Career, Law and Justice


“Don’t join an easy crowed; you won’t grow.

Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high” – Jim Rohn


Law has long been one of the most prevalent career choices in India, especially for families who have been Lawyers for generations. However, one can say that this line is shifting and this because studying law is now providing a wide range of career options. Any person can build his career as a lawyer or other legal professionals if he/she holds greater passion towards law. From lawyers, Judges, and mediators to paralegals, secretaries, and consultants, the legal professional’s role is expanding and evolving to keep pace with ever-changing legal system.

The start of 21st century saw the growth of many private schools in India. This paved a better way for students in building their career and greater liberty for educators to design legal education to adapt to an ever-changing milieu[1]. The Indian law profession has experienced a number of strategic and significant fluctuations over the past decades. Nowadays, the legal aspirants not only get an opportunity to evaluate themselves in the court halls, but also in various corporations, Educational sectors, law firms,  administrative services and many other fields.

Also, there is always something about law that makes it a truly compelling profession – the idea of suiting up black robes with white bands to the courtroom, or being the one to protect the rights of humans. Those who are in the legal professions, proving to be equally important like engineers and doctors and they have started gaining not only more money but more respect too[2]. With economies, politics, trades and societies grow globally and as fast as they do currently – the role of legal professionals is also known to be expanding further.

Legal Education

It is known to be an all-purpose education offered to a person beforehand their begin lawyer practice. As a lawyer has a huge obligation in shaping and developing a society, legal education has started to play a chief role in making good lawyers or legal professionals. This teaches the people about values, beliefs, morals, ethics, histories and philosophies. A person needs to know the society he wants to start practicing. He must gain full understanding of the constitution and culture of course.

A good ethical lawman is essential to the future of society as he employs moral, legal and cultural values. People from all over the nation seek lawyers for attaining their rights and justice. The corrupt lawyer in that scenario was the last person anyone would want in the society. Therefore, lawyers with good knowledge and principles are essential to the development of the country. An advocate of perseverance becomes a great advocate.

Furthermore, self-learning plays an important role in the career of a lawyer. Good communication skills come in line with customer reliance. He/she must be able to prove and reassure the client about the case with poise and communication skills. Altogether, it completes legal education.

Diverse career Options

Lawyers are highly respected in the society. Also, there is a belief that, even if the whole thing fails, we can follow the path of the legal system. We may see situations in our daily lives that require legal advice in one way or another. We require the advice of a legal expert to properly analyze and interpret the law in such situations.

 First, people changed the law into civil law and criminal law. Now, this has changed and there is a huge increase in the specialties offered by Law Schools and Universities, such as corporate law, IPR, international economic trade law, business law etc., The law degree is not only allows you to work as a lawyer in the courts or in the MNCs, but also offers career options in areas such as corporate management, the armed forces, educational institutions and many more. The diverse career opportunities offered by a law degree stands no par with other professional degrees. Law graduates in the courts, legal services, Armed Forces, academics, Public Service Commission , Non Governmental Organizations, Legal Journalists, Legal Editors, Legal Advisers to multinational corporations, banks, LPOs and KPOs have many opportunities.

There are various specialization areas in this field to choose:

I. Criminal Law
II. Civil Law
III. Taxation Law
IV. Corporate Law
V. International Law
VI. Labor Law
VII. Constitutional Law
VIII. Patent Law etc.
IX. Family Law
X. Administration Law
XI. Energy and Environmental Law
XII. Arbitration etc.

What are the MERITS of being a Legal Professional ?

a) Chance to break barriers for people and bring justice
b) Law regulates business of life.
c) It is a fulfilling job where one can earn money and respect as well.
d) Safe job mainly if one is employed as a corporate lawyer
e) Intellectual Test- Law is an intellectually stimulating profession. He/she is required to perform widespread study for each case to discover all the probable info because a small detail has the ability to change the case direction.
f) Extensive Career Options.

Choosing the Promising and Satisfactory Course

Students who wish to pursue a career in law can take a three-year law course from any top schools of law once completing BA LL.B (integrated law-5 years with any discipline). Many colleges and law schools have now started BBA LL.B along with BSC LL.B. The Bar Council of India (BCI) regulates the LLB syllabus at par with the University Grants Commission (UGC) and for higher studies like PhD in Law.

A candidate may begin preparations for the entrance examination in 10th or 12th grade. Those who wish to pursue law from the renowned Law Schools must attend the Combined Law Admission Test (CLAT) that examines their English, Logical Reasoning, Legal Aptitude, Overall Awareness and Mathematical skills.


Law is a profession that needs a lot of endurance and logical skills. To become a successful legal professional, it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. First-generation lawyers would face as many problems in their careers as they do in every other jobs. It will be easier if you train under a senior lawyer early in his career. This does not mean that newcomers cannot make it their own. But it requires greater will. Excessive communication skills and critical analysis is required for being a best lawyer. So, these factors must be analyzed before choosing a career in law. Like they say, there is always a bigger fish in the sea. The better ones fight for it, while the best ones get it.

[1] Thomas, Mark W. “Motivations for Pursuing a Career in Law Enforcement: An Analysis of a Local Law Enforcement Agency.” (2019).

[2] Singh, Jaivir, et al. “Law, skills and the creation of jobs as ‘contract’work in India: exploring survey data to make inferences for labour law reform.” The Indian Journal of Labour Economics 60.4 (2017): 549-570.

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