Choosing a Career as an Environmental Engineer

What to choose? Which subject to take? Shall I get good job opportunities? What would be the earning potential?… Etc.

These are some of the common concerns that we have before embarking on further education, but take a deep breath and consider environmental engineering as a career option. Isn’t it fascinating to learn more about the world in which we work or to solve the problems that our environment faces on a daily basis? Obviously, it’s interesting! Let’s get started on gathering as much information as possible about our environmental studies. Environmental engineering is a branch of engineering and scientific knowledge of strategies to apply to the practical improvement of the environment. Another thing to say about an environmental specialist: it can provide a cover or assurance for our current situation, as well as strengthen the relationship between humans and the natural climate. Natural engineering gave us the ability to interact with both nature and individuals. As a result, create a capable undertaking that can have a long-term result. Difficulties and significant issues are present in each venture, which requires great understudies and a workforce. An environmental engineer is attempting to develop a new device, a natural structure plan, EIA planning, and is also developing a new monetary model, though environmental management improvement is more satisfactory than theories are the use of the premises.

Why is it necessary to conduct further research into environmental engineering?

 It is past time for us to become more rational and calculative as a result of the novel objective for environmental engineering. There are many research, programs, and realistic applications that we cannot overlook. In master’s programs, environmental engineering is a multidisciplinary topic with a lot of theory papers and lab work, project work, and seeing how the hypothesis applies with your own experiences. Other skills, such as technical reading and writing, critical thinking, and board ability, are required in addition to the hypothetical material.

 We can likewise choose between two sorts of Experts degrees:     

  • If there is someone who is more concerned about the natural arrangement builder planner, they may pursue a master’s degree in natural engineering.
  • If anybody is interested in the exploration field, they can go for M. Tech in Environmental Engineering.

Who Are We and What We Do?

In the current period, we can see an increase in demand in the engineering sector across various divisions. If we look at the previous survey results, we can see that environmental engineering is receiving the same attention and opportunities as other fields. Many of us believe that saving the earth is a task for the future, so why bother doing it now? This is not the case; it is having a positive and direct effect on people’s daily lives all over the world.

Now comes the issue of how an environmental engineer can assist in achieving a healthy and sustainable climate, and what positions do they play in this regard.

 Environmental engineering, as we all know, is closely connected to environmental science in that it employs scientific and engineering concepts to protect and enhance the environment. It also includes the design and technology for improving environmental quality. The working areas for environmental engineers are air pollution control, radiation protection, hazardous waste management, industrial hygiene, recycling, toxic material control, wastewater management, solid waste disposal, and public health and land management, protection of wildlife, prevent the production and repercussion of acid rain, global warming, and ozone depletion. Life will be difficult without environmental engineers because we can only live and continue our work if our world is clean and secure. The most fascinating aspect of this subject is that students who want to study environmental engineering will gain a broad understanding of a variety of topics including mathematics, engineering design, biology, microbiology, computer science, ecology, public health, economics, and geology.

Let us move on to the job opportunities after learning about the course specifics. What kind of job will an individual get after completing a B. Tech or M. Tech in environmental engineering?

There are many fields where environmental engineers are been appointed, are:

  • Environmental related projects with national & international firms.
  • Universities or colleges where they can teach, conduct research, and share knowledge on environmental control acts.
  • Industry or company for handling wastewater treatment system, treat and dispose of hazardous waste, etc.
  • Municipal agencies for water supply system.
  • Laboratories
  • Government sectors
  • And plenty of opportunity in fertilizer plants, refineries, food processing industries, etc.

Job Outlook of Environmental Engineering is Great!!!

When we think of studying and pursuing a career in engineering, we usually think of mother streams like civil, mechanical, or electrical engineering, but there is one branch that is becoming increasingly relevant today: environmental engineering. Nothing can be better than to having a career which is meaningful, satisfying, as well as rewarding, and environmental engineering fits perfectly on these criteria. Environmental engineers are extremely satisfied with their careers because they know what they are doing has a major impact on our future; and they are able to fulfill their responsibilities towards our nature and society.

