Law and Justice


Crime in today’s era is one of the most growing factors in the world. In such an hour of need, we need more people who have an understanding of the criminal law. In our everyday life, we hear about murder, rape, people getting attacked, robbed, and many other criminal offences against people. The suffering of the victims is increasing day by day. Criminal Law is the one that protects people against such offences. Understanding the law does not only mean finding a way to punish the person committing the crime but also protecting the person who has been falsely accused.

Criminal Law consists of rules, regulations, and statutes which define the action of a person which violates public rights and also disrupts public safety and welfare. In India, one of the oldest branches of law in Criminal Law. It protects people against crime as well as punishes the one who commits such crime. One of the main focus of Criminal Law is to determine the guilt of the person as well as the consequences of such conduct and what punishment such person deserves who committed such crime.

Criminal Law Honors also includes various other fields of study such as Criminology which teaches us how the mind of criminals works and how to proceed further with it. Also, about different kinds of crime and offences in the society like White Collar Crime, Manual Scavenging, Food Adulteration, etc. With these different views and knowledge, it becomes quite interesting to stud and implement in reality. It covers all the areas and perspectives of crime as there is in society.

A Candidate may study Ba.LLB, BBA.LLB or BSc.LLB after passing his 10+2. In this 5 Year of the Course, all the law subjects mentioned in the law curriculum are the same in the above-mentioned courses. Any Candidate can choose Criminal Law Honors as their specialization in this 5-year course along with other specialization available in the course. Though, eligibility criteria for the course of Criminal Law may vary from one college to other. A candidate may apply to a different college and university after clearing their Higher Secondary.

Even with the introduction of various kinds of specialization in the field of law, Criminal Law stands as one of the most preferable courses. Candidates can pursue Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) in the field of Criminal Law. To pursue Criminal Law, the inspiring candidate needs to pursue integrated law programs in UG and directly pursue Criminal Law specialization in PG level law. There are different kinds of courses offered in the PG level Criminal Law are LLM in Criminal Law, LLM in Criminal and Security Law, LLM in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice and Administrative Law, LLM in Criminal and Business Law, LLM in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, etc. Candidates can also pursue diplomas and certificate courses in the field of Criminal Law.

The course includes not only the subjects relating to Criminal Law but also many extra co-curricular activities like Moot Courts, Court Room Exercise, Debates, Judgment Writing, etc. These extra co-curricular activities provide the candidates a diverse mindset and prepare them for their future endeavours. These practices teach the candidates about Court Room and its etiquette and prepare its students for their future practices, make them better at argumentation and how to present themselves in the courtroom. These practices also focus on the overall personality development of the candidates.

The Students also get the opportunities to do internships which give them exposure throughout their course. The students are required to at least do One Internship every year. Students can do an internship under Advocates, in NGOs, Law Firms, Judges Etc. Internship helps the students understand the work before fully-fledged. The goal of the internship is to give the students to experience practical working and see firsthand the application of the law. This also helps the students to decide what sector they wish to work in after graduating.

After the completion of the course at the UG level, the candidate can go ahead with their study in Criminal Law at PG level or opt for a job. There are many job opportunities available for Criminal Law students. Some of those are Criminal Litigator, Legal Advisor, and Judicial Officer and also can appear for various government jobs entrance exams. The opportunities are many; a person can also join Law Firms or private companies for work.

Hence, increasing criminal cases in India requires more people with knowledge of criminal law. Criminal Law Honors has a very wide perspective in the field of law. As mentioned earlier, it is not only about punishing the wrongdoer, but also protecting the ones who are innocent. Benjamin Franklin said that “it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer”. This can be achieved by the people having proper knowledge of the law. So, our society requires people not only with the knowledge of Criminal Law but with all the extra expertise they carry.

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