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Journalism Now and Journalism Then: Evaluating Digital Revolution from a Journalistic Standpoint

When the history of 21st century is scripted, its first two decades will be marked as the period that transformed the very meaning of human existence. The unbelievable surge of digital technologies and the advent of the internet-based virtual world have been instrumental in reimagining humanity that we know or at least claim to know. Every area of human knowledge stands radically changed. Skills that were once considered a handful have rapidly become useless. No wonder that the larger domain of journalism has also undergone fundamental and structural changes.

Print has given way to the all-encompassing web; analog broadcasting has given way to digital broadcasting and plain text have given way to multimedia. With the gradual decline in the average attention span of news consumers, contemporary news can no longer afford to just inform. Infotainment has become the name of the game and interactive infographics have slowly started replacing the once dominant text information. While the first decade of the ongoing millennium was revolutionary for journalism and journalists on multiple counts, its second decade has changed the very approach of journalism. The coming in of the ubiquitous smartphone has heralded a brand new era in the practice of dissemination of information.

This article, albeit very limited in its scope, would make an effort to document the larger changes that has marked journalism and its various offshoots over the past one decade. Just so that one is clear, all these changes that we are referring to are not necessarily desirable. However, like everything else in life, journalism has also altered – for the better and also for the worse. For the purpose of easier comprehension, let us put some of those changes in the form of pointers:

1. The Predominance of Online Journalism: If the first decade of the new millennium belonged to television journalism, the second decade most surely belonged to online journalism. While the popularity of print journalism continued to dwindle, online journalism kept on growing. The liberal usage of multimedia and easier language made online journalism the hot favourite among both the millennials and members of the Generation Z. All existing studies and surveys predict the further growth of online media to the extent that it will be the only thing in the fray.

2. The Arrival of Social Media Journalism: Before delving into the trend, it is important to point out that social media and journalism are two different concepts and are not intrinsically connected to each other. However, the rapid increase in the usage of social media and the instant need for news somehow contributed to the growth of a new phenomenon known as social media journalism. Today, breaking news items break on Twitter and Instagram and Facebook pages serve as platforms for larger discussions on recent trends. Today, anybody from any corner of the world can post a piece of news for the rest of the world to see. It can be argued that social media journalism has largely democratized the flow of information.

3. The Growing Relevance of Alternative Media: There was a time when large corporate entities and media behemoths had absolute control on the collection, production and dissemination of news. However, thanks to the largely economical nature of the online medium, a good number of smaller and independent news ventures are cropping. While some of these media organizations have already broken even, there are many that are making rapid inroads into the larger news ecosystem. Consequently, geographical locations that were once considered fringe are increasingly featuring in the mainstream. Larger corporates have lost their monopoly on news.

4. The Ominous Entry of Fake News and Post-Truth: Thanks to Donald Trump, the former President of the United State of America, the world was informed about an essentially oxymoronic term called fake news. For the purpose of academical

propriety, we would rather use the three individual terms ‘disinformation’, ‘misinformation’ and ‘mal-information’. All these are different types of misleading or false information that owe their origins to a multitude of reasons including ignorance, propaganda and unholy political ambitions. While not entirely different, the term ‘post-truth’ probably has a wider ramification on the very sustenance of press as the fourth estate of democracy. Post-truth represents a dystopian scenario where emotions and personal convictions become stronger tools in shaping public opinions than objective facts. This phenomenon indicates a general disdain for logic and common sense.

5. The Increased Popularity of Infographics: The current generation has a general liking for representative visuals. Therefore, infographics serve as a potent tool to retain the consumers of news. To put it in simple terms, infographics are charts, visual data and statistics that help people digest complex information in a systematic and uncomplicated manner. We have come to a point when different news organizations report stories only through infographics. In the next few years, this trend is only going to grow.

6. The Gradual Vanishing of Gatekeeping: For all those who are not aware of what gatekeeping is, it is the process of filtering information before publishing. With blogs, vlogs, social media and personal websites slowly becoming the primary mode of disseminating news, gatekeeping as a phenomenon is increasingly losing its relevance. While this has democratized the flow of news to a large extent, news credibility and authenticity have become sore areas. It is expected that as we move ahead, a mechanism will be worked out that will impart balance to the whole process of journalism.

7. Mobile Journalism Is the Next Big Thing: Journalists across the world are increasingly using smartphones to gather, produce and disseminate news. In fact, mobile journalism or MoJo, as it is popularly known, has become so powerful that it is predicted that in the next one decade, journalism will be primary mobile.

8. News Virality: What was once called breaking news during the heydays of the broadcast revolution is now known as viral news. Some news become viral and gather a significant number of eyeballs in a very small span of time. In fact, the greatest mechanism to make a story viral is to put it on social media platforms.

While the points mentions above are rather generic and broadly define the transformation that marks the news industry, there are many others that are equally important, if not more.

However, for the purpose of brevity, we shall discuss the same some other day. Just in case you find this blog useful and relevant, please make it a point to share it with as many people as you like for them to know the changes that have engulfed the world of journalism.

Why Is Translation Important for Indian Literature?

Why Translation of Literature is important in a country like India?

The relevance of vernacular language literature and translations in India has been in talk of the town owing to Indian novelist Geetanjali Shree’s Hindi novel Ret Samadhi, which was recently translated into English as Tomb of Sand by Daisy Rockwell and won the prestigious International Booker Prize in the last month. This comes at a time when the publishing industry has just witnessed a resurrection in promoting translation. Publishers have realized the value of translations and have begun to invest in their promotion.

Are we going through a changing time? 

