, the following apps or tools may be used for digital learning:

1) RSS or social leaders
2) Google plus communities.
3) YouTube channels
4) ITunes
5) Google Drive
6) Drive box
7) Ever note
8) Digital pocket
9) Zotero

(C) It is to be noted that the digital learning should not be confused with online learning or E-learning. Some important points are discussed below:

(1) Process of digital learning: Interactive and adaptive software helps the students to learn in their own style, making the process more engaging. This new learning technologies provides real-time data by which the teachers gets more information, they need to adjust instructions and to meet the needs of each student.

(2) Digital materials and digital resources: Digital materials are the extensive model and software based infrastructure to support the learner (in this case students, teachers and researchers) with acquiring knowledge by presentation and simulation and its evaluation across multiple length and time scales. It is also balancing the need for high performance and high level of interrogation. Digital resources are in a computerized form, which can be read or scan by means of electronic media. The digital resources doesn’t require a separate space in library as these can be stored in the digital space of a computer locally or remotely. Digital resources can also be stored in the form of digital library or digital collection in an online database of digital objects that is composed in the form of texts, images, audio, video
or other formats. The contents are accessed by a computer network. Thus, these services provide systematic order where data and information are flooded, mismanaged or lost.

(D) Strategic steps towards success of digital learning:

1) Helps to determine educational goals:-For example, digital learning is used to improve skill on any subjects (but this technology developed by the help of science and maths), reading proficiency, to enhance student communication and thus increasing graduation rate. It is also helping extreme collaboration by providing more opportunities, increasing educational institutions and career readiness by ultimate technology of digital teaching skills.

2) Leads with teachers not technology:- Student teacher relationship is at the heart of Education. This statement may seem obvious to many yet the practice of planning for technology in classrooms with little or no teacher’s involvement remains all-toocommon. Thus, teachers should be involved in every phase from planning and implementation to assessment. They must know how to engage in professional learning opportunities in distinct leaders and with each other.

3) Engage with stakeholders:-
The stakeholders must be supportive of the digital learning programs, if they feel suitability in the planning
and development of those programs. So, the changes with digital learning will be experienced by students,
parents, teachers, and community leaders.

4) Monitoring the progress:- The digital learning process is very slow and time taking if everybody has a goal to reach in every corner of the society. So, the process should be monitored regarding its productivity and positive outcome. During the process of implementation, one may face problems in changing an old method of learning to a new digital method. Many teachers may not feel comfortable in accepting this method as an ideal one, because, this may hamper the close physical and mental bonding between the teachers and students. But on a better aspect, to gain positive result, everyone has to keep great patience.

In conclusion, it is stated that the digital learning may help learner to grasp versatile knowledge and concepts. It will be more approachable for all students especially for some introvert students, who can’t approach to teachers in front. Students get ample amount of time to clear doubts and concepts through digital learning. This learning process is very much handy, especially easy operable by the students and teachers.

Destructive innovation for Mechanical Engineering

Being innovative means doing things differently or doing things that have never been done before. An innovator is someone who has embraced this idea and creates environments in which employees are given the tools and resources to challenge the status quo, push boundaries and achieve growth. Mechanical Engineering is the keyway which is used to convert the innovative idea to a realistic model. But without destroying it is not possible to create any innovation. In regards to creativity, it means that, to be creative, you have to destroy preconceived notions, ideas, or parts of a problem. If you’re going to be creative you have to look at something you believe and make it false (or lesser true) to spur creative insights. In essence: a creative thought is one that destroys original thought. Creative ideas shake up what we believe, they destroy known concepts, but what they destroy they replace with something worthwhile. Like the auto company Tesla proving that electrical cars can be sustainable and luxurious, Apple showing the world what a smartphone should be with the iPhone, or Dali demonstrating that artwork can go beyond surrealism. Therefore, to be creative, you simply need to find something to destroy. It’s by destroying something old and replacing it with something new, something potentially much better, that the world (and we, as artists and creatives) grow. Mechanical Engineering plays a vital role in innovation and destruction. Innovative idea is built up by the destruction of the older idea or older product for Mechanical Engineering. I give an example, as a design engineer whatever the product has to design always thinks in mind how much force is applied in this product for destroy. I describe some of the new technology based on the mechanical concept related to innovation and Destruction.

