Engineering & Technology, Mechanical Engineering

The future trends of Mechanical Engineering Education

In India, it is already a month that people are locked down in their homes and ever since this Covid-19 outbreak across the Globe only one question has been triggering every mind, “What’s Next?” Those who have jobs at hands are fearful to lose them and those who don’t seem to be clueless about their future. One might have come across various discussions where people are visualising the passing out batches of schools and colleges to be the major victim of the situation. But wait! Is it really? Does the world has come to an end, how far is it justified to panic being a passing out batch especially when you are on the verge to end your school and take the big leap.

To take a big leap, you need to take few steps backward!!

What to do if you need to prepare yourself for the next phase, well let this be the time to take a pause and let your thoughts go deeper. I believe many of you have already decided to take up Engineering education, and you can really utilise your time now to find out your favourite branch of studies. Oh! Yes there might have been real lot of information to help you out decide what to opt and what not. Information through various sources can help you zeroing the options at hand but what about the inside story?

A sneak peek within the box…

A magic box- yes! I prefer to use this term for Engineering. Just as in case of magic you can realise whatever you want, so does studying Engineering does. Be or make yourself successful in whatever skill that you excel upon. Now the box has several small chambers and this offers you to choose from what you love the most Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and it goes on and on. Lets know what’s there left unexplored within the box?

The unexplored area is the area where the need of the Global market lies. A synergistic integration of knowledge is what is sought from today’s engineers. Being a Mechanical Engineer knowing all about sensors, data analysis, IoT is what is in the trend and the same lies for each branch. There lies no branch which has been left alone to serve the need of the market. Even a Computer Science graduate is expected to have ideas about mechanisms of a machine. One must work hard on being skilful along with building firm domain knowledge.

Mechanical Engineering as an option

In-case you choose to opt for Mechanical, one must be aware of the possibilities lying in different sectors, but most important is upgrading yourself.

• Manufacturing: Since ages Manufacturing Industries has been the backbone of any economy. Everything we see around us, if not designed by nature, has been designed and manufactured by us. The time has come when Industry 4.0 is taking over and a paradigm shift from conventional manufacturing while adapting smart systems is taking control all over the world. Today, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning has found its extensive utilisation to automate the machineries hence increasing productivity. Knowledge of handling automated systems; Additive manufacturing processes are the demand of the global market apart from conventional and CNC machines.

• Power Sector: The predominant system of producing power is by using coal. Hydel power plants due to certain environmental restrictions and huge capital cost can be found contributing little to the entire power generation. The current age seeks for Renewablesources, solar being one of the most popular option. Power generation sector has witnessed a huge boon since the introduction of solar systems, and the current market has kicked off the use of hybrid systems for power generation, such as solar with wind. The need of the hour for a Mechanical Engineer is to understand the working principle and operating systems of hybrid power-plants. While various Researchers across the globe is working on to exploit the energy in various resources to drive power-plants, deep understanding of conventional mechanical systems like boilers, turbine, compressors, pumps, fans ,blowers are the need of the hour to work on creating various modern equipments.

• Automobile: One of the most lucrative areas, the current trend in automobile sector lies in automation of various sub- systems within the vehicle. The control system for Intelligent vehicles is one of the most attractive area which requires in-depth knowledge about various mechanisms within the system. Be it controlling various engine parameters to enhance output or supplying fuel into the cylinder, integration of knowledge of sensors along with mechanisms makes you a perfect person the industries might be looking for.

In addition to all this, Mechanical Engineering also presents a huge scope to join various Research and development centres across the globe and work upon enhancing or creating designs. Design and Modelling Softwares like Fusion 360, Inventor, Solid works, Ansys are to be a few to be named which can be used extensively to produce and analyse critical designs. Robotics has always been a passion for the budding mechanical engineers which involves creating various mechanisms for robot based on applications. It is really fascinating to know that with some prerequisite courses a Mechanical Engineer can also work in a capacity of Bio-medical Engineer working on developing materials for in-vitro as well as in-vivo medical applications, replacement of joints,designing modern drug delivery systems etc. In a nut shell the field of mechanical engineering, has sprawled its wings virtually touching every aspect of modern life, including the creating prosthetics to smart machining solutions.

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