Even a few years ago many publishers were doubtful to invest money on translations, claiming the possibility that they would not be appealing to the global readers and hence would not be consumed internationally and subsequently become a commercial failure. The translation scenario in India has definitely improved, owing to the concentrated efforts of various people and organizations. Whereas Indian languages like Bengali, Malayalam, and Tamil, have a greater number of translations into other regional languages as well as English, many other Indian languages require ongoing support to bring their literature to the larger audience. Translation became an equally important part of the publishing vision as you can’t run your business in the publishing industry in a country like India, with is a multicultural as well as multilingual nation without publishing translation. The media exposure and prizes that regional authors are receiving  have greatly aided in bringing these wonderful, captivating literary works to the attention of the people.

Is translation of the vernacular Indian literature necessary?

India has always been a country with a diverse range of culture and languages. As India has a diverse range of languages, with hundreds still spoken today contemporary laws give equitable representation in the constitution, respecting the feelings of all language speakers. In India, English literature grew in popularity during the previous century. An examination of Indian literatures in the last few decades of nineteenth century and first few years of twentieth century demonstrates that translation as an art and practice was significantly responsible for its expansion. Many Indian authors might have stayed unknown beyond India if it hadn’t been for translation. Without the English translated version of the masterpiece Gitanjali, who would have known of Rabindranath Tagore?Translators are recognizing the value of translations, particularly when it comes to translating not only classics but also the modern literary texts. Most of the Indian writers and scholars have come to the conclusion that translation aids in the integration of India and the rest of the world. By removing linguistic restrictions, writers and publishing houses will have a better opportunity to showcase their creativity, perception, and insights. It easily facilitates in adding a variety of your work and ensuring that it reaches a large number of people who are interested. Aside from the assistance of linguistic professionals, one can communicate considerably more effectively in foreign nations. It can be said that it fosters unity across diverse cultures, which is fascinating. It not only brings that language to the forefront, but it also allows the rest of the world to see India from a unique perspective. When a writer translates, they get the ability to share their views and to constantly expand.

Career in Advertising-Appealing and Rewarding

Communication requires two-person to share some sort of idea or information, which can come in various forms, while advertising follows the same mechanism but with a price. This is one of the most prominent factors that differentiate advertising communication from any personal communication. Prof. Harari, in his book ‘Sapiens’, mentioned the chronological development of three orders that changes the course of humanity, the first one being economy or money, then politics, and the last one being the religion. Advertisements provide evidence of all these factors in their message of discrimination under the veil of various appeals. This is fascinating how a simple product with a very common set of features and qualities can become a hot favorite with the help of massive and effective campaigning. Advertisements play a significant role in spreading and establishing the enter-subjective reality into the mind of the consumer and end up crating and nurturing the value of the product or service they are attached to. The aura that is being created through advertisements also helps in increasing the value and reputation of the brand itself. This makes the job of advertisers even more challenging, starting from the conceptualization to execution and measuring the performances.

One might think that advertising only means creating a piece of interesting design that will increase the demand for the said product or service however, it works beyond the designated areas and lingers within the subconscious of the consumers. Therefore, it requires research beyond the usual level to create a piece of advertising that would be rememberable. Interestingly, when we recall any brand in a particular category, this happens because of the advertisements that we might have come across at some point of time in our life. If it happens, then the job of that advertiser is half accomplished as the band manages to avoid the conflict and clutter while coming to the surface with their presence. The rest half would be considered completed when the consumer finally makes the purchase. Though the job of an advertiser does not end there as the path to a successful campaign requires understanding and acknowledging the demography, psychography, and behavioral perspective and changes of the consumer for years. At the same time understanding the dynamics of the market is also important before putting the ideas into action. Recently there is an advertisement with a tag line “share the meal” where it is appealing the smartphone users to donate a minimum of 50 cents to the hungry children with statistics of smartphone users outnumbers the hungry children by twenty to one. The expected changes that can be brought forward through the contribution of all smartphone users, if they all could donate 50 cents to the poor and hungry children. That will possibly let no children to bed with an empty stomach. The campaign was launched by the united nation’s “world food program” to eradicate hunger from the children as one out of seven children does not have enough food to lead a healthy and active life. The advertisement is a public service advertisement that is cleverly designed to send an appeal to the people who are using smartphones to use their app to donate a minimum amount to save a young hungry soul. While most public service advertisements (PSA) are created to raise awareness among the people on issues of public concern, one of the most struggling challenges some public service advertisements (PSA) could encounter is managing the donation received from the people, unlike other advertisements who can easily manipulate consumers by showing the benefits to them for the investment they are making into their products or services. For some PSAs, the advertisers need to make people understand to give away their wealth for the benefit of the society which is indeed a difficult task and requires a lot of effort and persuasion. That is the reason, many PSAs are adopting innovative ways of sending their message to the people to find a way to penetrate their consciousness.

Brilliance in the message creation and presentation can certainly pull the attention of the viewers towards the advertisement and send across the message successfully. There are numerous issues like fake news, female feticide killing, health and sanitization, safe drinking water, child marriage, and so on where the PSAs are created for the people to be aware of the circumstances, restrictions, and devastations to help in the prevention.

Campaigns that aim to make changes

Fake profile on Tinder

A campaign came out to protest against the fake profiles on Tinder in Ireland that forces many women in Ireland to get into prostitution. The campaign carries a series of women’s pictures that bear the signs of bruises and also show her in a compromised position indicating the constant struggles and abuses storming on her mind and body. The pictures are arranged from a gorgeous looking woman to a submissive and gloomy one with the message “your options are left or right” appealing to men not to contribute in the transformation. While many PSAs are focused on finding a soft spot in the cognitive areas of the views to create a lasting impact on them, this one puts forward a question of moral and social responsibility to seek out the answer for the viewers.

Stop child marriage

Child marriage has been a huge problem in India, especially in the rural ages but that has also been a problem in many other parts in the world where research shows that more than 39,000 underage girls are forced to accept marriage every day. A campaign came out in the veil of the wedding blog showing a 12 years old girl “Thea” is being prepared to get married and engaged in pre-weeding activities while the groom was chosen to be a 37 years old guy called “Geir”. The video shot the wedding day where people attended with open invitations and when “Thea” walked through the aisle to attain the ceremony, more than 3.5 million people used the hashtag “#stoppbryllupet” (“StopTheWedding”) to protest against this injustice. Later on, the stunt was reviled to be a PSA created by Plan International, a Norwegian non-profit organization, to protest against child marriage.

