
Career as Biomedical Engineer

What is Biomedical Engineering?  

Biomedical Engineering is a blend of traditional engineering, expertise to analyze and solve difficulties in biology and medicine, providing an overall enrichment of health care. Generally, Students select this Engineering stream to be of service to people and to contribute to the excitement of working with living systems. Studying  Biomedical Engineering  at Adamas University has been a fascinating combination of two passions: the incredible complexity that is the human body and the amazing world of Physics and Maths. Biomedical Engineers work closely with basic scientists, traditional engineers, and health care specialists including physicians, nurses and technicians, and may be called upon in a wide range of capacities: to design instruments and devices, to provide knowledge for developing new procedures or progressing scientific research, or to conduct research needed to solve clinical problems.  

Where do Biomedical Engineers Work?  

Biomedical Engineers are hired at universities, in industry, in hospitals, in research facilities of educational and medical institutions, and in government regulatory agencies. Often they serve as a directing or interfacing function, using their background in both the engineering and biomedical fields. In industry, they may create designs where an in-depth knowledge of both living systems and of technology is essential. They may be involved in performance testing of new or planned products. Biomedical Engineers may offer advice on the selection and use of medical apparatus, as well as supervising its performance testing and maintenance in the hospital. They may also build modified devices for special health care or research needs. In research institutions, Biomedical Engineers administer laboratories and equipment, and participate in or direct research activities in collaboration with other researchers with assorted backgrounds in medicine, nursing, biology and chemistry.  

Areas of Biomedical Engineering: 

Some of the deep-rooted speciality areas within the field of Biomedical Engineering are as follows. 

  • Bioinstrumentation: This is the application of electronics and measurement principles and techniques to advance devices used in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
  • Biomechanics: It is applied to biological or medical problems. Advancement in biomechanics has invented the artificial heart and replacement heart valves, the artificial kidney, the artificial hip, as well as built a better understanding of the functions of organs and musculoskeletal systems.
  • Biomaterials: This describes both living tissue and materials used for implantation. Understanding the properties of the living material is important in the design of implant materials. The choice of appropriate material to place in the human frame may be one of the most challenging tasks faced by the Biomedical Engineer.
  • Systems Physiology: This term is used to define the characteristics of Biomedical Engineering in which engineering techniques, strategies, and tools are used to gain a complete and combined understanding of the purpose of living organisms ranging from bacteria to humans.
  • Clinical Engineering: This is the application of technology for health care in hospitals. Clinical Engineers are responsible for developing and maintaining computer databases of medical instrumentation and equipment records, and for the buying and use of sophisticated medical instruments.
  • Rehabilitation Engineering: This is a new and budding speciality area of Biomedical Engineering. Rehabilitation Engineers magnify capabilities and advance the quality of life for individuals with physical impairments.

About the Program: 

The structure of Engineering in Adamas University allows for one general year before specializing in the second year. General first year allows the students to explore both the Mechanical and the Electrical and Electronic side of Engineering, giving an introduction to Computer Science, as well as an opportunity to contribute to a global student project competition. Our students gain the skills and knowledge needed to solve problems that directly affect the quality of life of all human beings. This can be achieved through coursework taught by our excellent faculty and through hands-on research experiences. Whether a student is looking for an exciting career, thinking about graduate school, or planning to start his own biomedical company, a degree in Biomedical Engineering from Adamas University will help him to reach his goal.  

Future demand for Biological Engineers: 

Biomedical Engineering is the next big thing. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Employment of biomedical engineers is expected to grow by 62 per cent from 2010 to 2020, much faster than the average for all occupations. Demand will be strong because an ageing population is likely to need more medical care and because of increased public awareness of biomedical engineering advances and their benefits.” This growth is much rapid. Specific growth areas cited in the above-mentioned report highlighted computer-assisted surgery, cellular and tissue engineering and orthopaedic engineering. It is clear that the demand for Biomedical Engineers will continue to grow, which increases the value of a Biomedical Engineering degree from Adamas University. 



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