With increasing environmental issues, our young generations are getting aware; as a result, colleges and universities have started offering environmental engineering programmes. The master’s program in this regard will help to better understand the environmental problems and find solutions with the help of technology as well as to raise awareness among the students. 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average growth rate for employment of environmental engineers is going to exceed 15% by 2014 to 2024, which is way faster than the average for all other occupations. Why? Because with the modernization and development, our environment is also getting polluted and we are becoming more aware to save the world. As a result, job opportunities for environmental experts will increase. It’ll help us to find a job anywhere in the world, from India to Australia to Europe and beyond, this is truly a global career.

Talking about salaries, environmental engineers get paid pretty well. Although money is not everything, but we live in a world where we need money to survive. Based on a survey of salaries in India, the results show that an experienced environmental engineer receives an average compensation of Rs 10,19,862. So, they can lead a beautiful life.

This was some of the most valuable knowledge about environmental engineering; hopefully, after reading this, the majority of your questions will be answered. Ergo, time to come forward and ‘Be a part of solution not a part of the pollution’.

Unravel the mystery of M.Tech in Computer Science

Are you a final-year student? Are you in dilemma about what should be your next step for your career? Is it a job you need after your B.Tech or is it a certification you need to kickstart your career or you need an M.Tech to give a boost to your career? These are quite common questions that dwell in every engineering students mind.

In my old days, I was also had the same state of mind and it got more fuel when I saw that some of my friends started preparing for GRE, TOFEL and some took some MNC based jobs and some joined some started preparing for some government jobs.    

First, let me share my side of the story for going ahead with M.Tech. I saw a few of my seniors work under different IT companies and found there they not only need to be shinning every day but they have to upskill themselves mostly on a regular basis. As most of the curriculum does not cater to the present-day industry needs. Most importantly it is very challenging to upskill and perform in your job on a daily basis.

Though the short-term certifications will earn you various skills unfortunately it will never be enough for you to increase your scale to a different level. Whereas post M.Tech the job perspective and eligibility for your career multiplies exponentially. Not only you are eligible for industry jobs but you can be a part of building an engineering society by producing quality engineers and also can contribute to different research activities and see your creation come live and help society. 

Some students have experienced the importance of having a post-graduation degree, post they had spent around more than 5 years in the industry and had set for the different executive program but most cases these executive programs are not a full-time program and not focused in developing a strong academic background. 

Is GATE is mandatory for perusing M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering?

GATE is just a competitive examination by which students can be evaluated with a common test thus giving the selectors a common criterion to select candidates. But if you are academically strong then you can peruse M.Tech without GATE.

What awaits for me post M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering?

The opportunities get increased exponentially post M.Tech. Your option of joining the industry becomes wider with a higher package, along with you can be a part of any academic institute, research institute, government institute, private institute, peruse PhD to name a few.

Which branch should I choose for my M.Tech course of studies?

You can choose any branch of studies for your M.Tech course but as per the regulation of various government bodies and looking at your career it is advisable the course should be relevant to your B.Tech course of studies. 

Where to study M.Tech?

At Adamas University, we design and update our curriculum frequently to meet the changing demand of the present-day industry while making you academically aware of many of your future endeavours.  

The necessity of having a strong alumni network

The reputation and success of any educational institution including higher educational institutions lies on its students – past as well as present. Faculty, administration staff and placement personnel also play a vital role. The reputation grows when it keeps producing successful graduates and post-graduates continuously – intelligent, innovative and effective in their fields.

Alumni can help institutions sustain through their donations, and voluntary help. If a big chunk of the money that institutions require come from alumni it will help those institutions remain competitive. They can provide their students newer technology, better facility, and nicer campus. Let us now study and review the possible areas in which alumni can provide a strong support to educational institutions:

Brand building

With mushrooming educational institutions around the world, one way for institutes to stand apart from domestic and international competition is to promote its brand. And an institute’s alumni are its best bet. It is not only the alumni’s professional successes that drive a brand but also factors like alumni driven campus recruitment, social campaigns go a long way in promoting a brand.