Helpline for Children

A wonderful campaign launched by the Spanish Children Foundation “Anar” emphasizes the brutality and abuses faced by many children. The outdoor backlit standee was designed to integrate two similar pictures where the differences can only be identified by two different angels. For an adult of an average height of 1.75 m, the standee shows an image of a child with a message “A veces el maltrato infantil solo es visible para el nino que lo sufre” (Sometimes, child abuse is only visible to the child suffering it) while for a child with an average height of 1.35m, the image changes to the same child baring clear signs of struggles and abuses with a message only meant for the children to see “Si alguien te hace dano llamanos y te ayudaremos” (if somebody hurts you, phone us we’ll help you).  The ad was created by the “Anar Foundation” which runs a telephone line to help children and teenagers who face risky situations with the aim to warn the adults to refrain from such abuses towards the children as well as extend their help to the children who need help to get out such abusive living condition.

Sanitary napkins for the cost of cigarette

When it comes to health and hygiene, Indian women need a lot of awareness and care on the usage of sanitary napkins, especially in the rural territory where hygiene factors are given little importance. A famous PSA is featuring Bollywood actor “Akshay Kumar” in an advertisement on a sanitary napkin where the recent popularity of his film “Padman” was being integrated to raise the awareness of among the people. The PSA depicts a scenario where a worried husband is interacting with the actor while his wife is being attended by the doctors for a disease caused by the usage of unhygienic products during the menstruation cycle at a village hospital. The actor takes the opportunity to explain the usage of sanitary napkins for avoiding such health hazards while the cost of the product is almost equal to two cigarettes. The PSA is covering two aspects in one advertisement while the visible and prominent one is to promote the usage of sanitary napkins for the women to prevent contaminations, the subliminal one is also asking people to stop smoking. The PSA uses the fame of the Bollywood actor who has managed to create an image of a social reformer through his activities and also featured as the lead actor in the movie “Padman” which is based on the achievement of Arunachalam Muruganantham who managed to produce sanitary napkins at minimum cost to provide a healthy living to unfortunate women.

Advertisements are created to raise awareness among the target audience and this industry offers the people who are eager to find a creative outlet a perfect place to reach out to thousands and millions of people. One doesn’t need to be equipped with all different forms of creativity, rather they can choose their skills carefully which would be applicable in creative magnificent at the same time meaning fool paid communication.


When you think of “public administration,” you may visualize managing budgets for a local government, transportation department or improving the efficiency of a public health division at local level or at most an optional subject for writing civil services exam. But the fact is, the role of a public administration demonstrates the government and self-government in its new political and economic conditions.  The primary focus of public administration solely relies on providing public services but not limited to traditional services such as health care, transport services and municipal.  In the realm of public administration, there are many challenges and complex issues that are faced on a daily basis and perhaps sometimes longer.  Studying public administration provides numerous avenues towards transforming and implementing change. The ability to choose from diverse occupations in a wide variety of industries is just one of several benefits of studying public administration.

B.A. in Public Administration is a three-year undergraduate programme which deals with a study of subjects such as administration, public dealings & organizations, and constitutional framework. The students during their coursework learn about policies and programmes of the government and gain knowledge about democratic values of the country. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics. With your degree, you can pursue a career that lets you champion important issues and bring about meaningful change. During your education, you’ll develop critical leadership skills that will help you throughout your life. In your career, you’ll collaborate with highly skilled people in many public administrator roles, which will further widen your horizon in the field of administration. Similarly, for graduates with a master’s degree in public administration, there are many career possibilities that might not come to mind right away. A public administrator plans, organizes, directs, coordinates and controls operations in a government office, private company or non-profit organization. This can be in positions as diverse as that of a community health director or the budget director at an environmental justice non-profit organization. With a Ph.D. in public administration, you could work as a senior policy analyst in any government agency including Indian Institute of Public Administration, National Institute of Disaster Management, Indian Institute for Rural Development and many more. No matter what degree level you pursue, you’ll have the chance to enter a rewarding career where you can effect positive change for individuals, communities, and the general public.

Today in the world where the resources are scarce and there is a dire need for sustainable development, study of public administration will help to find a solution for economical, effective and efficient utilization of these resources. Not only this the knowledge of public administration helps to find a link between the policy-making (government institutions) and policy implementation at grass-root level, it gives us the clear picture of gap between the requirements of the people and the actual policy.

As you study for your MPA (Masters in Public Administration), you’ll gain a comprehensive education in diverse subjects—from strategic planning to non-profit organization sponsorship to electronic governance and beyond. In the process of two-year program, you’ll be able to discover which areas interest you the most. An MPA program with a wide-ranging curriculum and internship opportunities will provide an important breadth of knowledge and hands-on experience. As you study public administration, it not only advances your career but strengthens the community in which you work. As public administration student, you’ll be able to gain valuable leadership skills that employers seek for. According to Forbes magazine, key leadership skills include adaptability, transparency, empathy, flexibility, humility, confident communication, emotional intelligence and commitment to a vision1. Further, you’ll learn to set goals and inspire positivity in the workplace. With comfort in these skills, you can encourage others to achieve lasting results and make the world a better place.

Throughout your program at bachelors as well as at masters level, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with veteran professionals in fields such as public service, state legislature, public policy and urban politics, education and immigration policy, community development and non-profits, health and behavioural management, and family and child well-being through various seminars, webinars, special lectures, internship etc You’ll find enthusiastic, passionate people working together to improve peoples’ lives in a wealth of areas, from climate change and social justice to racial equality, affordable housing and community development. Direct experience in the field, such as an internship, boosts a student’s resume and increases their job prospects even after graduation, which is one of the most important highlights of Adamas University with a dedicated Career Development Cell. After completion of course, you’ll be prepared to move into a leadership role in which you can mentor like-minded individuals and see your ideas and theirs come to realization.

