Advertising, Innovative Strategy


Advertisements are such a way that it is able to hold the attention of the audiences on both ways; positive and negative. The advertisements are very powerful medium which is prevalent to us everywhere. The presence of advertisings are vary from electronic media to popular media, from print to digital, from personal to transit media.

The main of advertisements is to have some impact or effect on its audiences/readers/consumers. For simple understanding of advertising strategy for sales promotion, following AIDA model helps for having some perceptive:

Indian Advertisements:


Indian ads are very much lucid which equipped newer technology and embedded with contemporary scenario. The ongoing Covid-19 phase the narratives of advertisements has been changed and we will look how they skilfully incorporated the emotional appeal to reach out the intended sections of the society.  It has also an art and good strategy to covenant with and now let’s see how these ads are dealing with the informative and emotional appeal in this pandemic situation and how they are trying to stand out with their USP’s (Unique Selling Proposition).


Let’s see the following analysis of the strategy and the narratives used for different products, goods and services which meant and redesigned for this Covid-19. The analysis has made in respect to the four variables: promotion strategy of pre-Covid period, promotion in Covid-19 period, USP’s and the types of appeal they have adopted:

Have a look!


The above mentioned analysis has given us the clear understanding of the changing narrative analysis strategy which can be put under the following criterions;

  • Brand Promotion & Communication in order to contemporary terms;
  • The product and service main motto in aspect of crisis;
  • An appeal in Newer Way;
  • Impression Management during Covid period- Another strategy;
  • Lucrative Web Advertisements;
  • Case Studies of past incidents;


This is an innovative approach used to attract the attention of audience (probable customers/consumers) to influence their feeling towards the specified product or service. The changing narratives of advertising in India seems to be both sympathetic and empathetic which not only trying to boost up their sales but also trying to disseminate the effective information very timely which is need of the hour. The innovative and creative marketing strategy gives us the message that in this situation ‘we are not alone’. These ads in both ways surely have some impact and the audience shall remember this for a longer period of time that how the Indian advertisements imparted necessary information or created awareness in the phase of global pandemic of Covid-19.

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