Year after year, the race for ranking has gained more prominence as more and more institutions have entered the fray. Apart from factors like infrastructure, quality of faculty, curriculum, research facilities, now alumni success and engagement are also being taken into consideration.

National Assessment and Accreditation council’s (NAAC) Revised Assessment and Accreditation framework indicates a shift in several metrics – one of it being to bring in enhanced participation of students and alumni in the assessment process. NAAC has specified that alumni engagement can contribute in academic matters, student support as well as mobilisation of resources – both financial and non-financial.

Naming rights

With the intention of encouraging significant contributors’/donors, higher educational institutions have embarked on a policy of granting naming rights to major facilities and programs.

Programs in this connection refer to scholarship, fellowship, chair-professorship, endowment, etc

Facilities in this connection refer to movable and immovable properties, research lab equipment, etc.

The name of the person, in respect of whom the Naming Rights have been granted, shall be prominently displayed at all times on the immovable or movable property during the tenure of the Naming Rights.


The alumni network of a college/university is one of the biggest sources of placement opportunities for students. Alumni can help students get placed at their respective organisations.

Mentorship and career guidance

Alumni can play an active role in voluntary programmes like mentoring students in their area of expertise. Further alumni are a huge talent pool whose guidance can be beneficial to many students in their respective areas of study.

Networking platform

Alumni network by itself is one of the biggest professional networking platforms available today.

So, it may be concluded that former students or alumni of an institution can play an immensely positive role in higher education transformation. The alumni have the great potential to promote institutional development. It has equally great ability to build a skill and knowledge-sharing network. It is therefore strategic for institutions of higher learning to establish and maintain good relations with its alumni by inviting them in decision making, network building and developmental processes for the overall advancement of the institution.

Significance of LinkedIn in Job Hunting

LinkedIn is the largest professional networking website having 756 million members in 200 countries worldwide. It has actually been around longer than Facebook & Twitter. It helps you to create and manage your online professional brand, which means nearly an unlimited supply of network connections and job opportunities. LinkedIn can perform near miracles for your career development. Hiring managers and employers both use LinkedIn to source candidates for employment. As a candidate you can use LinkedIn to research companies at the same time you will also appear in the search done by different recruiters. Here your presence on LinkedIn plays a significant role.

If you are a job seeker, you can let recruiters and your network on LinkedIn know you are open to new job opportunities.  LinkedIn will help your profile show up in search results when recruiters look for suitable job candidates.

In the current scenario, most of the recruiters check the LinkedIn profiles of candidates who apply to their openings. That’s why it’s highly important for job seekers to manage their profiles well.

Five major advantages of LinkedIn for jobseekers:

  1. You can create your professional brand: There are certain ways of creating a professional brand i.e. building your own websites, writing professional blogs etc. but creating a LinkedIn profile is much easier. It takes hardly 30 minutes to set up a LinkedIn account. Once you set up an account on LinkedIn find out what makes you marketable? It’s important to upload a professional profile picture (since profiles without proper pictures are not considered genuine). Write a powerful summary. Emphasizing your personal strengths and domain-based skills, this helps recruiters and your network to understand you as a professional.
  2. Follow companies and their employees: LinkedIn can be used as an important tool for researching organizations and people working for those organizations. It’s a good practice plan and decide some organizations you want to work for and sending a connection request to the people working for those organizations with a short personalized message. It’s also important to follow companies’ official pages to stay updated.
  3. Connect with LinkedIn groups: Connecting with groups with similar interest and help you expand your network. Groups allow you to take part in the discussion where you have the brilliant opportunity to exhibit your skills and knowledge about a particular topic. Groups also assist you to connect with key people of the popular industries. 
  4. Write articles about specialize area of your knowledge: If you can write well, it’s a great opportunity to write and post your articles on LinkedIn about your area of interest. It boosts your presence, showcases your knowledge and portrait your image of an intellectual person in your network. If you can’t write so well, find stories relevant to your field and post them with your brief comment.
  5. It can help you tap into industry news: Following the official pages of industries of your choice, while scrolling your timeline on LinkedIn you can stay updated about news and events in a particular industry. It’s a good practice to take important notes of your target industries. This will assist you at the time of preparation for the job interview.