Career Prospect Post-Pandemic: Film & Television

Everyone wants her or his name on banners, billboards, social media sites, television and newspapers – if you think it is tough, it is. However, if you think it is impossible, it is not.

The world of audio-visual production is undergoing a stark change, especially after the pandemic – the old structure of film-funding-making-distribution-exhibition is slowly fading away. New avenues are created, new paths are laid for such purposes.

Adamas University’s post-graduate program of M.A. in Film and Television is the course that realises one’s dream to be a filmmaker. With four dedicated semesters with courses covering both theoretical and practical aspects of filmmaking, the aspiring student will have the following ‘out-of-the-box’ career options at her/his disposal:

  1. Feature Filmmaker
  2. Documentary Filmmaker
  3. Short Filmmaker
  4. Corporate Filmmaker
  5. Advertisement Filmmaker

There are other avenues of the audio-visual industry, which might entice a youngster with promising career prospects. They are:

  1. Script Writing
  2. Assistant Director
  3. Script Supervisor
  4. Cameraperson
  5. Executive Producer
  6. Sound Designer
  7. Sound Recordist
  8. Editor
  9. Colourist
  10. Gaffer

Apart from these industry-oriented careers, M.A. in Film and Television and B.A. in Media Technology also come with an assurance of a career in academia. They are:

  1. Researcher
  2. Assistant Professor
  3. Subject Coordinator / Specialist

Primary Career Aspects in Details

  1. Feature Filmmaker

Filmmakers are one of the most popular faces and celebrities of the world – yes, more than a doctor or an engineer. It is not always about the paycheck that is collected at the end of the month, but it is all about what life can give you, and what you can give to life, and to the lives of the others. Filmmaking is a not a ten-to-five job. This profession aspires a lot of love, philosophy and of course, once the filmmaker is on track, he does not have to look back.

  1. Documentary Filmmaker

Documentary Filmmakers’ lives are not entirely different from the previous one, and more than often they are the same because a filmmaker makes all kinds of films. But the only difference that we can feel is that the documentary filmmaker is more accustomed to the realities of his world he is capturing on his camera and representing, and has a certain sincerity to the research and excavate the truth that she or he wants to unravel.

  1. Short Filmmaker

Short films are like poetry in comparison to the features, which are more like novels in their genealogy. However, shorts films are the launching pad for any filmmaker as they are mostly independent films and provide a rich portfolio or show reel for you!

  1. Corporate Filmmaker

Corporate filmmaking is a long advertisement made for a corporate company instead of a product or service as in advertisement. In the post pandemic era, this has become more than necessity because a company or a brand has to reach out to people instead of people reaching out to them.

  1. Advertisement Filmmaker

Ad filmmakers have an exciting as well challenging life to bring out the best of the ideas on audio-visuals, which will stick to the audience’s mind. Ad filmmakers are the best liars who are successful in reality.  

  1. Script Writing

Script is the heart of a film, series, serial and an ad. One has to know the art of writing to have engaging script. This demands the ideas of literature, music, history, politics and most importantly -emotional quotient along with a critical and thinking mind. This is the reason why the PG and UG programmes of Entertainment Media have courses on literature, theatre and music.

  1. Assistant Director

Assistant Directors are the most important second in command in a film who eventually evolves to be a director.

  1. Script Supervisor

They are the script experts, or to be precise, script-doctors. There are certain nuances, character and narrative arcs, developments in narratives in terms of three act-structures, development of plot points, hooks and references that are used, or rather planted in a script to make it more appealing.

  1. Camera person

Camera person, or DOP, needs to have a clear understanding of what the script and the director wants. If the director decides what shot and frame will be in a shot, the DOP decides how to create that particular shot to make it mesmerizing for the audience.

  1. Executive Producer

Executive Producers (EPs) have to have a thorough idea of the filmmaking process and have to control a production. Starting from the pre-production process till the end of post-production, an EP coordinates and controls the creative aspect of the entire production as bridge between the production company and the directorial team.

  1. Sound Designer

Sound is an area that is does not gain so much of attention except for those who are in the film industry. Sound is more complicated than visuals. In order to tell a story properly, any production requires a sound designer, who would take each and every aspect of sound into consideration – diegetic (the sound which has its source inside the narrative) and extra-diegetic (the sound that does not come from the physical aspect of the narrative, but psychological) and design it at the level of the script.

  1. Sound Recordist

In most of the cases, sound designer is the sound recordist. To be precise, a sound recordist has to record sound on and off the location, along with post-production sound.

  1. Editor

Editor of any audio-visual is the person who joins shots, puts transitions – in short, weaves images into a single strand we call a narrative. Editors are as important as the Cinematographers.

  1. Colourist

Colourists, similar to editors, balance colours and make the final output look charismatic. Colourists are one of the significant people in the post-production process of any film.

  1. Gaffer

Gaffer is the chief lighting technician of a film. The role of the gaffer is slowly gaining immense significance in India since the Indian film industry has realised the significance of light in a nay production that can change the mood, tempo and even the narrative arch

  1. Researcher

Project Fellowship, PhD, Post Doctoral degree and other such commissioned projects from various institutions, universities of India and Abroad along with the Film Archive of Pune and Online MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) projects always require academic scholars of film, media, society and culture. Film and Television Studies encourages academic research as well as film criticism.

  1. Assistant Professor

Strictly academic, post-graduates of Film and Television students can dedicate their career to academic streams where the scholar can teach and train students in various colleges and universities in subjects like audio-visuals, advertisements, film and film making, film studies, cultural studies and so on.

