It is the year 2019, an unknown Virus peeped into the planet of human which ultimately seems to be an epidemic and becomes the rationale for large life takers. The aftermath of this Virus devastation ruined our globe`s varied facets like livelihood, health, working conditions, and more resulting in global crisis. The planet moves into a trance of death. The massive and super-fast spread of novel Corona Virus disease (COVID–19) pushes the globe into an identical state that cherish the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Cities till date i.e. sufferings from the poison of nuclear destructive effects on the mankind in multitudinous ways. From its first reported case the amount of confirmed cases has grown at an exponential interest rate and continues to rise till date. Lockdown and social distancing are standing out as cure-all in these hard-hitting times. It’s also pushed the economy of the globe at stake. The pandemic outbreak resulted in an exceedingly drastic shift of the current working conditions, norms and arrangements, and lots of employees are directed to figure from home and maximum workers even lost their jobs too. The foremost sufferers were the daily waged workers and social class families. Not only that, even the scholars were at major loss. Their educational base grounds were forced to be distorted. the rationale behind for that’s that, Online Teaching becomes the new normal and therefore the students who were previously been taught in face to face mode of interaction were been taught now in a very mode which is initially a discomfort to them as not everyone is tech-savvy and nobody is fast and good learner. However, as a result they face adjusmental issues and orientational concerns. At this time of crisis period, the Guidance and Counselling Professionals are like Silver Linings. The professionals who provides Guidance are termed as Guidance Provider and also the professionals who provides Counselling are termed as Counsellor. Guidance and Counselling are the dual concepts and they’re not synonymous. Guidance is guiding within the educational context whereas Counselling is specialized service of guidance. As Counselling may be a specialized form of Guidance, thus Counselling is simpler an efficient in solving typical personalised issues. Before we move in to details, allow us to first understand the two etymological terminologies. Guidance could be a process of helping every individual, through his/her own effort to find and develop his/her potentialities for his or her own personal happiness and social usefulness. Counselling is basically a process within which the counsellor assists the counselee to create interpretations of facts regarding a choice, plan or adjustment which he must make.
Guidance and Counselling showcases assistance in several domains which are as follows: 1) Adjustmental Domain: It help the individuals in making the most effective possible adjustment to this situation in any settings. It enables them to simply accept the items which they cannot change in life and differentiate what they will change and can’t change in life. 2) Orientation Domain: It helps in orienting the individuals within the problem of designing, programming and directing towards long run aims, objectives and values. 3) Developmental Domain: it’s concerned with helping the people to attain self-development and self-realization and in developing self-concept too. Therefore, from this we are able to conclude that, Guidance and Counselling isn’t only helps in educational concerns
but also different personalised issues and concerns too like as follows:
- Guidance & counselling for privateneeds and problems
- Guidance & counselling for physical, emotional, social, moral & marital problems
- Guidance & counselling for career advancement
- Guidance & counselling for educational needs and problems
- Guidance & counselling for vocational, occupational and professional needs
- Guidance & counselling for holistic individual development
- Guidance & counselling for situational problems.
If we focus into the sphere of Counselling especially, because it is that the specialized variety of Guidance, the subsequent Career Avenues are there which addresses the above points:
- Career Counsellors: Counsellors who work with people of all ages for vocational and career counselling are called Career Counsellors.
- School Counsellors: School Counsellors deals with adjustmental and achievemental concerns of school going
- Family Counsellors: Family Counsellors deals serious concerns i.e. behavioural and relations especially with relation to family, relatives and its members or generations.
- Marital Counsellors: Marriage Counsellors deals with different issues or problems associated withmarriage i.e. it’s going to be pre and post marriage in domains like personal compatibility and relationships etc.
- Counsellors for Child Guidance: Counsellors who work with children especially and guide them are called child guidance counsellors.
- Life Skills Trainer: Nowadaysmany folks may have providing assistance within the course of daily life on account of stress reception or the workplace. They taught us, guides us about the Life Skills thus are called as Life Skill Trainer. For example, a well-adjusted younker might want to become proactive to optimise his or her potential. Other than this, Life Skill Trainer makes a candidate ready for facing interviews whether it’s going to be of Job or Educational Admissions etc.
With the outbreak of the Pandemic, not only students but also the entire community goes through the tough times of stress and thus it adversely affects the mental state of each individual. It’s so because as we all know that, this Pandemic, Lock down pushed the humankind towards unemployment, food crisis, job downsizing, Economic downfall and Financial crisis which results in reporting of increased rate of several Suicidal Cases which isn’t in the slightest degree accepted and is simply inhumane. These above mentioned Career Avenues of the Guidance and Counselling helps the people in general wherever and whenever required to beat their distress. Not only during the Pandemic time but also in Post Pandemic period Career Avenues of the Guidance and Counselling proved to be the life saver for several.The above mentioned diversified Counsellors helped the individuals in guiding as well as counselling with all possible solutions through different specialised dedicated sessions in either individually or in group whichever is most appropriately applicable to help everyone to life happily and peacefully with full harmony as that is the fundamental right of every individual human being. Therefore, in near future too those who are willing to choose different Career Avenues of the Guidance and Counselling will be doing a noble work of life saver and they would be always value as the most important in the society and thus the career prospects in this particular field is very demanding and essentially required.
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