Conclusion: There are almost endless benefits of LinkedIn. From a jobseeker’s perspective, LinkedIn is an effective tool to get ahead in the job search. So, ultimately you can build and maintain your network, search for jobs, and build your professional reputation through LinkedIn. In short, having a LinkedIn profile will help you a great deal in landing your dream job.

People First – An Emphasis on Employee Value Proposition

These are the turbulent times when everything under the sun is under pressure. The pressure is to change the normal way of working. The work, the business, all need to run to survive but in a new normal mode. Everyone needs to cope up with the challenges of the new normal. In this scenario, employees have taken the pivotal role of continuing their work from anywhere, any mode, so that the organization does not suffer. The education sector, not being an exception, is following the same norm. The faculty members of Adamas University are also handholding the students in this difficult time as well as supporting the management to run the organization smoothly. To value the employees, Adamas University has launched the program People First. By this approach, Adamas University is helping its present employees to pass on in this difficult time.

The concept of People First has come up from one of the important strategic areas of HR, which is Employee Value Proposition (EVP). This concept is used to attract and retain skilled employees. By definition, EVP means, the comprehensive offering by the employer to his employees, present as well as prospect. The EVP implemented with the People First approach involves a proper mix of characteristics, benefits, and ways of working in the organization. This one is an unwritten contract between Adamas University and its workers that, University will provide value to its employees, and in return, the employees will be loyal to the University.

The terminology has been taken from the well-known marketing terminology – Customer Value Proposition. There is always a conflict as, to whom the employer focuses more, customers, or employees. As a result of the debate, customers need to be served by employees. So, without putting them first, nothing can be achieved by the employer. Sometimes employers focus more on the customers to get business, but they fail to retain the critical element – the employees, which actually, let them achieve success.

The concept of EVP evolves around filling and retaining the skill gap in the ever-changing business scenario. In higher education institutions this is more evident, as here, highly skilled employees are the cornerstones, which need to be filled as well as retained. The private higher educational institutions like Adamas Univesity, which value research as well as education on the same scale to rank higher than the others, EVP stands out to make them count. Earlier, the scale to measure the employee impact was by higher compensation provided to the particular employee. But in higher education institutions this is not the key element to attract employees. The latest research by LinkedIn showed that the prospective candidates not only are looking for the compensation packages provided, but also to the brand, and the perception they build on how the enterprise will look after him regarding his career advancement, intellectual appetite, and other needs.

Organizations always strive to become “Employer of the Choice” for the talents they are hiring. The EVP is one of the elements to win this talent war. During the tough times of the organization, employees hold hand of the entity to lead it through the turbulent waters depending on their leadership. But if the employer leaves the hands of employees, then brand building gets hampered. And if once the brand-building gets affected, then it will have a far-reaching impact. The concept of People First has successfully implemented this process, of valuing employees, and thus helping to make the brand Adamas a truly global brand.

PUSH to PULL: When COVID-19 ushered a student centric active learning model that works

Search “professor with students” on Google image. The majority of images that we find are of professors standing or sitting with a group of learners. In the pre-COVID-19 era, those were the most common images ingrained in our mind. The setting told us about the nature of the relationship that existed between the facilitator and the learners and the way the guided learning process took place.