  1. Subject Coordinator / Specialist

As mentioned above, a number of career opportunities have evolved for the freelance researchers and subject specialists in audio-visual medium. There are online courses. MOOCs like SWAYAM, Coursera, LinkedIn and a host of other evolving companies require subject experts and coordinators for creating academic content, images and even video contents for various subjects of media and other overlapping subjects

  1. Graphic Designer

Someone with an interest in software and creation of computer generated images and design can choose the career of a designer or an illustrator. As we are in a world that is dominated by the world of images as primary information vis-a-vis communication, the requirements for good designers (who can use pen, software, or any form) to communicate through visuals and designs (like illustrators in ad agencies) are acute. As we are speeding up in the information highway, designers are becoming an integral part for any industry.

  1. Animators

Animators create a world of their own. A number of television, OTT, film and ad productions always feel the need for an efficient animator. Apart from this, an animator can be an independent filmmaker on her or his own right on the basis of his skill of creating animation, both 2D and 3d although the latter is gaining more prominence.

Secondary / Tertiary Career Aspects

Courses on Media, Film and Television open up Pandora’s box. If the above 21 career paths were primary options for someone pursuing MA in Film and TV and BSc in Media Technology, there are uncountable secondary and tertiary career options open.

If someone has a flare for writing (both the courses thrust on writing skills – both creative and reportage), she or he can explore the options for:

  1. Film Critic
  2. Film Journalist
  3. Content Writer
  4. Promotional Video Maker
  5. Professional Blogger
  6. Professional Vlogger
  7. Social Media Strategist
  8. Social Media Manager
  9. Photographer
  10. Designer
  11. Radio Programmer
  12. Actor

Industries Open for our Students

Since film, media, television and culture are overlapping with technology, communication, business, information technology and print and even theatre, a graduate or a post-graduate student with these two courses (both or any one of them) have the key to work in the following industries:

  1. Film Industry i.e. Production houses, as Indie Independent) films
  2. Television Industry, i.e. TV channels, TV production houses
  3. Advertisement Agencies
  4. OTTs
  5. Newspaper Agencies
  6. Social Networks
  7. PR Agencies
  8. Colleges and Universities
  9. All Business Processing Outsource (BPO) companies and Knowledge Processing Outsource companies (KPO)
  10. Online Course Creation companies


It should always be borne in mind that someone who chooses MA in Film and Television or B.Sc in Media Technology can easily fathom the depths of cultural representations including cinema, television, literature and other arts with a little effort and self-persuasion. We believe that such a scholar or a film and TV expert that this programme will produce can venture on their own. From running their own online companies to being indie filmmakers, they can do whatever they want.

These two courses do not tell you what you have to do. Rather, these two courses empower you to dominate the world through your own key of creativity. It is often said that a course trains its students according to the industry need. However, we think a little further – these courses create students not according to the dictates of the industry (which is always changing), but creates such leaders who can mould the industry and the way industries work. These courses believe in the creative freedom of the individual, which will help them to get into, mould and lead any industry they want.

MBA in Business Analytics- A New Career Path for Management Professionals

Day by day the industry structures are changing. In the same way markets are also changing and markets become more customized focus than mass focus. If we look into the promotional aspects of marketers, their objective is not to inform the consumers but they try to develop attention and convert the attention into addiction. With the help of new technology like artificial intelligence, machine learning, internet of things and big data analytics, marketers are evaluating prospects needs and wants and designing their products or services which is more inclined to satisfaction of customer desires. So, the ultimate goal of the current marketer not to understand their requirement from the retailers rather develop the market plan which is fit to customers. Therefore, it is important for business professional for redesign market policy and predict the market situation in regular basis. Looking into this thought in mind, we also observed that job of marketing manager become market forecast professionals which help them to understand market rhythm and changing market prospect in very faster way. Design their offering in such way which is more addiction nature than seasonal buying.  If customers become addicted towards a company offering, then repeat purchase happens easily. This concept now going to be the mantra in market in post pandemic era where customers are more preferring digital buying than physical buying pattern. In this connection, it is concern for business professionals to develop their skill which is more on analytical base rather simple selling methods. Therefore, business analytics is a program which give all round development of analytical skills which helps business professionals to understand, to predict and to solve customer problem in better and accurate manner.  

Conceptual framework of business analytics

Analytics have been classified into three parts descriptive, predictive and prescriptive. Descriptive analytics analyze the past event of the firm in various domain which help marketers to understand the business situation. Predictive analytics create detailed forecast of business situation and point out the area where business system fails. It helps marketer to take proper actions on those area where business process needs to develop for getting better sustainability. Prescriptive analytics give an insight regarding the possible action which can be appropriate for different business situation. It helps firms to make a better decision by optimizing result comes from descriptive and predictive and also recommend the associated risk involved in the process. It develops a sustainable model that can be applied to decision making in business.  Therefore, it is obvious to understand a business problem, analytics become most necessary methods in current context where switch over tendency of the consumers are high as because variety of market offering. In the new normal situation, the urge and need of marketer to analytics professionals are very high because in normal eyes, it is very difficult for marketers to reach into actual business problem and operational process of marketing is not limited to few routes. 

Importance of Business Analytics program 

Business analytics program covers a wide area of analytical application. It starts with maintain database of clients, vendors, employees, inventory, suppliers, product orders and service requests of the firm which is in unstructured fashion and make it structure. It also gives the desire methods for analyzing data. Business analytics helps professionals to make proper representation of data using visualization tools, analyze the data using various software like R, Python, Excel, SPSS, Hadoop. This program also helps professionals to understand the problem with proper logic and what tools should be appropriate to make proper prediction of business problem. This analytical tool helps marketer to design their products offering, seasonal offering, promotional methods, sales forecast, inventory management, forecasting of the firms. The analytics also help to select possible methods for sustainable business practices using modern tools like artificial intelligence, machine learning etc. This program makes students more logical based decision mind which help the to dragonize business in faster way and give some immediate solution to business which is more needed in the current situation. Uses of social media analytics, web analytics is being done through the program.  

