B.Sc. Chemistry

Introduction to the Program:

The program is open to students with 10+2 passed in Science with Chemistry as compulsory paper. A B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry not only provides a rigorous study of the science itself but endows the student with valuable transferable skills. This is essential for the professional development of the individual and readiness for a variety of employment. A strong laboratory component allows the students to explore a range of experiments from classic ones to those that are more recent and advanced. A platter of advanced discipline specific elective offers a glimpse into frontier areas of research and allow students to choose a field of specialization for higher study and socially as well as globally relevant foundation courses will help them to become more competent and confident in their professional career.

Program Educational Objective:

PSO 01: To cultivate a firm foundation in the fundamentals and application of current chemical and scientific theories including those in Analytical, Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistries.

PSO 02: To appreciate the importance of various elements present in the periodic table, coordination chemistry and structure of molecules, properties of compounds, structural determination of complexes using theories and instruments.

PSO 03: To be able to design and carry out scientific experiments as well as accurately record and analyze the results of such experiments.

PSO 04: To employ critical thinking and the scientific knowledge to design, carry out, record and analyse the results of chemical reactions.

PSO 05: To create an awareness of the impact of chemistry on the environment, society, and development outside the scientific community

Program Outcome:

GA 01 / PO 01Knowledge Integration: To apply contextual knowledge and modern tools of chemical research for solving problems

GA 02 / PO 02: Critical Thinking: To cultivate a firm foundation in the fundamentals and application of current chemical and scientific theories including those in Analytical, Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistries.
GA 03 / PO 03: Chemistry Knowledge: To appreciate the importance of various elements present in the periodic table, coordination chemistry and structure of molecules, properties of compounds, structural determination of complexes using theories and instruments.
GA 04 / PO 04: Expertise in Basic Chemistry: Understands the background of organic reaction mechanisms, complex chemical structures, and instrumental method of chemical analysis, molecular rearrangements and separation techniques.
GA 05 / PO 05: Analytical Skills To be able to design and carry out scientific experiments as well as accurately record and analyze the results of such experiments.
GA 06 / PO 06: Professional Growth: Upon completion of a BS in Chemistry degree, students are able to understand theoretical concepts of instruments that are commonly used in most chemistry fields as well as interpret and use data generated in instrumental chemical analyses.
GA 07 / PO 07: Environment and Sustainability: Find out the green route for chemical reaction for sustainable development.
GA 08 / PO 08: Modern Tools Usage: Use modern chemical tools, Models, Chem-draw, Charts and Equipments.
GA 09 / PO 09: Ethics: Understand the ethical, historic, philosophical, and environmental dimensions of problems and issues facing chemists.

Programme Eligibility:

Minimum 50% aggregate in10th or equivalent examination and minimum 50% aggregate in 10 +2 or equivalent from any recognized board with respective subjects.

Duration (in Year): 4 (with exit option after 3 years as per NEP guidelines).


SEC-A For Semester 3 [Any one]

SEC 1 –Green Methods in Chemistry

SEC 2 – Intellectual Property Rights

SEC 3- Chemistry of Cosmetics & Perfumes

SEC 4 – Any UGC MOOC Courses

SEC-B For Semester 4 [Any one]

SEC 5 – Pharmaceuticals Chemistry

SEC 6 – Fuel Chemistry

SEC 7- Chemo informatics

SEC 8 – Any UGC MOOC Courses

Discipline Specific Courses (DSE)

For Semester 5

Any One from the following

DSE-1: Advanced Spectroscopy and its application and Corresponding Lab Course

DSE-1: Inorganic Material for Industrial Importance and Corresponding Lab Course

For Semester 6

Any one from the following

DSE-II: Chemistry of Nanomaterials and Corresponding Lab Course

DSE-II: Green Chemistry and Corresponding Lab Course

Any one from the following

DSE-III: Environmental Chemistry and Corresponding Lab Course

DSE-III: Polymer Chemistry and Corresponding Lab Course

DSE-III: Molecular Modelling and Drug Desiging and Corresponding Lab Course

Generic Elective Courses (GE)

GE For Semester 1&2 [Any one]

GE 1 – Mathematics

GE 2 – Zoology

GE For Semester 3&4 [Any one]

GE 3 – Physics

GE 4 – Computer Science

**** Total credit of the programme B.Sc. Chemistry (Hons.): 22(1stSem)+ 23 ( 2ndSem) + 29 (3rdSem) + 30 (4thSem) +26 (5thSem) +26 (6thSem) = 156

1 N.B.: Students are highly encouraged to enroll their names for the suitable courses offered having minimum credit point 2 by UGCMOOCs. A Vertical of SWAYAM courses as one of the skill enhancements courses. The number/grade obtained by the students following the completion of this type of courses will carry equivalent weightage/ credit for the fulfilment of their courses. The name of the courses opted by the students will be reflected in the mark sheet as reported by Head of the Department or Programme in Charge (empowered by the Dean, SOBAS) to the examination section of the University.

** N.B. Offer of a particular elective paper is subject to the availability of the expertise as well as required resources at the point of time of teaching

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