When we finally leave the pandemic behind, the construct of teaching and learning paradigm will already go through a transformation. No longer the formal setting will be crucial; we will need the content, irrespective of the location of the teacher. The question will revolve around efficiency and effectiveness of the teacher in clearing doubts of the learners. With things going online and “work from anywhere” concept catching up, learning becomes a 24×7 process.

Online teaching is very different than offline teaching. As internet connectivity in all parts of the country is not uniform, online education as of now suffers from infrastructural bottlenecks. The speed in which COVID-19 ravaged human civilization resulting into our adoption of online mode of operating, internet service providers are overwhelmed by the exponential demand for their services. With 5G coming in and proactive support from the governments, infrastructural questions will be resolved to a great extent in future. The “human” part of the learning process will still pose questions. I have given a few instances of what I did while conducting my classes at SOMC, AU to enable learning through participation.

First, instead of a linear way of teaching, I showed them the outcome first. To cite an example from cooking, let’s imagine that we are cooking sweet corn soup. Instead of the traditional method of starting from peeling the corn, boiling the corn, cutting vegetables in a particular way etc, I cooked the soup and asked them to taste. Once they found it delicious, now they asked how to make it. I asked them to note the ingredients used and observe the process in general. Instead of instructions, it was a discussion. I wanted them to see for themselves what worked and what not.

Now let me cite another example related to Conflict Communication. Traditional method is to go through the theories. Now let’s make it upside down. Let’s design a conflict situation through a role play, while one student can be a customer and another a PR head or customer service executive of a company. While they fought by taking different positions, I asked other students to tell us how they would resolve the conflict. They came up with ideas that they had. Once we wrote down all the ideas, we went back connecting each idea with a theoretical framework. One student may say “I think the company should straightaway refuse the claim by the customer as fraudulent.” Then we connected this version of response with the Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) and the strategy called “attacking the accuser”. Other methods involved finding audio visual clip from a movie or a drama series or a television commercial and present how a theory was demonstrated in the clip that they showed.

What was the result of this method? Let’s hear from a few learners who completed the course.

“…Not many teachers can build such a great relationship with the students in such a short span of time and that too by teaching online And I was lucky enough to meet you in person and sit and have a conversation with you. Will always keep your words in mind along the way. Thank you Sir”.

“Sir your classes were the most interactive and interesting in this journey of our 3 years. The way you explained us the theories by giving real life examples and in a story telling method, it was so much easy to understand as well as to implement. Your teaching style through storytelling is really helpful for the learners, I still remember the examples you gave while explaining the theories of conflict communication. In your classes we used to have presentations, feedback sessions and it has helped me a lot to boost my self-confidence…Thank you so much sir for guiding us this way.”

Learning and teaching process has changed. Instead of “information push”, the learners need to “pull information” towards them. Both serious learners and teachers who can inspire to learn have become very important.  COVID-19 has wiped the slate clean. It’s now our chance to draw something wonderful on it.

Interesting Ways of Producing Learning Content for Learners

The pandemic situation has affected our daily lifestyle to a considerable extent. Each field got hit by this pandemic situation. We cannot go for a lockdown regarding everything. So, to keep up the pace, multiple changes and modifications have been done already and numerous are in pipeline too. Apart from the regular teaching methods, some new and innovative concepts are required to be added considering the current scenario. To bridge up the gap between the instructors and learners, these newer concepts and learning tools can play a vital role. The internet provides us with numerous resources so that both research and learning domains can become rich enough. E-learning comprises a wide range of learning processes, methods, etc. Irrespective of place and time, e-learning is one of the best options for continued learning. Employing these multimedia technologies increases distant exchanges and collaborations. The term “e-learning” supports and enhances learning by utilizing the use of information and communication technology which is different from traditional classrooms. Moreover, it provides flexibility in the learning processes since it includes video presentations, online quizzes, puzzles, webinars as well as many other methods of learning. The primary advantages of e-learning include interactivity, customizable nature, repeatability, self-paced, etc. There is a chance of high interaction between the instructors and learners compared to the traditional environment. E-learning based on web-supplemented and web-dependent services makes rigid schedules much more interesting, active and enjoyable.