Opportunities for Analytics Professionals in Market

The demand for business analysts is very high among companies, small-scale options, and enterprises. Different sources estimates reveal that the job market for business analytics will grow at a CAGR of 14.3% by 2026. Companies are willing to pay higher salaries to analysts, especially certified expert-level professionals like MBA in Business Analytics or Executive Analytical Program. There is study by Mckinsey which mentioned a huge requirement of data scientist in India in next few years and companies are ready to offering a good package for the data analyst. As the figure near about 200000, therefore, most corporates are staring at a talent crunch and provide training to the workforce to manage their industry issues. In India, the analytics industry is predicted to grow in huge volume and industry is predicting that marketer size can increase by $111.7 billion by 2026 which is good signal for the professionals who are on the way to build their career as a data scientist.  

These demand covers diversified area of business operations and few areas of business where business people need more analyst and opportunities. Therefore, an analyst professional can explore their career as a  

  1. Data scientist in bond market  
  2. Agriculture business analyst 
  3. Medical methodology (Health care analytics) 
  4. Human Resource Analytics 
  5. Stock Marketing 
  6. Finance Marketing 
  7. Manufacturing industry 
  8. Supply chain analytics in logistics firm and more. 

The above discussion gives us a clear picture that there is huge demand of data analytics/ data scientist peoples as because most of the firms design their business decision based on data driven rather traditional approach. So, if students select a program like MBA in Business Analytics, it will surely give them competitive advantage in their career growth and opportunities.   

References: acrosssectors/ articleshow/88890272 .cms?utm_ source=content of interest & utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst 

Careers in Video Gaming Industry in Post-Pandemic World

When it comes to video games, there are a lot of speculations about them being addictive and detrimental. However, in this article, we will look at video gaming as a storytelling medium and most importantly how media and technology students can be a part of this industry and what it holds from the perspective of getting a successful career. Video games have always served as recreational entertainment tools. Most video games are played on consoles and there has been a lot of development in the gaming industry with more youth players engaging with video games. Moreover, Ed-tech companies are now investing heavily into animation and gamification, and also India overall is becoming the next international player in the domain of video game development with many game studios entering this market every year. As per statistics, the video gaming industry contributes more than 90 billion dollars worldwide. While in India, the video gaming industry has crossed more than the 1.1-billion-dollar mark.  

Historically, gaming was more of recreational activity and was solely consumed for entertainment. This very demand for electronic digital entertainment grew exponentially and led to the foundation of big tech gaming companies. Primarily there are two types of gaming organizations one is the development studio and another one is the publishing studio. Game development companies are studios, where games are developed, while game publishing firms are companies that market, publish and distribute games across the world market. Over the last 20 years, the video gaming industry has grown multiple folds with new categories of companies coming up every year. Now the question is, why should you work for the video gaming industry? The answer is simply because video games have garnered a massive audience base, governments of various countries are now looking to innovate education through gamification and more gaming companies are coming up, providing alternative job opportunities in the entertainment industry. The fan base of popular video games can be compared with the fan base of the film industry.  

With that being said, we might wonder what does it take to work in such a lucrative industry? What is the particular set of skills required to develop or publish games? Let us try and decode the specific requirements one is expected to have to work in the various departments of video gaming companies. When it comes to developing games there are two ways, one is technical and the other is non-technical. Under the technical set of skills, candidates are expected to know programming and scripting. Video games are made using game engines and most popular game engines require programming knowledge. Hence, it is always advisable to know basic programming to operate with a game engine. Popular game engines like Unity and Unreal are based on C# (pronounced as C-sharp) and C++ respectively. Programming knowledge is the core technical element of game development. Now coming to the non-technical area, particularly the front-end design and the artistic elements of a game. Skills in digital illustration, graphic designing, and creating UI icons based on graphic and vector illustration software such as Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop, will come in handy. Apart from still graphics, games also need animation and motion graphics. Animation and graphics are further categorized under 2D and 3D. For 2D animation, it is recommended to learn software such as Krita, OpenToonz, and even Blender. For 3D modelling, software such as 3DS Max and Blender comes in handy and for 3D animation, it is recommended to have skills in Maya and Blender. Thus, the primary requirement to develop games will need skills in coding, 3D/2D, and animation. Furthermore, different games have different narrative elements and require narrative-building elements such as content, script, story, character, and even voice-overs. One can choose to become a game content writer, a motion capture artist, a voice-over artist, a music and sound artist, etc. Gaming companies also hire for other management and admin positions including, HR, Marketing & Sales, Public Relations, Client Servicing, Digital Marketing, Community Building, Customer Acquisition, IT and ERP, Business Development, Etc. These positions are also available in video game publishing companies. 
To become a game developer, one has to have patience and a focused set of skills. The video game industry is also an equally competitive market and is entirely content-driven. So far there is no recorded monopoly in this sector and thus providing ample opportunities for growth. Anyone can be a game developer even those belonging from non-engineering and technology backgrounds. Digital gaming has come a long way ever since the early 60s, when it was first discovered in a physics lab, and continues to evolve further with integrated technologies such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, etc, hence any additional skills in these domains will be helpful for a successful career in gaming. Personally, I will always recommend anyone, who wishes to be a part of game development, learn game engines and begin with simple ones. In India, the video gaming industry is rising every year with new companies coming up in every Indian city. The Covid pandemic itself hastened the process of making most Indians digital converts, with a major number of users actively playing games on their mobile devices. Thus, Indian companies are now slowly realizing the full potential of digital gaming, becoming. Fortunately, for India, the biggest advantage is its massive youth population, which contributes immensely to the overall target audience count in mobile gaming. This huge market is very lucrative for a lot of foreign gaming studios that have started expanding into India and are actively hiring candidates from the local population for content localization and distribution. Game giants such as UBI Soft, Rockstar Games, Epic Games, and Unity Technologies have already made their presence in our country, as they have partnered with many independent game developers from the country and are helping them in publishing their games. Game-based marketing and promotion and gamification will possibly become the trend in post-pandemic India in sectors of Edtech, OTT, and E-commerce. 

