One of the most diverse and versatile engineering fields is a mechanical Engineering. The field of mechanical engineering touch virtually every aspect of modern life, including the human body, a highly complex machine. Today, one of the oldest branches of engineering has sprawled its wings in every sector like automotive, aerospace, biotechnology, computers, electronics, energy conversion, chemical, manufacturing, robotics and microelectromechanical systems etc. Mechanical is ready to offer you the essential skills for sustaining this society. Our honorable prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi one of the best projects is MAKE IN INDIA was launched on 25th September 2014 with three major objectives,
• To enhance the mechanical sectors growth rate which is share in the economy
• To create 100 million additional mechanical jobs in the economy by 2022
• To ensure that the manufacturing sectors contribution to GDP is increased to 25% by 2022.
The policy approach was creating a suitable environment for investments, develop modern and effective infrastructure and open up new sectors for foreign capital. It aimed to transform India into a global design and mechanical hub. So, as a mechanical engineer is a good career prospective in across the India.
All aspiring engineers tend to have a biased love for the government sector. And there are indeed very good reasons for it. Apart from the opportunity to work in prestigious companies, the salaries and the allowances that the government executives get are more than lucrative. Then there is the parameter of job satisfaction and stability, all of which come together to make the government sector the most sought-after career path among all engineers. Naturally, the question arises which engineering stream has the greatest scope in the government industries and there can certainly be no other answer apart from mechanical engineering.
PSUs require Mechanical Engineers: – The PSU or Public Sector Undertaking Companies carry out recruitment drives almost every year to absorb a large number of mechanical engineers. And the number of PSUs that employ mechanical graduates are huge. This opens up the scope for you. Total 30 PSUs like RITES LTD, ONGC, IOCL, NFL, IPR, NFL, MDL, BPCL, GAIL, NALCO, HPCL, HAL, BEML, BHEL, NTPC, WBSEDCL, SAIL etc will hiring the mechanical students through GATE 2020 score.
Take any PSU, whether it is NTPC or BHEL, mechanical engineers are responsible to maintain the structural integrity of their machinery, look after the technical aspects while passing a tender and fix on-field problems if the situations come up. The basic line of work of all these PSUs involves boilers and turbines and other similar machines that require the expertise of mechanical engineers. As long as the companies run, the machines will also run and you will always get a job in the PSUs. The graphical representation of GATE qualified Mechanical Students for PSUs in last 10 years is given in the chart.

Indian Railways is required Mechanical Engineer: -The recruitment drive that the Indian Railways carries out every year should give you a hint about the opportunities available in the government sector. Every year, Railways absorb a massive number of mechanical engineers in Assistant Loco Pilot, Junior Engineer and Section Engineer Posts. The job description involves overseeing engine production and maintenance, site supervision, putting forward tender proposals and so on. As the government policies continue to feed Railways with a higher budget and more infrastructure, the jobs of mechanical engineers are only going to grow further.
Other upcoming Central Government sectors also absorb Mechanical Engineers: – Many Central govt sectors like DRDO (Defense Research Development Organization), ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization), SSC (Staff Selection Commission) (JE, SE), LIC, NIC Surveyor (Mechanical) etc hire mechanical engineers (B.Tech/ M.Tech) through their own exam. Take ISRO for example. The stride it has made in the space sector in the past few years is truly unparallel. The ISRO Centralized Recruitment Board (ICRB) of the Department of Space and Indian Space Research Organization ISRO conducts the recruitment drive for ISRO. The recruitment is done to fill in the vacancies at the following 15 centres like Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Space Applications Centre (SAC), National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC), ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU), Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems (LEOS), Development and Educational Communication Unit (DECU), Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Master Control Facility (MCF), Department of Space and ISRO HQ, Antrix Corporation Limited. Right from sending satellites to the Earth’s orbit to planning for a manned Moon mission, somewhere in the hierarchy they need a solid team of mechanical engineers. The robots that assemble the rocket parts or the involved machinery in the space shuttle, your expertise will come in handy to make them operable and keep it functioning. The story is the same in DRDO as well where mechanical engineers have massive demand. These are upcoming government companies that are seeing a boost in the recent years and they will continue to receive further funding which will open up more jobs for you.

The scope in the Indian Army is the greatest for Mechanical Engineer: – Mechanical engineers work on the ground for the Indian Army. You will generally be responsible to oversee that all the machinery is in perfect condition and whether their maintenance is being carried out properly. Indian Army recruits mechanical engineers for all their branches and you will either be taking care of a submarine or the fighter ship in the Navy, aircraft in the Airforce or the tanks in the ground troops. The incentives are indescribable, salaries are huge and job security is definitely there. India is currently beefing up its defence at an exponential rate and mechanical jobs are also seeing the same strength. Indian Army is another sector that will soon have massive demands for mechanical graduates.
The Scope in the State Government for Mechanical Engineer: – Many of the states in India has conducted their own exam like PSC (Public Service Commission) (Assistant Engineer), MSC (Municipal Service Commission) (Assistant Engineer), WBCS, UPSC, State University Lecturer etc. For hiring mechanical Students (B.Tech/M.Tech).
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