Dear Readers,
Thank you for finding us. It’s been a few weeks since the government announced a series of measures to protect us from the Covid-19 outbreak. Since then, our world have been subjected to unprecedented changes and uncertainties. Our world before lockdown almost seem to pale into insignificance compared to the new realities of today’s world. The crisis has forced us to change the way we used to operate and take decisive actions in many areas.
A university is uniquely positioned at the frontier of knowledge and has a duty to pushing the boundaries of knowledge for overall benefit of the society. Both creation and dissemination of knowledge is equally important. At Adamas University, our absolute priority remains bringing quality change in the lives of students in addition to our continuous commitment to impact society positively. We provide numerous platforms for exchange of ideas among our students and faculty members regularly. In an yet another endeavour we intend to bring people from around the globe to discuss the current issues and trends so that our stakeholders – students, parents, industry and society at large are benefitted.
As we know globalization is not a choice, but a reality. Both good and bad comes in a package. In this knowledge era, we as a country can only thrive on research and innovation. And the research driven approach to teaching-learning is bound to transform the classroom discussions into more meaningful outcomes.
Education at Adamas University is not only confined to books or four walls of classrooms rather it’s a holistic one. We call it #educationPlus. We are presenting to you our magazine #ideaPlus which is inspired from our philosophy of #educationPlus. My excitement knows no bounds on this occasion of introducing the very first issue of #ideaPlus, the quarterly magazine of Adamas University. On behalf of the #ideaPlus Editorial Team, I extend a warm welcome to the readership of this magazine. I also take this opportunity to thank our authors, editors and support team, all of whom have volunteered to contribute to the success of the magazine.
In response to the outbreak, the face to face classes had to be temporarily suspended however we were able to completely shift to online teaching learning system almost immediately thanks to our committed tech-savvy faculty colleagues. Our faculty and students have already hit news headlines quite a few times with their spirited achievements.
I strongly believe that we will one day look back at this crisis as a catalyst for positive change in everything around us. I particularly see accelerating innovations in education and allied sectors which will soon be considered as new norm. The impact of this crisis on us as well as on our economy is uncertain however most important is our health and personal wellbeing, and that of our loved ones. I’m sure that we will soon emerge from this crisis and be a better version of ourselves.
Happy reading!
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