Career as a Researcher in Sociology

One can become Researcher in Sociology after completion of formal PhD degree, though becoming a researcher is a lifelong process. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)  in Sociology is a Doctorate Sociology course. Sociology is the scientific study of society. Sociology is the study of social life, behaviour, social interaction and social system. Students of sociology critically explain society through sociological perspectives and sociological imagination. The Ph.D. programme in sociology is founded on an advanced understanding of sociological theory, research methods and statistical inference. Studying sociology not only upsurges the understanding of human society but also systematically examines human social behaviour. Sociology helps an individual to understand him/herself and the surroundings by examining the pattern of social interaction and social relationships.  

PhD in Sociology at Adamas University offers a programme of research training in sociology under the supervision of experts in their respective fields. The minimum duration of the course is three years and the maximum is five years. The Programme enhances candidates’ academic value along with opening various career opportunities. The eligibility criteria for the PhD programme in Sociology at Adamas University are 1. Post-Graduate degree with minimum 55% marks, 2.  NET or RET Qualified and 3. Personal interview. The goal of the PhD program in Sociology is to train the research scholars with the skill of research followed by good publication. 

Research Scholars of Sociology have to complete course work program (one semester) followed by a research project leading to thesis submission. Coursework comprised of four papers -1. Research Methodology, 2. Computer Application, 3. Research and Publication ethics and 4. Advanced Sociological Theories and Research Methods. 

PhD in Sociology at Adamas University involves the following strengths of the program: 

Abundance in Social sector:  Research scholars in Sociology gets the opportunity to work on various social sectors that is community development, social problems and policies related to areas like child, youth, ageing, women’s, tribal issue and programmes.  

Interdisciplinary areas of research and provision of Joint supervisor– Research scholars are encouraged to choose interdisciplinary areas of research. The provision joint supervisor is available to encourage interdepartmental group activities. 

Regular presentation and report by the studentsResearch scholars in the Sociology department have to present their progress report every six months along with submission of the report. This process helps them to progress smoothly in their research project and gain confidence for presentation in front of other peers and experts. 

Flexible timing for guidanceSupervisors in the Department of Sociology at Adamas University are available round the clock for guiding their scholars in every step of their research. 

Part-time ResearchResearcher scholars can do part-time research along with their full-time jobs in the education sector, corporates, or other areas. 

Time ManagementOne of the important elements of completion of PhD is to finish the work within the specific tenure and management of time is the utmost requirement for finishing the PhD on time. Supervisors of the Sociology department provide proper research planning and time frame. Scholars have to follow that time frame and it would become easier for them to complete the thesis within minimum of years (3 years). 

Assistance in Publication in UGC care and Scopus Indexed journalsResearch scholars are provided constant support for their publication in UGC care and Scopus Indexed journals. They receive all the guidance from the supervisor starting from the selection of the journal, choosing a topic for publication, writing articles including citation and referencing and checking plagiarism through URKUND. 

Sponsored research and development projectsResearch scholars have the opportunity to work under sponsored research and development projects from industries and other organizations both public and private sectors. Scholars have the facilities to work on funded projects and get a degree as well along with scholarship 

Opportunity for International Collaboration and NetworkingResearch scholars are allowed to collaborate with international universities for the presentation of papers, publications and fellowships. Research scholars are being facilitated by international networking and resource generation. 

Career after PhDResearch scholars in most the cases are involved in educational sectors and research organizations, but apart from that scholars also get the assistance for getting jobs in different sectors as Social scientists, Research Associate, Investigator, Demographer,  Research Fellow in projects, Policy Analyst, Urban Planner, Research Officer, Community Counsellor, Research Analyst and Programmer Evaluator in UGC, other Research Foundations,  Ministry of HRD, Ministry of Social Justine and Empowerment, Social Defence, Criminology and Correctional Administration, UNICEF, WHO etc areas.

Career Opportunities Post Pandemic in Human Resource Management

The COVID-19 Pandemic had been a disaster for the entire humankind. Over the period of two years, we had a horrific experience with huge loss of life, economic slowdown, and social dissociation – a distressful journey indeed. However, as darkness ends with the dawn, the COVID-19 Pandemic is expectedly going to end with new rays of hopes and aspirations. This pandemic has unfolded many new scopes and has paved the avenues for new learning and employment opportunities.  

As the global business with its international, national, and local dimensions wobbled during this pandemic, the most impacted component was the workforce with plenty of documented retrenchments due to feeble allocable reserves and surplus. It had been a catastrophe for the millions of families worldwide who lost their livelihood during this phase. However, there is an opinion that this virus-induced debacle had purged the unemployable section of the workforce retaining the competent and highly employable workforce only. 

This apparent challenge is the actual opportunity for the young and energetic community of prospective employees. This pandemic has made a paradigm shift in the work process. The emergence of paperless and internet-based work processes had been observed in both the industries – manufacturing and service. The employees had to unlearn many things and learn many new things to acclimatize to the new set of business processes. 

The use of information technology has become obligatory for the organizations in the present recession phase of pandemic, and the process demands more IT orientation of employees in the post-pandemic era. Business process integration is the new feature of any performing organization and the enterprise resource planning or ERP modules are being used by most of the market leaders. In addition to that, business analytics structuring the framework of presentation and analysis of data, and interpretation of results, has become an integral part of the business strategy formulation. 

The students of management – both undergraduates and postgraduates are exposed to immense career opportunities nowadays when the pandemic seemingly weaning off. Although the organizations are trying to return to their pre-COVID operational modalities, the aforementioned paradigmatic change will resist the full retreat toward the “old normal”. Hence, the business process has already taken a new shape of information technology orientation. 

