Dr Susanta Chakraborty serves as the Dean (Academics) & Director (School of Engineering & Technology) of Adamas University, Barasat. Former Full Professor (HAG), in the department of Computer Science & Technology, former Dean (Academic) of the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur (Institute for National Importance). Dr. Chakraborty has chaired the Senate Standing Committee and others different committees of Indian Institute Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur (IIESTS).
Thirty-three (35) years of research experience has been primarily focused on Machine learning, Big data analysis and application, Social network analysis, data mining, Video & Image Processing, Gene Regulatory Network, Quantum Circuit & cryptography and Cyber Physical Micro- fluidic Bio-chip & security, Synthesis and Testing of Quantum Circuit, Fault tolerant Computing, Low Power Design, Dr. Chakraborty completed Ph.D under the supervision of Prof. Bhargab. B. Bhattacharya, Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. His doctoral research work was considered of a high International standard, by Professor Michael Gossel, Institute of Computer Science, University of Potsdam, Germany.
Dr. Chakraborty has received several prestigious awards and fellowships, including: i)An Invited German Gov Fellowship from Institute of Information Technology, University of Potsdam, Germany and worked as a Guest scientist with Professor. M. Gossel. ii) INSA-JSPS Fellowship where he was nominated by Indian National Science Academy as a JSPS Scientist in the session 2003-2004 and worked with Professor H. Fujiwara (inventor of benchmark circuits) at Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan. iii) Worked with Professor John P. Hays, Shannon Professor of Engineering Science, University of Michigan, Advanced Computer Architecture Lab, USA. iv). Collaboration with Prof. T-Yi_HO, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan to work in the area of Cyber Physical Micro-fluidic Bio-chip through Gov of India (SPARC) project
Around 102 research papers now stand to the credit, which appeared in very reputed International Journals including IEEE Transactions on CAD, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, IETE Journal of Research, Applied Soft Computing Journal, etc and refereed international Conference Proceedings of IEEE COMPUTER SCIENCE PRESS
Three(3) Books published by International Publication by Springer Germany and De Gruyter, Germany respectively in 2016, 2017 and 2019. Seven book chapters and number of patents have been added to my credit. Thirteen (13) PhD scholars have been awarded also 3(three scholars) submitted thesis shortly and more than 45 thesis of PG students awarded under the supervision of Dr.Chakraborty.
Dr. Chakraborty has served as Program Chair, Program Committee member, Publication Chair, and Publicity Chair for numerous reputable international conferences. He has delivered many invited keynote lectures at various esteemed universities, NITs, IITs, and Internationally reputed conferences.