Solar Technology:- Innovation:-(Solar Tree): Ministry of Science and Technology has come up with a ‘Solar Power Tree’, an innovative way to generate electricity using solar power in a limited space. Following features are available for Solar Tree, • It reduces the requirement of land as compared to conventional solar photovoltaic layout. • It takes only 4square feet of land for installing a 5KW solar power tree. • It can harness up to 10-15% more power in comparison to a conventional layout on the ground. • It has a battery back-up of 2 hours on full load and can give light even after sunset. It develops by the CMERI Durgapur a laboratory of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, the solar power tree model is designed like a tree with branches made of steel to hold the photovoltaic.

Destruction: – The International Renewable Energy Agency in 2016 estimated there were about 250000 metric tonnes of solar panel waste in the world at the end of that year. Solar panels often contain lead, cadmium, and other toxic chemicals that cannot be removed without breaking apart the entire panel. Lead, cadmium and other toxic chemicals are polluted our society and various disease are attracted to human life. So, this technology is also harmful to society.

Nano Technology: – Innovation: -Nanoscience and nanotechnology is one of the most important researches in the 21st century. The application of nanotechnology for mechanical manufacturing as a point of departure, discussed the nano-material technology, nano-processing technology, nano-assembly technology and nano-measurement technology in mechanical manufacturing, and described the resulting theory nano-mechanics which was different from the traditional mechanics. Moreover, the important role of nanotechnology for the development of mechanical manufacturing. The Application of nanotechnology for cancer therapy has received considerable attention in recent years. In the automotive industry, nanotechnology applications are manifold. They reach from power train, light-weight construction, energy conversion, pollution sensing and reduction, interior cooling, wear reduction, driving dynamics, surveillance control, up to recycle potential and much more.

Destruction: -Russian military uses nanotechnology to build the world’s most powerful nonnuclear bomb, which is used to destroy any developed country within a minute. Another application of nanotechnology i,e Human health. Nano Elements that are microscopic poses a greater threat to the human body than other elements that are easily visible with naked eyes. Each nanoparticle has different qualities and features; thus, their effect also differs and thus might prove very dangerous to human health. Infect, many studies say that some nanoparticles grow naturally in our bodies which also has some short- and long-term health risks.

Measuring Behavior: Scope of Statistics in Psychological Research

Imagine looking at an abstract painting hanging on the wall of your office. What do you see? What does the other person standing next to you see? What will all other people coming to your office see? The answer to this question is a multifaceted one. People react differently to the same physical stimulus all the time. And this is because our psychological world coexists with our physical world. So whatever we perceive at any instant is integration of the physical stimulus and our own emotional colours and past experiences intermixed together. So now the question is “why measure behavior?” Indeed the reasons are lot many. Behavior is anything and everything that an individual does in response to a stimulus. It is the overt expression of our covert mental processes. Measuring behavior is not only important to understand human nature but also facilitates predicting behavior in a specific situation. For instance, how many people are going to buy a new product just launched in the market? Or considering a road side accident, how many people will actually come ahead to help the victim? Or who among the managers of an organization can make a better leader?

How to measure Behavior? Quantitative or Qualitative measurement:
In the early decades of nineteenth century, studying human experience and interpretation was a popular way of understanding behavior. Earlier attempts to understand behavior and measure it includes the works of William James (1842-1910) and Franz Brentano (1838-1917) who studied human immediate experience and the self, involving systematic and objective techniques. Although, this approach to understand human behavior was later rejected with the emergence of Behaviorism and Cognitivism in the field of Psychology, qualitative approaches to human experience is still being considered to be a very effective method of accessing rich experiential information.

Quantification of human experience, on the other hand, emerged with the groundbreaking work of Gustav Fechner (1801 – 1887), who intended to discover the laws regulating the interconnection of external physical nature of stimulus with internal perceptual experiences. Popularly known as “Fechner’s Law”, the mathematical expression of this connection laid the bed stone for Psychophysics, a subfield of experimental psychology which still has enormous applications in understanding human sensory modalities and brain processes. Towards the beginning of twentieth century, the focus of attention got shifted from psychophysics to psychometric approaches to study behavior. In the earlier attempts to measure human behavior, psychologists, physicians and mathematicians joined hands to develop different kinds of behavioural measures. For instance, behavior during that time was largely understood in terms of intellectual processes. The first standard test of intelligence was developed by Charles Spearman, who proposed a Two-factor theory of Intelligence with a general and a specific factor of intelligence. This was followed by the development of other standardized tests of intelligence through factor analysis, primarily a statistical technique. Apart from Intelligence, attempts were also made to study human personality and accordingly tests based upon factor analytic approach were developed, for example, 16 PF test of personality developed by Raymond Cattell (Fig 1). Needless to mention, quantification of human behavior through statistical approach led to the development of this field to an unfathomable extent.