 The undergraduate and postgraduate students of human resource management can pursue their careers in ERP operations. SAP AG, the world’s one of the most renowned ERP service providers recommends the employment of the management graduates who can work as the front-end user and can enter important human resource management data in the ERP. The clients of SAP AG, therefore, follow the above-mentioned recommendations and the demand for ERP front-end users is soaring high, both at the national and international levels. In this job, the knowledge of management operations and regulatory components (e.g. the country’s labour acts or codes) is essential. Therefore, undergraduate students with thorough knowledge of these HR managerial aspects will have career opportunities to work with prominent organizations. This opportunity is equally applicable to the other management domains also. 

The postgraduate students of HR Management can have the opportunity to function as backend support consultants for this SAP AG ERP. In this regard, they should be able to configure the structure of the HR operations through their IT skills and knowledge of human resource management. It is again not restricted to the domain of HR management only and shall be applicable for the other segments of management also. 

The second area of opportunity is in the domain of business analytics. The HR management has its own variant termed “HR analytics” where the generic features of business analytics will be preserved with specific application areas of HR operations. 

While companies have been using people and HR analytics for a long time, the roles within these areas are changing. HR analytics specialists, as a younger section of the HR community, sometimes face challenging career pathways both within and outside of the function. In view of that, the HR analytics experts must build analytical and technical competence in a field that frequently demands a high level of technical and managerial proficiencies. 

Domain experience in HR is a basic qualification for an HR analyst post. HRM courses or a foundation in industrial and organizational psychology are typically thought to be extremely useful. 

A background in economics, statistics, or analytics is also taken into account. People with these types of backgrounds bring a distinct set of quantitative skills that most HRM professionals lack. This background frequently necessitates additional HRM training. MS Excel expertise is a must-have talent. Most firms still use this and knowing how to combine worksheets and use Pivot Tables to analyse big amounts of data is commonly regarded as elementary. 

Work experience in HR is always advantageous, as is experienced with HRIS systems. Relevant experience with the organization’s tools and systems also works in employees’ favour. Tableau, PowerBI, Qlik, SAP, SuccessFactors, and more tools are examples. 

As far as the smaller businesses are concerned, they frequently struggle to find staff with the necessary abilities to assist them in making the transition from measurements to analytics to event prediction. According to Ms. Julie Schweber, of Society for Human Resource Management, this staffing gap will ensure opportunities for the undergraduates and postgraduates of human resources and other domains of management. 

Work From Home (WFH) and Work From Anywhere (WFA) are two emerging industry trends that will need a remote workforce and related digitization. HR workers will need to learn technological skills in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence in the future. In order to advance in an HR job, a student must re-skill himself. Human technology specialists, culture specialists, prejudice detection specialists, and other HR positions are possible in the post-COVID-19 period.  

Post-pandemic professions in Cyber Security

The epidemic caused significant employment losses and layoffs across a variety of sectors, with few or no new positions being filled. However, recruiting has started up again in some industries, which is a sign that the world has moved on from the pandemic.

“The pandemic helped us understand how important it is to digitise our records. Everything, from the job roles itself to the hiring process itself, has been shifted into the virtual platform. According to Ashutosh Seth, founder of Risebird, an edtech company that assists recruiting teams in completing the technical interviewing process, as a consequence, positions have evolved to deal and manage the enormous amount of data that has transferred on cloud platforms.

“There is a significant shortage of qualified candidates for tech positions such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), cyber security (CS), data analyst (DA), and coding developers (coders).” In addition to this, there is also an increase in the demand for people who work in the medical field as well as pharmacists, says he.

During the epidemic, there was a halt to any new employment, and there were even reductions in workforce size and layoffs. It was anticipated that once the pandemic was declared over, there would be an increase in the number of people getting jobs. According to Kamlesh Vyas, Partner at Deloitte India, “unfortunately, we have not seen that happening.” [Citation needed]

“This could be due to a number of factors since a number of businesses have incurred damages that are beyond repair and are unable to backfill their positions.” There aren’t many sectors that are still operating in the watch-and-wait mentality before investing in people. Because of the epidemic, many organisations have gained the ability to function with fewer employees as a result of automation, rationalisation, restructuring, multi-skilling, and other such practises, and thus do not see the need for aggressive hiring. However, according to Vyas, occupations in high-end technologies, such as artificial intelligence, analytics, cyber security, augmented reality/virtual reality, robots, cloud computing, and so on, would continue to be in demand during this period.

The epidemic has also brought to light the significance of developing automated systems. As a direct consequence of this, there is a greater demand for hardware engineers to automate the gear and devices that are already in use. According to Balasubramanian A, Business Head, Consumer and Healthcare, TeamLease Services, the professionals who will be working in the world after the pandemic would need to get themselves ready for the digital world and the more automated sector.

In addition to the obvious desire for IT expertise or occupations driven by technology, he notes that there is a demand for entry-level positions in field sales. These individuals are responsible for bringing the meal to the table. During the shutdown, a large number of businesses were severely disrupted, and many found it difficult to reach their ultimate goals. Now that a lot of businesses are attempting to get back on their feet, make up for any losses, and enhance their market share, those businesses are placing a strong emphasis on employing frontline sales employees.

According to a survey compiled by TeamLease, the average growth in salaries for sales profiles was found to be 7.41 percent, while the growth in salaries for R & D Analyst positions in the Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals industry was reported as 9.39 percent. The report went on to state that the increase in pay for the position of Automation Engineer in Information Technology and Knowledge Services was registered at 10.71 percent.

According to Balasubramanian A., in the world that has been left behind by the epidemic, businesses are now delivering professionals concrete benefits in the form of flexibility in regard to both time and location. Compared to a couple of years ago, when it came to giving in to the expectations of the employers, the businesses have been a lot more accommodating in recent times.

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