Additional transcripts to be issued to the students (This will be given to the participant and to the participant’s family members on his/her authorization, not to the employer or any agency requesting for verification without the participant’s consent).
- The applicant should pay an amount of Rs.1000/- per set of transcripts (all years) (Rupees One Thousands only) . The applicant should attach a copy of the original transcript or issued by the Institute to Alumni & Verification Office for verification.
- The applicant should mention the reason for the requirement of an additional transcript in his written application. The applicant should also mention the full name as per Institute records, roll number, programme attended, batch, year of passing, E-mail ID, and Contact Number,
- After verification, the CoE Office will ensure that all the requests for additional transcripts will be addressed/responded to within 07 working days, subject to submission of required documents and fees.