The types of e-learning include lesson-based learning, course-based learning, video-based learning, game and activity-based learning, self-paced learning, “lesson a day” learning, group learning and many more. The change we are bringing in is that by using various innovative e-learning platforms for learners, the learning content can become much more interesting and acceptable.

One of the e-learning platforms which we may use includes LiveBoard. It is an interactive whiteboard where we can draw as well as write. LiveBoard should be operated by the stylus and by using our hands. We are currently, trying to implement this e-learning tool in our classes to make things more interesting.  LiveBoard offers various benefits like real-time drawing and whiteboard sharing, unlimited board space, unlimited groups, cloud storage, unlimited undos and redos.

There are several ways by which innovative learning is done that promote creativity. Instructors understand and foster the creative environment; make a room for better visual reflection since it provides information that learners absorb more deeply; keep the creativity flowing for which classroom layout should be flexible; include unconventional learning materials like ted talks, podcasts; encourage vibrancy by displaying inspirational posters; incorporate humour which flourishes creativity like using some relevant jokes, any pop culture references; give rewards and recognitions which may motivate learners like providing them e-certificates; add motivational posters and quotes; involve learners more and more in team-building exercises which provides better communication as well as collaboration; explore different cultures of learners which produces diversity which is something outside the box. There is a wide range of e-learning platforms which include Adobe Captivate Prime, Talent LMS, Learn Upon, Moodle, Alison. Virtual classroom softwares include WizIQ, Vedamo. Web conferencing and webinar tools incorporate Google Meet, Webinar Ninja.

E-learning includes synchronous and asynchronous learning. Synchronous learning means learning, teaching is occurring in real-time which means that the instructor and learner are physically separated from each other. Examples include online lectures, watching a live television broadcast. Asynchronous learning means the instructor prepares the course materials before the course takes place, which indicates that people are not online at the same time. It allows learners to participate according to their schedules. Examples include self-paced courses, recorded audio/video presentations, seminars.

The ground on impact we are making is that by utilizing e-learning, the courses are becoming more interesting and acceptable to the learners. The learners are going through a large number of online platforms which shows their immense involvement in various courses. Access to multiple courses, audio-video lectures of various professors from different universities is now at the palm of our hands. To provide quality education to the learners, parents spend a lot of money. Not only for education purposes, but they also invest a big amount in lodging and transport facilities. E-learning resources efficiently provide quality learning, reducing the cost and saving time. Finally, we must say that e-learning culture makes the learners self-directed, self-regulated and self-motivated.

The New Normal Era of Teaching-Learning

The year-long global pandemic forced us to accept the new normal. We all are now adapting ourselves to the changing socio-economic environment. But the process is not yet done. As academicians, we also had to face challenges. In fact, initially, every change has to face challenges. For students also, it was quite difficult to accept the challenge of new Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based learning. However, this ICT based learning played an anchor role for the students to get uninterrupted learning. Due to the phase-wise lockdown and absence of traditional chalk and talk method of learning in the educational institutions, initially, it was difficult for the students to accept this ICT based learning.

To overcome this situation, Adamas University, the best private university in the Eastern India, has immediately introduced MS-Teams as a tool of ICT based learning for uninterrupted teaching and learning process. MS-Teams is a digital platform where students and teachers can connect themselves from anywhere any time to exchange their thoughts, ideas, views etc. by forming a group. Moreover, they can also exchange their documents, study materials, assignments etc. by using this teaching-learning platform. Gradually, the students have overcome the situation and accepted the new normal of the ICT based learning.

