Criteriaon 1 Curricular Aspects

Minutes of Board of Studies meeting clearly specifying the syllabus approval of new courses

Subsequent Academic Council meeting extracts endorsing the decision of BOS

Institutional programme brochure-notice for Certificate-Value added programs with course modules and outcomes

List of students and the attendance sheet for the above mentioned programs

Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)

Program and course contents having element of field projects – research projects – internships as approved by BOS

Sample Internship completion letter provided by host institutions

Filled – in feedback form

Action taken report

Feedback analysis report


Minutes of Board of Studies meeting clearly specifying the syllabus approval of new courses

Subsequent Academic Council meeting extracts endorsing the decision of BOS


Institutional programme brochure-notice for Certificate-Value added programs with course modules and outcomes

List of students and the attendance sheet for the above mentioned programs

Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)


Program and course contents having element of field projects – research projects – internships as approved by BOS

Sample Internship completion letter provided by host institutions


Filled – in feedback form

Action taken report

Feedback analysis report