Fig 1. Cattell’s 16 Personality Factors; Image source: See References

Applications of Statistics in Psychyolog

Statistics is the discipline that is concerned with collection, organization, analysis and interpretation of data. Although theoretical to it’s’ core, statistics has huge applications in all possible fields of scientific research, and understanding human behavior is no exception. In the past few decades, statistics has largely shaped the paradigm of measuring human behavior. In today’s context, statistical techniques form the core of any quantitative psychological research which intends generalization and predictive implications. Be it any sub field of psychology, statistical methods finds its’ applications in every nooks and corner of psychological research, starting from sampling individuals, collecting data, analysis and interpretation of behavior. Apart from the general applications in quantitative analysis as required in experimental research as well as survey studies, application of statistical techniques in the field of psychology also pertains to psychometry involving behavioural measurement through psychological testing. As a matter of fact, some of the statistical techniques that are in existence today were primarily developed to fulfil the needs to construct and validate psychological tests. For instance, to estimate the temporal consistency of a test, the test-retest method of estimating reliability is widely used which is not primarily a mainstream statistical technique. Again, to estimate the construct validity of a test, Confirmatory Factor Analysis is a popular method in use which chiefly attempts to predict latent behavioural variables (e.g. stress) based on observed attributes (for example, loss of sleep, loss of appetite etc.). Such techniques not only enables researcher to obtain an objective measure of behavior, but also produces results that are highly reliable and can be generalized to the maximum.

Recent advances of Statistical Applications in Psychological Research

The last few decades have witnessed the epitome of statistical applications in the field of psychology. With the emergence of different menu driven computer applications like SPSS and STATA, doing statistical analysis of psychological data has become much more sophisticated and precise. Most recent advances in psychological data analysis make use of R-Programming, Python and MATLAB which are rather data-driven applications that are largely in use for psychological data analysis and designing psychological experiments. For instance, the PSYCH package within R-Programming software contains almost all applications that are customized for psychological data analysis. Similarly, PSYCH TOOLBOX application in MATLAB enables cognitive psychologists to design cognitive experiments.

Fig 2: Structural Equation Modeling; Image adapted from  Ye et al., 2018

Statistical applications in Psychological test development also witnessed a drastic change. With the advancement of modern Item Response Theory for test development, test items are now being validated based on logistic models. Prediction based models that are investigated through experimental or survey based methods are now being done through Structural Equation Modeling (Fig 2), which combines mathematical models, computer algorithms and statistical techniques. This includes Measurement Models chiefly required for Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Path Analysis and Latent Growth Models. Newly developed statistical techniques are facilitating researchers to study the change in a psychological attribute over a period of time through Trajectory Analysis. Most of these techniques have in their core the concepts of statistical regression, but applied to different settings.

In the past few years, psychologists and researcher are witnessing a major boom of rich psychological data from people on a daily basis, thanks to the social networking sites and countless online surveys used by different organizations. With the accumulation of this rich source of data, psychological data analysis has reached a new level of sophistication. As a joint effort of Data Scientists and Psychologists, Psychoinformatics as a new discipline of psychology has emerged. This is an interdisciplinary field where Psychology meets Statistics and Machine Intelligence and where data mining techniques are used to predict human behavior long before people themselves can predict their own behavior (Fig 3). Albeit in a nascent phase, such a discipline bears evidence to the fact that the definition of measuring behavior has changed drastically with the increasing conglomeration of Psychological principles with Statistical techniques.

Fig 3: Psychoinformatics; Image Adapted from Markowetze et al., 2014

Conclusive Remarks:
Psychology, while primarily considered to be a Social Science, have come a long way in the past century and has emerged as a fore runner in the field of applied interdisciplinary scientific research. Applications of statistical methods in psychological research have enabled the discipline to overcome the limitations of subjectivity in measurement to a large extent and produce much more objective and statistically sound inferences about human behavior. In a nut shell, Statistics as a discipline, has become one of the cornerstones of Psychology and has equipped it with all the gears to operate most effectively as a field of scientific research.

• Markowetz, A., Blaszkiewicz, K., Montag, C., Switala, C., & Schlaepfer, T.E. (2014). Psycho-informatics: Big Data shaping modern psychometrics. Medical hypotheses, 82 4, 405-11.
• Ye, Jiao & Chen, Jun & Bai, Hua & Yue, Yifan. (2018). Analyzing Transfer Commuting Attitudes Using a Market Segmentation Approach. Sustainability. 10. 2194. 10.3390/su10072194.
• Business Concept Team (2019). 16 PF Personality Test Definition, Importance, Advantages, Disadvantages, Example & Overview.

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