Apart from that, Adamas University has also introduced a plan for every faculty member to maintain individual Course Files. It will be really helpful for the students as well as the teachers. From this, students can now able to understand the purpose of the study of a specific course, what will be their knowledge addition from that course, what will be the pattern of the questions, previous year’s question papers as sample, lecture notes on different sub-topics etc. Apart from these information, teachers are also keeping track of the progress of each student through continuous assessments like quizzes, assignments, class tests etc. Accordingly faculty members also conducted remedial classes, arranged special lectures for the slow learners as remedial measures. Faculty members are also keeping records of different categories of answer scripts as sample documents for the students.

As a tool of continuous development in the teaching-learning methodology, Adamas University has implemented an Outcome-Based Education (OBE) system replacing the conventional system. Under this system, every programme and course is designed in such a way that it can fulfil certain objectives to attain its specific outcome. This teaching-learning system completely focuses on the achievement of the students so it is very much flexible in terms of mode of instructions, evaluations and assessments.  Students’ involvement is very high in the entire procedure of this system. This OBE system introduced more clarity in the purpose of the study of specific programme or course.

So, in this road of the new normal era of teaching-learning, our Adamas University, to continue the uninterrupted teaching-learning, has extended its full support to its students and also to the faculty community on its way to “Pursue Excellence”.

#AU4CHANGE: Why ADAMAS? Because it cares!!!

  • Do you like to study in an organization where faculties know how to stand beside students and guide them in Lockdown?
  • Do you like to study when someone personally taking care of you as an e-mentor?
  • Do you like to study in an environment where between classes you can enjoy some greenery?

 If the answers to these questions are yes then for ADAMAS UNIVERSITY is waiting for you.

An unseen uncertainty entered in the many aspects of national and global society, including education. It’s still a problem for many educational organizations that how the rapid conversion of most instruction to an online platform or how to handle students in an online mode of education? Even now due to the second wave of COVID-19 organizations facing problem in choices that balance health issues along with in-person learning against the educational requires of students, which may be better served when students are in their physical classes. Especially in different lab based courses in all levels undergraduate and postgraduate students have been affected significantly due to suspended experiments for long time which causing extreme stress to the students by thinking how to cope up with this loss when in future they will enter in to the job market. The use of blended learning followed in Adamas University keeping it ahead of others. Blended learning process is a combination of offline and online instruction. By differed from hybrid learning techniques it uses online instruction to complement or supplement traditional face-to-face instruction, without replacing it. It mostly consists of online interaction via asking questionnaire, student faculty-collaborative project work, presentation, virtual lab etc. Through above mentioned ways a faculty using blended learning might schedule both days for face-to-face instruction (When situation improves) and assign students to engage an online forum post outside of class time. More over use of virtual lab make lot difference to lab oriented course. Virtual labs are simulated learning environments that allow students to complete laboratory experiments online and explore concepts and theories without stepping into a physical science laboratory. Students can try out lab techniques for the first time and become more familiar with different lab equipment that might otherwise be inaccessible. Through interactive videos and animations, students can explore the practical experiments in virtual mode.

Mentoring is one of the most crucial aspects in higher education. Good mentorship provides guide line to lots of issues. Students often come from diverse backgrounds, varying by class, nationality, sexuality, race, gender and gender identity, and many other factors. Mentors help to alleviate stress and reflect the specific identities and needs of their various students. Our esteemed faculty members recognize the resources, backgrounds and understood the need of their students, rather than assuming that students are all the same and have all of the resources they need. Faculty members always provide a clear advice about the way forward, without giving either too little or too much detail. Through true mentorship our faculties help students to recognize differences and feel that they belong in their institution and their program also matters.

 It was reported that there is a huge contribution between green space and academic performance to each other. Green space can promote performance.  Multi-level analyses experiments already reported that students showed better preference ratings to the indoor spaces with a nature poster, a green wall, or a green wall plus interior plants with respect to the standard designs and the designs with the colourful posters. Demographic characteristics cant modify the preference and perceived restoration likelihood however students having strong connectedness to nature rated preference and perceived restoration likelihood overall higher than students with weak connectedness to nature. As Adamas University host a sprawling green campus extending over 100 acres these advantages can only be possible here.

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