F Physics as an Exciting Career Option Today: the Obvious and Much More | Adamas University
Career, Physics

Physics as an Exciting Career Option Today: the Obvious and Much More

Physics is one such discipline of Science that focuses on the study of matter, energy and their interaction, in short, everything around us!Even after centuries, Physics is still considered to be a major driving force behind the development of new technologies which in turn are reshaping our lives and lifestyles. So, if you have an inherent inquisitive mind to explore how things work and you like doing experiments or mathematics, then you should study Physics.

Physics as a career option offers you a plethora of opportunities, because a Physics student at the end of his degree acquires highly marketable skills in Applied Physics, Computer Programming, Data analysis, predictive modeling etc. apart from the conventional subject knowledge through which  you can use your problem-solving skills to apply, analyze, improve, invent and innovate. Not only in India, rather all across the world,has Physics offered diverse jobs in Academia, Research, Public and Private Sectors.

Jobs in Academic Sector:

  • Probably the most common job option that comes to our mind when we think about career option with a basic science subject like Physics, is of an Educator. In Schools, Colleges and Universities (both private and government/public), Physicists have got an opportunity to use their knowledge in a most rewarding and satisfactory way by educating and nurturing the young minds.

Richard Feynman in Caltech

(Image Courtesy: https://www.brainpickings.org/2012/09/11/richard-feynman-lectures-on-physics )

  • Faculty at Research/Doctoral institutions deal with many different responsibilities, including teaching, service, and research projects from Govt. and Industries.

(Image Courtesy: http://www.physics.wfu.edu/research/)

  • Postdoctoral positions in an academic institution last at least two years, and it provides an opportunity for PhD candidates to develop finer skills and techniques necessary to become a Physicist. Now a days, many named and prestigious fellowships are there both at National and International levels, likeHumboldt Fellowship in Germany, Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Fellowshipin Germany, JSPS fellowship in Japan, Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship in UK, The Newton International Fellowship in UK, in UK, Fulbright Program in USA, TWAS Postdoctoral Fellowship in America, DAAD fellowship in Germany etc. and in India, Ramanujan Fellowship, D S Kothari Fellowship, DST-INSPIRE Program, Chandrasekhar Post-doctoral Fellowship and many more to nurture scientific minds for the benefit of society and unraveling the mysteries of nature.

Jobs in R&D Sector:

  • Physicists in government funded agencies and laboratories in India (like, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), CSIR-Central Glass And Ceramic Research Institute (CSIR–CGCRI), ) and abroad (NASA, Bell Laboratories, etc.) work religiously and tirelessly towards building, testing, and taking measurements on state of the art equipments and thereby developing new technologies and creating new knowledge for society.

(Image Courtesy: https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/google-claims-quantum-computing-breakthrough-ibm-pushes-back-ncna1070461 )

  • Physicists in the private sector spend time working on projects in a team for achieving specific goals of a project related to a better outcome of a technology. All big companies like Google, IBM, Philips, Siemens, Sony, Infosys, Tata, etc. have a dedicated R&D Cell where many Physicists work to develop breakthrough technologies (like designing Quantum Computers, Li-fi Technology, making biocompatible Bioprosthetics etc.) and build the products towards further accuracy and better performance.

(Image Courtesy: https://consultqd.clevelandclinic.org/how-durable-are-bioprosthetic-surgical-aortic-valves/ )

  • Scientific Officer position in Central Government organizations like BARC, VECC offers a very good career for those who are interested in Research.

Jobs in Public and Private Sectors and Many More…

  • Medical Physics has a flourishing career prospect now, as in the present time much attention is being paid to diagnosis and treatment of various diseases like Cancer, Tumors, and COVID in most recent time, multi-modality oncology imaging in radiation treatment, physical and biophysical modeling, radiation treatment optimization, small-field dose calculations, Monte Carlo modeling of gamma radio surgery etc.Medical Physicists of various grades and radiation safety officers are appointed in all ISO certified hospitals and diagnostic centers who determine the radiation doses and checks the safety protocols of these devices. These job positions are directly offered by the central government under the AERB wing in India. Every country has their own set of rules and regulations for usage of radiation in medical science but a medical physicist is needed everywhere. Therefore, there is a worldwide job opportunity for these specially trained Physicists. Most diagnostic technique involves sophisticated application ofPhysics, specially Radiation Physics, High Energy Physics and Solid State Physics like in CT scan, PET scan, MRI, detection through non-ionizing Terahertz radiation etc.Physicists with instrumentation knowledge would have great opportunities in companies manufacturing such medical devices.

  • Many PSUs (Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., ONGC Ltd, Coal India Ltd., Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd., Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Gail (India) Ltd. Etc.) in India offer Physics graduates interesting jobs because of their fundamental knowledge and analytical skills and ability to grasp technological training faster than others.
  • A Physicist in a data science job works mostly for analyzing data, designing and developing models to predict how something will behave based on data of how it has behaved in the past. Usual activities include (a) designing, developing, and maintaining machine learning and other data models, (b) selecting, using, and debugging existing data models (c) performing statistical and data analyses etc. to mention a few.

(Image Courtesy: https://www.simplilearn.com/data-science-vs-big-data-vs-data-analytics-article )

  • A Physicist as a consultant, work with clients, combining their data and analytics skills with business knowledge to find solutions. The job responsibilities include critically thinking and finding creative solutions to problems that may arise from the product development stage all the way to finished products ready for marketing , Performing data analysis and visualization, Conducting market research to determine product needs etc. to name a few.
  • A Physicist as an Energy Auditor identify and prioritize opportunities for energy savings through data analysis, visual inspection, and the use of various diagnostic tools. It involves visually inspecting the exterior of the home, looking for clues of energy waste, ventilation, or drainage problems.
  • There are many other options like Meteorologist, Econophysicist, Patent officer, to be explored.

So, just take a deep breath and dive into the ocean of knowledge. Physics is such a subject that will open the doorways to conventional as well as out of the box career opportunities. In this digital age, we are experiencing changes very fast and very frequent. Similarly, job opportunities will also keep on changing. But as long as you have an expertise to contribute, you will always be relevant. So, expand your horizon, think beyond the usual and take a chance. That’s the only way you will make a contribution towards society.

Physics develops a critical and analytic mind which can flourish in any career prospect. Who knows what’s awaiting for you in future! From a world renowned Physicist likePeter Higgs(Higg’s Boson named after)or Roger Penrose or Steven Wienberg, to one of the richest entrepreneur of the world Elon Musk, From a applied Physicist (more of a magician!) like LeneHau who reportedly made the light wave vanish and then made it reappear elsewhere, to a musician and actor turned into a Particle Physicist like Brian Cox, the possibilities are endless, just waiting to be explored…



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